Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

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My recommendation: go about your lives. Do what you need to do. It doesn't require a vigil for a verdict to come in. And it will be on the news in like 10 seconds afterwards--you won't be able to avoid it even if you try! Sitting and staring nervously at HLN or a computer screen isn't going to make the process go any faster, or any different.
There's comfort/security/vigilness :floorlaugh: in numbers

I thought for sure we'd have a verdict yesterday. I'm starting to get nervous, even though a longer deliberation doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. I just want this waiting to be over with, especially for Travis's family.

I have a doctor appt at 2:30 today. The verdict better not be read during that time. Any other time, I'm good. Or maybe my doctor won't mind me playing it on my phone while he's diagnosing me (nothing serious, no worries). :)

I am more nervous today than yesterday. I had to leave for a while and deliberations were over for the day when I got back. I jumped on here as soon as I got in to see if we got any news. None, but that's OK since it was only the jurys first full day. Hoping today is the day. I am seeing some signs might point to exactly that.
??? They were never under subpoena, so the judge ruled that it wasn't an issue.

Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes 2 May
@FetchingFeline @grancanuk @sassylassee Sky was under subpoena. The second we were clear- we spoke. Been on FB, just got on twitter.
My recommendation: go about your lives. Do what you need to do. It doesn't require a vigil for a verdict to come in. And it will be on the news in like 10 seconds afterwards--you won't be able to avoid it even if you try! Sitting and staring nervously at HLN or a computer screen isn't going to make the process go any faster, or any different.

Well, the way I see it, we'll have an hour warning. It's not like they'll just randomly announce it.

I HAVE to see it live though. It's just a quirk of mine. I would be really mad if I missed it live. Thank God I can watch it on my phone if I'm away from the puter.
I have to get to the office, but I just read her most recent tweets and I want to scream! How dare she? She never stops! I need to know that she'll be stopped. My fear is that even on Death Row, she will use her two calls a week to call her puppet, Donavan, and still get the poor me tweets in there. Grrrrrrrr, this just goes to show that she will not help her case in mitigation. Nope, she sure won't.
i'm making a run for supplies right now so i'll be back by the time they get started. maybe you should too!!

Good idea. I'm in Florida, so I still have time... thanks!!
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 11h
N. DisGrace has set back the cause of all women who have survived domestic violence. Her circus makes a mockery of something very serious.
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Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 11h
Re: commissary,many of the items I didn't receive were for indigent girls less fortunate than me. I,thankfully,have a mini surplus of food.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 11h
I wanted so much to avoid trial but the State forced it. My only other option was suicide and,well...
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 11h
I would have signed a plea years ago to avoid this disaster, but I was refused a plea as the State and the family refused to settle.
Here's to today being VERDICT DAY!! :toastred::aktion::aktion::aktion:

And a Happy Birthday to Steven Alexander!
BBM was a particularly tiring day yesterday and everyone decided it was a good idea to sleep in an extra hour so no one would be cranky. I think there are some, if not all of the jurors who might have problems sleeping over this trial. jmo

Speaking of which... do you (or any of our other brilliant members) know if any type of debriefing therapy is offered in Arizona to jurors following a verdict if they are experiencing trauma as a result?

This was the case in Idaho with the jurors in J. Duncun's trial, although limited...

All jurors were promised counseling but the six to eight sessions went quickly. And the counselors were hit or miss, the jurors said. Once they found a counselor who seemed like a good match, their sessions were almost up. They sought more through the federal court system but got nowhere.
I didn't start following this trial until just before Jodi took the stand so I didn't know all the details prior to her arrest. I saw something about when she was arrested she had a gun and bullets in her rental car. Do you think that because she was (for a short time) so successful in her killing and getting away with it - she was convinced she could right every perceived wrong against her with the same violence. Can a person with a mental disorder like hers become somewhat of a serial killer - by feeling justified and also gleeful in "taking out" anyone who is seen as an enemy or obstacle - standing in the way of her getting what she believes she's entitled to? Just curious as to what you think she would have done in the future if she was not caught.
I'm sad that I'm back at work today and can't sit down with a Mike's Hard Black Cherry Lemonade while I'm waiting. Wah. :sigh:

I suppose I could crack one open at my desk but I'm guessing the boss would frown on that.

Your work is going to be there tomorrow, right? What is his/her problem? :rockon:
U no 1 of da bst thngs here iz no1 spks txt spk. It drives me nuts.
I will be very worried if the jurors come in dressed up today. If they convict murder one they move on to the penalty phase which means they cannot talk to the media. The trial isn't over until she is sentenced and the jury makes the decision on LWOP or DP.

If they are giving her second degree then they will be able to talk. If they are dressed up or something then prepare your self because it could mean they found her guilty of one of the lesser charges.

I think Juan proved his case. His closing was really good and I still think murder one is the charge she will be found guilty of. I am not trying to be negative, but please don't hope the jury is dressed up and ready to give interviews!

They might get all dressed up for a murder one verdict just for Travis's family...

But I agree, that thought worried me too.
Interesting to hear the thoughts about this. If today was final decision day ie the day when the jury give JA her one way ticket to the Lumley Unit, I could understand it if they were going to be on camera? My real preference is they all come dressed in the same colour :floorlaugh: I'm a virgin websleuther. Is it common for the jury to dress more formally on verdict days?

Someone last night said... they should come to court rockin' the salmon! :floorlaugh:
Why are people dogging on my boyfriend Dr. Horn?

Poor Dr. Horn, for some he's like the Rodney Dangerfield of the whole operation. :(

I don't agree. If I mysteriously drop dead in Arizona and end up naked on his table, it's all good.

I will be very worried if the jurors come in dressed up today. If they convict murder one they move on to the penalty phase which means they cannot talk to the media. The trial isn't over until she is sentenced and the jury makes the decision on LWOP or DP.

If they are giving her second degree then they will be able to talk. If they are dressed up or something then prepare your self because it could mean they found on of the lesser charges.

I think Juan proved his case. His closing was really good and I still think murder one is the charge she will be found guilty of. I am not trying to be negative, but please don't hope the jury is dressed up and ready to give interviews!


Last night Mark Eiglarsh said that a verdict will take as long as it takes. I honestly don't think the time is indicative of the final outcome. She murdered him THREE separate times. No way around that.

Given the jurors questions, even if someone was not sure, I refuse to believe that those 100% sure of murder 1 would be willing to hand over a compromised verdict. I can't see it.
The Lord has made Himself known: He works judgment; the wicked man is snared by his own devices. (Psalm 9)

Please keep posting that throughout the day. Praying for justice to be done.
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