verdict watch 5/7/2013 #2

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i get the same feeling. i think they are going to give her a break, but she will still serve significant time, maybe 22 yrs.

Anything less than life w/o parole and she comes out the same way she went in: a sociopath. If for some unfathomable reason she gets off with manslaughter, JM will be looking over his shoulder from that time forward. She knows how to hold a grudge. . .
Thinking about the dynamics of the jury. The ages span several generations. I wonder how understanding social media is for the older generations is playing out. A jury of your peers literally meant just that. Now that really makes no sense looking at such a diverse jury. I guess finding a jury of her peers would be impossible!

Listening to HLN and JA voice in these clips really bugs me. Lol

What the hay does social media have to do with a woman setting out to kill a man and doing it in the most horrific and despicable fashion possible?

Margins BLOWN again. Go edit the post. Please CHOOSE "preview" before you post an overblown picture. TIA
go to the top of the screen (be sure you're logged in) and click on user cp, then go to edit options on the left hand side. Click on that, and look for the posts per page. It's about halfway down.

i thank yoy so much!!!
I may. Every situation is different. Some people are people pleasers. But, sex, for me, if very liberal, as in if I loved someone, I would try new experiences with them.

So, in the same vein, if your man wanted you to say you wanted to sexually assault little boys in a private phone call, would you go along with it? Would you think it was "just going with the flow" or would you cut and run if someone tried to get you to talk sexy about children?

Again, I don't think TA was a pedo, but I also don't think he was forced to make those icky comments. I think he did it to impress JA.
go to the top of the screen (be sure you're logged in) and click on user cp, then go to edit options on the left hand side. Click on that, and look for the posts per page. It's about halfway down.

i thank you so much!!!
No, no, no. Not at all. I just wanted to communicate that choosing the age 12 made it a little less distasteful than if he would have said, say, 6 or 7, which would have been even more clearly and thoroughly outside the realm of any kind of measure of acceptability. Not that 12 is acceptable either, I don't think 12 is an okay age to have a sex life. It was a poor choice for him to say that, for sure, but I still don't think it makes him a deviant. The distinction that i see is that many, if not most, 12 year old girls have significant secondary sexual characteristics, or are starting to develop them, so I can draw a distinction between a 7 year old and a pubescent child in terms of potential sexual beings or targets, if you will.

I'd be willing to bet that she told him that 12 is the age that she either became sexually active or had her first orgasm, and that's why he chose that age when he made that comment.
It's not the parent's fault. Jodi is wired that way and it cannot be fixed.

I remember Jeffrey Dahmer's mother saying she took medication during her pregnancy with him.

I heard nothing about the parents of JA that made me think they were abusive. I didn't believe the story about the dad knocking her into a wall and her passing out. If every child who had minor discipline in their life had PTSD, we would have a full society of shaking Chihuahua! (I know very well there are many abused children and I am not minimizing what they have gone through or the after affects).

My daughter (and her hubby) get so irritated about the DP connection. A month or so ago they called the auto place to see if their car was done being repaired. When the lady asked the name my daughter said Drew Peterson. TOTAL silence and then "Aren't you in jail?" LOL! Sure, I'm in jail and calling to pick up my car Einstein! :stormingmad:
khaki said:
welcome! and, to my knowledge, no, there's no proof other than her words. I personally do not believe she entered the house when she said she did.
I don't either. The first evidence that doesn't rely on her word is the bed photos sometime between 1 and 2pm. Other than that, we have to rely on JA's word :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

There is forensic computer corroboration she told Detective Flores the truth on July 16, 2008, about arriving at TA's house around 4 am on June 4 and observing him watch several YouTube videos.

From the July 16, 2008 interrogation video [refer to the WS Transcripts thread]:

JA: Travis stayed up all night waiting. He was watching something on You Tube, some stupid video. He’s like, “You gotta’ see this,” and I’m watching and I’m like, “This is so boring. What’s the point of that?” He’s like, “Just stupid, pointless stuff.” I’m like, “Okay.” I guess everyone’s got to have their time to veg out being so driven and deep as he is for business, which is fine that he watches stuff like that. It wasn’t anything profane or bad or vulgar, it was just people dancing, but they had like boxes of foil on their head. It was like weird, like robotic kind of music."

From trial testimony of Lonnie Dworkin, Computer Forensic Examiner, on January 31, 2013:

On June 4, 2008, at 4:08:11 am, TA's laptop computer (given to him as a gift from Deanna Reid so her name is on all the activity) the YouTube video Drunk - Daft Punk - Hard Bodies, Better, Faster, Stronger - was watched. Just as JA told Detective Flores nearly 5 years earlier. For me, it establishes that she indeed was in the house with Travis shortly after 4 am on June 4, 2008.

Beginning about 1:16:48 in the video of Day 12 of the trial:

Jodi Arias Trial Day 12 (Full) - YouTube

4:08:11 AM on June 4th: YouTube accessed

File was: Drunk - Daft Hands - Faster, Stronger, Better

4:11:04 AM June 4th, 2008: YouTube
Video: Daft hands....

4:13:15 youtube
... Faster Hands: 3:48 in time

He watched at least three nearly identical videos, but here is one. Note people dancing with foil boxes on their heads--just as JA told Detective Flores in the interrogation video:

Daft Bodies - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - YouTube
Anything less than life w/o parole and she comes out the same way she went in: a sociopath. If for some unfathomable reason she gets off with manslaughter, JM will be looking over his shoulder from that time forward. She knows how to hold a grudge. . .
Given the possibility of her actually getting acquitted ( I REALLY HOPE NOT ) I now, finally, understand DB and MM's reluctance to testify truthfully. I mean really? This cold-blooded murderer could go free?

Another bleh day another day that I lose faith in justice.

I include my liking of Mark as well. When he was in total poker face yesterday when all that fog was going on, I literally thought there was something bad going on and he was trying to get through it hoping whatever was making smoke would stop.

When he finally said he was in a fog and he obviously drug a fog machine into his interview I was :lol: so hard. I love people with a sense of humor and Mark did the best thing in an interview I have ever seen. And I love it when he clears things up and puts stupid things in their place. He does it in a slick way though.

The fog machine bit will forever be in my heart.
welcome! and, to my knowledge, no, there's no proof other than her words. I personally do not believe she entered the house when she said she did.

The timeline could be accurate based on drive time. She also knew which videos Travis was viewing at 4 am ( confirmed by computer forensics). Of all the lies she told, I don't think this was one of them. She drove most the night, it's not unreasonable to think they slept late like she claimed.
She's admitted that she killed him. There is evidence that she shot him, stabbed him oh-26 times and sliced his throat from ear to ear. There is abundant evidence that she planned it. What would you be checking for?

I wasn't talking specifically about this case. I've never been on a jury. I was saying that I don't think it's time for people to be running around in a panic. The jury is taking their job seriously, that's all. There has been no confirmation at all that they're arguing or that there's a disagreement, or even that a vote has been held. As someone said earlier in the Peterson case they reviewed all the evidence for days before having one (unanimous) vote. Saying that I personally would want to go through everything if I was ever on a jury where the person might get the DP doesn't mean I don't think there's more than enough evidence to convict Jodi. It means that I'm not worried at this stage.
Me too. :banghead:

I've had enough of this carp.

I've seen some awesome things happen-Jason Young, Drew and Scott Peterson, Brad Cooper,Neil Entwhistle. I have seen stupid things-CA, Adam Kaufman, OJ, Susan Wright getting her sentenced reduced after pulling a quintuple Arias on her husband. It is rare that a case is so clearcut like this. If they can't see it then

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I should know this for sure, but don't. Sheriff Joe, being the county sheriff, wouldn't have any say over what goes on in state prison, would he?

I wouldn't think so, but right now she is "in his care" :floorlaugh:
I was the right age during the days of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Talking dirty on the phone isn't new. Probably started as soon as the first people got phones.

And crotch shots? Playboy, Hustler, Penthouse, anyone? And *advertiser censored*'s as old as film.

So no, I don't think there's much I'm not familiar with.

bbm Yep, me too, ks! The Age of Aquarius & Frank Zappa and Timothy Leary. I saw Led Zepplin live, and Janet, and Jimi, and the Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Beach Boys, The Stones, Leon Russell, the Dead, Dylan, Clapton, and so many more. Never saw The Who or The Doors (pity). AIDS was not a word. All the pot was good; the drugs were pharmaceutical. Peace, Love, and the War in Viet Nam and Nixon. Mostly good times. Been there, done some of that.
So, in the same vein, if your man wanted you to say you wanted to sexually assault little boys in a private phone call, would you go along with it? Would you think it was "just going with the flow" or would you cut and run if someone tried to get you to talk sexy about children?

Again, I don't think TA was a pedo, but I also don't think he was forced to make those icky comments. I think he did it to impress JA.

I said this once, I will say it again. I think TA was mocking her. She did not sound authentic, and I think to him her fake *O* sounded like something an immature girl/woman would do when trying to sound sexy. Therefore, "You sound like a 12 year old having her first orgasm".
That is just my take on it though.

I also would like to say, without being too detailed, that were certain sexual electronic things I have experienced ever put into transcripts I am sure people could pick out a line here, a line there that would probably sound depraved and just wrong. Not that what was said was actually horrible, but that sometimes things come out sounding very different than intended in phone/IM encounters.

I also want to say I like your Av FrayedKnot, I am a big "Alice" fan.
Regardless, he wasn't commitment-shy. I think her name was Linda.

Then he also bought a ring for Lisa(different ring). She said no because she wasn't ready and because IIRC, the Jodi thing worried her.

IIRC he didn't buy Lisa a ring, but he was thinking of trading in the one he bought for Linda for a ring for Lisa. She broke the relationship off before he could do that.
Yes, they're being asked to determine guilt, not sentence.

However, if I was on a jury where the person may get the DP if they were found guilty of murder 1, I would be taking my time to go through everything to make absolutely sure that I didn't have an ounce of doubt at all. I could never live with myself if there was a single stone unturned or unexamined. I know I'd be thinking about it every night for a very long time, and if there was anything I thought I'd missed I would never forgive myself.

In case it eases anyone's mind, I was on a jury for a three-month murder trial and we were given three options of sentence: 2nd degree, voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter.

At one time or another we voted and had a majority for each of the three verdicts and it took a total of five days to reach a unanimous consensus.

We ended up convicting the defendant of the highest count (2nd degree) available to us.

There really is no way to second-guess what the Arias jury is doing or how they are leaning.
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