VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 40

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I have not watched the whole video but I got chills at 29 minutes in because he talked about a camera he just bought at Best Buy the day before. We all know the camera he is talking about!

I don't think I can watch that video just yet but I wanted to say thanks very much for mentioning about the camera purchase, as far as I know we've never been sure of the date of purchase and now we have it right from Travis. Thanks again. :)
Wait. A few days ago #1 was reported to be ex-Air Force etc.and a candidate for foreperson. Which rumor is true or does anyone really know?

She could be both an Air Force person and have a degree in psychology. Both Jen and now Monica have said she has the degree in psychology. Gotta be something there.
I think a young jury is a good thing in this case. I know many of us here are Baby Boomers and would vote for DP, no problem. But we are also trial watchers/sleuthers, so we have a certain propensity that many others our age do not share.

I don't think any of the younger jurors are going to be bothered by the flirty texts, talking to more than one girl, sexting, phone sex, etc. It will be a big yawn, imo.

I think they are too bright and quick to believe that BS about the pedo accusations or the inconsistent DV incidents. I think it will anger them, imo.

I'm of a certain age, and none of the sexy talk bothered me whatsoever. I can only imagine a jury made up of younger people laughing at Nurmi's feigned effrontery about that stuff.
No way. That is why JSS asked her half a dozen ways if she was sure SHE wanted to pass.

Plus JSS covered her butt by asking JA if she was on drugs and she said no. Therefore, JA was 'clearheaded' (from drugs) when she made her decision not to allocute. Did I spell that right?
Her lack of control over her emotions has nothing to do with the murder. Many people have BPD but never kill. It is said they are more a danger to themselves than others. There is a high suicide rate among borderlines. But her flying into angry rages does not have anything to do with her methodical planning of a murder. There's a lot more going on with Jodi than BPD.

My original post was in no way an explanation of the murder or any of her actions but of how she was able to contain the intense emotions she must have been feeling during the trial.

BBM totally agree. I keep thinking if she didn't test as a narcissist, then she must have just missed meeting the criteria of whatever "scale" is used in these tests.

She seems to fit narcissist to a T IMO, and I've seen more than a few psychs on the various shows who insist she fits the profile. Either she's a total narcissist, or she's completely delusional, you know like her "fans."
Color me jaded but i believe JA not allocuting was purposeful on her part-----this gives her an appealable issue with respect to her lawyers---that is to say
She will allege she was advised by her attorneys not to do so- -she will say she really wanted to allocute, but her attorneys advised her against it,
she then has realized how this hurt her case

I'll bet that's why JSS had a conversation with her directly, though, which seemed a little unusual. JA very clearly took a position which no lawyer would have taken, as I understand, namely "allocution is not testimony and therefore was not covered in the COA decision, therefore I can allocute in private". And there were a gazillion witnesses in the courtroom about Jodi's demeanor, her assertiveness, her wording, all of it! I wonder if JSS did that on purpose, too: no secrecy there! It was clear this was JA's position and she wasn't on tranquilizers or anything that would cloud her mind. Plus, in the unsealed chamber meeting on October 30, it was clear that her attorneys' position and hers on the matter of "private" testimony were not at all the same thing. JSS would have had other statements on the record that JA was self-directed.
For your enjoyment ~ you're welcome :smile:

Right after establishing that she lies constantly, and that the majority of people don't believe a word she says, she insists that it's out of character for her to lie.

The interviewer then points out that it's conceivable she'll be released some time in the future, and asks a couple of questions about that.

Ryan Owens: So you think people should feel safe if Jodi Arias is out of these four walls at some point?

Jodi Arias: I think so... yes, if you're not abusing me and attacking me and threatening to kill my life there's no reason to fear.

Ryan Owens [incredulously]: You really are still sticking with that story?

Jodi Arias: It's not a story. It's the reality. And, it's unfortunate, but it is the reality.

Ryan Owens [looking down, stifling a laugh]: Okay.

Jodi Arias: I didn't know that you were a hater when you came to interview me.

It's always everyone else who's at fault, isn't it?

If you don't swallow her every lie, or dare to challenger her on anything, you're the hater.

BPD... what about NPD?
wouldn't that be awesome if they came in tomorrow (the jury) all dressed up in black? hmmm...

i want a report on their attire, i hope there are some stalkers out in AZ who can tweet their clothing, facial expressions and any solidarity or loner type people going for smokes on their own.
I believe she also stole money from Travis, if not during their relationship, certainly after she killed him. In the first trial, Juan tried to get in some financial stuff, but was prevented from doing so.

Jodi had no money and had maxed out her credit cards. She left Yreka with a few hundred $$ here and a few hundred $$ there, deposited in her accounts. She borrowed money from the guy at the bar. Yet, she was able to pay him back and STILL have enough money to BUY a gun.

I think she likely stole cash from Travis that he had taken out for his Cancun trip.

Without a doubt she stole from him. She also rented another car besides buying the 9mm gun. Who knows what else she spent the money on. Her parents had to know she stole the money. I have no respect for them at all.
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MARCH 2015










New responses that I didn't get around to putting in the calendars

date submittedVERDICTname
2/23/2015 15:34:402/27/2015Dr. Know?
2/23/2015 15:36:592/26/2015
2/23/2015 15:39:443/4/2015Alisha8191
2/23/2015 15:41:113/6/2015Sweet Fox
2/23/2015 15:57:423/2/2015mesnowmom123
2/23/2015 16:07:373/3/2015TexMex
2/23/2015 16:13:312/26/2015gerryl42
2/23/2015 16:42:102/26/2015TupeloMz
2/23/2015 17:37:473/4/2015ICit
2/23/2015 19:23:592/26/2015Jinkasaurus
2/23/2015 19:32:593/2/2015Coltsfan
2/24/2015 1:46:022/27/2015lisalei321
2/24/2015 6:27:313/1/2015LaLaw2000
2/24/2015 7:52:413/13/2015sharpar
2/24/2015 15:07:363/10/2015Buttercup117

Hey! Where did I go? I picked the 5th of March and checked to make sure my name showed up. Now I am gone. :(
That very last attempt by JA to try to allocute in secret had the markings of coming from JA personally. People have been saying all along that JA was driving a lot of the defense actions and I have to say I agree with them for at least some of the DT actions.

That very last request by JA and when she was sparring with JSS seemed to be hallmark JA.

It now makes me wonder how much influence she had throughout a lot of the other crazy DT shenanigans. Like accusing Juan of misconduct and other things like that.

I have a hard time believing that Nurmi and Wilmcott would just let her tell them what to do but now I am wondering to what extent was JA driving her own show throughout this whole phase.

Oh I'm quite sure the Prosecutorial Misconduct motion about Juan wanting to look at nude pictures of Jodi came from Jodi herself. She thinks she's a goddess that no man can resist.
Without a doubt she stole from him. She also rented another car besides buying the 9mm gun. Who knows what else she spent the money on. Her parents had to know she stole the money. I have no respect for them at all.

My money is on someone else renting the car. In her credit history she had a house that went back to the lender and a car that did the same. She told or wrote that her credit cards were maxed out and that she was going to have to file bankruptcy. All that would have been on her credit report. No room left to charge it on her cards. Someone else rented it for her. Perhaps Mommie Dearest!
And if she gets the DP and all her appeals fail, JA will be convinced to her dying day that she could have made the jury do her bidding if JSS had just conceded she was wrong on the law and allowed JA her time behind closed court doors.

Why was is SO important to her that she speak behind closed court doors?
Nurmi was setting her up. The good morning thing was an issue with ALV, IIRC. She was aggressively irritated when Juan didn't say good morning to her and got right to the questions. So, ALV had put it as an issue on the table. I'm sure Demarte knew this because she watched the trial videos.

Demarte was not obliged to answer Nurmi. "Good morning" is not a sign of quality in an expert witness: it is irrelevant. Plus, not everyone answers to "Good morning." Sometimes the reciprocal is understood, sometimes saying it is just like saying, "Let us begin", and that's not something you answer.

On Juan's side, there are no "good morning", just business.
Bingo! That was just petty.
That's baloney. Real reason is what I'm trying to figure out.

No that IS the real reason. The state Is threatening to kill her lol

ETA. The irony is not lost that she fears for her safety.. She should. Its like here In Oklahoma a year ago the "botched execution" I'm like what?? They killed him that's not botched that's mission accomplished!
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