**Verdict Watch** 3-2-2012; deliberations started at 1016am

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I was not referring to his being overweight. I assumed the air was not working well, or he was stressed over something.

Most of them are friends outside court, you are right.

I think everyone is ready for a verdict.

We have a whole weekend where nothing is going to hapen which will give everyone a chance to relax..

I find it strange that Jurors were dropping out so quickly when they were first chosen, but we made it through the entire trial without using any alternates.

In the first trial, we lost one Juror due to transportation problems.

When the Jury hung, she said that while it was a horrible thing about what happened to Michelle, she wished there had been more physical evidence.

She said she was not surprised by the hung jury, or even if they had leaned towards an NG.
What he was thinking and the logic he used, we do not know. You can not substitute your logic for that of Jason Young's. We can not pretend that he is "normal" when everything we've heard about him tells us that he is not.

Could be that when JY originally got the insurance on Michelle, then doubled it two months before he killed her, that he was planning on her dying by accident, not at his hand. Then, later when he lost it/snapped and killed her, he FOILED his 4 million $$$$ PLAN !!
How in the world was he going to collect on the insurance money?

Ongoing murder investigation, prime suspect.

The only was Jason Young would ever collect on a penny of that insurance is if someone else was arrested and charged for Michelle's murder.

Otherwise, that policy would have gone unclaimed for years.


He thought he had it all figured out and had planned the perfect crime, with the perfect alibi of being out of town. He didn't plan on being the one & only suspect and just expected LE to drop it. Just look back at his emails to & from KY... he was certain he was never going to be arrested and that this was going to just blow-over in time because how many names & faces from other murders do you remember? I believe if he would have been cooperative with the police from the get-go he may have never been charged; but we'll never know that will we?

He has a huge ego, is narcissistic and really thought he could get away with murder. He is not the first spouse to kill the other for life insurance, and sadly he won't be the last.
A bunch of strange characters for sure... adults playing hide & seek, d*ck tricks, affairs within friends... very strange!

I thought SS & MY weren't sorority sisters and had become acquainted because SS married JY's friend RS. My brain is beginning to hurt from all this reading I've done today. I wonder if MY would have confided that newly found information... she didn't to her sister, so why SS? I never knew one of my long-times husband was cheating on her repeatedly until way after the divorce. It was a pride thing for her, it was sad :(

SS and MY were roommates for years, and also sorority sisters.

They were close.
:woohoo::takeabow::quote=LOMom;7656810]I think it increases the odds of a conviction. Hopefully, the jurors understand that they don't all have to agree on "alone" or all have to agree on "in concert" - some can believe "alone" and others can believe "in concert" - either way, he's guilty.

:welcome: Berry.

We have a whole weekend where nothing is going to hapen which will give everyone a chance to relax..

I find it strange that Jurors were dropping out so quickly when they were first chosen, but we made it through the entire trial without using any alternates.

In the first trial, we lost one Juror due to transportation problems.

When the Jury hung, she said that while it was a horrible thing about what happened to Michelle, she wished there had been more physical evidence.

She said she was not surprised by the hung jury, or even if they had leaned towards an NG.

BBM... In a perfect crime world we all want fingerprints, dna & a notorized recording of the murder to make sure we've got the right guy... but... there is no difference in physical evidence and circumstantial evidence as weighed by the law. That statement concerns me greatly!
He thought he had it all figured out and had planned the perfect crime, with the perfect alibi of being out of town. He didn't plan on being the one & only suspect and just expected LE to drop it. Just look back at his emails to & from KY... he was certain he was never going to be arrested and that this was going to just blow-over in time because how many names & faces from other murders do you remember? I believe if he would have been cooperative with the police from the get-go he may have never been charged; but we'll never know that will we?

He has a huge ego, is narcissistic and really thought he could get away with murder. He is not the first spouse to kill the other for life insurance, and sadly he won't be the last.
Exactly the description fitting for this low life !!!!
How in the world was he going to collect on the insurance money?

Ongoing murder investigation, prime suspect.

The only was Jason Young would ever collect on a penny of that insurance is if someone else was arrested and charged for Michelle's murder.

Otherwise, that policy would have gone unclaimed for years.


I think Jason thought he had committed the perfect crime, that LE would clear him quickly because he had a "proven" alibi through phone records and being at the hotel on video. He thought he was smarter then everyone else and would be cleared quickly.

I still can't believe that people can get past the hotel doors, the cameras, the missing clothes, and the fact that he was off the grid during the period of the murder, had plenty of motive and that other then one spot of blood nothing else was found on the ground floor of the house. And his actions and lack thereof since the murder. I cannot think of anyone else that could have done this and it galls me when I think not only can he get away with it but that people are rooting for him to do so. Not so much you, Cammy. Just some of the tweets and comments at WRAL>
He thought he had it all figured out and had planned the perfect crime, with the perfect alibi of being out of town. He didn't plan on being the one & only suspect and just expected LE to drop it. Just look back at his emails to & from KY... he was certain he was never going to be arrested and that this was going to just blow-over in time because how many names & faces from other murders do you remember? I believe if he would have been cooperative with the police from the get-go he may have never been charged; but we'll never know that will we?

He has a huge ego, is narcissistic and really thought he could get away with murder. He is not the first spouse to kill the other for life insurance, and sadly he won't be the last.

Ain't it the truth Stella! He is textbook malignant narcissist/sociopath. People may think that you can not make such a judgment about a person without knowing them but anyone schooled in any psychology, even the most rudimentary level knows that people with these personality disorders are TEXTBOOK! I don't have to know Ted Bundy to know he was a sociopath, just like I don't need to meet JLY to know he is a malignant narcissist with sociopathic features! Oh and he is clearly misogynist!!!
What were people trying to do to him and has family exactly? If it was an act of some serial killer or someone that had a grudge against the family Jason could have cleared this up. The public wanted to know that they were safe. His wife was bludgeoned to death with his daughter in the home. I just don't get why it's wrong the media or LE are interested in hearing from him. I don't see that as attacking his family. I've read numerous posts and comments and speculations all over the internet, about Meredith, Linda and even posts aimed to tarnish Michelle and that's okay?

I just don't know how that is doing something to him and his family. He looked like and acted like the cold-hearted sociopathic smug disgusting human being that he is.

Just want to bump this post because it is SOOOOOO.............RIGHT ON !!!
I find it troubling when I hear comments like, "the prosecution didn't show enough evidence." Although in trial #1 they had more and didn't bring it out like they did this time. So in this trial, the jury really did get most, if not all there was.

It is what it is and that's the hand they are dealt.

If there was more to show, it would be shown!

Now there are differences in styles of presenting the evidence and how clear or convoluted an attorney makes it (or a witness), but when you have a killer who commits a crime in his own home, where his own fingerprints and DNA would be, he has the forensic advantage!
I think Jason thought he had committed the perfect crime, that LE would clear him quickly because he had a "proven" alibi through phone records and being at the hotel on video. He thought he was smarter then everyone else and would be cleared quickly.

I still can't believe that people can get past the hotel doors, the cameras, the missing clothes, and the fact that he was off the grid during the period of the murder, had plenty of motive and that other then one spot of blood nothing else was found on the ground floor of the house. And his actions and lack thereof since the murder. I cannot think of anyone else that could have done this and it galls me when I think not only can he get away with it but that people are rooting for him to do so. Not so much you, Cammy. Just some of the tweets and comments at WRAL>

Its because they think hes innocent... Just as you think hes guilty.... I hope its a NG myself..Just dont think he did it.... It would be a boring world if we all thought the same way.....
I would have just quoted Stella but did not see her post until after I posted.
I think Jason thought he had committed the perfect crime, that LE would clear him quickly because he had a "proven" alibi through phone records and being at the hotel on video. He thought he was smarter then everyone else and would be cleared quickly.

I still can't believe that people can get past the hotel doors, the cameras, the missing clothes, and the fact that he was off the grid during the period of the murder, had plenty of motive and that other then one spot of blood nothing else was found on the ground floor of the house. And his actions and lack thereof since the murder. I cannot think of anyone else that could have done this and it galls me when I think not only can he get away with it but that people are rooting for him to do so. Not so much you, Cammy. Just some of the tweets and comments at WRAL>

It is shocking, isn't it ? Some ppl act like this is a playoff game and they are cheerleaders or something !!??!!!
Maybe if :

The hair in MY's hand was Jason's
Jason had scratches
There was blood in the SUV
That the same camera, the same stairwell had not been messed with before
That the clerk at the Hampton noticed Jason's door
ajar or unlocked the 2 times he went there, not once, but twice
If Jason had come back to Raleigh in a different vehicle, leaving
his SUV in Brevard for clean up
If CY had acted frightened when she saw him
If the twig hadn't held the door
If the bush was not in reach
If the trooper did not take the stand to explain his investigaton
If the email to SS from MY asking to find out about the auto accident Jason stopped at
If Gen was so afraid of Jason she would stayed away, instead of going back and begging for her ring
If Gracie's customer was found, because the news carrier was and he said he never saw any incident she described

Reasonable doubt
etc, etc, etc.
I think Jason thought he had committed the perfect crime, that LE would clear him quickly because he had a "proven" alibi through phone records and being at the hotel on video. He thought he was smarter then everyone else and would be cleared quickly.

I still can't believe that people can get past the hotel doors, the cameras, the missing clothes, and the fact that he was off the grid during the period of the murder, had plenty of motive and that other then one spot of blood nothing else was found on the ground floor of the house. And his actions and lack thereof since the murder. I cannot think of anyone else that could have done this and it galls me when I think not only can he get away with it but that people are rooting for him to do so. Not so much you, Cammy. Just some of the tweets and comments at WRAL>

Get outta my head knicks :blowkiss::blowkiss:

I agree! I just don't get it! Everything points at him, every single little thing and I just don't understand the innocent proclamations. I'm not bashing any of my fellow WSers with that statement because everyone is very entitled to their opinions, but I just can't wrap my head around it and I've tried. Now I can understand people being unsure if he did it or not, because with the CSI Effect people expect the perfect case all neatly wrapped up in a bow so there is nothing to question, but most crimes are not like that. The circumstantial evidence in this case is overwhelming. At some point you have to question how on this one night the entire universe was working against JY to set him up for the murder of his wife. Quite simply it wasn't. JY set up all these little coinky-dinks, and I just pray this jury is able to put all the puzzle pieces together and deliver justice to Michelle & Rylan; as well as Linda, Meredith & Cassidy.
It is shocking, isn't it ? Some ppl act like this is a playoff game and they are cheerleaders or something !!??!!!

Yes, people are entitled to their opinions but they are not entitled to their own facts... that gives me solace.
GOLO people must be in a world of their own then, I wouldn't read there if you think Jason is G.

Nite, everyone!!

Enjoy your weekend...

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