Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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I thought she, KCL, and the court goers said they were smiling and chatty. ??

Katie Wick and the other girl who appears regularly on DD did say the jurors appeared chatty, like they were cohesive.
(((((((((Sleuth13)))))))))) So sorry you had to deal with that. I just don't understand how anyone could ever say those things about Travis. I don't think I would have been able to handle that situation very well at all. Sounds like someone that doesn't know all of the facts or was just trying to get you riled up.

Thanks to you & all the other WS'ers I can vent here and be ok (or ok enough) by the mornin!. And you are correct - she knows NO facts! Watching closing arguments doesn't give anyone a full inside view of this case. Granted I got suckered in immediately, but ya know what? I don't think that makes me crazy!! I've met so many great people on this site and have learned so many things that I'd do it all over again! I mostly get frustrated at people who don't do their homework but profess to be a knowy-knowit-all!!

Thanks again guys for listening!! HUGS TO ALL & JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS!!
Re: JA begging desperately for Kirk Nurmi to be made to continue on her case....I think she would have had to look far and wide to find another attorney to sign on to her sick agenda and help her create her defense. JMO
Juan Martinez presents the evidence in a rock solid manner. Wendi Andriano's jury reached a guilty verdict in the guilt phase fast, but the DP part took almost four days.

"The jury found Andriano guilty Nov. 18, about 15 minutes after they went into the jury room, said juror Jay Erke, 48, an airline mechanic foreman from Mesa."

"Deciding life, death takes toll on jurors"
Jodi is just as manipulating in writing as she is in person. She's clearly threatening appellate issues, even before she goes to trial the first time. Not to mention, she's never learned the art of "less is more" when it comes to talking AND writing.

I'm not saying she's not smart - she is. She's just never matured in her intelligence. She's like a whiny teenager that thinks if they repeat themselves over and over and over, you'll finally give in to whatever they want. She just happens to know a few more "big" words then most teenagers do.

Just MHOO.

THANK YOU! That's exactly what I thought she sounded like in the letter - a whiny teenager trying to sound like an adult.
I do not like HLN after dark. The judge from Anna Nicole Smith case is ranting about the jurors watching HLN and following the trial in the news. Oh. now it's JVM. Turning off that darn program.

I am turning off becase I do not want to listen to Hollly H.:banghead:

Short story. I brought up the Boston bombing with a friend. She goes on to tell me that there were no victims. It was all a setup and the victims already had missing limbs. Hard to keep a straight face when someone says something so "out there". I just let it go in one ear and out the other. Seriously what is wrong with people!!

You have us to talk to:heartbeat: Sleuth13. Glad you shared!

BBM- Tell your friend that I had an actual bombing victim On my flight! She didn't lose her leg, but had been hit with shrapnel, broke a leg and was finally traveling home to Maine after 12 days. It wasn't imagined and her parents had made the trip over after, stayed with her, and I got to see them back. Also ask our friend what the F is wrong with them...

"He knows the defense strategy and how it needs to be implemented at trial". She was literally begging to keep him on because he was so entangled in her disgusting, hideous lies and willing to bring them to life for her. It's not easy finding other people who are willing to sell their soul to the devil :devil:

You said it PERFECTLY! It's what I wanted to say but am too darned tired to form in my post! AMEN!
I agree Bernina to come back on the first day on a Murder 1 may feel like they weren't giving the case due process. I think it's a sign the jury is taking their duty responsibly.

I'm really behind but I agree.
I also wanted to make another point:
As much as the CA verdict makes some of us very concerned,
we have to remember these jurors probably remember that trial/verdict too.
If it were me, I would be very cautious to make sure we talked out the issues and did "due diligence" before coming to a verdict so as not to:
*give the DT an excuse for an appeal attempt
*not to give the public the feeling we didn't take it seriously
*so I could be assured I could live with my vote for the rest of my life
*and most importantly, trying to make the correct decision when you have someone's future (and possibly life) in your hands.
Jumping off your post. Who was CH referring to last night as the person claiming to be a friend of TA and feeding info to JA?

JA seemed to be "like family" with the Freeman brother and sister. Just saying.
I believe that the local station in Phoenix that blasted certain media for making the courthouse a circus, complete with actors on fake juries. I think they got it right, although I think they let some regular people on and mixed the ringer jurors-actors in to play dumb and mix up the drama. And dumb they are.
I'm too lazy to find the original post.......or maybe I'm just too OLD.

But I am seriously tired of the implication by some posters (not you) who seem to think if you're in your 60's, you're out of touch with reality.

I'm 64. I've lived a full life and know more than these young whipper snappers who sound ready to shovel dirt in my face.

Stop judging OLD PEOPLE!!!!

You're pretty hot for an old timer!
I'm going to post this suggestion again...

Step away from the HLN my friends, step away....

She did. All the regular court observers said that JC is wrong as usual, not BK btw.

Other observers disputed that claim too. JC is very irresponsible about what she does. Not surprising considering she has Baez on speed dial. :help:

I was thinking that was a particularly dumb comment by Jean C...I mean, my first thought would have been that they were serious/disturbed because perhaps they had just finished studying the crime scene photos. Perhaps they didn't feel like being all giggly after seeing the picture of Travis with his head almost decapitated.
I'm too lazy to find the original post.......or maybe I'm just too OLD.

But I am seriously tired of the implication by some posters (not you) who seem to think if you're in your 60's, you're out of touch with reality.

I'm 64. I've lived a full life and know more than these young whipper snappers who sound ready to shovel dirt in my face.

Stop judging OLD PEOPLE!!!!

I had to laugh at the original post too. But I didn't give it a lot of thought until I read yours. It dawned on me (the mind is the first to go, I guess) that my hubs and BIL that are watching this as avidly as I am are both 60 and think she deserves death...if there were a worse punishment they would be all over that too.

I guess at my age I have no problem with forgetting how old I REALLY am. I still feel about 40 but have kids almost that age LOL!
Tonight is the first time I've heard anyone even begin to entertain the possibility that JA could be acquitted. Vinnie P better just be pandering for ratings.... I'm gonna unfriend him and untweet him if he keeps it up....

That will not happen. One person said a couple of jurors looked angry. Thats not good. Another said maybe they will be back at ten in the morning with a vedict. I hope that does happen. Does anyone believe their should be an age cut off for jury duty?. I dont want slack for the question. I ask this question hoping to live a long time.
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