VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44, Part 2

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I don't want Jodi to be put to death. I want her to have to live in solitary confinement and not have all the privileges that inmates can earn if they are given a life sentence. IMO she has not earned the right to be in the general population. She has never felt one second of remorse. She considers the fact that she butchered him to death to be a great accomplishment. She continues to assassinate his character. She takes great pride in upsetting his siblings. Let her exercise by herself instead of with a dozen or so other female inmates. Let her food be given to her through a slot in the door. She doesn't deserve to eat in the cafeteria. I'm sick of people thinking that she has been abused and is some sweet little innocent "girl." They're doing that because of all of Nurmi's lies and the lies of all of the defense team's so-called experts. Those experts either knew that most of what Jodi said were lies, or they were dumber than dirt. I feel that that are some people who are letting Jodi manipulate them the same way she manipulated many people in her life. What has she shown or said during this or the he last trial that make you believe she deserves a decent life in prison? This has been her life out of prison: reading, tracing pictures, writing in her journals, living off other people's money, looking in the mirror to put on makeup or fix her hair, eating, manipulating people, etc. The only difference prison would will make is that she can't come and go as she pleases. She won't get to see most of those 1,000 places.

I totally agree .. the main reason I want the DP is because she'll be in isolation and will have none of the "benefits" the lifers have.
0720 MT. Jodi is doing her daily affirmations. Almost time to go to court.
Something definitely changed this time around. He was fired up for some reason. JMOO, I believe he truly believes their was *advertiser censored* on the computer and it was erased. Maybe when this is over, he will speak out. I would like for him to tell the whole truth. As far as the *advertiser censored* goes, for me, it didn't matter. Most likely, moo, any *advertiser censored* was probably watched by both JA and TA to incorporate into their sex life. Again JMOO.

Nurmi is having issues this time around with how the public (and his peers) are going to criticize him after this trial is over. There has to be a reason for that. I do not believe that he would be having those issues if he believed in his heart that he was doing what was morally right and best for his client. He has gone so far overboard this time around that one begins to wonder why it is different from the first trial. Not only has he gone after Travis' character more than the first trial, he has gone after Juan professionally. While Juan and Nurmi are on different sides in court, I do not think that Nurmi has a personal axe to grind that would make him seek not only Juan's blood but also his job. This tells me that this time around JA is the one that is driving the ship completely. Who knows what she has threatened him with to make sure that he handles this retrial in the exact way that she wants him to. While I do not like Nurmi (or Willmott) for the things they have said and/or insinuated about Travis, I do understand that they are in a difficult situation because of the client that they have.

Juror from 1st trial. Alternate would have voted for death.

Nurmi is having issues this time around with how the public (and his peers) are going to criticize him after this trial is over. There has to be a reason for that. I do not believe that he would be having those issues if he believed in his heart that he was doing what was morally right and best for his client. He has gone so far overboard this time around that one begins to wonder why it is different from the first trial. Not only has he gone after Travis' character more than the first trial, he has gone after Juan professionally. While Juan and Nurmi are on different sides in court, I do not think that Nurmi has a personal axe to grind that would make him seek not only Juan's blood but also his job. This tells me that this time around JA is the one that is driving the ship completely. Who knows what she has threatened him with to make sure that he handles this retrial in the exact way that she wants him to. While I do not like Nurmi (or Willmott) for the things they have said and/or insinuated about Travis, I do understand that they are in a difficult situation because of the client that they have.


It seems to me'll be a hero to his peers.
1) He avoided the DP for his client, so he won even if the final vote was 11-1 for death.
2) It's a nail in the coffin of the death penalty if DP trials are going to cost the taxpayers $3M in defense charges. And that doesn't even count prosecution, incarceration, or appeals costs.
3) He made himself and some defense experts boatloads of money.
If Ms Arias gets the DP we can all sit and watch her mental illness grow into a monster. if she'd havelet them I think her defense team would have hit the mental illness button hard.

I don't think JA ever wanted to go with the mental illness defense. In her mind, she is normal and everyone else is the problem. She was determined she butchered TA because it was "her or him" = self defense. The "mental illness" stuff only came out after she was sentenced, and that was the angle they used this time.

I don't think JA ever wanted to go with the mental illness defense. In her mind, she is normal and everyone else is the problem. She was determined she butchered TA because it was "her or him" = self defense. The "mental illness" stuff only came out after she was sentenced, and that was the angle they used this time.


I completely agree. She thinks she is smart and brilliant. She thinks that she is a savior and a champion even though she knows she murdered TA in cold blood.
She never ever planned to get caught. She thought she was so smart in how she planned it and worked people after.

I can not imagine what it is like being her lawyers. I know no on really likes them but everyone deserves a defense and these attys had to work like heck not only with what they had but because their client is a menace to everyone including them.
Something definitely changed this time around. He was fired up for some reason. JMOO, I believe he truly believes their was *advertiser censored* on the computer and it was erased. Maybe when this is over, he will speak out. I would like for him to tell the whole truth. As far as the *advertiser censored* goes, for me, it didn't matter. Most likely, moo, any *advertiser censored* was probably watched by both JA and TA to incorporate into their sex life. Again JMOO.

I believe he was fired up for no reason other than that it was simply his job to advocate for the defendant. It's his professional obligation to do so, and malpractice if he doesn't. Like you, I think the *advertiser censored* is unimportant-at least, if I was a juror on this case, I wouldn't even consider it, because there is no way of knowing who was using the computer to access it. It would seem likely that Travis and Jodi both watched it.
That is what concerns me the most about a lot of the gross false accusations that were allowed in this trial by the DT.

The jury holdouts that are against the DP could very well have begun to believe some of those accusations. You are so right that a lot of it was left confusing and an outstanding item for them.

I wish JSS would have made the jury clearly understand that since the DT did not prove there was any prosecurial misconduct that they must strike it from the record and not consider it at all.

These types of things were very serious accusations and I could see where the jurors may be using that right now as a small doubt for JA.

I know Juan did his best to counter the attacks but it all became a confusing mish-mash because of how the DT kept bringing up more and more outlandish accusations.

Most all of it needed clearly stricken from the record. That never happened.
Some of it went like this IMO which is a travesty right now during deliberations.

1-Nurmi is allowed to accuse Juan in front of the jury of outlandish accusations of prosecurial misconduct. As well as other shocking lies to Flores and other State witnesses.

2-Juan objects and sidebar ensues and then I think at least 1 time, the court was adjurned and just the lawyers began hashing it out in secret with the judge.

3-Then when the jury was finally brought back, the DT called another witness entirely and previous issue was never cleared up for jury. Or JSS just made the DT drop it and made them go on to another subject.

The important point is the DT was never admonished in front of the jury and a lot of the lies and outlandish accusations were left in the back of jurors mind to always wonder if there was some bit of truth to it.

I strongly feel that JSS errored in a major way here.

Here is what should have occurred IMO. IMMEDIATELY after the DT would state one of those lies, and Juan rightly objected (which he did every time),
After the sidebar, the judge needed to immediately instruct the jury to disregard what the DT just said because that has not been proven yet.

Then JSS needed to immediately sanction Nurmi OR at a minimum warn him the next time he pulls that he will be reprimanded with contempt.

It was always allowed to fester in the jury minds without any warning to the DT to knock it off. So the DT continued with more and more of those types of outright lies.

Their job of Nurmi was to bring on evidence to prove things. Not just lie to the jury themselves.

The reason I am so upset about this now is I really think the jury holdouts maybe considering that 1 or 2 of those outlandish lies may have had some truth to it.
Because the DT did this type of thing so often. And so often it was left in a mangled mess.

I completely agree with this. This was damaging. Who do the jurors trust, that's important? Juan was not able to defend himself, and JSS let things stand. I just hope they saw through the machinations of the "experts".
That's not all that leads me to believe it wasn't TA, I increased the pixels the other day on a hunch and sure enough, there's dark curlies visible against what I presume is the thigh. :/

EWWW, now that's what I call some super sleuthing. So up close and personal. J/K
I believe he was fired up for no reason other than that it was simply his job to advocate for the defendant. It's his professional obligation to do so, and malpractice if he doesn't. Like you, I think the *advertiser censored* is unimportant-at least, if I was a juror on this case, I wouldn't even consider it, because there is no way of knowing who was using the computer to access it. It would seem likely that Travis and Jodi both watched it.

I think theres a large disparity between joking about and "hating" the DT. I completely agree with you that 100% of us respect that they have The hardest job to do with Jodi as their client. I also think some posters questioned their win at all costs strategy. But i do think there's a great many of us posters that respected that they had a job to do even though Some days it was hard to understand what they are doing. I do think they've had a fair shake on this board
I agree about Casey and family. I remember reading an article a few months back that Casey's life is pretty miserable now. From what I know about Perryvile,it's a horrible place with no AC.

Good. It should be. Oh please let this be true!

I'm so drained with this entire thing, I have lost most hope and faith and just hardly care anymore. She's already been found guilty. With all that being said I can't imagine how the Alexander's are feeling and the pain that continues. :(:tears:

Good. It should be. Oh please let this be true!


Id hope the reoccuring nightmares of killing your own child would make your life difficult free or not. I'm sure one of these days she won't be able to keep it in and will admit it
I think theres a large disparity between joking about and "hating" the DT. I completely agree with you that 100% of us respect that they have The hardest job to do with Jodi as their client. I also think some posters questioned their win at all costs strategy. But i do think there's a great many of us posters that respected that they had a job to do even though Some days it was hard to understand what they are doing. I do think they've had a fair shake on this board

I know it's despicable, but they do have to win at all costs-that is just how the system works. Here, we are all Team Travis, and somehow it's hard to see how it can really be legal for the DT to say without there being any evidence, that Travis was physically and mentally abusive, and that he was a pedophile, who Jodi was trying to help fight his urges
Just noticed that LambChop has a new thread ready to go. :tyou:
She was in fact found to be competent to stand trial, so I don't get why this "mental illness" after the crime was even given any merit, it's not like any of even the DT "experts" ever found her to have been suffering from undetected and therefore untreated schizophrenia, which would have been a viable defense.

I wonder if the Judge emphasized that point to them before deliberations?
Id hope the reoccuring nightmares of killing your own child would make your life difficult free or not. I'm sure one of these days she won't be able to keep it in and will admit it
I worry that there is even a possibility that she could have another child. GRRR...
Steve not at all wrong time and fact it hits exactly what I think to be the eventual outcome here. I feel she will become some sort of DP "icon" and get so much more attention by getting it...I think just a nice run of the mill life sentence without any options for anything would be the for the Alexander family. Her appeals will not be solid but if dp is given somehow she will be given more attention and it is entirely possible it could be taken off the table at some point. I think this may be a case in support of just getting rid of the dp...the expense and time to try these criminals.....the botched injections etc....the stays...the appeals...etc. just make sure she is not ever on the street again and move on.

It's been explained that during the appeal process, JA will not be consulted and catered to like in the first two trials, that the lawyers will do the paperwork without needing to consult her. I think JA thinks that there will be a lot of handholding, and new bestie friends, [a la Maria/Wilmot/shrinks].

Won't she be surprised. More letters to the court, tenacious and freaky.
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