verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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I wish statements jodis mother made to Flores in Yreka could be used against her. She said the first thing she did when she heard Travis was killed was ask jodi if she did it? Jodi said I have gas receipts proving I was not in Arizona. I guess JM did not want to drag her mother into this. But sometimes you have to pull out all the stops.

I find it very strange, that her mother would ask her if she did it. That just tells me JA's mom knows she was capable of the horrific act. It tells me that something had to be done before that was pretty bad, that the mothers knows of. Then Jodi comes back with the receipts to try convince her mother, it wasn't her. Really...who does that?

Both mom and dads interviews with Flores tells us a lot. They had plenty of trouble with their daughter growing up. They had suspicions about JA and her story and the let it be known. It is a shame that those tapes could not be heard by the jury in their entirety.
Wow I dont remember that either, there is just so much to take in with this case.

She is definitely cray cray.

O/t I totally meant to say on sunday after tricias show, your accent is so adorable :)

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus

Thank you! :blushing:
I wish statements jodis mother made to Flores in Yreka could be used against her. She said the first thing she did when she heard Travis was killed was ask jodi if she did it? Jodi said I have gas receipts proving I was not in Arizona. I guess JM did not want to drag her mother into this. But sometimes you have to pull out all the stops.

Yes maybe he didn't want to do that to her but also it's possible that her talking about JA being mentally ill and all that, would garner too much sympathy from the jury. I know they are not supposed to factor in sympathy but it's not easy to erase once you have felt it.
Good morning all....typing with my eyes still closed and coffee in one hand.
this is funny and I need to share it, just didn't want to do it when the board was loaded....
Several days ago there was a post made about this person that sits with JA's mom, not Donovan but AC......the post was that AC was DB's ex.......this made me so crazy for the last 3 days or so, trying to figure out if Darryl would actually marry someone like this....well, yesterday it hit me that the poster was talking about Donovan, not Darryl...LOL...isn't that funny! I just kept thinking about his little boy, and really wondering what this kid must look like....LOL I just had to share this. Now, let today be the day for Travis and his family! Justice is coming! back to my coffee.....

So Donovan is AC's ex now. Wow. And that is why Donovan is on the phone every night with Jodi. She really doesn't know any bounds, does she.
Keep the faith friends, if we think we are stressed, imagine the Alexanders. They are a family of eight siblings, with husbands, wives, boyfriends, children, all trying to stay distracted, all praying and pacing.

Be strong and have good faith for them. No more worried talk. Let's believe it is going to turn out to be a verdict of murder one. Let's believe God hears our prayers. Katie Wick said she is not worried after watching the jury come and go yesterday. She said they become sober when they become aware of the cameras, but otherwise they are chatting together, seem cohesive. They may be taking hours just to get through the jury instructions, then going through the evidence, before they even take their first vote, according to a juror on the Michael Jackson/Conrad Muray trial. That is what she said on HLN. When I was on juries we took a vote FIRST, just to see if by chance we were already in agreement, we did it that way each time and over the years I have served on four juries. However, over the last couple of days, we have heard from folks from Scott Peterson jury, and others who describe exactly what this lady from the Michael Jackson jury said, that they went through the evidence, BEFORE even the first vote. I feel a LOT better now, realizing that is likely a reasonable explanation for why the initial vote didn't reveal we are good to go. Cut. Scene. Call the baliff to alert the judge.

As far as Jean saying one of the jurors looked defiant, she could very easily just have been pissed off to see the media so close to her, and worried that she could be thrown off the jury, like number five, in a heart beat if she offered up any clues, so she hastened her pace. I recall everyone thought the lady they nicknamed Strawberry on the Scott Peterson trial was likely a hold out, and they were so worried over her. When the jury was interviewed, everybody found out, despite her funny died pink hair, she had very traditional values and she was HAVING NONE OF Scott's bs. She was adamant, he deserved the dp. SO, what we learned from that, is we cannot, CAN NOT worry over how a reporter interprets one's demeanor.

For ANJ here is the clip about Jodi running after the car, when Travis' friends invited him to their home, to get a break from Jodi . WOW . Pathetic. Sad, tired and pitiful.

Juan made the sky blue in closing, in my opinion. Let the jury take their time. Never before, and likely never again will they ever have to decide if someone murdered someone in cold blood and should die for it. I am ashamed to say that I let my dog suffer a little too long before putting her down because I just could not gather my courage to let her go, and that was just a dog. Can you imagine a human life in your hands? They have to live with their decision for the rest of their lives. There is no do over. Let's be glad they are being careful and thorough. Let us be of good faith friends.

Juan Martinez, my hero

We cannot worry, especially, about how that particular reporter interprets things. What is it with JC anyway? Why is she so strong for the dt? Also, I wish NG would stop freaking out. I swear, the jury was back there five minutes and she was already kvetching about how the justice system was broken because JA hadn't been hung yet.:banghead:
For the list of what we heard that the jury did not, check out this friend saying not only was Jodi not Travis' dirty little secret, JODI made sure everybody knew they had an intimate relationship.Publicly. Overtly. He details how they were all at church at a wedding reception and Jodi walks up behind Travis while he was talking to his buddy, she never even said hello, she stared kissing Travis on his neck, sucking on his ear, really, REALLY being inappropriate. During the entire thing, she never once looked at the friend and said anything, poor Travis was mortified.

You just can't make this stuff up. No wonder Travis came to realize this chick is not marriage material!

Also, for your list Wendy Murphy points out something interesting , although Jodi has only dense fog and recalls nothing about a knife during the murder, during her Ninja story she details things in the killing about a knife. Isn't that special?

Amazing post!! First thing I did was watch the video from Det. Flores' daughter. Beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing!!
The reason JA did not kill Travis while he slept, while his back was to her here or there, etc. was because she had a specific plan to STAB HIM IN THE SHOWER and PHOTOGRAPH it. She needed to rinse off her DNA so she could pull off the Perfect Crime PLUS having photos of his horrified expression as he knew he was dying.

Because she is dead inside, she lives through the countless photographs which "prove" she is beautiful and they prove men love her. They demonstrate a (phony) wonderful life the same way the journal does, which gives her comfort when she feels ugly. And she knows that the more she documents the life she wants, the more it is Attracted to her.

So it stands to reason that it is IMPORTANT to have those photographs of her power over Travis. Photos which show that she got the last laugh, that she got even, and that people who destroy her dreams will themselves feel her wrath. It is well documented that serial killers like to tape their victim's screams, take videos, so they can enjoy (and get aroused) by the pain they have caused. Psychologists say it is a way they can feel powerful when powerless.

She could have just killed him with six bullets to the head. Which would have awakened the whole household plus the neighbors. One gunshot is a possible auto backfire. Two means gunshots. Everyone knows this. You get one shot which does not draw a crowd or generate a call to the police. This is why she just didn't shoot him to death the minute he opened the door--God, it's so simple!

She had to wait until the roommates were all gone and they kept popping back in. Why is this rocket science apparently? The last one pops in at 3:00 pm, so she promises to leave and asks for a final favor, some memorial shots of his beautiful body she can use for her two-handed entertainment. Tasteful and he gets to see each make sure she isn't photographing his junk.

Imagine the rage she had stuffed in order to do a nicey-nice posing session while summoning up the guts to stab a naked guy she "loved." Side note - she did not love him, she wanted to be him. She wanted his exact life and he was supposed to give it to her. He refused, so she took it anyway. Because not only was he so selfish to keep his lifestyle from her, he was actually going to prevent her from replicating him. He would block her from succeeding with Ryan Burns or any other PPL gold-ringers by revealing that she jacked his customers.

It's his fault and such a shame, because he was a wonderful person. Just had that fatal flaw, you know, wanting to marry someone whose crotch was not the Good Ship Lollipop.
:seeya: dani! Here's a recent copy of gauntlet's list. JA's 2nd degree plea deal is on there...
Quite a few of us have said there's things we know that that jury doesn't so I thought we'd start a list.

Is there anything on this list yet that makes you think, if I didn't know that, I would be struggling to make a decision? Not yet for me but it has made me see a lot of the history that has influenced my perception of JA and the trial

What do we know that the jury doesn't?

Please cut and paste list - don't quote

JA's Life Pre Trial
JA spiderman t-shirt photo with Bobby J (Thanks AS)
JA pot and potential 'other' drug history with Bobby J/
JA kicking her mom when she was an adult
JA getting a flat tire on way to funeral
JA's sick 'In Loving Memory' tributes to Travis on Youtube, Myspace and FB, and chicken dance tribute (Thanks Karraster)
JA hitting her brother in the head with a bat (Thanks Angel Wings)
Brother saying sex tape was to blackmail Travis It was on his FB. (Thanks Angel Wings)
JA never being left alone with Darryl's son (I think)
Her Myspace page (and TA page) as she has numerous pics there of her and TA...............while TA only has a couple. (Thanks TVI)
Other content of JA's diary (Thanks TVI) Any examples appreciated! +
JA stopped believing in the law of attraction at the end of 2007

Travis's Life
Travis and the spidies photo with his dad
Travis telling the drs if he didn't ever turn up for lunch on Sunday it was because JA had killed him

JA Interrogation/ Court
JA potential fraud / tapping into Travis's bank account
JA previously on ticket to go to Cancun (not confirmed)
JA 'art' / tracing famous ads and pictures, and being sold on ebay

Interrogation tapes (majority of content)
-mumble things like "still hate me?" and giggle ominously. (Thanks amberjul)
-flipping her hair around and checking her make-up ... (Thanks DGC)
-JA Handstands to get more colour in her face before mug shot/ asking if she could do her makeup to Det Fl when she was arrested and also in the interrogation room
- All the things JA did and said in interrogation tapes showing NO REMORSE Thanks AS)
JA's 2nd degree murder plea and threat to drag Travis through the mud
JA kicking/killing doggy boy

Some of JA's actions including finger and throat slashing gestures at JM and her stalker looks at JW and her family's in court. We see close up because of the cameras.
JA messing around with JW's chair (Thanks Dewey)
Jailhouse fights ( Thank you S9)
Jodi's disgusting black, "I have not washed my feet in over 6 months" looking fungus infested feet. Speaking of fungus, didn't she confiscate some fungus cream? HMMMMM EWWWWW (Thanks Kaydono)
Stealing pens in jail ... hiding pens in shampoo bottles ... unauthorized creams and lotions ... Thank you DGC
Sticking pencils in her shoe... (Thanks amberjul)
JA's happy smiles when Jury is out of sight (Thanks Davia18)
Jodi saying in the interrogation interview, "If I killed Travis, If I hurt Travis, I would BEG for the Death Penalty" (Thank you Hildymac)
JA tweets from jail

Travis Family and Friends Evidence

911 call - Mimi and everyone else mentioning JA's name as person of suspicion (Thanks LittleMel)
Tire slashing multiple times of both TA & Lisa's tires, and the email sent to Lisa (Thanks OAZ)
Chris Hughes stories
- JA eavesdropping at door/ evil look
- JA sitting at table for further hour after Sky told her to go
- JA telling sky and chris she had a "vision" of her marrying TA. (thank you kaydono)
- JA writing an email to herself, and telling TA it was from her "stalker" and showed Travis to try to get him to tell her to move to AZ (thank you kaydono and Midwest Mama)
- JA never letting TA out of her sight, even when he went to RR, according to Sky/Chris (thank you kaydono)
- The truth behind the 'abuse' emails
Video of friend that went shooting with Travis and said that TA never owned a gun (Thanks AS)
Deanna Hall caught JA with Travis's laptop on the couch baking cookies at Travis's house without his consent (Thanks AS)
The fact that Travis willed his dog and his library to Deanna (Thanks AS)


Fake pedo letters and Nurmi lying to the Hughes about validity of pedo letter (Thanks Midwest Mama)
Knives and gun found in hire car (Thanks mobius99)
The CONTENT of the video viewed in court of TA w/ white/blonde thing on lap (Thanks OAZ)
Funny biz with Helio cell phone.. claimed lost (IRRC melted chocolate?) got replacement which had sex tape/photos claimed lost but then found in G'parents car (Thank you OAZ)
Incident w/ Clancy in bathroom WHICH sounds almost like incident she claims happened between Abe & TA (Thank you OAZ)
That her & Abe only went on 1 date (my impression is she's insinuated more of a relationship to jury) (Thank you OAZ)
How unusual the number of approaches and chamber sessions are
How much of JA's testimony can be linked to movies (A News Junkie Super Sleuthing

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*
- JA taking a yellow folder off of the DT's table and attempting to sit on it, or place it where it has NO BUSINESS being placed. (Thanks Dewey)
- Lots of pages from her journal/diary they do not know (Thanks TVI)
Det Flores report (possibly - Little Mel checking)

JA's Friends and Family and DT
JA's parents tapes
- JA's dad saying she was strange
- JA's dad story about how she'd call and abuse her mom
- JA's mom's story about someone calling in the middle of the night to say she needs help/ bipolar
- JA's parents telling a lot of things seemed to elevate when she was in 8th grade. The family was moving and Mom couldn't find her tupperware - JA used said Tupperware to grow pot on the roof of the house. The parents called the Sheriff IIRC to give little JA a lesson. (Thanks AS)
- JA's parents telling about her paranoia about her room being searched after being caught with pot , even as an adult
- JA dad saying she was financially in a lot of debt and plans to file for bankrupcy but didn't have the money to do so

Nurmi trying to leave the case 1000 times, okay 3 times
Nurmi's mistrial attempts
The number of Expert Witnesses / Psychologists the DT are rumored to have been through

MS passing notes to JA's mom
MS passing notes to D (Thanks MM)
JA's outside 'representative' /
Who Donovan is and how they met (Thanks MM)
ALV approaching Travis' sister (thanks Midwest Mama)
Whatever ALV was "taken to task" for in chambers (thanks Midwest Mama)
JA's mom writing to appeal for Nurmi to stay on case / JA's mom helping to her get hire car
MM admitting on social media he'd lie for JA (Thanks MM)

Gus Searcy testimony
Huge amount of negative press to ALV/ book reviews
RS taking his website down after trial
Collecting donations on that other site, domestic violence ribbons, "survivor" shirts..

Other Social Media
The HLN "drama" / JM signature saga
JC's putting her nose where it does not belong, shooting off her mouth, causing her to have to testify and possibly creating grounds for a mistrial. (Thanks Dewey)

Dr D's laptop being stolen
Cost of trial

The other night Nancy Grace had a list of evidence that was not shown/given to the jury, I believe Nancy called it a twist of justice. So true. My opinion only.
I'm the same. I often use humor or at least attempts at it in serious but appropriate times to lighten the mood. One of my friend's partners is currently going through chemo. Everyone has been giving her sympathy which has really helped but yesterday I made a joke about something that I knew she would take well and she laughed til she cried. She thanked me very much for that.

I can relate. Last Spring I had the wonderful experience of talking on the phone to a lifelong friend. He was my first true love and we have stayed in sporadic contact all these years. I think we both have lived our lives wondering 'what if'. Living states away, we hadn't seen in each other in years.
In that phone call, we started reminiscing about things we did together, my parents. some of our escapades, and there WERE escapades lol His voice lives in my head now. We laughed and laughed on that call. He said to me, "It is so good to laugh..." What he didn't tell me was that he was sick. I don't think he had faced just how sick. He said some I'm sorries to me as well. What a gift he gave me, and I to him with that laughter. His life at that time was filled with people feeling badly, crying, worrying, and very little silliness.
When people are facing tough times, I believe the soul and mind needs a break, and laughter does that. Heck, I loved my Mom more than I could ever say. But at her funeral, I started to laugh. So did everyone else. Apparently no one bothered to lock the wheels on the gizmo that holds the casket. I leaned in for a kiss, and there I went, teetering at my waist.... My brother grabbed me and loudly announced I couldn't go with her. Mom and I scooted a few feet though! LOLOL
I hold no one in contempt for goodhearted laughter. Especially the jurors.
What JA's family did in the courtroom had a totally different feel to it. JMO
I find it very strange, that her mother would ask her if she did it. That just tells me JA's mom knows she was capable of the horrific act. It tells me that something had to be done before that was pretty bad, that the mothers knows of. Then Jodi comes back with the receipts to try convince her mother, it wasn't her. Really...who does that?

Both mom and dads interviews with Flores tells us a lot. They had plenty of trouble with their daughter growing up. They had suspicions about JA and her story and the let it be known. It is a shame that those tapes could not be heard by the jury in their entirety.[/QUOTE]

Is there anything about JA's miserable existence that ISN'T prejudicial???
Sheesh! Her Mom was hoping against hope that it wasn't her, but she knew. I wonder if she actually believes JA's lies about the abuse, pedophilia, etc. I found it interesting that Mom stated she and JA talked MORE after the murder than any other time in their entire life. She added that 'it wasn't that much, but it was the BEST their relationship had ever been. In other words, there was never a relationship!

So much was withheld from the jury, I won't be surprised if they come down with a lessor. If nothing happens today. I am praying they hang. Eventually, this jury will discover everything we already know - too late! Gotta stay positive!!!
Will today be the day??

I'm guessing by the way they dress-maybe we will know. That is going to be my guess.....since they were dressed down yesterday. I still believe they will come back with Murder 1. IMO-even if the jury does not know everything that the media was covering and so forth......all the evidence they need was presented in the courtroom.

Justice for Travis!!!!!!
So Donovan is AC's ex now. Wow. And that is why Donovan is on the phone every night with Jodi. She really doesn't know any bounds, does she.
oh please do not quote me on that......something another poster wrote....not me. :seeya:
We cannot worry, especially, about how that particular reporter interprets things. What is it with JC anyway? Why is she so strong for the dt? Also, I wish NG would stop freaking out. I swear, the jury was back there five minutes and she was already kvetching about how the justice system was broken because JA hadn't been hung yet.:banghead:

Fixed that for ya! Didn't want you getting a T/O! :seeya:
I really thought I can go about normal activities this week because this case has now in the hands of the jury. I actually find this part more stressful. The jury has so much to go over during their deliberations and I know they don't know everything the public knows.
Anyway, Mark Garagos was on GMA. Sorry, I missed most of the clip as hubby started talking to me. I did here him say that she might get death because of the way they addressed the jury questions to her. The used her name, Jodi. Well, what else would they use.....Ms. Arias, Maam, Murderer any of the names Nurmi used to describe her? I don't buy that excuse. The jurors used Jodi because that is her name. Simple...why read something into that?
The Italian system has 3(?) judges that sit in with the jury to help them with questions.

I would not put too much stock in the Italian justice system. My hubby grew up there. Most of the governmental systems are corrupt...easily bought. MOO
Here we go again today...Nerves are still gone. Gonna try to go about doing my "Normal" everyday chores as best I can. I am SO MAD at this JURY right now for not understanding how SIMPLE this verdict should be. What are they NOT understanding? Why are they waiting so long? My heart is just breaking with worry and concern they are not understanding just how EVIL this woman really is. I wish I could just tell them, they have to have seen SOMETHING on this case, I don't care if they have been admonished NOT TO, there is NO way they could NOT have seen SOMETHING about this case, they have to know....they just have to. Heartbreak.
Does anyone know what time the jurors are coming in today?
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