Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

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Ms A was so disrespectful tonight and jumped down Mark E's throat because he cutelt referred to her as "my hat wearing friend". But she gets a pass I guess...

She has many issues that I can understand (and believe in), however, she could get a lot further if she lost some of her anger, and approached these problems in a more appropriate manner.
Read this transcript, during a prior conversation, she says that TM said he was "right by" his father's girlfriend's house. Moments later, in a subsequent conversation, TM tells her he is "at" the house and that he lost GZ.

JEANTEL: He said he from -- I asked him where he at. He told me he at the back of his daddy fiancee house like in the area where his daddy fiancee -- by his daddy fiancee house. I said, you better keep running. He said, no, he lost him.

IMHO, it is silly to pretend that "right by," "at," and "by" mean anything other than TM had made home. If RJ is telling the truth, at least. JMO. OMO. MOO.

Thank you so much for finding the transcript ... Remember - TM disappeared thru the townhomes for four (4) minutes.
IMO I think RJ was rude, simply rude... and if her parents were behind her would have shaken her into respect..again JMO

I was surprised the judge didn't give her a talking to.
I had a vision of an attorney asking "May I approach the witness" and walk up and smack her on the head.
Jury (AND Nancy to boot) just drove me to zoom to local spot to obtain SERIOUS adult libations to try to survive deliberations...over 12* just today?????? Vividly reminds me of a civil jury many, many years prior to now deliberated until 1am in a very easy case factually, complete w/ 2 pizza runs by Deputies and on my BD no less...

Prayers to all,

Westie Mom (now to extricate myself from Westie ire too)

Above is IMO, JMO and any necessary disclaimers...<WM>
How do you know who did what and where? GZ's version. Do you know who followed who? Who instigated the interaction? How do you know that? No one else was there but TM and GZ.:twocents::moo:

Because I watched the entire trial. I heard all the testimony and I have seen ALL the evidence..

It is not a leap. It is a trail and when you start adding it up, It leads you somewhere.

Yes, I've been in fights. I've been in enough fights to know that what Martin and Zimmerman were having was at worst a run-of-the-mill fistfight. No guns necessary. He didn't even stay swollen long *smh*

I wish people GZ's age would get in enough fights in their younger years to know the darned difference nowadays. (eta: gun-owning folks, I mean, and I am one. Fistfight does not equal gunfight!)

And we don't know who was in the inferior position after all the witnesses went inside to call 911. If you've been in fights you know that it could have changed on a dime.

Well that's true, things can change quickly, but in the seconds between J Goodman seeing them and the gun discharging, we know TM was on top when the gun discharged. Not even the State disputed that. The kept mounting the dummy GZ.

Yeah, the good old fashioned, "settle it outside" fights are gone. People panic at physical confrontation so now is the "reasonable" man standard that the jury must apply a different "reasonable" man than in the past and is that more of a ...can't think of a proper word...OK, let's go with weakling standard? That would bear well for the defense.
And if the truth is told, every suspicion GZ had about Tm was true.

TM wasn't breaking into any homes, he was walking home, BIG DIFFERENCE. GZ suspicion was wrong.. :twocents:
Are there no court watchers in Sanford? I want to know if any of the jurors are looking at GZ? Are the jurors looking at the prosecution side? Has anybody here heard anything?
Okay you made me LOL. But I'll say as a mom of 4 that was probably true maybe the first week. After that I bet she is bored out of her mind because she never has this much time where she isn't physically crazy busy. It is always nice for a break but then you start to miss the craziness of your routine. Its a mom of many kind of thing I think. JMO

I get it. My DH sent me to a wonderful health retreat for a week, when my asthma flared up really bad. My mom came to watch our 2 kids. I LOVED the retreat the first 3 days or so, but it was heartwrenching for the final days because I missed my kids so much.
I went to high school in Switzerland back in the 70's. The student population came from 66 different countries. We were all just kids, and race was never ever an issue. I came back to the US to go to college and it took a lot of adjusting to as I was an Europeanized American. What horrified me was the ease with which people used all kinds of slurs to refer to people of all ethnic backgrounds. IMO, we need to do a better job teaching our children respect for everyone. What we teach now will affect generations to come. Some of this rhetoric on tv and otherwise is simply not warranted. JMV, IMO
I think RJ got sick of West asking her the same thing over and over again and she just simplified and generalized her answer. IMO

No. It was under direct from the STATE. Not the defense..

That is part of the issue. You need to watch the testimony yourself. Don't rely on other people's interpretations.. Watch and know the evidence yourself before you make a decision.
No. The trial has much evidence admitted as per the STATE. physical evidence, testimony.. A lot of which DID NOT COME AT ALL FROM GZ.

And it was stunning how much of the state's evidence supported the defense. JMO. OMO. MOO.
I also learned how to use a gun and carry it - a suggestion by my LEO relative. It is my heartfelt opinion and personal experience that gun owners who get a CCP are told over and over again that the gun is a last resort.

People who own guns for protection are FOR LIFE, saving lives, not out for murder or eager to kill. They cherish life and know the power of a gun and don't take the charge of carrying one lightly. I've known a bunch of what the left would call "gun nuts" and they aren't really nuts at all. They are not out to kill, but to protect.

In my opinion, that is why GZ was screaming for help. I don't think he wanted to have to pull his weapon. He didn't want them to call 911 he wanted HELP. As the defense "self-defense" expert said, at that point he had no options if he felt like he was going to become unconscious and/if/or TM saw the gun and went for it.

IMO (like that judge requires on "The Good Wife")

Thanks for your thoughtful response! I agree that 99 percent of gun owners are responsible.

I'm just not so sure GZ was one of them....he certainly wasn't offering him a ride home because it was raining...he was suspicious, and spoke about how TM looked like he was up to no good and real suspicious.

IMO, it is more logical that GZ felt emboldened because he had a gun to follow TM and IMO, try to illegally detain him by showing his gun or grabbing him.

I wish with all my heart that there was stronger concrete evidence for one side or the other...

I totally respect your opinion of what happened though.
No. The trial has much evidence admitted as per the STATE. physical evidence, testimony.. A lot of which DID NOT COME AT ALL FROM GZ.

We're talking about the "facts" that happened prior to the altercation (or at least I was) We only have one side of the story.
I was surprised the judge didn't give her a talking to.
I had a vision of an attorney asking "May I approach the witness" and walk up and smack her on the head.
Ok...that's not nice...but it is funny. lol
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