VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 44

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I will always think of the Jodi Arias jury as the "CROCK POT" jury and the Casey Anthony jury as the "CRACK POT" jury. :drumroll:

:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: LOL ! And very "fitting" !

What would happen if the jury hangs, JA is sentenced, and it's later found out that one or more jurors has always been anti DP?
From News20:
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 1m1 minute ago

#JodiArias' mom is here.
While we wait..I was on a jury for murder trial. My frustration after finding the defendant guilty of second degree murder was not getting all the information we needed to make a truly informed decision. After my jury was dismissed we met later for coffee. Most agreed we would have found the defendant guily of first degree given the new info. I think there should be rules of evidence but not if there is a pattern of behavior etc. I am thinking of the Henandez trial. The jury will not hear that he shot another "friend" for mouthing off. Shot him in the face and pushed him out of the car!
In this case, JA, the jury heard too much unsubstantiated info about TA and not enough about the defendant! MHO
I highly recommend the West Bend non-stick 5.5 qt. one. Very basic, easy to clean, lightweight. I own two and use them weekly.

I have a ceramic crock pot that I just love. I use it all the time. I can not imagine not having one!
Good Morning Everybodee! :seeya:

I am hopeful the jury will reach a unanimous decision today after JSS allen charge.

Travis Victor Alexander
blue candle.jpg
Pizza, Pizza....It's whats for lunch!

The lack of movement is so frustrating in the Holly Bobo case.
Will you also follow the McStay trial? I plan to.

I've been following that case on another (terrible) website and I will definitely be here if it ever comes to trial. I sure wish we'd get a little evidence to chew on!
What would happen if the jury hangs, JA is sentenced, and it's later found out that one or more jurors has always been anti DP?

I don't think it matters. The defense is not going to launch an appeal to get a new jury, the prosecution would most likely not go through the expense and trouble again.
I don't think anyone is anti Death. I think they are honest good people doing their best and trying to figure this confusing mess out. It was a crazy crazy trial. Seeing it through their eyes, I think they are trying hard to make the best choice.
Chicken divan at my house today, though not in the crock pot. I have a Dr.s appt at 2:00, so hope verdict is in before then. Rain today, but more snow on the way tonight here in Maryland.
Good Morning Friends!

Today, As always, It's about Travis, it's about Justice for Him, For His Family. I lift the Jury up, that they will come together and come back with an answer. I will respect what their decision is. I lift all of you up here at websleuths. We all come together for Truth in Justice~

O/T: told the husband, there are plenty of leftovers for him to take to work, my butt is planted! ha!
The lack of movement is so frustrating in the Holly Bobo case.
Will you also follow the McStay trial? I plan to.

Yes, I stop over there and take a look regularly.

It will be interesting to have some questions answered there as well.

Chase wasn't actually the suspect I had in mind so I'd like to hear what evidence they have. Should be a good one!
Chicken divan at my house today, though not in the crock pot. I have a Dr.s appt at 2:00, so hope verdict is in before then. Rain today, but more snow on the way tonight here in Maryland.

:wave: So do I! Maybe 2 will be the verdict time.

Justice for Travis
Saw this tweet -- and I'm just gonna hang my hat on that! :peace:

Tammy Rose retweeted
ZoeyWatson ‏@ZoeyWatson2014 15m15 minutes ago
@News20Chopper In Juan's Wendy Andriano case, first deadlocked ,then jury got the Allen charge then came back with death.
From News20:

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper · 15s15 seconds ago

Another woman who walks in by herself a lot walks in with earphones. #JodiArias

Talk about a useless tweet.
Is this woman a spectator?
A member of the media?
Was it a juror?
What's her juror #?
Saw this tweet -- and I'm just gonna hang my hat on that! :peace:

Tammy Rose retweeted
ZoeyWatson ‏@ZoeyWatson2014 15m15 minutes ago
@News20Chopper In Juan's Wendy Andriano case, first deadlocked ,then jury got the Allen charge then came back with death.

Well that's reassuring. Please be the same

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I have to say that before noon yesterday the jury had 2 questions and JSS gave them modified instructions to go back and try harder. One of the questions might have been "can we go out another exit when we leave".

I truly think that if they were hopelessly deadlocked - they would have come back right away and said so. I have to give them all credit for going back and truly trying to work through with each other for many hours yesterday. I also think they decided they were not that far apart on many things and they are going through those things that divide them one by one.

Who knows if they can all agree but I recognize what a commitment they have made to this trial - their personal lives have been so disrupted by this stop/start/delay/chopped up/out of sync/missing testimony/secret witnesses, etc.

Bless the jurors for their hard work. IMO

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 · 8m8 minutes ago

#jodiarias mom is here in hallway outside courtroom.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter · 4m4 minutes ago

Jury in jury room.

Some Alexander family on the 5th floor opposite media.

Sandy Arias standing in between,next to elevator. #jodiarias

Good morning all!

The proceedings in this case has been like the proverbial can being kicked down the road over and over, and over again. Nurmi and Wilmott petitioned for delay after delay until now it has been just over 6 (?) years in the making of any sort of punishment for Travis' killer. JSS granted these delays and bent over backwards to appease the DT and the killer. I have resented it every step of the way. I am angry that the quest for justice has been so long in coming and was as if Travis himself was on trial.

I haven't posted much these last few months because of a lingering illness but have been here every day.

If this jury does not see and understand that this is a death penalty case, then there is no hope of making them see and understand that at this late date. They were sworn in and told CMJA had been judged guilty of 1st Degree Premeditated Murder by the previous jury and that they must accept that. They all agreed they would be capable of handing down a death sentence if all of the factors were met. Someone or perhaps a few people have decided they want to show this vicious murderer mercy even though she showed Travis no mercy. I just cannot believe it! I hope the jurors find out all that was kept from them (as well as us) that may have aided them in their decision had they known.

I am going to wish for a major miracle to happen in that jury room this morning and all come to a unanimous verdict for death. I think it will be a hung jury, though. After all this time and money, this is what it has come to. We are down to the wire now.

Thank you all for the updates and thought provoking posts. I appreciate all of you. Now back to lurking.

Thanks LA Law. I lurk here all the time (usually at work) and have been here since both this crime occurred and the Caylee non-justice verdict. What really disturbs me is, if Travis' heinous murder doesn't SHOUT for the DP, what does? I am truly disheartened and I cry for the Alexanders, who have had to endure all members of this defense--including the liar herself. Please jury--do the right thing!
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