VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 45

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From Erickson:
Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision · 7m7 minutes ago

Judge Sherry Stephens could have sentenced #JodiArias.

She's had months to think about it.

A cop out by the most inept judge I've ever seen

:clap::clap::clap::clap: I totally agree !
Someone chickened out. Who was it when they first started deliberating that wanted to switch? They knew then that they were anti-DP in their heart, contrary to what they thought during the voir dire.

My heart breaks for the Alexander family. I am so sorry for them.

If that were really the case then THAT should have been the reason given to the judge not just that the alternate wanted to be on the jury to deliberate.
troy talked to jodi. she is sorry for the verdict,and sorry that some people didn't like it,meaning the alexanders. she seen troys camera and continued to hit herself in the face with her legal paperwork
Wow I just realized they were deadlocked almost immediately. They only deliberated 2 hours weds. And then deadlocked Friday.

Makes me wonder if there really was a stealth juror!

I think there was, why else ask so soon to be off the jury. I wish all jury's were majority rules.
Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision · 3m3 minutes ago
Carol Gosselink, an alternate juror says, "the mitigating factors, most of which were bogus." #jodiarias
In the end i think cmja was counting on the DP. SHE didn't want life. She knew her best shot was getting the verdict overturned on a technicality. Those days are over. Jodi arias is now just prisoner number 1111456 and is NOT a martyr for any cause. Shes no longer important and that's a fate worse than death to jodi
Any appeals she has to pay for herself with whatever meager donations she can scrounge up and a lot of her supporters are going to fade away because she no longer faces the death penalty and for a lot of them that was their agenda all along (I'm looking at you MDLR :mad:). She will go the way of Susan Smith. She was the most hated woman in America at that time and now she's just another nobody sitting in prison who nobody cares about. Just like Susan Smith, the only press this killer will get in the future is after she gets caught fraternizing with a guard (I give it a couple of years) or for some other major infraction. The money is going to dry up and no one will be clamoring for 'exclusive' interviews. I feel bad that this wasn't the outcome the Alexander's wanted. I wish them luck in their civil suit against the killer. I also truly hope that the laws will change and there will someday be a Travis' law that prevents the type of victim-bashing we have seen conducted by the killer with the help of her defense team. Lies, innuendo and perjury suborned by a mitigation 'specialist' through anonymous affidavits is the first place to start. They sunk to new depths that I haven't seen since Jose Baez was in action. :banghead:
Wait where is the report it was1 holdout???

Not whT I'm hearing on HLN????
Just got here. Do we know what the split was??
I wish it were against the law to change your story between phases in a trial. In the first trial she claimed self defense. She should be stuck with that for the duration of her trial or trials. I do not get how it is allowed to just throw out anything to see if it sticks. It's not fair to the state, who surely could not do that.
Heck, the state didn't even get a chance to ask her what her story was this time! So disgusting.
Jodi said "Oh no" and put papers over her face when she saw Troy Haden's camera.
Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision 3m3 minutes ago

Carol Gosselink, an alternate juror says, "the mitigating factors, most of which were bogus." #jodiarias
well all I can say is..since Travis' family now know that crime pays and you never have to suffer what you give out cause the court is on the criminals side so if she gets out at 53 I'm sure Travis' brothers and sisters will be waiting for her...
I would have dealt with her at the memorial. Street justice.
Dave Erickson ‏@ericksonvision · 3m3 minutes ago
Carol Gosselink, an alternate juror says, "the mitigating factors, most of which were bogus." #jodiarias

Alternate juror from the first trial.
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