Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Let's move over to a new thread for after lunch deliberations. This thread will close in 15 minutes.

Please continue the discussion here:

[ame=""]Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
The whole country should follow Texas' lead: they get what everybody else gets.

The more I hear about Texas the more I think I made a mistake by retiring in Oregon. :banghead:

Originally Posted by Liebchenmutti View Post
Arizona should take a page from Texas--we got rid of "last meals!"
If I were on this jury, I would hang it before I came back with anything less than M1.
Good Afternoon. I see we are all playing the waiting game.. I hate waiting.
If this case was regarding a man slaughtering a woman, imo, the verdict would be known by now, murder one!!!
You mean I can change into a gorgeous 20 something swimsuit model/lawyer anytime I want? :floorlaugh: you mods really *are* all powerful!!!

Good point well made. Can I change into Juan's girlfriend pretty pretty please?
how can one come prepared to kill (premeditation) but didn't in fact plan it and just snapped?
where do they find these people? :floorlaugh:

i do like mark and the red head psychologist woman though.
I'm not suggesting that it didn't stick in her craw that she wouldn't accompany Travis to another place on the 1,000 Places to See Before I Die (and she sure saw to it that Travis didn't see it either), but I think too much has been made of the Cancun trip as the primary motive for killing Travis. We'll probably never know exactly what Travis discovered that triggered the May 26 texts/emails, but we do know that it was something significant. Even if she had gone to Travis's thinking that she'd give him one more chance to change his mind about Cancun or else she'd kill him, it doesn't mean that she isn't guilty of premeditated first-degree murder. You can't erase all the steps she took to hide the trip to Mesa, her attempt to clean up the scene, the post-murder cover ups and all the lies that followed. She may have killed Travis in the passionate rage, but that doesn't make it manslaughter/heat of passion. She had a choice. She made it. Three times over.
i'm just so anxious for the verdict. i hope it won't take as long as ja's testimony on the stand!
I think my favorite line came from Juan about the "unloaded" gun: "What were you gonna do? Throw it at him?"


"God's not here. We can't subpoena him." I love the entendre' of that one, her psycho self right there on the stand, Juan teasing the killer she is right out of her.

Mr Red just came up and started rubbing my forehead. I asked him WTH he was doing.

His answer?

*I am soothing the bats.*


how can one come prepared to kill (premeditation) but didn't in fact plan it and just snapped?where do they find these people? :floorlaugh:

i do like mark and the red head psychologist woman though.


That is just it. The jury should realize the premeditation. I could see where maybe a few slow jurors would need to be educated about this but they should come around.

The gun has to be assumed to have been taken there by Jodi. A stolen .25 matched the .25 shell , so if they can agree to that then it is a quick jump to she had that gun with her and was planning something.

Nobody drives 1000 miles with a gun just in case their boyfriend decides to attack them that day.

They need to help educate any slow jurors about this.

I could understand having doubt about the gun only if the shell was unknown but with that .25 shell being there, there is no doubt she brought the gun.

I hope they can agree to this point since it is critical.

If I have to wait any longer I may drive the 1000 miles myself to the courtroom just to scream at the courthouse to hurry up already. :floorlaugh:
Juan's closing argument was so perfect that really I can't understand what's taking so long lol. They had all weekend to think this through!

But not to discuss it with each other...
I've been troubled all along by something: Why, after the May 26th text where Travis was so obviously done with his killer, would he have engaged in the sexcapades on June 4th? But it dawned on me last night as I listened to Chris on Tricia's radio show: It was the sex tape! I believe in my heart that the sex tape was what precipitated the text on the 26th. I also believe that the killer used it to manipulate Travis...'I won't give you the phone (to delete the tape, etc), unless you sleep with me one last time."
That's the only thing that makes any sense to me.
TigerBalm, I agree. These twelve need to talk. It has been too long behind the muzzle. Think about how much we feel impelled to discuss this case~reams of thoughts and opinion. These sworn participants are integral to the process and need to share their thinking. In fact, they cannot resolve the issues without plenty of discourse. Sending them all my trust and appreciation for the conscientious approach they have chosen. Prayers they will do the right thing. From what I see in their horoscope, I know they intend to.
....ummmm.....Sleuth5....we kinda need you here when the bell tolls.....

Is he over at the sidebar? I haven't seen him check in today....or steely...or weebles...hmmm....mayhaps there is a party over there...:rockon:
Juan's closing argument was so perfect that really I can't understand what's taking so long lol. They had all weekend to think this through!

They had all weekend to think about it but noone to talk to about it. I'm sure they took the weekend to relax so they could exert all their energies and thinking into the deliberations. I am hopeful they will come back today with a verdict but I think it will be tomorrow.
Choice punning there, well it would be for me if I wasn't wearing a bra! :floorlaugh:

OMG!!!! I didn't know I was punning! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: That's awesome! And fitting!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: (3 kids!!):floorlaugh:
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