Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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DNA Solves
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I wanted to express that I was initially offended at JVM show when they talked about how handsome prosecutor Guy was and that he was chosen to give the rebuttal closing because he was so good looking. The panel chuckled and expressed, "especially since the jury is all women!" Seriously? Women can't think beyond a good looking man to the truth? I thought, "and that type of ignorance espoused from the mouths of my own gender?" But then again, are they right? Will a jury of women make a difference? Are they more likely to "compromise?"

I think people will use anything in this case as an excuse for their belief. If the women vote guilty, they will be considered emotional and it's a compromise. If they vote not-guilty they will be seen different. It's disgusting to me. These JURORS have dedicated 3 weeks of their lives, being stuck in a hotel room, away from their families, and no matter how they vote, their sex will be used by the media and others. It's disgraceful.

Just like people referring to other people who think GZ is guilty as "emotional". This is what has been wrong with this case from the beginning...profiling!!!! :furious: JMO
When there's nothing happening in court, they point the camera to the state seal. The link works for me. I watched much of the closing arguments there.

LOL yes, I did also - but right now I have no seal - just the darned insurance ad - even after I refresh the page.
Need some clarification if anyone knows the answer ... TIA !

I saw a tweet that said the jury ordered dinner -- but did they say what time they would deliberate until tonight ?

And does anyone know IF they will deliberate tomorrow, Sunday ?


Hmmmm...thinking about the judge's response to the jury question...

Could be they asked to specific a question, a "discussion" question like, "does self defense fall under manslaughter." I wonder.
Nope, they can apply reason & logic to the evidence and determine that GZ is or is not hiding the truth, that he had or had not other options and that it was or was not legally defined self defense.

I believe, it was not self defense, he is lying about the events, he had other options and he in fact acted in a reckless manner. All IMO.

They can not however make up scenarios to make it fit.

They have to take the evidence and let it lead them.. Not make a theory and push the evidence to fit that.
And if GZ grabbed and held TM's arm first (which we don't really know), would it have been okay for him to protect himself?

I find it odd that TM punched with his left hand although he was right handed. The only way I would do that, is if I couldn't use my right hand. JMO though.

If GZ had grabbed him physically of course it would be reasonable to protect himself and fight him back. We don't know what happened. HOWEVER, even if he did fight GZ from grabbing him, he can't use excessive force once the threat is over so continuing down the walkway grappling, mounting, punching banging head etc. would have been over the top. If GZ had pulled out his gun, jmo, but I think it is DOUBTFUL anyone would attack someone who is holding a gun. They would have had the "what's your problem" conversation. TM would have been shot prior to getting control over GZ.

Have any of you ever been in a fight? That might be a problem for me if this were my jury. You can't really understand the dynamics of what it feels like to take a hit when you aren't used to it. A punch in the face is very stunning. A punch from a man anywhere in the head or torso is stunning if you are not accustomed to taking hits or blows.

Also, the positions and body weight distributions change in a grappling situation. I watch a lot of MMA UFC and used to do martial arts. It's possible to be pinning someone down with your legs with their face exposed and the next second he's got a hand free, and then when you try to regain control, weight shifts and it changes the whole scenario. All the things talked about were possible...TM pinning GZ, TM sliding down or GZ sliding up, GZ suddenly being able to free an arm and reach for a gun especially if TM is reaching his right hand across toward the left.

Also, when you learn to fight, you start with jabs with your non-dominant hand, followed by a punch with the dominant hand - the 1,2 punch. Jabs can be as effective as hits. People who fight use both hands. Street fighters and trained fighters. If you are holding a cell phone in your right hand, you might punch a guy with the left.

The point is, with so many possibilities, there is reasonable doubt.
Most of the commentators/talking heads think they are past murder 2 and on to manslaughter. Maybe there is just one person that is holding out for manslaughter. Who knows.

It has also been said that some of the jurors like to go to church. Maybe they want to finish tonight so they can go to church tomorrow. (They also said they could have someone come to them to do the church for them).

BBM - At her insistence. :wink: I love Castle. - OT

I've have to give up watching these trials, they are so upsetting. It doesn't help that my DD and I are on different sides of the aisle. With my history, it surprises me, because I'm always VERY pro-prosecution. As a mother who lost a son when he was 16, I'm surprised I can be so objective here. Plus, when we were teens, two of my closest friends were murdered and no one has ever been brought to trial. They were 17.

This is a tough case, imo.

My DD is usually pros with her crime lab job and husband being SWAT and sniper for fl PD...In this case she is pro defense and is frustrated..She really had a rreaction when 1 stick was used to " collect" DNA and trace from under all 10 nails..and the preservation of evidence ( clothing etc) ..all wet and degraded JMO
His dad was never a judge.


"We obtained a copy of George Zimmerman’s application to join the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Law Enforcement Academy.

In it, Zimmerman writes that his “father is a retired Magistrate Judge for the supreme court (sic) of Virginia.”

Read more:

Perhaps this is where the confusion comes from. Zimmerman (George) had said that his dad was a Magistrate Judge.
What ya all think should be the sentence for getting out of your vehicle?

10 yrs
20 yrs

Not unless the next panel of jurors wants to commit perjury they won't. They will be asked if they have heard about and made a decision about this case before they are picked for the jury. If they lie in order to get on the jury then god help them as they will find themselves in their own courtroom hearing and possible penalty phase.

LOL. Well, the State, the family and their lawyers haven't seemed to show any concern about misleading and misinforming and making blatantly false claims. I won't lose any sleep if six new people level the playing field so justice can be done.
Nope, they can apply reason & logic to the evidence and determine that GZ is or is not hiding the truth, that he had or had not other options and that it was or was not legally defined self defense.

I believe, it was not self defense, he is lying about the events, he had other options and he in fact acted in a reckless manner. All IMO.

I believe he's lying in some instances, too. He's not telling all and he plays a BIG role in the death of this teen, self defense or not, he started and ended it, IMO... Just listening to his NE call makes me go "wtfudge"????? listening to his walk through, same thing. Wow so a teen is suspicious because he's in the rain??? Standing around, but he wasn't standing around, he was actually walking because in the walk through GZ is telling the driver to go here to the club house, right after he told him that TM was standing in this yard, then TM walks where GZ is which is near the club house, so sounds like to me that TM is moving, not just standing. AND WHO CARES IF HE IS JUST STANDING!!!! Geeez... :)
You may have started to notice that I am handing out time outs like candy on Halloween.

Really, on behalf of our moderators, we are done.

Time outs like water. We might end up with 3 people posting but maybe that will get the message.

Thank you.

Yes I am in a grumpy mood why do you ask?

So sorry...hides head. I will be extra careful. :facepalm:
I don't know, he looks scared sh#$#ess. He is almost in a catatonic state of disbelief or denial this is really happening. IMO

Yes, he does seem to be scared #@($*$%@#. Quite different than the night he killed Trayvon. That night and the following day, he had a flat affect, no emotion and didn't seem scared at all. To save himself from prison, he sure seems different. I think we might actually be seeing FEAR in him for the first time. JMO
There's a lot in there that's inaccurate, imo, but Tracy himself said he knew Trayvon wasn't home when he arrived back, he called Trayvon's cousin, the call went to voicemail and he went to bed assuming that Trayvon was with his cousin.


If I have something else wrong, please correct it. I knew about the cousin, but I thought it was the next day. Thanks for clarifying.
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