Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

At the end of the day Friday, the jury said that they would deliberate from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. every day until they had a verdict. The jurors showed up early this morning to begin deliberations and they returned early from lunch to continue deliberations. The fact that they are not coming in until 10 a.m. tomorrow is very telling. I believe that the jury has come to a consensus and will have a verdict for us in the morning.



How wonderful that the trainer is wearing blue!!!
My son is all worked up. The suspense is killing him too. He's watched most of the testimony.

This is his first trial...

Those jurors just better get it right!

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Hey Mods:
As a fun exercise to pass the time as we wait for the verdict, would it be okay to do an informal survey of WS'ers here? I would love to learn how similar/diverse we are as a group in demographic terms (and hobbies) since we know we all have so much in common simply by participating in this awesome forum and our mutual desire for justice for Travis. Responses would naturally be voluntary and used for nothing more than fun within this forum.

The questions would be:
1) age
2) M/F
3) city/country
4) year joined WS.
5) fave past time (other than WS of course!)

If you give a thumbs up, I'll just start a thread with the questions only and folks can add their answers by quoting the latest post, and then sometime tomorrow I will summarize the responses to get averages, etc.

Are you okay with this? I understand if you say "nay"...

Don't think we 'sleuth' other sleuthers.
I'm sorry you had to go through that! This is a prime example of what you run into being a juror. (at least the one I was on) She has her mind made up and even if she knew all the facts she doesn't sound like one that is going to change her stance. Best to ignore her. She enjoys the power.

Short story. I brought up the Boston bombing with a friend. She goes on to tell me that there were no victims. It was all a setup and the victims already had missing limbs. Hard to keep a straight face when someone says something so "out there". I just let it go in one ear and out the other. Seriously what is wrong with people!!

You have us to talk to:heartbeat: Sleuth13. Glad you shared!

Are you serious?!?!?!? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, your friend trumped my co-worker with OUTRAGEOUS for sure!! Good for you for letting it go!! I suppose I could learn a lesson or 2 from Tanisha, Samantha and Steven (Stephen?). They sit so close to the murderer and listen to lies day in and day out yet bite their tongues...I should do the same!
Good question on DD tonight.What would Travis want as punishment for Jodi?I would think that he would want her punished to the full extent of the law.

But it did bring back the memory of KC's verdict for me.Between the announcement of the verdict,and the actual reading of it ,the live feed I was watching had someone who asked,could we have another OJ verdict.Well, I have to tell you,I laughed out loud at that,thinking it was an impossibility.And we all know how that went.

Anyway,at that time,I told myself that if she was somehow miraculously aquitted,it would have to be Caylee speaking from above.She loved her mom and forgave her.Stunned as I was at the verdict,it was the only thing that gave me any consolation.

bbm- Travis' sister has stated she wants JA to get the DP. She has been very vocal about this. I'm not sure about other family members but I know she has said she wants to see her get death. Which is a large part of why I want that as punishment.
My prediction is by 1:00 pm pacific time tomorrow. The mills of the God's grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.
Long time lurker, first time poster.

At the end of the day Friday, the jury said that they would deliberate from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. every day until they had a verdict. The jurors showed up early this morning to begin deliberations and they returned early from lunch to continue deliberations. The fact that they are not coming in until 10 a.m. tomorrow is very telling. I believe that the jury has come to a consensus and will have a verdict for us in the morning.

I agree.. When I think about it, the judge always seems to have other cases early in the morning, and it has almost always been close to 10 a.m. when everyone is ready to start this case. I believe they are saving themselves an hour of sitting around waiting by scheduling themselves for 10 a.m.

Believing this will help me sleep better tonight, anyway.... And, welcome!!
Thanks for this I hadn't read it. She seems desperate, which makes me smile. I wonder how she feels now that she's seen him in action.

I would think it would be tough to argue ineffective counsel when she begged the court to keep him on. MOO

That is a GREAT point!:rockon:
I'm torn, it's supposed to be a jury of your peers. After a certain age you may not be up to date with a 30 year old. My mom is 72, she thinks "IT" should fry and she would like to push the 25 year old son is compassionate and wonders if she was really have no doubt, guilty M1 DP, PAY PER VIEW and all proceeds got to the Alexander family....but that's just me.

My moms in her 80's ... She'd insert the needle herself!

IMO older people are far more intelligent! they're able to exercise common sense, logic and deductive reasoning skills far better than anyone my age I have met! They were around long before DNA, video and CSI.

It's like GPS. It makes people stupid. In ten years kids won't know how to even read a map or learn how to get places. They will just rely on GPS. Sad...very sad. IMO

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Sorry, but I'm so upset and I don't know where else to vent. At the end of today I got into quite the argument with a coworker. She knows I've been following this trial from the get go...she knows I've been exhausted for months, working all day, catching up on the boards or watching testimony at night, etc, etc. She also knows I've got several other co-workers on the Travis Train for Justice :)

Wellllllllll, apparently the fact that someone bought blue bracelets with elephant charms on them (see, I share alot at work!!) for 4 of us to wait for justice together (while being apart in our respective offices) must have been too much for her. Her boss was out and so she watched closing arguments all day and then before she left she stopped by my office.

I first took offense when she said JM was an annoying little man! I could feel my face getting warm and my posture getting stiff...she made a few other inappropriate comments but then....THEN!!!!! Wait for it.....

THEN she had the audacity to tell me that there's no way JA will get the death penalty...and you know why???? She said the sex tape clips proved what a monster Travis was. She started raising her voice asking me what kind of person I was to support TA and his family bc he was a pig!! That's right!! She said, "The victim was a pig! He was SICK!!!! Travis Alexander was an absolute pig!!"

I stood up and unleashed on her saying she had no idea who Travis was and how dare she call him a pig!! Then I asked her if it was a justified BRUTAL MURDER due to mention of a cream pie and putting it into her __. BIG MISTAKE!! She said she sees how JA could have snapped and it was probably justified. I tried to tell her there was more to the call and JA was a manipulater but she wouldn't hear it!! She said there was NO REASON he should have said those things. I won't repeat what she said about the pedophilia. Then she called me crazy for "wasting so much time on that pig and trying to justify his words!!"...I told her to get out of my office and honesty, y'all I have been a mess ever since!!!!!!

My first thought was WTF is her problem???? Then I started wondering how many other people only caught bits and pieces of this trial and also think similar thoughts!!! I am SO DAMN ANGRY that bc of the defendant (that's all I can call her without having the mods delete this entire post) - bc of all of her lies and sick, sick mind she continues to murder Travis every single day! I can't quit crying and just find myself OUTRAGED!!!! If i feel like this I can't fathom how family and friends of TA deal with this daily!! I don't want to go to work tomorrow for fear of what I'll do if I hear her say another word about Travis!

Thank you for listening - I know this is a safe place I can share and you kind hearted people will understand!!!

don't worry about a ill informed person. she is just pulling your chain. she may be a sociopath herself. relax i hope you get a good nights rest. :moo:
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