Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

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Slightly OT for this thread but I put Charles on a very HIGH pedestal.
Many have complained about his swearing, fast speech and choice of words on the 911 call.
This is a man who at first glance thought it was a domestic dispute and STILL GOT INVOLVED! He HELPED her and through his actions THREE families are reunited and have answers to questions they have had for 10 or MORE years!
Please --- he can say EVERY SWEAR WORD IN THE BOOK and I won't care. He saw a problem, got involved and very possibly saved four lives (including the child!).
Personally, I think those focusing on his language or how he speaks REALLY have a priority problem!

His interview made me feel sooo happy. Really! Makes me feel like the world isn't such a bad place after all. Love Charles!
You really have to wonder where they find the 911 operators. They fail us so many times. Surely they get training! I have to wonder if people event are for one another anymore.

they get a lot of training.....sadly like all professions they have idiots. Susan Powell case classic example. But there are many unsung heros too among operators...many many.

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HLN (Harassing Lotsa Nerves) is on but muted. Can't stand looking at any more photos of JA. Should be showing just Travis, and at the very least, NO more photos taken of him with his murderer.
ITA, there is no blaming his attitude or need to get off the phone on anything other than unconcern. I've worked emergency situations, and his response and attitude is beyond repulsive to me.

You HAVE to keep your head about you when dealing with stuff like this, but you cannot be dismissive or curt. He should have stayed on the line and gathered more information - she could have been dead by the time police got there. So disgusted!

How about when he said, "Talk to the officer when he gets there"

yeah, because I'm too busy up in here for your *kidnapped for 10 years* *been on the news* story

aint nobody got time for that
Okay, any feelings I had for JA's mother just went *poof* :stormingmad:

Mine went out the day I saw her roll her eyes at Taneisha who was bawling. When she started wearing the purple ribbon and #1 Mom necklace it confirmed my opinion.
Anyone who has been feeling sorry for her, I hope this changes your mind. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I can't work her out .. I wouldn't be surprised to hear she is also BPD .. I understand she is in an impossible position and I feel sorry for her for that, but there has been a LOT of extremely immature behaviour from her, like laughing inappropriately during court, in particularly when Travis' family was upset, trying to sell the pedo letters (I just can't forgive that one, that's not a one step process), and crying on the courthouse steps, now I understand being upset and she has every right to be .. but when she sits in court laughing at Travis' families grief, then a few minutes later is in a public space crying I call manipulation ..

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree INDEED.
I hope the jury gives you the best imaginable gift ever today.

Day 3 of lemon water fasting for me. I may have to break down at supper and make myself a carrot/apple/pear in my juicer. Hoping and praying today is the day, trying to remain positive but I feel if they don't do it today, then they've taken M1 off the table.

While dropping a few pounds wouldn't hurt some folks, this superstitious behavior can be harmful to you (and there is not a whit of evidence that it affects *anything* else but your body)...
Everyone talking about their blue garb and blue fingernail polish and stuff and I looked down and realized that, without thinking, I had dressed myself entirely in blue this morning! We are all on the same page today.
The weird thing about this ! Her not being worried she's tweeting and snarling it up via Donovan. At least Casey Anthony looked nervous when she found out there was a verdict, as she sat there waiting for the verdict to be read. But not Jodie she's the epitomie of pure evil and her mom,and aunt are so far off left field.

I have no doubt that Casey Anthony would have been tweeting and a bunch of other stuff if she had friends to do it for her and if BAEZ hadn't kept such a tight reign on her. JMO
Why are people fasting? My gosh 3 days of lemon water.......I would have a major headache by now and have zero energy.....sorry, can't do it.

I can't fast either> Low blood sugar.
I thought my computer/internet shot carps this morning, but no...CenturyLink had the problem. Head quartered in Phoenix. Thank goodness it is now fixed. They left a message it was on their end @ seven something this morning, when I called. My anti-virus updates stopped working at 2:34am. Wonder what happened? C.L. usually never has problems with their internet services.

Praying for the Jury to have the courage/wisdom to convict Arias of Murder 1.
I wish HLN would stop with the dramatic music and "BREAKING NEWS" graphics after each commercial break. There is no breaking news. Yet.
You really have to wonder where they find the 911 operators. They fail us so many times. Surely they get training! I have to wonder if people event are for one another anymore.

I'm sure as in all professions, there are some that are better, some not so good.
I can't believe, though, that 911 dispatchers hears key words/phrases like "kidnapped" and "10 Years" very often. I just think that if she had been really listening, those key words would have made her slow down a bit and stay on the line. I was amazed how quickly she wanted to release that call.
I'm so sad....Ray Harryhausen has died. If you don't know who he is, he was a special effects artist that influenced so many present day filmmakers - his work can be seen in Jason and the Argonauts, Clash Of The Titans (first version!), Mighty Joe Young, and 20 Million Miles To Earth. I know he had a lovely long life though and his work will live on, but I'm bummed - I love all those geeky sci-fi flicks!

A guilty verdict would perk me up right about now.
You really have to wonder where they find the 911 operators. They fail us so many times. Surely they get training! I have to wonder if people event are for one another anymore.

I just imagined myself as a 911 operator... I would be overreacting, interupting and blowing everything up way overboard, and would cry evertime the callers were crying. I'd probably even have a few Shirly MacLaine moments and start screaming over the scanner, that "my calls need their medicine..."
As we wait, let's acknowledge what we have learned from the Falsity Brain Trust. When you burglarise a house or building, make sure you follow The Prime Method, stealing one and only one item from each room in said bldg. Be sure to limit the value of each item so as to reduce scrutiny and speculation. When you fill out any claimant form such as that provided by domestic violence organisation, be sure to check off each box, again conforming to The Prime Method. Sexual assault, check. Actual &/or threatened physical assault, check. Stalking, check. Intimidation, check. Name calling, put-downs, check. Preventing job or career success, check. Withholding money, check. Harm to children, check. Once you understand and learn The Prime Method, you will be surprised how well it serves you. P.S. The Prime Method is copyrighted. Use is authorised as long as reasonable fees are met with advance payment.
I'd sure like to go run some errands. I'd sign up for one of those text alerts, however, after hearing about fake texts, no thanks.
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