Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Court is recessed for an hour according to the judge. She instructed the lawyers to take a dinner break. The jurors didn't say they were ready to quit - they appear as if they are planning on keeping on going.


WOW, they sure are taking a long time today, do you think they will read the verdict tonight if there is one? Or would they wait till tomorrow?
Again I want to clarify I will not respond to anything that is not factual or a valid discussion on the case.
I don't recall another case where the jury stayed until 7pm or later?
I don't follow verdict watch in a lot of cases though.

They seem pretty dedicated if they are staying this late.
Anyone else remember other cases that went this late?
I wanted to express that I was initially offended at JVM show when they talked about how handsome prosecutor Guy was and that he was chosen to give the rebuttal closing because he was so good looking. The panel chuckled and expressed, "especially since the jury is all women!" Seriously? Women can't think beyond a good looking man to the truth? I thought, "and that type of ignorance espoused from the mouths of my own gender?" But then again, are they right? Will a jury of women make a difference? Are they more likely to "compromise?"
Wouldn't it be refreshing if we could have just one trial where we discussed the factual evidence and left out all the suppositions and tortured conjecture. *sigh*

Oh come on, what fun would that be? Tortured conjecture is my favorite part of this place! :rockon:
Does anyone know if the jury is going to work tomorrow?

They haven't said they are ready to quit today. They have been deliberating for 12 straight hours and plan to keep going. So it appears the end may be in sight.

Odd the person who said it stated under oath, it was a suggestion...


Perhaps the confusion comes in as to when Zimmerman was given those instructions. Zimmerman was instrumental in getting the neighborhood watch program set up in that neighborhood. He exchanged numerous emails with the LE person that came to the neighborhood to "train" the volunteers. During that training the volunteers were instructed to not follow, try to apprehend or involve themselves in any crime or with any suspicious looking person. They were instructed to call LE and report the crime or suspicious looking person, then their "job" was done. They were also instructed to not carry a firearm while on their "patrol". Those are the instructions that I am referring to when I said that Zimmerman chose to ignore the instructions given to him. Hope this helps.
I know Richard Hornsby said he had a court case in front of Judge nelson that went till early morning (I think he said like 2 am) from what he has said she pretty much lets the jurors pick their hours.

No link seen it on Welsh or heard it on the radio show.

They may hold the verdict for this case though or do things differently. This case is so huge I wouldn't be surprised if they did things differently.
In order for them to convict him of 2nd degree murder, doesnt he need to show ill will, hatred or spite? So couldnt the jury believe it wasnt in self defense because he didnt show any of those traits in his head so therefore they would acquit him of 2nd degree murder but potentially not manslaughter?


Yes. If they vote manslaughter it means that they don't believe the self-defense (the killing was not justified), nor do they believe the ill-will and hatred that is required for murder2.

Or, they compromised.

Because If that were my son, I'd be setting in that court room every day especially since we are on verdict watch.


Let's stop judging these parents. They are the victims here. JMO

You do not know how you would react, unless you are in their position. None of us do. :twocents:
Fyi.. Beth karas is going to be a guest on Nancy show..
She said heading out .. so maybe tonight?!

I miss her...
I go over the facts in my head a lot. I have been rethinking and watching the trial in parts where I wanted to be sure of the facts.

I see nothing but self defense. By fact and evidence.

I just do not see anything else has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Not to me anyway,

I agree.

To be honest, even if someone feels that self defense doesn't apply to this case, I don't think that the state has proven either murder 2 or manslaughter. MOO.
I think that one of the things that Don West argued before the judge on the issue of manslaughter was if the evidence supported it then that's what the state should have charged. Not Murder 2. It obvious to me that the reason the state over charged was to get a "compromise verdict" of manslaughter.

The state will probably get what they planned from the beginning. MOO.


You are probably correct in your reason and I'm sure this is not the first time it has been done. I just wish that attorneys would not play games in a court of law. It is not fair to the victim, defendant, or jury. The jury might have already reached a verdict if they had not had to decide on the 2nd degree charge and started directly with the manslaughter.

Jury instructions ( I think I heard there are 25 pages in this case) are very hard to comprehend to most people who aren't versed in law. They should not be confused by having to decide on other things if the Prosecution didn't really believe they could get a conviction.

Even today, GZ has appeared as if he is in a trance. That was most evident when the judge asked him if he had made his decision as to whether he would testify on his own behalf. He has a remarkable ability to "space " or "zone" out. That day it was if he woke up out of a deep sleep (or dissociative state) and said, "at this hearing." I was like "WTF, it's the real thing now George...this is your trial, man!" The judge politely said, "in this TRIAL."

It is most bizarre how his expression rarely changes. IMO.

I don't know, he looks scared sh#$#ess. He is almost in a catatonic state of disbelief or denial this is really happening. IMO
I dn't think he or anyone else said he wanted to be an MMA fighter. He did it for exercise and to lose weight. The Martins are the ones who cost the HOA the money, they sued and got a huge unearned payout imo.

If Zimmerman would have followed the rules they wouldn't have paid the money. Don't insult the Martins for exercising their rights as citizens and being able to civilly sue the HOA for negligence. The HOA settled the suit.
I think he's scared to death. Everyone expresses emotions differently. Each time I watch a trial,I am amazed at how the defendant just sits there for hours, listening to people talk about them. I couldn't do it. When I am anxious, I pace. I doubt that is acceptable in a courtroom.

GZ looks to me ,imo, and 25 yr experience in working with adults with serious mental illnesses , appears as someone with significant PTSD appearance, and depression..look at his affect it is flat..he is functioning, he is not psychotic , but as some have commented seems " not there" ( take that JA) but again jmo
Again I want to clarify I will not respond to anything that is not factual or a valid discussion on the case.

But, but, but... we are not the jury, we are not in court, we don't have to do what the judge/law tells us, so we can give our own opinions facts or not, and it's kind of nice not going by the book, if you will... Ok we do have to obey the rules here on Websleuths :blushing:
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