Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I'm a very spiritual person (not religious) and I can tell you that your not imperfect, your human. I see forgiveness for this woman as a long way off. Rose, you remind me, in a good way, of (by your writings no ALV crap here) a friend of mine from Austin TX


Justice for Travis.
This is the first trial that I have followed so I would appreciate if someone would let me know what typically happens when the verdict comes in. Will there be an advance notification of any sort, i.e. the jurors reach their decision, that is released to the media and the next day at some specified time everyone meets in court where the verdict is read? Or could it be on the same day? I just wonder how often I have to check the news.

Thanks in advance!

I agree and haven't seen them, nor do I want to! There is something about me: I hate *advertiser censored*!

Hey hey! Calm down! Jodi gives us *advertiser censored* a bad name;)

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I agree with what Chris said about forgiveness. It only destroys the one refusing to forgive.
I ALSO AGREE that some are not ready yet.
That is ok. Everyone has their own path.
But he planted an idea seed that you can nurture to forgiveness when you are ready.
The old saying is true: Carrying hatred only destroys the vessel carrying it.

It doesn't hurt JA that someone hates her. She doesn't even know us, know some hate her nor would she probably care if she did know.

I went to counseling years ago for an awful childhood trauma. It took a while to even feel the anger toward the person who traumatized me after so many years of trying to stuff it down. (and I was AFRAID of that anger! Afraid if I tapped into it I would literally lose my mind or it would case me to do something very harmful).
Anyway after two years, and having worked through a LOT of crap I told my counselor that I was PIZZED that this person had taken so much of my life. My life spent in pain, scared, traumatized and eventually angry. That I was PIZZED that others had paid a price for what this creep did - my hubby, my kids, my friends -because I wasn't all I could have been while I carried this burden that *advertiser censored**hole gave me!

She let me get it out and then it was silent. After a minute or two I lifted my head and said to her:
I forgive him. I will never say what he did is ok, because it will NEVER be, but I forgive him. My anger keeps me his prisoner. My anger gives him that moment of time in my life. He has taken TOO MUCH from me already! I WILL NOT GIVE HIM ANOTHER MOMENT OF MY LIFE!
That was such a powerful moment in my life. There were times I had to remind myself of my vow (old habits die hard sometimes :) but I set myself free that day. I encourage any of you holding on to some garbage others have laid on you to try to do the same.
You will never regret it.
I listened to Chris Hughes on Tricia's true crime radio. I was truly moved by many of his stories and felt even closer to Travis. I think his last message of letting go of the evil is an important one for me to internalize. That said, I was somewhat offput by his references to spiritual and personal growth "through the marketplace" but I don't trust multi-level marketing schemes at all. I hope he is able to share more with us later cause he was still worth a listen.
I don't understand why JM wasn't allowed to finish his sentence when he said something about Travis sitting in the shower and 'anything else can be so much colder...'??

In that Nancy Grace video there were clips of her in trial and she was allowed to talk in that style. I loved the way she presented the evidence to the jury.

Why has JM been so censored? Makes me mad.

I agree. It seems that the court system is significantly biased in favour of the defendant in these criminal cases. The Casey Anthony case and this one are the most recent examples that come to mind. It is far beyond me how the defendant is allowed to present / concoct all the tall tales, lies, fabrications, all the way down to complete character assassination of the victim / or family that they can think of, all without being substantiated. They can then communicate all of this either through their attorney's, or if they choose, they can do so themselves if they want to take the stand.

Yet the victim has very little voice at all in these trials, via the prosecution and the witnesses that are allowed in. Seems that everything is either hearsay or inadmissible, for whatever vague incongruous reason. Just look at all the evidence that was not allowed in the CA case. And this case seems to be quite the same. It really seems to me that the scales of justice are more than a little unbalanced. :twocents:
This is the first trial that I have followed so I would appreciate if someone would let me know what typically happens when the verdict comes in. Will there be an advance notification of any sort, i.e. the jurors reach their decision, that is released to the media and the next day at some specified time everyone meets in court where the verdict is read? Or could it be on the same day? I just wonder how often I have to check the news.

Thanks in advance!

Sign up for a text alert. Usually the jurors send a note that they've reached a verdict. Usually the verdict will be read in about an hour in open court.

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Knowing that she won't enjoy those things gives me some comfort. It was 89 here in Oregon today..way to warm for May. But as I puttered around outside, I noticed how much the freedom to just stand in the sun will escape Jodi in the future. No more rental cars or road trips, unless they ship her off to another prison. No more waxes or colorings to schedule. She'll have all her time free to trace her pictures and watch her back. I'd rather be put to sleep than live that way. Either verdict is fine with me.

BBM. Exactly! I'd wither up & die in prison, I really would. I thrive when I'm outside (even when it's raining); there's nothing better to me than taking a deep breath of fresh air and being reminded of my freedom. Even when I don't have a lot of money to go do "something fun", just sitting outside, enjoying nature is PERFECT to me and JA won't ever feel that again.
And what about the false statements made by the accused and her attorneys about the victim, who is no longer here to defend himself? All in the name of trying to get her acquitted or a lighter sentence for a brutal murder.

Many of us are advocates for him and thank goodness we are! Anyone defending her makes me ill.

Just leave it. Walk away. Don't bother. JMO .....
This is the first trial that I have followed so I would appreciate if someone would let me know what typically happens when the verdict comes in. Will there be an advance notification of any sort, i.e. the jurors reach their decision, that is released to the media and the next day at some specified time everyone meets in court where the verdict is read? Or could it be on the same day? I just wonder how often I have to check the news.

Thanks in advance!

The jury will let the judge know they have reached a verdict & the judge will give everyone time to get to the courtroom,then the verdict will be read in open court all in the same day
I would check the news every 30-60 mins
Yes, they usually give you a certain amount of time, generally they notify the Judge they have reached a verdict. She then announces they will announce what that is in 2 hours like, 2pm or 3pm (she gives Attorney's and Media and Family) a chance to get to the courtroom. She arranges for the Sheriff or Deputy to be there, extra security might be needed and sometimes there is strategy as to the time of day she will announce.

Usually the Verdict is read w/in a few hours of them reaching it. If she feels everyone was able to convene sooner she might say in 1 hour at 12 O'Clock noon (whatever time it is) Based on her information everyone is actually close and can get there..

When her ducks are in a row, verdict is read..
The other night on HLN there was a woman talking about her daughter who lived with JA for 3 weeks. And this woman said her daughter had met Travis, so it had to have been around the time JA was involved with Travis. Anyhow this woman said there were men coming and going from the apartment to see JA .. all the time and the daughter finally couldn't take it anymore .It was very interesting.[/
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I've done a lot of jackass things in my life, but no nude pics and certainly no pic of a close up of that. Why would you do that? I just don't get it. Why provide the ammunition (pictures) so someone can shoot you later (blackmail) with your own ammo? Normally, I only feel 58 when the weather changes. But I feel really old now, looking at what folks do now. :blushing:

I think she took those of herself.. So that one would think Travis took them.
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