Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

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...but Schuby...I think Seal was kinda de-edifying you....
I'm pretty sure he was seeing almost everyone on this site for good chunks of time.....:floorlaugh:

I've heard the rumors....and I've made a decision. Seal, I'm leaving you for Dr. Horn. See you at the wedding. We're registered at Nordstroms under Schuby.
I think the jury already has it's verdict but is taking it's time to make sure. It is serious business convicting someone and I don't think they're hung. If I was jury foreman I'd have voted not guilty on the first vote just because someones life was at stake even if I felt the person was guilty.

Only to give the person the benefit of doubt if even for a short while.

I think it's a first degree murder from what I've heard, I'd be voting that way. I don't really care if he was shot first or last. I think the killing was intentional even if it was a if I can't have him, no one can murder.
Sure I can believe thats possible.

But at the end of the day, whats that really matter if he was shot first? Either way, why on earth did she have a gun/and/or/knife in there with her, lol. If it was a heat of passion situation. Surely taking the time to retrieve either of these items would give her time to reflect. I just can't do a backbend to make the defense's theory fit, which is exactly what I'd have to do. Just because he called her a three holed wonder, which she seemed to enjoy being "debased", doesn't equate to domestic violence either. If I have to literally bend over backwards to force myself to believe all of this is possible, is that really reasonable doubt?

The person you're trying to convince isn't a juror so let it be. Come stand by me in the sunshine!!
Sure I can believe thats possible.

But at the end of the day, whats that really matter if he was shot first? Either way, why on earth did she have a gun/and/or/knife in there with her, lol. If it was a heat of passion situation. Surely taking the time to retrieve either of these items would give her time to reflect. I just can't do a backbend to make the defense's theory fit, which is exactly what I'd have to do. Just because he called her a three holed wonder, which she seemed to enjoy being "debased", doesn't equate to domestic violence either. If I have to literally bend over backwards to force myself to believe all of this is possible, is that really reasonable doubt?

Look, we know from several jury questions that some are buying her story or at least are leaning toward the defense. Especially the very last questions that were critical of Dr. Horn. Why ask those questions at all if the prosecution version of events don't matter? They DO matter, and if the theory fails to hold water, that will AFFECT the outcome!
I've heard the rumors....and I've made a decision. Seal, I'm leaving you for Dr. Horn. See you at the wedding. We're registered at Nordstroms under Schuby.

Annnnndddddd.... what did you do with Mrs. Horn? Did you hide the body well?
How do you use the "ignore" button....newbie here ...sigh:banghead:

Click on the name of the person you wish to ignore. Then click on "view public profile". The pull down "user list" ... check add to ignore.
Bullet shells are bouncy. Since so many here believe the camera was kicked down the hallway, why can't you believe that the bullet was kicked onto the blood?

I think there are a lot of posts about this on the sequence of events thread so you might find your answer there.
Okay people. Let's not feed the trolls. I don't want to see anyone not be here to share in the verdict. PLEASE please ignore. Or just pass on by.

At least this site lets those with differing opinions (and the occasional troll) post. If you go to the "other" side they state up front if you don't think that JA is innocent (and that TA "deserved" to die) you will be banned. Talk about myopic.
Look, we know from several jury questions that some are buying her story or at least are leaning toward the defense. Especially the very last questions that were critical of Dr. Horn. Why ask those questions at all if the prosecution version of events don't matter? They DO matter, and if the theory fails to hold water, that will AFFECT the outcome!

How do you know what the jury is thinking? How do you know that the person who asked what you consider a "critical" question of Dr. Horn isn't now one of the alternates who is not deliberating?

Good morning, sunshines!!!!!!

It's going to be a good day, everyone :hug:

Justice is comin' 'round the bend, Travis. Oh yes, it is!
Good morning everyone. I was tossing and turning all night with a bad cough and I just kept thinking about the case. Then I had a dream where JW was chasing me around disneyland asking me to kiss her. Cough meds. Crazy.
Good morning fellow WSers. I think today is the day! I have tried over and over again to get my profile pic changed to the blue ribbon, but it keeps giving me an error message or saying the jpeg is the wrong extension. Can someone help me????:banghead:
I still maintain what I said yesterday. Based on the jurors who asked the questions to all the DT's witnesses, the self-defense theory doesn't fly with them. If there are any who have doubts, they're in the minority and it would be easier to convince them of 1st degree than to convince the majority of anything less. They all could have agreed on 1st degree right off the bat, but spent the day discussing the evidence. I think their decision to start at 10 today means something.

Everyone thought that Juror #5 was the one asking all the snarky questions, but after she was excused, the snarkiness continued. I think most of them all line up together and I don't give a flip what Dr. Horn said, nor do I care what came first, gun shot or stabbing, it is premeditated murder. Car rental, white car instead of red car, hair dying, cell phone turned off the entire time she was in Arizona, no paper trail whatsoever in Arizona, the deleting of the pics.... only the pics that incriminated her, the voice mail she left after she killed him, the text she sent him after she killed him, the email she sent after she killed him.... it all points to the fact that she knew what she was doing and that the "fog" is a load of BS.

Furthermore, Juan proved that she lied to them about the gas can and then proved that Nurmi's suggestion that she returned said gas can to a different Walmart is another load of BS. Him even mentioning it points to the fact that Jodi lied on the stand. If she bought that gas can for legitimate reasons, she would have no need to lie about it. She didn't return it and she didn't return it because she needed it to complete her plan to slaughter Travis to death and it's as clear as a cloudless day, to me.


Yes, it is sooooo clear. Also, I was thinking about the phone thing, well everyone knows it can't be true that she lost her charger b/c she was ALWAYS on her phone, especially during down times. Also, it makes NO SENSE that she would be going to see Travis when he supposedly knew she was coming, she was on her way, and she would not be texting Travis since she said numerous times that they usually talked "late at night." So a, we know she didn't lose her charger, and b, we know Travis didn't know she was coming. Yes, she could have told him something like, hey I'm not gonna use my phone cause my charge is almost out and I can't find my charger blah blah when she called him from Pasadena (or was it Salinas?), but I honestly think she just didn't tell him she was coming. Does anyone know if it showed on Travis' phone that he ATTEMPTED to contact her that night?
Good morning everyone. I was tossing and turning all night with a bad cough and I just kept thinking about the case. Then I had a dream where JW was chasing me around disneyland asking me to kiss her. Cough meds. Crazy.

LOL! At least it wasn't Nurmi.
Was wondering did anyone see the male juror chart on NG last night? I am familiar with the descriptions of jurors in the observations thread but what stuck out to me was the description HLN had of JUROR #18 (yes, I know HLN is less than accurate in their reporting). Anyway, their description was as follows;

#18---Age: 70’s
• Possibly former military
• Takes few/no notes

What do you all think? Military...
Happy Birthday to Steven Alexander!!! What a great day for there to be Justice for Travis!! :rockon: Today is all about the Alexander family - today is going to be great!
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