Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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BBM. Good point. Jodi Arias did the same

Ok, but I don't recall the detective getting up on the stand saying he had no reason to believe that JA was lying, as opposed to Det. Serino. Not really a good comparison.
Zimmerman (says he) was alert about Martin because there had been a lot of burglaries in the neighborhood, and there had been. So he was on the look out in general for people who seemed out of place and MIGHT be there to cause trouble. When he thought he possibly had spotted such a person, Zimmerman called the police. Isn't that what citizens are supposed to do? So, why the criticism that Zimmerman was watching for potential problems in area where they'd already been problems? How many times has our government told us, "If you see something, say something?" What happened later is for the jury for decide but I find criticisms I've heard, in court and in the media to be confusing and overzealous. Some seem to be saying that neighbors watching their 'hoods' is somehow wrong and a dangerous situation. I disagree.

IMO I believe this is why people over the past 10years appear to "look the other way" in spite of requests to " see something say something" people fear imo embarrassment in case they are wrong, retaliation, or public exposure ...again jmo
Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 42s
We were told the alternates who've been excused can't talk until the verdict is in by court administrators. #Zimmermanon9

i can't imagine they'd have anything to say that would be all that enlightening anyway -

At the time they were dismissed, the jurors weren't allowed to discuss the case, so they wouldn't have any insight on the deliberations - and we've all seen everything that went on in court. in fact, people who watched the trial and haven't been sequestered know more than those jurors know - we've seen arguments in court that they've been shielded from.

Here's the thing about Zimmerman's comment about "these $&@$." Does it sound angry and aggressive? Yes! But we have testimony that Trayvon made an angry and aggressive comment about GZ. So how can we favor one over the other as proof of intent to assault the other?
GZ would never have a problem passing a lie detector test because he truly believes he has done nothing wrong. You can see this in his interview with SH. He sounds very believable. jmo
MOM was not his lawyer when he did the Hannity interview. In fact I'm not sure he had lawyers by then and if he did, it was those two bumbling guys that he didn't communicate with anyway. When MOM took over, that was the last of the interviews.

Please know that I am not trying to argue with you, but I also thought I saw MOM with GZ on the interview. What I saw were clips of the interview on CNN either this past Wednesday or Thursday night. I could be wrong but that is what I "thought" I saw. I remember being surprised at seeing him there.
Hi Dani.

I believe GZ is innocent of the charges and I did not like that statement either. It actually made me gasp.

Saying that, I'd like to clarify, after I thought about it, this is my take...

I think it's a religion thing. Without going into a religious discussion of what is right or wrong I will say this. Some people, believe that everything in life is God's plan. They are taught and believe it is not right to question it or to want to change it.

I have a problem with that. I struggle with it. I question God a lot but do feel guilt afterwards.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

I totally understand people's issue with that statement.


ITA. I am not religious so I can never understand when people of faith say these things but it is far from uncommon. JMO. OMO. MOO.
GZ would never have a problem passing a lie detector test because he truly believes he has done nothing wrong. You can see this in his interview with SH. He sounds very believable. jmo

If what he's saying is the truth, i think he's done nothing wrong also.

I watched it within the last 2 hours, as I said, because I had my own doubts, and he does tell the detective that he was pushing TM away from him and that is how they ended up in line with JG's back door (rough generalization of the area).

So GZ did explain how they moved from where the attack started and where he shot TM. Thanks Dewey. MOO.

I too have wondered how much of the incident she really heard.

To be so traumatized about this to the point that you don't tell a single person, and resist the police investigation so vehemently along the way is telling. It feels more to me like she is hiding something rather than just grieving.

If anybody has the phone record details, or can point us in the right direction, that would be great.


This is possibly part of the info she was trying to hide:

Article Excerpt:
Orlando-based computer forensics expert Richard Connor was able to unlock data contained in Martin’s cell phone. Connor used Cellebrite software to delve into Martin’s phone and access “secret text messages,” including .bin files which contain “all the data, all the files” in a cell phone’s memory. That data was not reported in the analysis of Martin’s cell phone turned over by the state.

Connor testified that according to the text messages, “Mr. Martin was either trying to purchase or sell a handgun.” Connor said that Martin was looking to purchase a gun between February 18 and February 22, days before he left to visit his father in the Sanford, Florida neighborhood where he was shot on February 26.

He said Martin was attempting to obtain a gun from a person going by the name “Diamond” — a known nickname for Rachel Jeantel, the young woman who was on the phone with Martin moments before he was shot.
If a verdict is reached it will be announced.
Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV

It's possible once there's a verdict. time will be given to law enforcement to put its plan in place before we know it. #Zimmermanon9

I think I can add some perspective here, about Tracey's thought process.

I've had teenage sons going through a "rough patch" before, and engaged in marijuana and underage drinking. (This is about me, not about Trayvon, I'm just trying to shed some light here).

When they were late coming home, I wouldn't have called the cops. Because it was more than likely if they were found, they would be found with some misdemeanor criminal evidence on them.

Trayvon had been suspended from school for the third time, and I am sure tracey knew at least the "gist" of what the offenses were. He brought his son there to Sanford to try to get him away from bad influences and give him a little chance to settle down. then, he takes off and doesn't come home all night.

i certainly wouldn't have called the cops at 10 p.m., coming home from being out at the movies. it would be the next morning i would meekly start calling around, first the cousin, then to get a jail roster but not necessarily to report him officially missing. the last thing i wanted when i thought my errant son had taken off was cops trying to sniff him out.

this is a hard place to be in. i would report an 8 year old missing the first notion that the child was truly missing - but i can't tell you how many nights i've sat in the living room, in the dark, praying to God to tell me what to do because my 17 year old was not home and it was 3 a.m.

It's hell.


Hugs to you. Raising teenagers is not easy. No matter what your education, socio- economic status, race, creed, whatever. It can be hell. Two of my three have made some very poor choices. I have hidden in my closet and just sobbed at times. I think as parents, we do the best we can. I can say with 100% certainty, that given the ability, I would make some decisions differently.
IMO, Tracy Martin didn't check on Trayvon that might because he thought Trayvon never left the house. His father had ordered pizza and asked Trayvon if he had the money to pay for it. When Trayvon said that he did, his father said that he would see him when he got back. Why would Trayvon leave the house if his father had just ordered pizza? Tracy then mentioned something about Trayvon being at the back of the house.

Where are you getting this?? Have you even read the police statement?? The dad gave TM money to go to the movies and dinner. ($75-$100) jmo
So GZ did explain how they moved from where the attack started and where he shot TM. Thanks Dewey. MOO.

Not exactly. Zimmerman never takes police to the actual spot where he shot and killed Trayvon. He does however look over to the actual spot during the walk through with LE.
Did you misunderstand something?

You think his boyhood college pic and the pic of him shirtless looking up at his both look the same? There is a reason the media got blasted for that you know?
The big mystery to me is how did TM wind up near the T when he had a 4 minute head start on GZ and according to RJ (if you believe her) he was at or very near his daddy's house.

At 127 seconds into the police call GZ says "(expletive) he's running".
At 134 seconds, you can hear the door of his truck being closed. George is out and running after TM.

It was a lot less than 4 minutes.
This is possibly part of the info she was trying to hide:

Article Excerpt:
Orlando-based computer forensics expert Richard Connor was able to unlock data contained in Martin’s cell phone. Connor used Cellebrite software to delve into Martin’s phone and access “secret text messages,” including .bin files which contain “all the data, all the files” in a cell phone’s memory. That data was not reported in the analysis of Martin’s cell phone turned over by the state.

Connor testified that according to the text messages, “Mr. Martin was either trying to purchase or sell a handgun.” Connor said that Martin was looking to purchase a gun between February 18 and February 22, days before he left to visit his father in the Sanford, Florida neighborhood where he was shot on February 26.

He said Martin was attempting to obtain a gun from a person going by the name “Diamond” — a known nickname for Rachel Jeantel, the young woman who was on the phone with Martin moments before he was shot.

That's interesting...RJ's evasiveness is kind of weird.
Respectfully, I can't agree that this case should have never gone to trial. There were no witnesses, no surveillance tape, nothing but the words of George Zimmerman.

In a perfect world a man's word would be enough, but sadly…we don't live in a perfect world. Trayvon's family deserves to learn as much as can possibly be learned as to why their loved one no longer walks this earth.:twocents:

That's incorrect. There were surveillance tapes. Five of them. The State moved to have them excluded and the Judge ruled in the State's favor. I've always thought that was very telling.
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