Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Is there a live feed going on in the court room? or anywhere else that pertains to this case?

I don't know about a live feed. I am watching it on channel 24 which is CNN and they are live. This is in Florida, brighthouse networks, channel 24.
I can't believe you chose to have a productive day instead of this.

I think that false report was a blessing for you! You got to go about your day without worry or suspese! lol...

OMG! I am laughing so hard... So sorry dear paper doll it was all my fault but it seems you got some productivity out of the undated video that I thought was a live report :D
I have the feed on WildAboutTrial site..

I am not watching the commentators although someone shout out if Beth K pops up!

When is her interview with you Tricia??
Is it just me or does it sound like GZ is answering the judge with Yes, SIR? I swear I just heard that. Also, the other day, when she was asking him questions. It sounded like he addressed her as sir.


No. He's saying "Yes, Your Honor." Sometimes it's just not clear. His Dad was a judge so I'm quite sure he is very familiar with that term.
OMG! I am laughing so hard... So sorry dear paper doll it was all my fault but it seems you got some productivity out of the undated video that I thought was a live report :D

*In Jose Baez voice*

Look what you did!
If Zimmerman would have followed the rules they wouldn't have paid the money. Don't insult the Martins for exercising their rights as citizens and being able to civilly sue the HOA for negligence. The HOA settled the suit.

I respectfully disagree. I believe they settled to make it quietly GO AWAY. No trial, no more publicity, no more lawyer fees, etc. It is probably less costly for them this way. And their newly enacted insurance policy covered the lawsuit. IMO
The court is in recess for what was an hour - will have it up when they are back in session after dinner hour. I also have cnn on the tv however there is about a minute time lag on my station compared to what is online. (Talk about obsessive having both ready..LOL also told my DD I had no time to chat when she called) (Pathetic)


LOL hard to stay away from this... :blushing:
I don't know about a live feed. I am watching it on channel 24 which is CNN and they are live. This is in Florida, brighthouse networks, channel 24.

CNN DOES bring on the live feed in the courtroom as soon as they are live - it starts off in the right hand corner as soon as there is activity in the courtroom then goes whole screen as soon as court is in session.

I am watching the same thing.
My prediction, they'll hang. Guessing they've got at least one who will stand firm on self defense and at least one other who will stand firm on conviction. I think they are trying to compromise and this is their last effort. If they convict on manslaughter, I think several jurors will be shocked and horrified at the length of the sentence. If there's a conviction, I believe it will be overturned on appeal.

The good news with a hung jury is that this has been so well publicized that the next jury will know just how draconian the possible MS sentence is and they'll acquit more quickly. This Pros team will find out that the publicity sword cuts both ways.
Alright, I have my evening supplies. I'm hunkering down in front of the TV with my wine and my pizza until that jury says uncle. Tell mom I love her.
I go over the facts in my head a lot. I have been rethinking and watching the trial in parts where I wanted to be sure of the facts.

I see nothing but self defense. By fact and evidence.

I just do not see anything else has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Not to me anyway,

By facts and evidence, I see GZ guilty! No doubt about it. That's what makes this forum great, we can all discuss the case and respectfully disagree.
I got a lot done today.. At one point HLn was showing opening statements and testimony and I watched that.. but when they talk over it or in between I mute it. I am just not interested in their wonderings.. Facts about case law or legal matters yes.. Blustering over the emotions of the case, Not so much...
IMO, Trayvon's father never knew he left the house. He was supposed to be staying with his father's girlfriend's son while his father and the girlfriend went out to eat. His father had ordered pizza for him and the girlfriend's son. After his father left, he decided to go to the store. A lot of us are asking why the father didn't check on Trayvon when he and his girlfriend came in. I think he thought Travon never left the house that night. He didn't find out until the next morning. JMO

There's a lot in there that's inaccurate, imo, but Tracy himself said he knew Trayvon wasn't home when he arrived back, he called Trayvon's cousin, the call went to voicemail and he went to bed assuming that Trayvon was with his cousin.

Here is the deal. Say if any and all of these women jurors had a teenage son shot dead. Do you think they would feel justice was served with the exact same circumstances if the shooter walks home to his family while there family member is a pine box?
Easy answer isn't it.
I would certainly hope so. We don't get to change the law to fit our personal circumstances. No verdict in this case or any case will lessen the pain a mother feels when they lose a child.

There's not a mother on this earth who doesn't constantly want to bang their head on a wall wishing they could have a do-over about something. One of the hardest parts of being a Mom is coming to accept that we don't have control over every decision our children make. All we can do is teach them that the decisions they make have consequences, the people they associate with will reflect on how they are viewed, and that all those decisions will have life long effects if they don't make them wisely.

Then we Moms go back into our rooms and start the head banging again.
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