verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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I'm sorry 1:30 AST ? I have no idea what that means. Are we talking about 50 minutes from right now ?
Um, glad a signed up for text alert....I guess they only text WITH the verdict? :banghead:
OMG...seriously, I just got a FCA text!! No text from WAT or ABC..just FCA. UGH.
Ok I have a doctor's appointment at 12:30 pm. Maybe I can get back home by 1:30!!!
I am shaking and hyperventilating.

I will drive over anyone who gets in my way tonight.

Finally! Let's all hope justice is served today. Those 2 hours will feel like years.
Time to light a candle. We've got about an hour and and three quarters wait from now for jury to announce the verdict MURDER ONE!
Thank goodness!!! I'll be home from my errand at 3:45 so I won't miss it!!!! I'm feeling good about this people!!
Who is picking up my kids from school??

Thank goodness for cell phones with Internet and HLN on satellite radio!
Just checking in. So, I was in the bathroom pondering the functional state of my transvaginal mesh, considering what color camishaper I was going to put on, and popping my first Amberen of the day. Poured a big cup of coffee and went out to sit under my new Sunsetter Awning. (Wearing the black camishaper.) Confused about why I couldn’t hear the shrieking on HLN, then realized I didn’t have my Beltone hearing aid cranked up high enough. Only then I figured out the TV was on mute.

And suddenly there is the words “Verdict Reached!!” :) 

OK this made me laugh out loud!!!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Does anybody know why Jodi never tried to kill all her other boyfriends and why she only zeroed in on Travis?

What, one is not enough?

Well, obviously the perfect storm. Something about Travis captivated her and held her captive to her emotions and romantic notions about him. And she went over the edge when he pushed back, hard, on May 26, characterizing her in unflattering terms that fueled her anger and rage. :stormingmad:

We haven't seen any indication she was obsessed with any of her other boyfriends to the extent she was obsessed with Travis. Pathologically obsessed, to the point of moving to Arizona after they broke up, hanging around uninvited, hiding in his closet, peering into his windows, following him on dates, and slashing his tires--two days in a row at different locations. And those of the girl he was dating at the time. Travis said she wanted to know what he was doing 24/7. He was frightened by her nonstop stalking. Big red flags.

In her own words:

"I write right now that I love Travis Victor Alexander so completely that I don't know any other way to be" [August 26, 2007]
"I love love love him"
"Travis is awesome"
"I love Travis and always will"
Her father said she planned to marry him.
"I love him," she writes. "I could not possibly love him not, though I wish I could stop, turn it off like a light switch, duct tape it down so it can`t turn back on. Or better yet, just cut the circuit, cut off its life source."

Detective Flores said nearly all Travis' friends used the word "obsessed" to describe Jodi, and 'everyone' immediately suspected Jodi, from the 911 call moments after his body was discovered.

Jodi herself mused there were people she had worse issues with "and they're all still alive." Wow, are they lucky or what? :what:

btw today is 1799 days since she murdered Travis. It would be nice to get a Murder 1 verdict by day 1800 (tomorrow).
I still :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: when I watch Fawty Towers (I have them on DVD, adapted from VHS.) "He can't help it, he's from Barcelona" OK, will get back on topic. Perhaps I will watch Fawlty Towers during Verdict Watch.

Fawtly Towers... I LOVE it!

My DH and I... when being asked a question regarding something we have done.... that may not be approved of by the other, if you know what I mean... reply with:

"Merely to annoy you..." :snooty:

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