Verdict Watch Discussion Thread

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DNA Solves
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Me too. I've always been convinced of two guns right from the get go. I'm not saying they both shot TB but I do believe they were both armed. I haven't posted much on these threads but when I have I have always referred to 'gun(s)'.

DM in his manpurse and MS in his hoodie.
If anyone knows can you answer a couple of questions.
Is the jury alone in the jury room?
Is there any recording done of what is said?
Are the votes by way of secret ballot?

Yes, they are alone. There is no recording of what is said and it is against the law for them to talk afterwards about what was said inside the jury room.
They can choose to take a vote by secret ballot if they want but most likely they will vote openly and present their opinions and discuss them.
And I predict it was MWJ's n'gers MS was talking about coming after him--should he not return the gun as requested. IMO
Along a similar line, I've wondered if it's not so much about returning the gun, but more about getting the gun involved in a murder, and being in trouble with the Isho crew for that. (because it was traceable in some way eg. A gun that should have been kept clean) I've speculated in the past that the I *advertiser censored***d up comments were alluding to this
Prepared yes but will be difficult for me to accept anything other than first degree murder for both.

Well I look at it this way: A jury of DM and MS's peers were carefully selected and then entrusted with a serious duty to weigh the evidence and to make a decision about the guilt of each accused. Even though I have formed my opinion on their guilt, I would respect the jury's assessment of things over mine as they have been there in person seeing, hearing witnesses and evidence and paying attention daily to every detail throughout the trial. I know even if I do feel initially surprised or disappointed by verdicts that didn't concur with what I'd decide, I know I would ultimately concede to their decision and just let it go. It's a good system overall and I think we have to defer to impartial and deeply considered jury decisions to ensure that trust in the system is not undermined.

Obviously, for the family letting go after the verdicts are known will be something much more difficult for them to do, perhaps even impossible. The emotional investment they feel about the outcome of the verdicts cannot be compared to that of the wider well-meaning community. In any case, I do believe that whatever the jury decides, they will get it right.

All MOO.

So according to LH, MS was very cunning when it came to his testimony. She said (if I understood correctly) that MS used things, that were talked about in legal arguments away from the jury, in his testimony. In LH's viewpoint this was a very cunning move on his part. IMO, he did this knowing that say he could talk around a topic knowing no one could force him to elaborate as he knew it was inadmissible evidence.

This was probably like his comment thrown in about the compartments being built into DM's white van. MS would have already known that this was info argued out about DM building separate compartments. So if he throws in a comment making DM look like a creep, he does so knowing no lawyer can touch the topic and ask him to clarify.

IMO, MS said these things trying to look all funny or like an innocent dupe to the jury.

Very interesting.

I can imagine it would be extremely frustrating for him as it is for us that what we all feel information that should be heard by the jury reflecting DM's persona goes unheard while his entire life is exposed.
Two separate things, possession and bury. Why would he lie about having the gun in his possession if he didn't? You are saying his followers returned it to MWJ, please explain as I find your post confusing.

" I believe that DMs followers got the gun back into the hands of MWJ and no one was letting on that they handled or knew anything about the murder weapon. They were all told to turn the blame on MS. jMO"

I don't believe he buried it either, but I don't see how your belief fits in with MS acknowledging he had the gun after the toolbox was delivered to him?


Two guns and DM returned his dirty girl back to the Big Isho and delivered MS's dirty girl to MS...not back to Big Isho. Could that be a probable?
Speaking of which, it struck me a while ago that Dellen Millard actually told somebody he intended to murder somebody. Kind of makes telling people you were going to steal a truck pale in comparison. Something so wrong with that boy.

Really?? Gosh, I have never heard about that before. When/where did this happen?

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The Crown never submitted any evidence to support the confinement charge.

Edit to add my own thoughts... I think Tim dying while being confined left options on the table that could lead to a verdict that is less than 1st degree murder. I think the Crown chose to push the premeditation angle.

Agreed because there is lots for evidence that supports 1st degree. I think the judge is keeping it clean and simple.
Did you mean to say He didn't hear the phone but he heard Bosma's voice??

I don't know what was said in response to the jury question, but from the tweets:

Wayne could hear voices approaching down the driveway at the #Bosma house. Sees two men walking. One man just ending a phone call. Feb 01, 2016
At same time, Tim comes out of house, also ending a phone call. Tim greets the two men. #Bosma Feb 01, 2016
- SC

Wayne was the man having a cigarette in the garage with Sharlene when Tim left with the men in the truck. #Bosma Feb 01, 2016
Sharlene says the guys hadn't come yet (to see truck). Then she heard Tim's phone ring. They could hear Tim's voice on the phone inside. Feb 01, 2016
- MH
If anyone knows can you answer a couple of questions.
Is the jury alone in the jury room?
Is there any recording done of what is said?
Are the votes by way of secret ballot?

Sorry if this has been answered already.

Yes, the jury is alone in the jury room, and there is no recording of any kind in the jury room. Sorry, but I am not sure about the secret balloting.

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I'm with DMs Uncle on his statement about DM being a sick prick - and find it quite odd that just him saying so on the stand could cause a mistrial.


This uncle allowed DM to stay in his home? Or was it another one?
If anyone knows can you answer a couple of questions.
Is the jury alone in the jury room?
Is there any recording done of what is said?
Are the votes by way of secret ballot?

I understand a foreperson is voted in. I don't believe any official record is made. Jurors can make their own notes. (from info I've gathered along the way) I don't know anything much else.
I can imagine it would be extremely frustrating for him as it is for us that what we all feel information that should be heard by the jury reflecting DM's persona goes unheard while his entire life is exposed.

MS's entire life hasn't been fully exposed at all. I have a feeling that there is just as much about MS's life that has been argued out. Remember, we are only hearing a tiny portion of the legal arguments today as most will be under publication ban until the LB trial is over.

LH said in her interview on the news how many things such as texts, rap lyrics, and other things I can't remember, were argued out and will be under publication ban until LB's trial.

IMO, MS isn't nearly as squeaky clean as he wants us to think.
Why would DM buy a gun off of Isho when it seems that he was going to return it to him later, either clean or dirty?
Why would DM buy a gun off of Isho when it seems that he was going to return it to him later, either clean or dirty?

Maybe Isho was known to make dirty guns "clean" again so he was a good person to buy from.
Thats funny. I wonder if they wish they could have a button wired to an ejection seat for some of these "hostile witnesses".

That is funny!! Just before I read your post, my hubby had suggested a lever be pulled for a panel on the floor to open up and disappear them [emoji6]

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Maybe Isho was known to make dirty guns "clean" again so he was a good person to buy from.

Yes but I think Isho was saying that the gun was coming back to him and he hoped it would be clean. JMO

"BTW, is it clean or dirty?" Jackson responded, "clean," and then "bring her back safe plz."

Millard then wrote, "By the time I let her go, she'll be a dirty girl." Jackson responded, "[that's] fine lol. I can change her print."
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