VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44

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AZL mentioned the judge would have to get what I believe is victim restitution information before the formal sentencing, if I am wrong please feel free to correct me. Perhaps that is what the Alexanders civil lawyer is there for. A hearing to determine those numbers so the judge can be ready to sentence when this jury come back. Is that possible?

Ah, that's probably what JA was working on, victim restitution paperwork.
If there's one thing I've learned in this trial (and retrial), it's Jodi is ALWAYS the victim.
Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv · 19s19 seconds ago
Hearing that Alexander family accompanied by civil attorney today #jodiarias #3tvarias-lots of intrigue

I hope they are able to sue all those DV foundations that defense used as "experts".
I heard that's not true. T

hey were allowed but chose not to be there, maybe by Jodi's instruction or the attorneys. I think the defense wanted to give the impression that they were locked out but I heard they could have stayed.

BBM: Thanks ... got it !

I must have missed that part of the Transcript !

Someone said on Twitter (just an average person) that the extra security could be because they have gave the DP? Who knows

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Where are the jurors? Maybe they slipped out while all the courthouse drama is happening. Everyone forgot the jurors.
Weren't the Yreka jail interviews introduced via Det. Flores this time? And JW asked JA about how seeing them made her feel [in her secret testimony]? Answer: "Stupid"... not ashamed.
AZL mentioned the judge would have to get what I believe is victim restitution information before the formal sentencing, if I am wrong please feel free to correct me. Perhaps that is what the Alexanders civil lawyer is there for. A hearing to determine those numbers so the judge can be ready to sentence when this jury come back. Is that possible?
They've probably had that ready for two years.
Don't worry about the Arias family. MDLR and MK tell them what is happening before we know anything about it!
They only saw portions of her interrogation. No mom and dad interview, headstand, laughing or singing. That was all too prejudicial which makes sense.

I sincerely don't understand this about our justice system. Evidence is evidence- should it really be excluded just b/c it paints a defendant in a poor light?
No they didn't, and there was a lot of outrage in the first trial about it being excluded by JSS. They were allowed to see a few snipits in regards to the interviews with her Mom and Dad.

On day 4 of this retrial, JM showed at least large parts of Jodi's interrogation video. Due to "trial by tweet," we don't know which parts. I have not seen any motion or ruling ever excluding any part of the video as evidence from any portion of the trial, but since the actual handstand would not have been relevant to any issue before any of the juries, I suppose it would have been excluded if the issue ever came up.
Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin · 4m4 minutes ago
Another lawyer just showed up for a different case with Judge Stephens. Interested to see if she comes back out. #jodiarias

Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin · 4m4 minutes ago
She was kicked out of the courtroom...wonder what's going on in there. #jodiarias

I bet that was awkward.
:seeya: It's not the first time they were locked out: the Arias family was NOT allowed in the courtroom when Jodi gave her super duper secret testimony.

The Alexander Family was allowed to be in the courtroom, as they are the VICTIMS !

I heard that's not true. They were allowed but chose not to be there, maybe by Jodi's instruction or the attorneys. I think the defense wanted to give the impression that they were locked out but I heard they could have stayed.

It was in the transcripts of the meeting in the judges chambers when she ruled that Jodi could testify in a closed court room. The ruling stated who could be there and her family was included.
Yeah I want them to use the Stun Belt on her, let her feel how it feels...

Ha! And then have Nurmi turn to her and say how does that make you feeel?
Sorry ... but no new news and we are still in the dark :gaah:

Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 59s60 seconds ago

Public/media/Arias family still locked out. #jodiarias
This is taking arguing something "super secret?"

This doesn't appear to be the "the jury has reached a verdict" notice, IMO

But maybe there is that, along with something else?

Just seriously guessing at this point...what is so SECRET???????
No, the murderess's mother should be allowed to hear the verdict no matter what it is. She gets to say goodbye to her daughter. And we learned that they could've been in the courtroom for her secret testimony. They chose not to for some reason.

I doubt those inside are actually hearing a verdict...more likely hearing if there is a verdict. Sandy will be allowed to "hear" the verdict along with the rest of the public but she is nothing but the mother of the murderess and not representative of the victim as the Alexanders are.
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