VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 41

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Dec 19, 2008
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REMINDER: Please do not get into a discussion regarding problems over the Beth Kara's site. If you are still having problems address it directly to them. As far as the Chris and Skye Hughes, you may discuss them in terms of the trial but lets not bash them regarding a statement made that may, or may not be true. Let's wait for them to make a personal statement themselves.

If you have any questions you can always ask a MOD.

Thanks, Lambchop
Upon further reflection. I have come to the conclusion that the DT hooked their hat on the entire strategy of the "razzle dazzle" defense. For us listening it seemed flat out bizarre and frankly i think that's what they intended. From the opening gate after the family gave their heart wrenching VIS they threw the BIGGEST hail Mary they could in demanding ( and receiving the secret tesiphony) the DT knew that to try the case on the facts would result in a death penalty. So they threw out the most mundane to morally repugnant testimony,and completely unrelated eg *advertiser censored* repetitive information as much and for as long as possible to deflect from what the facts are. They had no mitigation in fact Jodi told us herself that her attorneys advised her of that. They also presented their testimony in a confusing and fragmented manner on purpose again "look here not there!" was it successful? trying her case like this was a desperate hail Mary attempt and we will know sooner rather than later if it was effective or if they stuck the needle in their clients arm themselves.

ETA; azl if your here this morning. Is it true that the alexanders have had to wait until the sentencing is complete to seek reimbursement from the crime victims fund? Not sure what its called there but the fund the families of murder victims can get reimbursement for things such as funeral expenses ect? i sincerely hope another family will never have to endure what the alexanders have. Our justice system is supposed to provide justice not extend and magnify a families grief and trauma. I doubt I'll ever forget and i hope the voters of maricopa county do not soon forget either
REMINDER: Please do not get into a discussion regarding problems over the Beth Kara's site. If you are still having problems address it directly to them. As far as the Chris and Skye Hughes, you may discuss them in terms of the trial but lets not bash them regarding a statement made that may, or may not be true. Let's wait for them to make a personal statement themselves.

If you have any questions you can always ask a MOD.

Thanks, Lambchop

Right?! I haven't made any opinion in that kerfunkle but it dawned on me reading OP about awaiting their statement ..For as vocal as The hughes are Id think if they didn't say, then that theyd had been on *insert whatever talk show they have on speed dial* to clarify that statement. The mere fact they've chosen now to be "private" to me personally speaks volumes.
I think we'll get a verdict on Monday.
This jury had to sit through way more testimony than they ever expected to hear and spent many idle days wondering why there were so many blank days. I understand why they decided to only deliberate four days a week. Since October, they have organized their lives around this trial.

From what we learned of the closings through tweets, both sides asked them to examine the evidence. They had much less exposure and different exposure to the evidence than the original jury. In order to determine mitigators, they need to decide who was telling the truth. They need to decide if Jodi did indeed fabricate all the e-mails from Travis. They have to examine all the evidence available to them, not to decide guilt, but to decide if she lives or dies.

I'm willing to wait as long as it takes this jury to come to understand what is truth and what are lies. While waiting may not be fun for us, it will be agony for Jodi. That's okay with me.
I think today is that day. I think that they will work it out today and may already know.

I think we'll get a verdict on Monday.
I feel a little better after sleeping, all I could think of was this is almost over.
Of course I have errands to run this morning so I'm going out into the freezing air in a few minutes. With the time difference I hope to be back here in time for the verdict, which I feel in my heart will come today.

Thank you all for being here, although I lurked more than posted, you all kept me sane throughout this madness.

Off to get stuff done, just saw on the news that there is a large fire burning in a strip mall in my hometown, just where I have to go today. Thank God nobody was hurt but I feel for all those people who woke up to find themselves unemployed, that happened to me a few years ago and I still haven't found a job. Also thank God we didn't drop our dogs off last night for their early morning appointment today to get groomed, the place is now gone, burned to the ground.

Oh, and once again, lets keep those candles going until the verdict comes back, so happy to see it's over 1000 :loveyou:

:giggle: How long did it take the first jury to reach a guilty verdict and then to hang? Anyone know?
I cannot get over the defense teams closing. IMO their closing would seal the deal with me as a juror to be able to give her the DP. To me the biggest mitigater would be the effect on the family that had nothing to do with committing the crime. I would think it would have a huge effect on the jury to wheel in grandma again, mention how ill dad is. Show the effects it has on the siblings and parents. Instead the family was thrown under the bus, with unbelievable abuse stories. As a juror I would not have a guilty thought of what effect it would have on Jodi's family because the defense has made it seam like they could careless if she lives or dies. Then to contrast that with the Alexander family and the effect Jodi liing has on them. I would of seen through VIS and l would know that to go through this second trial they have got to want to have the DP charge.
I am all for the death penalty, but I do think it would be real hard for me sign that vote if I thought putting my signature to a DP vote would have a serious impact on family members that had nothing to do with the crime. It's just not the case here IMO. I would not feel any guilt in signing the DP form because I feel her family does not care one way or the other.
I am not sure but I think it was 2 days? Maybe 3? Dunno, but you can never tell with any jury it is useless (but fun) to guess. Look at the Chris Kyle Case Jury. Who knows.

:giggle: How long did it take the first jury to reach a guilty verdict and then to hang? Anyone know?
What a day yesterday was! And what a laughable defense. Half of me hopes for a verdict today, but the other half hopes they will take all the time they need to go over every single detail of both trials. I'm optimistic about the verdict.

I wish I could stay here all day but I have to work--someone has to pay the bills. "It's not fair!"
There was some exceptionally high quality info on BPD right at the end of the last thread, so I thought I'd bring it over.....

Blefuscu, Post #1:

I'm medicated too. I still go through periods of cycling. Especially when I'm in a very stressful situation. I'm on diazepam at the moment as I am dealing with some stuff, and I'd be literally asleep if I had to sit in a court for hours at a time trying to concentrate on testimonies. Many BPD sufferers also self harm. It's a major factor in BPD. People with BPD also have low self worth. They tend to think that the are ugly, useless, unattractive. CMJA certainly doesn't think that! She is flirty, her photos from before prison show she's confident in her body image, she's narcissistic. It peed me off to hear her, frankly pathetic, faux suicide attempt. EVERY person I know with BPD has cut themselves at some point in their life. I'm rather ashamed to admit, but up until 10 years ago I had a big problem with self harming. But CMJA managed one small nick to her arm and then stopped because it stung? I'm calling BS! She has SOME symptoms of BPD, but they could also be attributed to other personality disorders.

I'm also amazed how for someone with supposed PTSD she hasn't had ANY typical PTSD reaction during the trial. She has listened to autopsy reports, seen photos, been around people with guns, heard others talk about the supposed domestic violence she endured, she herself talked about it, and no PTSD reactions. No freaking out, no dissociation, no panic attacks, no flashbacks, nothing. The whole premise of PTSD is that the trauma has mentally scarred you. My PTSD has me freaking out if I hear a certain song never mind talk about the trauma.

It angers me that conditions that I live with, BPD, severe depression, PTSD, Battered Women's Syndrome are all being used by CMJA and yet we see no evidence of her suffering from any side effects of those conditions. I'm not an expert, I put my faith entirely in Janeen DeMarte, but I can spot someone with BPD and PTSD a mile off, and I've sat and watched CMJA specifically trying to see BPD and PTSD ever since they were mentioned. I've gone over tapes and court testimony that she's done. I'm just not feeling it with her.


Blefuscu, Post #2:

Thank you for your lovely post. And I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is harming. It's an awful situation. I wish her all the best. She's got a good mam beside her.

I also have tattoos to cover my scars. They help me to cope with what I was left with.

I watched both the Troy Hayden and (OMG I can't remember the other guy's name~the one she called a hater). Her manipulation is, to me, much different from a BPD's manipulation. When you hear manipulation you automatically assume it's a deliberate, negative action. I think that a true BPD doesn't mean that. It's not always a wilfully negative thing. BPD's are terrified of abandonment. They are terrified of being judged. They are terrified of being alone. CMJA's manipulation appears much more sinister. She downright lies! Even after the guilty verdict she tries to flirt her way out of the situation with the two male interviewers.

I have problems with empathy. It's extremely hard for me to empathise. HOWEVER in situations I can do it. I feel enormously for Travis' family. I feel grief stricken at times for their loss. I have emotional instability not no emotions at all. It's been described to me by a health care provider by saying "imagine you have no skin above your nerve endings. Imagine how much more pain you would feel because those nerve endings are being triggered all the time. With BPD your emotional "nerve endings" are being constantly triggered, and so you feel emotions much more severely than others, you don't have the coping tools to deal with feelings like a "normal" adult would, your emotional growth stopped for you when you were a young teenager and so you cope with and react to emotions much like a hormonal teenager would."

CMJA displays far too much composure for me. Far too much. BPD's are often intelligent. I've got an IQ of 152, but my coping skills are at an average 13-14 year old teenager level. When Troy Hayden interviewed CMJA 20 minutes after the guilty verdict came out I expected her to be in a total emotional mess. But she was calm, she was composed, she could verbalise exactly what she thought about the verdict. It doesn't make sense from a BPD point of view.

She relished in talking about how nasty Travis was. How badly he treated her. How awful it all was. That's just not how PTSD works. She should have been near breakdown point. She should have noticeable physical reactions to traumatic stimuli. She should have heightened reflexes to things like unexpected noise (doors banging etc) but she doesn't have that.

As a mitigating factor BPD cannot be used. Not by itself. I get psychotic sometimes, because of the severe depression that co-exists with the other mental health issues I have. If I was having a psychotic episode then that could be a mitigating factor if I ever committed a crime. But my psychosis doesn't just last hours like my mood can. The last psychotic episode I had lasted nearly a month until the got the anti-psychotic meds at the right combination and level and I was in hospital.

I hope the jury don't put too much weight on the BPD as a mitigator. I feel that would be an injustice to the people who live with BPD and never hurt anyone. As someone said a BPD is much more likely to hurt themselves than another person and suicidal behaviour with BPDs has been reported to affect as many as 80% of sufferers. I have had to work damn hard to live with my mental health problems. I don't make excuses for my behaviour because of them. I don't feel sorry for myself. I want to show the world that experiencing significant trauma throughout life, and surviving domestic violence can be done.
"In July and August it's going to be very hot. They don't have air conditioning, they do have swamp coolers, but in Arizona we know that doesn’t do much,” said Marson.

On death row, Arias will be allowed outside for one hour, six days a week and it will be spent alone, the other inmates get cleared out of the exercise area.

Most of Arias' life will be spent alone, even eating, in her cell. To pass the other 23 hours a day in her concrete box, she can read and will eventually be allowed to buy a small TV with basic cable channels if her family puts money into a spending account.

Computer time will not exist for Arias, no more Twitter. Her contact with the outside world will be cut off.

"She'll have almost no contact with anyone, other than you can talk between the cells through the vents," said Marson.

If she gets a life sentence, then after about two years she can earn more privileges with good behavior which includes more time outside when other inmates are out as well and longer visitation times.

Eventually she could even be transferred to a medium security prison which is more like a dorm setting with shared bunks and more space to roam.
There was some exceptionally high quality info on BPD right at the end of the last thread, so I thought I'd bring it over.....

Blefuscu, Post #1:

I'm medicated too. I still go through periods of cycling. Especially when I'm in a very stressful situation. I'm on diazepam at the moment as I am dealing with some stuff, and I'd be literally asleep if I had to sit in a court for hours at a time trying to concentrate on testimonies. Many BPD sufferers also self harm. It's a major factor in BPD. People with BPD also have low self worth. They tend to think that the are ugly, useless, unattractive. CMJA certainly doesn't think that! She is flirty, her photos from before prison show she's confident in her body image, she's narcissistic. It peed me off to hear her, frankly pathetic, faux suicide attempt. EVERY person I know with BPD has cut themselves at some point in their life. I'm rather ashamed to admit, but up until 10 years ago I had a big problem with self harming. But CMJA managed one small nick to her arm and then stopped because it stung? I'm calling BS! She has SOME symptoms of BPD, but they could also be attributed to other personality disorders.

I'm also amazed how for someone with supposed PTSD she hasn't had ANY typical PTSD reaction during the trial. She has listened to autopsy reports, seen photos, been around people with guns, heard others talk about the supposed domestic violence she endured, she herself talked about it, and no PTSD reactions. No freaking out, no dissociation, no panic attacks, no flashbacks, nothing. The whole premise of PTSD is that the trauma has mentally scarred you. My PTSD has me freaking out if I hear a certain song never mind talk about the trauma.

It angers me that conditions that I live with, BPD, severe depression, PTSD, Battered Women's Syndrome are all being used by CMJA and yet we see no evidence of her suffering from any side effects of those conditions. I'm not an expert, I put my faith entirely in Janeen DeMarte, but I can spot someone with BPD and PTSD a mile off, and I've sat and watched CMJA specifically trying to see BPD and PTSD ever since they were mentioned. I've gone over tapes and court testimony that she's done. I'm just not feeling it with her.


Blefuscu, Post #2:

Thank you for your lovely post. And I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is harming. It's an awful situation. I wish her all the best. She's got a good mam beside her.

I also have tattoos to cover my scars. They help me to cope with what I was left with.

I watched both the Troy Hayden and (OMG I can't remember the other guy's name~the one she called a hater). Her manipulation is, to me, much different from a BPD's manipulation. When you hear manipulation you automatically assume it's a deliberate, negative action. I think that a true BPD doesn't mean that. It's not always a wilfully negative thing. BPD's are terrified of abandonment. They are terrified of being judged. They are terrified of being alone. CMJA's manipulation appears much more sinister. She downright lies! Even after the guilty verdict she tries to flirt her way out of the situation with the two male interviewers.

I have problems with empathy. It's extremely hard for me to empathise. HOWEVER in situations I can do it. I feel enormously for Travis' family. I feel grief stricken at times for their loss. I have emotional instability not no emotions at all. It's been described to me by a health care provider by saying "imagine you have no skin above your nerve endings. Imagine how much more pain you would feel because those nerve endings are being triggered all the time. With BPD your emotional "nerve endings" are being constantly triggered, and so you feel emotions much more severely than others, you don't have the coping tools to deal with feelings like a "normal" adult would, your emotional growth stopped for you when you were a young teenager and so you cope with and react to emotions much like a hormonal teenager would."

CMJA displays far too much composure for me. Far too much. BPD's are often intelligent. I've got an IQ of 152, but my coping skills are at an average 13-14 year old teenager level. When Troy Hayden interviewed CMJA 20 minutes after the guilty verdict came out I expected her to be in a total emotional mess. But she was calm, she was composed, she could verbalise exactly what she thought about the verdict. It doesn't make sense from a BPD point of view.

She relished in talking about how nasty Travis was. How badly he treated her. How awful it all was. That's just not how PTSD works. She should have been near breakdown point. She should have noticeable physical reactions to traumatic stimuli. She should have heightened reflexes to things like unexpected noise (doors banging etc) but she doesn't have that.

As a mitigating factor BPD cannot be used. Not by itself. I get psychotic sometimes, because of the severe depression that co-exists with the other mental health issues I have. If I was having a psychotic episode then that could be a mitigating factor if I ever committed a crime. But my psychosis doesn't just last hours like my mood can. The last psychotic episode I had lasted nearly a month until the got the anti-psychotic meds at the right combination and level and I was in hospital.

I hope the jury don't put too much weight on the BPD as a mitigator. I feel that would be an injustice to the people who live with BPD and never hurt anyone. As someone said a BPD is much more likely to hurt themselves than another person and suicidal behaviour with BPDs has been reported to affect as many as 80% of sufferers. I have had to work damn hard to live with my mental health problems. I don't make excuses for my behaviour because of them. I don't feel sorry for myself. I want to show the world that experiencing significant trauma throughout life, and surviving domestic violence can be done.

The thing is that BPD did not make her murder anyone. She happens to have BPD but that is not her problem. Her problem is that she is a sociopath, psychopath. She does not have any emotion for anyone but herself. She cares for no one except for her. She is narcissistic and so if she is not getting the attention she wants she will become abusive and aggressive. We have seen that first hand if someone questions her motives or makes her look bad. She killed Travis in a rampage. She planned it, But she came at him like a banshee, slicing and stabbing, and then finishing him off with the cut to his throat and then shooting him.

So don't worry that people think that people will BPD are all evil or criminals. I know I don't. She happens to have that like she has brown eyes but what made her kill was her desire to always come out on top and get what she wanted at any cost.
There was some exceptionally high quality info on BPD right at the end of the last thread, so I thought I'd bring it over.....

Blefuscu, Post #1:

I'm medicated too. I still go through periods of cycling. Especially when I'm in a very stressful situation. I'm on diazepam at the moment as I am dealing with some stuff, and I'd be literally asleep if I had to sit in a court for hours at a time trying to concentrate on testimonies. Many BPD sufferers also self harm. It's a major factor in BPD. People with BPD also have low self worth. They tend to think that the are ugly, useless, unattractive. CMJA certainly doesn't think that! She is flirty, her photos from before prison show she's confident in her body image, she's narcissistic. It peed me off to hear her, frankly pathetic, faux suicide attempt. EVERY person I know with BPD has cut themselves at some point in their life. I'm rather ashamed to admit, but up until 10 years ago I had a big problem with self harming. But CMJA managed one small nick to her arm and then stopped because it stung? I'm calling BS! She has SOME symptoms of BPD, but they could also be attributed to other personality disorders.

I'm also amazed how for someone with supposed PTSD she hasn't had ANY typical PTSD reaction during the trial. She has listened to autopsy reports, seen photos, been around people with guns, heard others talk about the supposed domestic violence she endured, she herself talked about it, and no PTSD reactions. No freaking out, no dissociation, no panic attacks, no flashbacks, nothing. The whole premise of PTSD is that the trauma has mentally scarred you. My PTSD has me freaking out if I hear a certain song never mind talk about the trauma.

It angers me that conditions that I live with, BPD, severe depression, PTSD, Battered Women's Syndrome are all being used by CMJA and yet we see no evidence of her suffering from any side effects of those conditions. I'm not an expert, I put my faith entirely in Janeen DeMarte, but I can spot someone with BPD and PTSD a mile off, and I've sat and watched CMJA specifically trying to see BPD and PTSD ever since they were mentioned. I've gone over tapes and court testimony that she's done. I'm just not feeling it with her.


Blefuscu, Post #2:

Thank you for your lovely post. And I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is harming. It's an awful situation. I wish her all the best. She's got a good mam beside her.

I also have tattoos to cover my scars. They help me to cope with what I was left with.

I watched both the Troy Hayden and (OMG I can't remember the other guy's name~the one she called a hater). Her manipulation is, to me, much different from a BPD's manipulation. When you hear manipulation you automatically assume it's a deliberate, negative action. I think that a true BPD doesn't mean that. It's not always a wilfully negative thing. BPD's are terrified of abandonment. They are terrified of being judged. They are terrified of being alone. CMJA's manipulation appears much more sinister. She downright lies! Even after the guilty verdict she tries to flirt her way out of the situation with the two male interviewers.

I have problems with empathy. It's extremely hard for me to empathise. HOWEVER in situations I can do it. I feel enormously for Travis' family. I feel grief stricken at times for their loss. I have emotional instability not no emotions at all. It's been described to me by a health care provider by saying "imagine you have no skin above your nerve endings. Imagine how much more pain you would feel because those nerve endings are being triggered all the time. With BPD your emotional "nerve endings" are being constantly triggered, and so you feel emotions much more severely than others, you don't have the coping tools to deal with feelings like a "normal" adult would, your emotional growth stopped for you when you were a young teenager and so you cope with and react to emotions much like a hormonal teenager would."

CMJA displays far too much composure for me. Far too much. BPD's are often intelligent. I've got an IQ of 152, but my coping skills are at an average 13-14 year old teenager level. When Troy Hayden interviewed CMJA 20 minutes after the guilty verdict came out I expected her to be in a total emotional mess. But she was calm, she was composed, she could verbalise exactly what she thought about the verdict. It doesn't make sense from a BPD point of view.

She relished in talking about how nasty Travis was. How badly he treated her. How awful it all was. That's just not how PTSD works. She should have been near breakdown point. She should have noticeable physical reactions to traumatic stimuli. She should have heightened reflexes to things like unexpected noise (doors banging etc) but she doesn't have that.

As a mitigating factor BPD cannot be used. Not by itself. I get psychotic sometimes, because of the severe depression that co-exists with the other mental health issues I have. If I was having a psychotic episode then that could be a mitigating factor if I ever committed a crime. But my psychosis doesn't just last hours like my mood can. The last psychotic episode I had lasted nearly a month until the got the anti-psychotic meds at the right combination and level and I was in hospital.

I hope the jury don't put too much weight on the BPD as a mitigator. I feel that would be an injustice to the people who live with BPD and never hurt anyone. As someone said a BPD is much more likely to hurt themselves than another person and suicidal behaviour with BPDs has been reported to affect as many as 80% of sufferers. I have had to work damn hard to live with my mental health problems. I don't make excuses for my behaviour because of them. I don't feel sorry for myself. I want to show the world that experiencing significant trauma throughout life, and surviving domestic violence can be done.

Thank you for copying and pasting it over here. I missed these. Thanks Blefuscu for sharing.
I'm wondering now if all of this was presented to the jury.


World Championship BBQ Cookoff
I imagine we all have things we wish JM had done but didn't, even in the first trial. I wish he'd used a lot more visuals, especially a map showing JA's murder-trip from Yreka down to Redding to rent the car ... then a big arrow showing Salt Lake City was straight east iirc but she went all the way down the CA coast to Monterrey to get gas cans, then down to Pasadena for no believable reason at all, ... except that Mesa is straight east.

Things I see stick much longer than things I only hear. I wish the jurors had many more visuals to refer to than they do. For instance, I bet TA's phone records from Jan-June 2008, if highlighted to show incoming calls from JA, would clearly prove she was the pursuer. I'd love to see JA's bank statements from her time in Mesa too, or even her job and housing history there, but iirc none were allowed in.
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