Very Blonde Girl In Orange Chair With Ashtray

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Jun 13, 2007
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I'm posting this dear soul as there is I believe two photographs of her. In reading about how some of our Sleuthers have found matches of women and how they have on changes of clothing or jewelry I think this fits.

Also next to the chair is what looks to be a baby blue leather bag. Resting on the bag looks to be some kind of paraphanalia. Does anyone know what that is? Also hanging on the lamp to the left there's what appears to be a button with a ribbon hanging at the end with numbers going backwards. Could that help to identify this poor girl? Also I see a drink on the table that holds the lamp.

Here is who I believe to be the same woman. She's on the floor with the earphones in her hand. BTW, that's a common theme alright. I highly doubt all these women elected to put earphones on. In this photo the woman has on a white blouse. She appears so sad. Plus in the first photo she only has one bracelet on. In this there's more or maybe a chain of some sort? Her arm closest to the camera has what looks like a burn perhaps? A blood blister?

They appear to be the same woman.
Bringing this from the original thread.


The calendar in this photo is a very interesting calendar, I've never seen one like this before, and am trying to find one like it vintage calendars on the web. It is I believe circled to Wednesday the 14th. I can't tell what month it is, but if the green ribbon is for March (st. pattys day) then it would either be 1973 or 1979. This is just a guess, the month I guess could be any other color. Interestingly the girl is dressed in all green too. Anyone remember ever having or seeing a calendar like that?
Anyone got any idea what the white bag in the bottom right corner says?

Yes, Ruby I thought so. I was comfortable enough to post that.

Sleuthster, like right by the suitcase. It's something brown. It has a rubberband or string around it. I can't figure out what the lamp adornment is either. It starts with a big 14.

This appears the clothing fits the woman.Both outfits appear to be her own. Now, did she visit often or did she stay the night? She doesn't look at ease to me. It's probably what carbuff suggested they came to model and brought a change of clothing. I only see that bump on her wrist though in the headphone photograph.
Bringing this from the original thread.


The calendar in this photo is a very interesting calendar, I've never seen one like this before, and am trying to find one like it vintage calendars on the web. It is I believe circled to Wednesday the 14th. I can't tell what month it is, but if the green ribbon is for March (st. pattys day) then it would either be 1973 or 1979. This is just a guess, the month I guess could be any other color. Interestingly the girl is dressed in all green too. Anyone remember ever having or seeing a calendar like that?

That's what it is! Thanks, I knew I had seen one of those in my childhood and couldnt remember what it is. I'll have to google those calendars.
The suitcase appears to have a tag on it with a string, that was used to identify someone's luggage when traveling.
That calendar is there for a reason IMO! It's to tell someone when this pic was taken. It is too akward to just be there by coinsidence.

Each week is coded by white days or green days. Each represents a week. I can actually make out wednesday as the 21st. I will take a look at 70-71 to see if I can tell what month and year since he was in nyc around that time, also I think it's winter by the gloves and dress.
That calendar is there for a reason IMO! It's to tell someone when this pic was taken. It is too akward to just be there by coinsidence.

Each week is coded by white days or green days. Each represents a week. I can actually make out wednesday as the 21st. I will take a look at 70-71 to see if I can tell what month and year since he was in nyc around that time, also I think it's winter by the gloves and dress.

I already did that see the above post. :)
Unfortunately we can't really tell what month it is, unless we can find another calendar just like it somewhere. I've looked on the web and can't find one. I don't think I looked at the 60's when I was looking, because we were only thinking 70's. I guessed March, only because of the green ribbon and her green pantsuit, but it could be any other month.
I am thinking that the calendar that I saw as a kid was a promotional for a car dealership. I can picture the name on the bottom of it.
The white plastic bag with the drawstring top infront of her suitcase looks just like one of those plastic laundry bags that you get at hotels for your laundry. When I have traveled (and I have stayed in hotels and also other peoples places in addition to the hotel) I would sometimes take these bags with me to carry along dirty clothes, even though I wouldn't use the laundry services from the hotel I stayed at. It looks like the bag that is open ontop of the suitcase is a carryon bag and the tag on the suitcase looks just like the tags you get from airlines. Being that she has gloves on her suitcase, which I would assume are hers, I would think that she was entering into a relatively cold climate. Whomever she is, I think she probably came from a distance to either stay with him or was visiting the area in which he lived and staying in a hotel (hence the plastic laundry bag) and then met up with him and ended up going to stay with him.

Other than the two pictures of her sitting on the floor with the headphones, there is another picture that appears to be her (I am new at this and don't remember where I saw it) but she is topless and her head is hanging down, she looks very sad and appears to have tears in her eyes.
Gosh I hadn't realized it before, but these pictures seem to tell a story. First one in the green pantsuit: arrival, (Note the different clothes) second one with the head phones and she's smiling: having fun, third one ticked off (maybe he just asked her to pose nude), and the last one where we think there's actually a tear in her left eye. This is so sad!
In the photos where she's wearing the white shirt, is that a New Year's party tiara on the dresser behind her? It looks like the type with the mylar sparkly fringe attached.
In the photos where she's wearing the white shirt, is that a New Year's party tiara on the dresser behind her? It looks like the type with the mylar sparkly fringe attached.

That also looks like the same glass that was beside her in the photo where she's in the chair.

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