Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think that the jury will come back with a guilty verdict of manslaughter. MOO.

That's what I think, that they'll reach a "compromise" verdict. Which would be an absolute travesty of justice, but that's Florida for ya. JMO. OMO. MOO.
If George is found not guilty which exit will he take?

Does the courthouse have alternative exits like the Orlando courthouse where casey anthony has her trial?

I am confident he'll have presidential-grade security. Him being shot on the courthouse steps would look even worse than the entire trial. jmo
I noticed his demeanor every time they showed the picture of TM's dead body also. GZ showed no emotion, but he certainly didn't mind looking at the picture each and every time they showed it. He appeared to have kept his eyes glued to it. It really didn't seem to bother him one bit. I also noticed yesterday when MOM, during closing arguments, brought GZ forward in front of the jury GZ couldn't even look the jury in the eye. I came into this case thinking GZ was guilty. I've always had a bad feeling about him. After watching this trial I still feel that way. I think if he had shown any kind of remorse for what he did, or at least shown some discomfort over being on trial fighting for his life, I could maybe squeeze out some sympathy for him. But if he can't find it in himself to feel bad or regret what he did, then why should I feel bad for him. Just simply identifying himself could have caused a different outcome that night. I truly wish GZ would have been smarter that night and that none of this happened, but IMO he's as guilty as sin.

I don't think I would have much sympathy for TM if I were GZ. TM created this mess when he attacked him and it's basically ruined GZ's life. He was defending himself imo.
That is really bad news...He's done...

Pay no attention - it just depends who you are polling. Our current provincial(read state) just won an election that the polls said they were going to get absolutely crushed in. Over and over the polls said that for weeks.
Won by a clear and I do mean clear margin of votes.

I don't think I would have much sympathy for TM if I were GZ. TM created this mess when he attacked him and it's basically ruined GZ's life. He was defending himself imo.

All GZ had to do was stay in his car. None of this would have happened. He wasn't a cop - he was a neighbourhood watch volunteer guy.

I'm sadden by the fact that TM walked to the store for Skittles/Drink and ends up dead over nothing. He wasn't doing anything wrong what so ever. I can only imagine what his parents felt when they heard the news that their young son is dead and for what reason? Wow, I can't get pass that. So now TM's parents are listening to the NE call that GZ placed and I would be thinking WTFudge????? My son looks like he's up to no good simply because he's walking in the rain???? really???? But GZ gets out of his car, IN THE RAIN, to follow him. So, why can GZ be in the rain and think that's ok, but TM can't??? sorry, I don't get it!!!!! :banghead:

Oh, how I wish GZ had seen TM walking alone at night and thought, as neighborhood watch..."I think I'll ask that young man if he's okay or needs a ride since it's raining."
~snipped for space~
I don't disagree they should be allowed to post their opinions, but they should be prepared to have their opinions challenged if what is suggested is not in alignment with a realistic situation.

It may be your opinion that the force in that video is enough to inflict some injury. I agree. However, I and several others disgree that it would be enough force to break a nose and slam his head into the ground, which is the assertion I'm contesting.

As for the DNA evidence, I don't proclaim to know anything about DNA so I don't feel I'm qualified to chime in on that with any accuracy. I am, however, very knowledgeable about firearms so I try to dispel any notions that don't necessarily align with factual reality involving such things.

The thing that Trayvon did wrong was punch somebody in the nose and pound their head into the ground.

What Trayvon did is illegal and if he would have survived, he would probably been charged with attempted murder and be on trial just like george is now.


I wish I could believe that GZ got those injuries all from TM pounding away at him, but I don't. TM has his right to defend himself, too, and of course GZ sure as heck isn't going to be letting on about that to the police, after all he shot someone and knows there are going to be questions. :twocents:
He was put on a paid leave of absence in May. He may not have financially been able to just resign. "He said he had been proud to work at the State Attorney’s Office and feared the letter would cripple his chances at finding another job to support his family, including a 4-month-old son."

He did go public by testifying. I have tremendous respect for him as it was extremely brave of him to come forward! IMO. I am shocked by the states actions but I guess I shouldn't be after how this case has been so horribly mishandled.

Here's my question - did he tell his employer what he was going to do or did he sneak behind their backs and get in touch with the defense, and the State found out when the defense contacted them?

Now you can be happy he is free to do whatever he wants. And I agree - under the circumstances, as an employee who can't be trusted - he may have difficulty finding another job.

He is talking about it here on this video. I queued up to the spot where he says he “aimed it at him and fired one shot". Can a person aim from the hip?

I think that GZ employed a technique called "point shooting."

This method of shooting is recognized for use in life-threatening situations where the use of sight shooting cannot be employed due to lack of time to use the gun's sights, low-light conditions, or because of the body's natural reaction to close quarters threats which prevent meeting the marksmanship requirements of sight shooting.

[ame=""]Point shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Yes...And in my very strong opinion.GZ already had his gun out.

IMO, GZ tried to play cop and hold TM at gunpoint and maybe even grabbed his arm to try to force TM to wait for LE and that's what led to all of TM's (IMO) repeated calls for help.

Imo, I think when no one came to help, in desperation, TM tried hitting GZ to try to get away and GZ panicked and shot him then, then lied to LE about how everything happened knowing TM could not refute his try to save himself.

That is my theory of what happened. I wish there were more proof, but I hope GZ gets manslaughter.

It is a fact that GZ followed and harassed TM, and did not choose to follow LE advice to not follow him.

It is a fact that TM was trying to get away. GZ even said he was running away.

It does not make sense to me that TM would want to get away and circle back to confront at the same time.

I agree with some of what you are saying as it seems plausible. Was it Mr. Good that testified that he saw someone sitting on top of the other with arms flailing? Someone did, I can't remember exactly. GZ seemed to sustain lumps and bumps from either being punched or some other force as he was moving his head. I truly believe he was trying to deflect blows but then again I don't think he was laying/ sitting there doing nothing.

IMO, the forensics in this case were sorely lacking. Didn't anybody learn anything from the OJ case? IMO
Oh, how I wish GZ had seen TM walking alone at night and thought, as neighborhood watch..."I think I'll ask that young man if he's okay or needs a ride since it's raining."

Agree or - he could simply have said - "hello there - I'm from the neighbourhood watch and I don't recognize you. Do you live here or are you visiting someone in the complex? Can I give you directions?"

Oh, how I wish GZ had seen TM walking alone at night and thought, as neighborhood watch..."I think I'll ask that young man if he's okay or needs a ride since it's raining."

Yup, he could have done that, after all he mentors kids... lol
NG has been sooooooooo pro state, but now they are getting figures in their viewership. that back the defense more than the state, so they are try to cover their bases.
In fact, it was one of the attorneys on HLN this AM listing the reversible errors!!
The slanted media coverage in this case has caused so much harm. Between their coverage and the state's agenda, it's amazing to me that so many saw the truth in spite of it.


Too little, too late. Because of her bias coverage of this trial, I'll NEVER watch her show again. I'll also never again watch Dr. Drew and that hateful <mod snip> woman on his show.
fwiw, I heard Hornsby say that, while Nelson did question the authenticity, she ultimately based her decision on relevance. I heard the argument, but did not hear her ruling the next morning, so idk if he's accurate or not. I assume that he is since he's been paying close attention to the trial. jmo
Can't find the exact location without looking through that morning, but she DID tell West that if it were to be excluded ,it would be because of authenticity when they were arguing that evening.

She doesn't care if she gets reversed - she even SAID that - as long as she can pass the buck. She'd rather take a reversal than have the acquittal on her watch.

Wow. I had heard and read nothing about this- thank you for posting it. This just makes my heart even sadder for Zimmerman. Thanks again for a little bit more enlightenment as to who George Zimmerman really is.

Yes its a shame and it goes towards gz charactor as someone decent and color blind. BUT we were not suppose to know anything good about gz or anything negative about tm. Sad. moo
Agree or - he could simply have said - "hello there - I'm from the neighbourhood watch and I don't recognize you. Do you live here or are you visiting someone in the complex? Can I give you directions?"


Do you think police would agree that's what he should have done?

Approach a young man he doesn't recognize and he believes was acting suspiciously, in a neighborhood with a marked crime problem, and ask them to get in his car?

I think LE would say DON'T DO THAT!!

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