Verdict watch! ** GUILTY **

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When we start hearing about the jury asking questions then I will think they are close to a decision.
I'm not really surprised that the jury could take some time coming to any decision.

This must be horrible for them to have to go thru
Even throughout the trial the 'mental diagnoses' have been confusing & very debatable for many of us who have followed this case.
Getting a 'unanimous' verdict for all the charges based on just what they have heard/seen will no doubt be a difficult decision.

The jurors heard some 66 witnesses over 40 days the trial sat.

They will have to consider hundreds of pages of medical files, expert reports and the physical evidence gathered in Montreal as well as Europe.

You never know. Look at the OJ Simpson trial, over a years worth of testimony and the jury decided that in mere hours. Some jury's will get right to the point and vote. If unanimous, they're done. Others prefer to run through all the facts and discuss it before putting it to a vote. I think that team Magnotta has to be pleased that no verdict was reached on the first day. The longer it goes, the better their chances.

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I can't believe there's even one who didn't go in there and say "pfft seriously?" I'm actually nervous that there might even be a lengthy discussion about this. I hope they just enjoyed their hotel accommodations and want another night there. :giggle:

Let's hope they spent the day throwing out all the "evidence" that was self reported and will be starting fresh in the morning with all the evidence that was actual evidence. Maybe they'll have a verdict by noon? Or maybe they just spent the day reading Dr Watts report out loud and looking incredulous at each other that he came to the conclusion he did after he wrote it?


The problem here is that the jury isn't deciding if he is a murderer, they are deciding if he's mentally I'll. This gets tricky because every doctor that testified felt that he had some sort of mental illness, they just disagreed about which ones. Sure the defenses witnesses were hired guns, but so were the prosecution's.

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The problem here is that the jury isn't deciding if he is a murderer, they are deciding if he's mentally I'll. This gets tricky because every doctor that testified felt that he had some sort of mental illness, they just disagreed about which ones. Sure the defenses witnesses were hired guns, but so were the prosecution's.

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I am confident that each member of the jury are at least of average intelligence. It is apparent that Magnotta suffers from mental illness, but it is clear that his condition(s) are not connected to that act at that time. Evidence has been presented that this crime was planned thoroughly despite crucial information that was not presented to the jury.

My main concern which I had from the beginning of the trial is that the mindset of a 'sound minded' person could find it hard to believe that anybody who could commit such an horrifying act could possibly be no other than insane. Having said that, times have changed since the Brady, Sutcliffe days when it was much easier to wing being NCR (Brady himself said he did this with ease).

I guess by the end of this week/Monday at a shove, we will have a satisfactory verdict.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 6m 6 minutes ago
Lunch break over. Jury resumes

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 4m 4 minutes ago
Father of #JunLin has been here since this morning. He is awaiting the verdict along with everyone else. #Magnotta

This just breaks my heart. This poor man must be mentally exhausted. If the verdict is positive, the family's nightmare still continues for a lifetime. I hope once the trial is over, that support is available long-term.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 39m 39 minutes ago
#Magnotta-Day Two of deliberations begins now. #CJAD

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 19m 19 minutes ago
Father of #JunLin has arrived. #Magnotta
Some interesting tidbits in this article.

The father speaks neither French nor English, so the firm has paid for professional translators to help him understand the proceedings — and found volunteers to fill in the gaps. BLG has also had a lawyer — once a week it was Mr. Urbas himself — with Mr. Lin and the translator every day of the trial.

They often stayed in a small room adjacent to the courtroom, so the father could be spared the sight of graphic exhibits. But they were always there.

The father has been living in a flat, arranged by the firm, and to break up his lonely time in a strange country, the lawyer on duty took him to lunch every day in nearby Chinatown, and the firm even took up a collection and treated him to a Habs’ game one night.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a better demonstration of pro bono publico, Latin meaning “for the public good,” than that.
This just breaks my heart. This poor man must be mentally exhausted. If the verdict is positive, the family's nightmare still continues for a lifetime. I hope once the trial is over, that support is available long-term.

And I certainly hope that Jun Lin's father is given the verdict. FIRST. I also hope he's given enough time to inform his wife/family back home in China before we, the public, learn the verdict.

This is horrible.............
Not sure why they don't put him up in a hotel nearby and give advance notice when a decision is reached. Kind of cruel that this poor man is standing around the courthouse for days on end.
And I certainly hope that Jun Lin's father is given the verdict. FIRST. I also hope he's given enough time to inform his wife/family back home in China before we, the public, learn the verdict.

This is horrible.............

I do not believe that anyone is given the verdict "first". Well other than the judge when he reads the verdict for the first time in the courtroom before instructing the foreman to render the verdict. Everyone else gets the verdict at the same time.


Interesting comments about the jury as well...

These jurors asked, by my count, in excess of 25 questions.

They asked about their work hours, repeatedly (told by Judge Cournoyer they wouldn’t sit most Fridays but would be on standby, they wanted to know if they had to report to their regular jobs and when the judge said no, several asked for letters to their employers). They asked for the judge’s opening instructions in French and English, though they were specifically chosen because they were fully bilingual (Judge Cournoyer refused). They asked that the lawyers wait longer, until they’d been handed their copies of the exhibits, before asking a question. Towards the end, they even wanted to ask a witness questions (with the lawyers’ consent, the judge did it for them).

And, when one juror had a birthday, they asked for a longer-than-usual lunch break (the usual was 90 minutes) to celebrate it — and then returned late, apparently because the service had been slow.

Then came a second birthday and a second extra-long lunch (Judge Cournoyer warned them not to go back to the slow joint) and, by the end of the case, it was a given that once a week, birthday or no, the jurors would have one good leisurely lunch.

Not sure why they don't put him up in a hotel nearby and give advance notice when a decision is reached. Kind of cruel that this poor man is standing around the courthouse for days on end.

He supposedly has a "flat" nearby. I'm sure he wants to stand around the courthouse all day. It's his "routine" now. He sees his "friends" there and goes to lunch (lawyers and translators) and what else would have be doing in a hotel room by himself?

I hope, however, those days will be over very soon for him and he can return home with a satisfactory verdict to try to pick up the pieces of his life.


Now I'm nervous about the jurists bilingual abilities. It is their right to receive instructions in both languages in my opinion. If they mess this up because of language issues then I will flip. JMO
Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 53m 53 minutes ago
Jury taking its morning break. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 20m 20 minutes ago
Break over. Jury should be back at it. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 3m 3 minutes ago
#Magnotta lawyer Luc Leclair has arrived.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 3m 3 minutes ago
#Magnotta in the prisoner's box. Head down.

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 1m 1 minute ago
Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier has arrived. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 3m 3 minutes ago
Justice Guy Cournoyer has arrived. #Magnotta

Judge reads question. Refers to if #Magnotta more likely or not suffering from mental illness.

Is personality disorder a disease of the mind as a matter of law? #Magnotta

Judge wants to know what lawyers think. #Magnotta

Crown says he thinks he mentioned that last week. #Magnotta

I know, that's why you smiled, judge replies. #Magnotta

Crown has nothing to say for now. Defence says he believes answer is yes. #Magnotta

Defence reading from legal aid memo from Ontario on mental disorder. #Magnotta

Judge says reluctant to put that there at the time: consequences of reaching that conclusion. #Magnotta

Judge says if yes, that'd answer 2nd question. #Magnotta

Judge says no indication to establish personality disorder, to bring positive answer to 2nd question. #Magnotta

So answer is yes? Personality disorder is disease of mind, judge asks? #Magnotta

Crown can't say for now. Judge says they will have to re-read jurisprudence. #Magnotta
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