VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44, Part 2

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Well, I didn't sleep well at all last night. I'm sick with a stuffed up nose now. Some Ambien and Sudafed will hopefully do the trick. I'm positive the verdict has to come in today. I hope I don't miss it. :please:
It's 0730 in NY and you are just now taking Ambien?????? LLOL

Well, I didn't sleep well at all last night. I'm sick with a stuffed up nose now. Some Ambien and Sudafed will hopefully do the trick. I'm positive the verdict has to come in today. I hope I don't miss it. :please:
I kind of wonder if someone might say they are in favor of the DP when they are actually ANTI in order to get on a DP case and sabotage the verdict. No one would ever know. Not that that is the case, but I am sure it has happened in the past.

I agree. I know to be on a jury on a death penalty trial you have to be open to give a sentence of life or death but you have to base that choice on the mitigating factors. I just don't see how any of the mitigation the defense offered could be considered enough for a death qualified juror to vote life and believe me I've tried hard. This leads me to believe some jurors simply can't impose the death penalty under any circumstances when push comes to shove.
I looked at a 1980 calendar to see what day of the week Jodi was born. DOB is Wednesday, July 9, 1980.

"Wednesday's child is full of woe".
I agree. I know to be on a jury on a death penalty trial you have to be open to give a sentence of life or death but you have to base that choice on the mitigating factors. I just don't see how any of the mitigation the defense offered could be considered enough for a death qualified juror to vote life and believe me I've tried hard. This leads me to believe some jurors simply can't impose the death penalty under any circumstances when push comes to shove.
You make a good point. I think the defense might have convinced a couple of jurors that she is mentally ill. I don't believe it. I feel a little optomistic,because they didn't give up yesterday so maybe their verdict is more unanimous then when the day before. The main reason I want the DP is because I want her to spent the rest of her life alone in a cell.
Well, I didn't sleep well at all last night. I'm sick with a stuffed up nose now. Some Ambien and Sudafed will hopefully do the trick. I'm positive the verdict has to come in today. I hope I don't miss it. :please:

Feel better Steely. I certainly feel for you. It is snowing here again. Have not made a decision to go to work yet. Maybe I will be home for the verdict, should it be made today.
I kind of wonder if someone might say they are in favor of the DP when they are actually ANTI in order to get on a DP case and sabotage the verdict. No one would ever know. Not that that is the case, but I am sure it has happened in the past.

Its possible.

Along those lines, I also think a juror could have honestly thought at the beginning they could do it. But when it gets down to the very end, they cant bring themselves to sign a DP verdict form because the reality hits them like a ton of bricks what they are fixing to do.

Especially when Nurmi is allowed to state to them "Are you going to kill her over there?"
And points right to her.

Isnt that another thing that JSS should have immediately admonished the DT for?
How was that even allowed?
Shouldnt the jury have been firmly told to strike that from the record?
I like Chris and Skye. They come across as utterly sincere and honest but were caught up in the manipulative machinations of an evil sociopath, to come out the other side suffering the loss of very dear friend. They probably went through long dark hours wishing they had done more and perhaps feeling in some small way responsible, but eventually coming to terms with the fact that a very dark force had entered their lives and there was very little they could have done about it.

I agree, Steve. IMO,this is a good example of how she was able to manipulate people. I can see her using her skills if she gets LWOP in prison to gain favors.
I kind of wonder if someone might say they are in favor of the DP when they are actually ANTI in order to get on a DP case and sabotage the verdict. No one would ever know. Not that that is the case, but I am sure it has happened in the past.

I'm sure there are zealots in the anti death penalty movement who would and have done this. It's just wrong. I have heard people state they would do that on various websites that discuss this kind of thing.
It's also possible that people on the jury did or didn't lie about what they know about the case, either by Google or watching the news. Or maybe this jury actually doesn't know much at all and wants to examine the evidence before they decide on death. I don't know.
I looked at a 1980 calendar to see what day of the week Jodi was born. DOB is Wednesday, July 9, 1980.

"Wednesday's child is full of woe".

This made me smile. I'm Wednesdays child and my mum always changed it to Wednesdays child is full of sunshine lol
But in Jodi's case its woe.
Where is dog.gone.cute. I am not having luck with my hardtruth4real link. It says I am BLOCKED. I am not even a member and you can't tweet them so I have absolutely no idea why it would be. In fact I have tweeted nothing but support for the trial and I have constantly promoted that link here in my siggy. I did try to click the "join" button yesterday and when it did it gave me a message "this is something you can't undo" but nothing after that. I am so bummed. I have no idea if it is a glitch or what. So weird. It has to be a mistake and you can't even messge them on twitter to see what's up. Ugh.

ETA: I am NOT blocked. I believe it was some sort of glitch. WHEW. Panic ensued for a second!
I kind of wonder if someone might say they are in favor of the DP when they are actually ANTI in order to get on a DP case and sabotage the verdict. No one would ever know. Not that that is the case, but I am sure it has happened in the past.

Which is why a majority vote should be sufficient for a death sentence. It would help take care of the problem of stealth jurors.

It sure happened during the first trial. Remember Zervakos?
I'm sure there are zealots in the anti death penalty movement who would and have done this. It's just wrong. I have heard people state they would do that on various websites that discuss this kind of thing.

It is likely that it has happened before and unfortunately will happen again. Especially when a juror doesnt really want to be there and is anti-government to begin with.

They may feel such resentment at having to have been called for jury duty that they think this is their way to get back at the government. They can save 1 sole in their mind and at least prevent 1 person from going to death row.

In their mind, they probably think they are doing an honerable thing.
If the jury doesn't reach a verdict (or announce that they are deadlocked) by the end of the day, we'd have to wait through another three-day weekend. Hoping that isn't the case and that justice is rendered today.

Movie on TCM this afternoon: "A Matter of Life and Death" (1947).
I have to think the jurors are thinking about this, too. I am predicting, FWIW, a decision today. We'll see.
This may be the wrong time and place to post this but someone mentioned that 70% of DP convictions are overturned on appeal. I honestly think LWOP is the more secure option. I don't care if she exploits her environment for all it's worth, it will still suck, and she'll most likely know she's not going anywhere. The DP will give her hope, warranted or not.

Steve not at all wrong time and fact it hits exactly what I think to be the eventual outcome here. I feel she will become some sort of DP "icon" and get so much more attention by getting it...I think just a nice run of the mill life sentence without any options for anything would be the for the Alexander family. Her appeals will not be solid but if dp is given somehow she will be given more attention and it is entirely possible it could be taken off the table at some point. I think this may be a case in support of just getting rid of the dp...the expense and time to try these criminals.....the botched injections etc....the stays...the appeals...etc. just make sure she is not ever on the street again and move on.
Where is dog.gone.cute. I am not having luck with my hardtruth4real link. It says I am BLOCKED. I am not even a member and you can't tweet them so I have absolutely no idea why it would be. In fact I have tweeted nothing but support for the trial and I have constantly promoted that link here in my siggy. I did try to click the "join" button yesterday and when it did it gave me a message "this is something you can't undo" but nothing after that. I am so bummed. I have no idea if it is a glitch or what. So weird. It has to be a mistake and you can't even messge them on twitter to see what's up. Ugh.

ETA: I am NOT blocked. I believe it was some sort of glitch. WHEW. Panic ensued for a second!

Yay! :) I was about to suggest it might have been a temporary block because you tried to join, instead of just follow them, and now I have for any others with the same concern.
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