Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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:beats: I would have liked to have met JFK Jr., no need for explanation as to why.:hot::hot:
So she helps other inmates by singing to them??? I hope they like Oh Holy Night, because I'm sure they've heard it like 900 times.
Not only that but she writes poems, draws and helps them read and write. Is she teaching the jail Kindergarten class? :floorlaugh:
It irks me to no end that if this jury fails....the Cee U Next Tuesday girl will gloat....after that plea bargain....this is why all evidence should be allowed...I'm sorry. What are Miranda rights for if not this?
Sorry to quote myself(^^^), but I found the entry from Travis' MySpace. But I did not see the date he posted it. It follows (bolding by me):

"People I'd Like to Meet
HMMM well Jesus for starters. People who like to give high 5's incessantly. I'd also like to meet Osama Bin Laden in all out no holds barr, winner take all cage fight. Christopher Walken would be fun to eat Lunch with. Really most people, well except for *advertiser censored*. They are a dime a dozen these days especially on myspace. So if your employment involves a webcam, I don't see it going anywhere. Outside of that I'm good to go."

This reference to 'webcam' and 'employment' really make me wonder about the idea I posted above. Thoughts?

Very interesting. Could be... webcam, *advertiser censored*, and they're a dime a dozen.
I always wondered where she got that $800 cash she deposited before her trip.
Gus? D Freeman?

I would believe it was Dan Freeman, since he gave an interview recently saying he avoided all media coverage of the trial as he was on the witness list and he didn't know until he testified in court that Jodi had admitted killing Travis and was claiming self-defense and domestic violence.

That was me that used the word "disgust". I deleted that post so I didn't offend anyone else. I was feeling disgust because it is so obvious to me that M1 premeditated murder was proven and I was having a flashback to what happened in Orlando. My nerves are shot. I guess I should not have used the word "disgust", but a word more like "panicky". I am sorry to offend anyone.

:grouphug: We are all on edge, and have different ways of dealing with it. Not to make light of PTSD, but it sounds like there are many of us who have a minor case of it from the CA verdict... Intellectually we know this is a different case and a different jury, but emotionally we can't help but feel apprehensive about the JA verdict because we were stunned by the CA verdict. It still stings... I get it.

Let's just try to keep the prayers and positive energy flowing for Travis and his precious family... We have to keep believing that justice will prevail this time! :scale:
Jodi's doing good works in the slammer... I wonder what the trouble was with Maria?

Ah yes...
Teaches classes on how and where to hide pencils lol and fungal cream...

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:beats: I would have liked to have met JFK Jr., no need for explanation as to why.:hot::hot:

He was a huge part of my family....
Sorry, but I'm so upset and I don't know where else to vent. At the end of today I got into quite the argument with a coworker. She knows I've been following this trial from the get go...she knows I've been exhausted for months, working all day, catching up on the boards or watching testimony at night, etc, etc. She also knows I've got several other co-workers on the Travis Train for Justice :)

Wellllllllll, apparently the fact that someone bought blue bracelets with elephant charms on them (see, I share alot at work!!) for 4 of us to wait for justice together (while being apart in our respective offices) must have been too much for her. Her boss was out and so she watched closing arguments all day and then before she left she stopped by my office.

I first took offense when she said JM was an annoying little man! I could feel my face getting warm and my posture getting stiff...she made a few other inappropriate comments but then....THEN!!!!! Wait for it.....

THEN she had the audacity to tell me that there's no way JA will get the death penalty...and you know why???? She said the sex tape clips proved what a monster Travis was. She started raising her voice asking me what kind of person I was to support TA and his family bc he was a pig!! That's right!! She said, "The victim was a pig! He was SICK!!!! Travis Alexander was an absolute pig!!"

I stood up and unleashed on her saying she had no idea who Travis was and how dare she call him a pig!! Then I asked her if it was a justified BRUTAL MURDER due to mention of a cream pie and putting it into her __. BIG MISTAKE!! She said she sees how JA could have snapped and it was probably justified. I tried to tell her there was more to the call and JA was a manipulater but she wouldn't hear it!! She said there was NO REASON he should have said those things. I won't repeat what she said about the pedophilia. Then she called me crazy for "wasting so much time on that pig and trying to justify his words!!"...I told her to get out of my office and honesty, y'all I have been a mess ever since!!!!!!

My first thought was WTF is her problem???? Then I started wondering how many other people only caught bits and pieces of this trial and also think similar thoughts!!! I am SO DAMN ANGRY that bc of the defendant (that's all I can call her without having the mods delete this entire post) - bc of all of her lies and sick, sick mind she continues to murder Travis every single day! I can't quit crying and just find myself OUTRAGED!!!! If i feel like this I can't fathom how family and friends of TA deal with this daily!! I don't want to go to work tomorrow for fear of what I'll do if I hear her say another word about Travis!

Thank you for listening - I know this is a safe place I can share and you kind hearted people will understand!!!

'm sorry that happened, the way i deal w/ ppl like that is ppl whi have really followed this case for years and have seen what the evidence really is, and who TA really was, no the truth in their hearts, and "band wagon"ppl who just get bits here and there and make irrational decisions cuz jodi was cute, they hate NG or they don't like TA's hair - i don't even argue w/ them, in fact i just zone theor voices out, they won't listen any ways cuz they are just right fighters - and in a week after the verdict comes in they will have forgotten all about jodi and her want/need for supporters and be on to the next breaking story. believe me, it will do wonders for your blood pressure:)
Sorry, but I'm so upset and I don't know where else to vent. At the end of today I got into quite the argument with a coworker. She knows I've been following this trial from the get go...she knows I've been exhausted for months, working all day, catching up on the boards or watching testimony at night, etc, etc. She also knows I've got several other co-workers on the Travis Train for Justice :)

Wellllllllll, apparently the fact that someone bought blue bracelets with elephant charms on them (see, I share alot at work!!) for 4 of us to wait for justice together (while being apart in our respective offices) must have been too much for her. Her boss was out and so she watched closing arguments all day and then before she left she stopped by my office.

I first took offense when she said JM was an annoying little man! I could feel my face getting warm and my posture getting stiff...she made a few other inappropriate comments but then....THEN!!!!! Wait for it.....

THEN she had the audacity to tell me that there's no way JA will get the death penalty...and you know why???? She said the sex tape clips proved what a monster Travis was. She started raising her voice asking me what kind of person I was to support TA and his family bc he was a pig!! That's right!! She said, "The victim was a pig! He was SICK!!!! Travis Alexander was an absolute pig!!"

I stood up and unleashed on her saying she had no idea who Travis was and how dare she call him a pig!! Then I asked her if it was a justified BRUTAL MURDER due to mention of a cream pie and putting it into her __. BIG MISTAKE!! She said she sees how JA could have snapped and it was probably justified. I tried to tell her there was more to the call and JA was a manipulater but she wouldn't hear it!! She said there was NO REASON he should have said those things. I won't repeat what she said about the pedophilia. Then she called me crazy for "wasting so much time on that pig and trying to justify his words!!"...I told her to get out of my office and honesty, y'all I have been a mess ever since!!!!!!

My first thought was WTF is her problem???? Then I started wondering how many other people only caught bits and pieces of this trial and also think similar thoughts!!! I am SO DAMN ANGRY that bc of the defendant (that's all I can call her without having the mods delete this entire post) - bc of all of her lies and sick, sick mind she continues to murder Travis every single day! I can't quit crying and just find myself OUTRAGED!!!! If i feel like this I can't fathom how family and friends of TA deal with this daily!! I don't want to go to work tomorrow for fear of what I'll do if I hear her say another word about Travis!

Thank you for listening - I know this is a safe place I can share and you kind hearted people will understand!!!

Dear Slueth13

...sharing something helpful....

I'm a liberal Jewish activist immigrant, a modern feminist and very strict parent - living in a sea of Bible belt conservative Christians. When someone says something to me that could or should invite / ignite conflict - this is what I do....

1) Let your shoulders relax (shoulders usually tense right when you get ready to give an emotionally reactive response).

2) Take a calming breath (not a deep one - it's not Lamaze).

3) Decide in a heartbeat if the subject is intended to invite discussion, create an argument or attack.

4) If it's a discussion, go ahead and discuss.

5) If it's an attack or argument - smile and say "thank you for sharing that". Then continue what you're doing.

We all have very different points of view on things. Some people are mature and secure enough to express their differences. Others aren't. The "others" are not your problem.
I'm too lazy to find the original post.......or maybe I'm just too OLD.

But I am seriously tired of the implication by some posters (not you) who seem to think if you're in your 60's, you're out of touch with reality.

I'm 64. I've lived a full life and know more than these young whipper snappers who sound ready to shovel dirt in my face.

Stop judging OLD PEOPLE!!!!

Uhhh... yeah! And don't forget we own everything, too.

I'm too lazy to find the original post.......or maybe I'm just too OLD.

But I am seriously tired of the implication by some posters (not you) who seem to think if you're in your 60's, you're out of touch with reality.

I'm 64. I've lived a full life and know more than these young whipper snappers who sound ready to shovel dirt in my face.

Stop judging OLD PEOPLE!!!!

I am old and I would be happy to give her the needle personally !
Sorry to quote myself(^^^), but I found the entry from Travis' MySpace. But I did not see the date he posted it. It follows (bolding by me):

"People I'd Like to Meet
HMMM well Jesus for starters. People who like to give high 5's incessantly. I'd also like to meet Osama Bin Laden in all out no holds barr, winner take all cage fight. Christopher Walken would be fun to eat Lunch with. Really most people, well except for *advertiser censored*. They are a dime a dozen these days especially on myspace. So if your employment involves a webcam, I don't see it going anywhere. Outside of that I'm good to go."

This reference to 'webcam' and 'employment' really make me wonder about the idea I posted above. Thoughts?

Very interesting theory, especially considering its quite evident that Travis did not involve himself with any sort of online *advertiser censored*...AT ALL. Which I've gotta say, from what I hear many men do....not criticizing, for most I would think its equivalent to playboy and the like.

But Travis nothing, nada, zip, zero. It's a very curious way to quantify his feelings.
Tell that lady in order to form an opinion, regarding this trial, she needs to go back to the beginning of the trial and watch every single day of it. That is the only way to get the entire picture. That is like reading the last couple chapters of a book, or the finale of a TV series. If she does not listen tell her you are going to purchase a stun belt for her for Christmas, so she can be twins with JA.

Baaaaaaaaaahahahhahahaa!!!! Actually that's my biggest disappointment in this trial - every day she was on the stand I hoped that stun belt and/or leg tazer would go off!!!! Guess I can still hope it goes off when they read the verdict!! :scared: Maybe she'll take off towards Juan when the jury tells her GUILTY, M1 and the bailiff will take her down and she'll pee her pants!!! Now that would be some serious justice served!! :floorlaugh:
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