Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

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Military would find no sympathy with someone like Jodi. Also Samuels' and ALV BS-ing ways.

aa951,yes! And to add to that, if he is military he will probably be offended by the PTSD argument as well. JMO
Good Morning, everyone!!

So I take it that the "bandwagon" theory is that they are coming in at 10am...and that the 1 hour lead time that has been promised when a verdict is reached will be announced at 9am?

That's what makes sense in my brain anyway. This whole "sleep on it" doesn't necessarily fit for me. I mean, they have "slept on it" for 4 months. If they got their verdict say at 4pm or close to it, they would wait til the next day automatically. They have to do the 1 hour announcement...and that would keep court personnel there after hours.

Anyway, let's just hope today is the day that justice is finally served to Jodi...and the Alexandar family finally has some too!!!

Good morning! Hope you are right and that today is the day!! Was pleasantly surprised to see an article quoting Jo-Ellan Demetrius, OJ's jury consultant, saying she believed the jury would of course take their time in such a serious case but she expects them to come back with a verdict of First Degree Murder!
Was wondering did anyone see the male juror chart on NG last night? I am familiar with the descriptions of jurors in the observations thread but what stuck out to me was the description HLN had of JUROR #18 (yes, I know HLN is less than accurate in their reporting). Anyway, their description was as follows;

#18---Age: 70’s
• Possibly former military
• Takes few/no notes

What do you all think? Military...

From the Court Observers thread and from the list KBisme provided:

18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50's-60's, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he's going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!

This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn't the only one doing stuff like that, but I'll get into that in my notes.
Morning! Will we get a verdict today?

Late today or early tomorrow is my prediction. Why? I have no idea. Just a gut feeling And my gut is often wrong, so don't go by me.

I'm genuinely not worried about the verdict. Just want to be here with my peeps when it comes.
I think it was WildAboutTrial who tweeted around maybe 3 or 3:30 or so Arizona time that he saw Valerie (I think the bailiff) taking a bunch of folders into the jury room. I was thinking could this be the paperwork they have to fill out once they reach the verdict? Because later Beth Karas reported that there were no questions asked by the jury and they did not ask for any evidence/testimony to see.
There will be no verdict today IMHO, and its not because there is division in the jury room. The jury has 4 months of testimony to get through and I believe, since this is a death penalty case, that they will review the evidence thoroughly before they announce a verdict. This is a serious jury that will do what jury's are supposed to do before they commit to killing someone. When it comes, it will be premeditated 1st degree, and you can take that to the bank.

Wendy andriano was a 3 hr deliberation. Marjorie Orbin was 7 hrs and a 7 mth trial. Our DP trials were 6 and 3 hr deliberations. All convictions
There will be no verdict today IMHO, and its not because there is division in the jury room. The jury has 4 months of testimony to get through and I believe, since this is a death penalty case, that they will review the evidence thoroughly before they announce a verdict. This is a serious jury that will do what jury's are supposed to do before they commit to killing someone. When it comes, it will be premeditated 1st degree, and you can take that to the bank.

Ooh is that something like "you can mark my words"??
I think it was WildAboutTrial who tweeted around maybe 3 or 3:30 or so Arizona time that he saw Valerie (I think the bailiff) taking a bunch of folders into the jury room. I was thinking could this be the paperwork they have to fill out once they reach the verdict? Because later Beth Karas reported that there were no questions asked by the jury and they did not ask for any evidence/testimony to see.

Ooohhhh don't tease me!
Sure it's a possibility. It also demonstrates very loudly how unwilling Ja is to be guided by her lawyers. She seems to be cutting off her nose to spite her face. JM is right, she has no remorse. These evil deeds have just become a springboard to get her into the limelight and public eye.

Really??? They can use her tweets against her in the penalty phase??? Woo-hoo!!
I think they say 18 is possible military cuz he has a tattoo on his arm
I know right...
SheltieMom, I am in total disbelief this continues. I really pray that Juan can read some of this stuff in the sentencing phase. BTW good morning to you and everyone else.

Yes, the arrogance of the murderess is astounding. She is not at all contrite and not at all fearful or regretful of what she has done. I find that almost, not quite, but almost, more frightening than her murder of Travis, because it means she is capable of even more violence against innocents. She has NO self-control, and no self-censor. No conscience. Amoral. A shell of a human being with no inner core.

Okay, I feel better now. Onto a premeditated murder guilty verdict...

This jury needs to school her in who is in control.

I know one thing for sure...

We will get a verdict when we get a verdict

Although a catfight would help pass the time. And I bet we'd get some of our male posters here if there was jello involved.

This trial has made me realize just how impatient I am!
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