VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 43, Part 2

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Could someone speculate/opine (who is far more intelligent than I), how in the world the jury appears to be questioning these two supposed BS mitigators?
I just cannot understand?

It is juror questions #5 and #6, not questions about mitigating factors #5 and #6.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
#jodiarias family is now sitting where the Alexander's do when jurors leave courtroom for the day #3tvarias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 2m2 minutes ago
It could be that the Alexanders came upstairs to do the normal sit down waiting for the jury & the Arias family took their spot

BBM- See, copies the Alexander's & dirty tricks right to the end! Sickening.
Yes, I always thought it was so ironic, why murderers fight so hard to avoid death penalty. Others life means nothing to them, how do they value their own?

*advertiser censored* sapiens is a strange creature....
I could never be death qualified for a jury because I struggle with the death penalty overall. I understand Travis' family wanting it in this case. He was brutally murdered seven years ago and his character has been attacked again and again during the trials. My heart goes out to them and I hope that somehow, somewhere they are given the tools to heal and comfort one another until they see Travis again. They have been nothing but dedicated siblings standing up repeatedly for justice for their beloved brother. Their love and their strength of character has been evident all along the way and I wish them any measure of peace possible.

I wish that there was a true life sentence where the murderers lived their days in the same cell, hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade with no interaction with the outside or anyone other than a guard. The only end to this life sentence would be their natural death. That to me would be the ultimate punishment.

I truly understand your viewpoint and respect your stance. IF you were honest, and lived in AZ, I trust that you would have been upfront in the first place for THIS case?
Someone on Twitter just said it's a two month delay for sentencing .. I hope to god they're wrong.

From my understanding JSS has to sentence her within two months so the longest she could take would be two months. And I have a feeling that's what she will do hoping the media etc will die down and go away. I hope she does not choose to sentence her in a closed door hearing. We will have to see. I'm sure that would be her preference if history has taught us anything
This damn trial and sentencing and sentencing has been as slow as molasses running uphill. FGS get it over with.
I respect your opinion. To me I would vote for death. Mainly on driving 1,000 miles etc.
and the conduct since she's been in jail. She sorta did kill two. She killed Travis then she set on another premeditated mission to kill his reputation by the ridiculous abusive pedophile allegations.

Im with you. The amount of things she set up to kill him and try to cover her tracks ( she now knows where she went wrong) The fact that she has yet to tell the truth with all her lies about that night and about him. I do not believe a word she says. No doubt in my mind if she was allowed the chance she would kill again. I do not want any chance of her being able to roam the streets again. Death is a sure cure for that.
This damn trial and sentencing and sentencing has been as slow as molasses running uphill. FGS get it over with.

Imagine how the Alexanders must feel. I hope none of them have a breakdown when this is over.
I compare what Arias did to the Manson murders. She used a knife to carve him up. Arias had a gun and could have shot him while he was sleeping. She had every opportunity. She didn't. She's so evil she wanted that knife used. She wanted him tortured before his actual death. I don't even want to think about what she was saying to him as she was slaughtering him or how he looked at her as he saw her ugly face via the mirror. She deserves nothing but suffering.
I respect your opinion. To me I would vote for death. Mainly on driving 1,000 miles etc.
and the conduct since she's been in jail. She sorta did kill two. She killed Travis then she set on another premeditated mission to kill his reputation by the ridiculous abusive pedophile allegations.

She kinda killed TA's grandma... a broken heart can kill.
I don't believe there is a thing we can do about it. OUR whole system is based on being honest with opinions and having the chance to say so. IF someone lies (to make a point, etc) ... we (society) are stuck with it. Sad. :(

Thank Sherry for her SHAM of a courtroom.

Jodi wasn't on trial since the first verdict. TRAVIS ALEXANDR was....remember him...the V.I.C.T.I.M!!!
Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 27s27 seconds ago
I don't think there's anything going on in the courtroom. #jodiarias
Anyone picking up anything on streaming links? Which ones?
Anyone with crappy time management issues should be forced to sit through this trial and re-trial in it's entirety - including all delays, sidebars, ridiculous time schedule, everything!!! JMVHO
I compare what Arias did to the Manson murders. She used a knife to carve him up. Arias had a gun and could have shot him while he was sleeping. She had every opportunity. She didn't. She's so evil she wanted that knife used. She wanted him tortured before his actual death. I don't even want to think about what she was saying to him as she was slaughtering him or how he looked at her as he saw her ugly face via the mirror. She deserves nothing but suffering.

I always wondered what she was saying.
Cathy ‏@courtchatter 34s34 seconds ago
Likely the Alexanders came upstairs for the end of the day and ran into the Arias group. So had to go in courtroom #jodiarias
Before everyone swears off trials forever...

My first trial was Jeffrey Dahmer in 1992 as I'm a born and bred Brew City girl. Please understand there is nothing normal or standard about this trial. The Casey Anthony trial again was another horrific anomaly as well (and caused even me to take a five month hiatus from all things true crime). Adam Baker was allowed to move back to Australia never having to answer for the murder of the daughter he'd illegally removed from her native country. Injustices do happen but every day, in every city, judges and juries do get it right too. More often than not.

Over here, I've had to come to terms with the UK criminal justice system. I love my adopted country but it will never seem just that some perpetrators are given new identities upon their release, a popular footballer can serve just 2.5 years for rape, sexual offenders cannot be named publicly or that indeterminate life sentences have been ruled as a violation of human rights. Give me actual life without parole, truth in sentencing, family watchdog and public commentary on trials any day.

Just food for thought. I'd hate to lose any posters over this debacle of a sentencing trial. We need your wit, humor, intelligence, compassion, and experience too much on too many other cases. :hug:

Thank you BritsKate, but going through this again would be abuse to me.
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