Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

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So.... she didn't contact the authorities?

I'm for god's sake NOT trying to cast Hobbs in any kind of good "light". I think he is, like JMB, a disgusting cockroach who, like JMB, was abusive to those weaker than him and hair-tigger tempered, and on a pile of drugs to boot. Like JMB, Hobbs is way up there in my opinion as a suspect.

Just FYI.

I however find it a bit odd that Ms Hicks can come out in 2007 talking about all this abuse she first-hand heard when Amanda was small-- IF you are saying she did not contact the cops when the abuse was actually happening.

"Becomes the norm" my *advertiser censored*. Any woman who can hear a child speak about being digitally raped (and all the rest of it) and then sit back and do nothing about it is utter scum. The end. Or she's lying to throw Hobbs under a bus. Which she had every reason in the world to do.

Just trying to keep it real.
When I started reading about the WM3, I tried to keep an open mind and also look at the arguments of the WM3 opposition. The most common thing I read was, "Don't believe the documentaries, there is so much evidence that is not in there". Well, where is this so called evidence ?
This was all 'spin' or propaganda put about by the 'authorities' to justify the prosecution with so little real eveidence! This even appears to still be going on to a certain degree.

Now that some of the police officers or members of the justice system are retiring, I am hoping for one person, who may have the decency to come forward and shed some light on the whole thing, for the sake of Steven, Christopher, Michael, Jesse, Jason and Damien.
At least the latter three are now free, as are the former three, in the metaphysical sense. The immediate families of all the six victims you name above also had their lives horribly effected by this travesty of Justice. I think it might, sadly, need the death of someone high up in the possible 'chain' of corruption for someone else to have the courage to finally speak out. I have a suspicion that that 'chain of corruption' winds its way pretty high up in the stratosphere of the political 'establishment'

I too am not one for conspiracy theories, but I make an exception in this case. Sometimes I wonder if any of the defense teams ever looked into the sons (teenage or older) of high ranking West Memphis officials and/or police officers.
Fat chance! Some of the 'plays' made by the original public defenders (EXCLUDING Stidham) seemed almost, at times, to be orchestrated by the prosecution!! Some seemed way too focused on their 'judicial/political careers rather than any form of justice.

I am sure some of the sons, teens and 20's, of fine up-standing members of that community are now similar 'paragons of virtue' in the same community! Allegedly Sudbury (wmpd & CCDTF) had a son who had a meth lab. Never got to court as he was never arrested and charged! But then Sudbury survived for a good while before a new police chief did a bit of housekeeping - he was out and that was when Brent Davies quit being DA and moved up the ladder to be a judge. I still find it very odd that he stayed on that lower rung for so very long after this case. He could have written his own ticket after the trials but just maybe the 'perks' of that job were too good to give up?

Spell chuckers are for cowards!:happydance:
Chuckers??? I just dread that I will end up brainwashed and start using American words and spellings! 'Z' 's galore and color, tire, theater, per say, usw!
Side note, If I wanted to know where my child was and thought he was with a playmate, I would go to their homes and ask.
The Moores were, I believe, the only other parents he knew at that point.

I wouldn't call the police, which makes me think that JMB did not have involvement. I do feel the information about the case was leaked to the community and since Mr. Byers had his friends with the force, it is my belief, he started the "rumors" of how heinous the crimes actually were. I know it was like a Circus and JMB was a rodeo clown, and also the WMPD had a long list of errors made regarding judgment.
Hey everyone can have an opinion but I hardly think that JMB was in any state to start playing games with the community. I do agree he did know quite a number of the police department but no way do I think for a moment he started leaking stuff! I have my suspicions that there was a titbit of information that had no substance, that he did have a hand in putting out there as a question to see how fast it changed in to an established 'fact'. It morphed VERY quickly!

Things like JM's confession was definitely a leak from the wmpd to get the comunity convinced that they had the 'right' guys. They were feeling the heat from the people and, if we are right, knew damn well they could not arrest and charge the real killer/s.

Yet, I wish we could all be a little more sympathetic to those investigators, for they knew one of the fathers well and most likely knew the children on a personal basis. This added to the horror of the crime, must have caused a lot of trauma for the entire Police Department.
Sorry but I am unable to feel any compassion for those guys who all swore an oath to serve and protect but found protecting themselves took priority. Too many things were not done properly or were 'lost'. They declined offers of help from the State Troopers as they did not want too many people trampling all over their crime scene and then they trampled all over it themselves! OK they may well have been out of their depth but then, in that situation, there is no shame in asking for help when it is available!
I think the problem is that the emasculation is so horrible it's hard to see beyond it. Everyone says of course CB had it the worst because of that but.. I'm willing to bet if I had the crime photos of the boys wounds and face shots (and I can't a lot of them) and lined them up.
There is a reason for that! There was a time when some got 'out' and were put on ebay for sale. It caused family members some distress; they were removed. Not one of the reputable boards allows posting of explicit photgraphs. I fully support this policy and I am sure this site would too. A few have emerged but have been 'photo-shopped' in a way to only show the specific wounds under discussion. As is the case with the very possible bite mark on SB's eyebrow. 'Road rash' type wounds / scrapes.

I would advise extreme caution if you are approached by anyone here, or elsewhere, offering to let you have access to any photos. They even get 'used' as bait for sites which sneak odd bits of software on to computers containing malware and other nasties!
There is a reason for that! There was a time when some got 'out' and were put on ebay for sale. It caused family members some distress; they were removed. Not one of the reputable boards allows posting of explicit photgraphs. I fully support this policy and I am sure this site would too. A few have emerged but have been 'photo-shopped' in a way to only show the specific wounds under discussion. As is the case with the very possible bite mark on SB's eyebrow. 'Road rash' type wounds / scrapes.

I would advise extreme caution if you are approached by anyone here, or elsewhere, offering to let you have access to any photos. They even get 'used' as bait for sites which sneak odd bits of software on to computers containing malware and other nasties!

Just to add to this with my own bit of advice for anyone who's thinking about trying to dig up the pics -- a couple months ago, I joined a very popular discussion board, since I've heard many rave about it (you can find anything there; the great discussions on every type of subject, etc). I really didn't know how to navigate the site. I searched for a WM3 discussion board. I saw a link, thinking it would direct me to a message board, and (much to my horror) it ended up being photos of the victims. I've never closed out of a website as fast, once I saw the pictures load -- yet even still, just those .05 seconds of what I did still haunts me.

Needless to say, I haven't been back to that site since.

As Miranda said, you really need to be careful from a technical aspect (i.e. viruses, etc.) -- but also, from an emotional one. You will never un-see those images; I don't care who you are. If you think you are prepared from anything you've seen in the past (the bite mark; the pictures from the PL docs), I'd bet the farm that you are greatly mistaken, to say the least -- and I'd advise anyone to not even try to look for them.
I'm for god's sake NOT trying to cast Hobbs in any kind of good "light". I think he is, like JMB, a disgusting cockroach who, like JMB, was abusive to those weaker than him and hair-tigger tempered, and on a pile of drugs to boot. Like JMB, Hobbs is way up there in my opinion as a suspect.

Just FYI.

Just trying to keep it real.
In the interests of 'keeping it real'! Firstly, we now all know how well acquainted with cockroaches you appear to be and what you happen to think of these men whom you do not actually know in the 'real' world! :thinking::drumroll:

My first impressions of the two men were also interesting. JMB, larger than life and presenting as the stereo typical southern red-neck. High on my suspect list, as so many others had him. After all we only 'knew' the character as presented in Devil's Knot and the first two Paradise Lost films. Aside from the documentation on Cally's. Also then the loud mouthed character with a large internet presence and childish and vulgar handle. Longing for true justice both for his son and Chris's two friends. A true believer in the DP and a determination to see the supporters out. I asked a friend of his to ask him a question for me on the Hoax. I was firmly told to ask him myself and he would respect me if I showed him no disrespect. I did and his friend was right. Yeah, he was pretty vile and nasty to those who were rude to him! I just tried to steer clear except when he was very unfair, and that was not that often.

TWH, on the other hand, seemed to blend into the background. The only moment that stood out to me was when his then wife, extremely distressed, fled the court room and he seemed to be utterly clueless as to what he should do - almost as if he were a mere onlooker and totally detached from all that surrounded everyone else. An insignificant nonentity. How dumb was that?

JMB dropped down the rankings of my possible perps, farther and farther. TWH remained a nonentity. Then came the EDT fndings on 2007. A lot of things changed. I guess I had been around long enough to be considered a 'keeper' and I slowly started to get some private messages - some nice ones and some not so! I found that I was being contacted by some whom I never thought I would meet - even on line. By that, I mean people who I had never seen post on any forum but knew of from their involvement in the case. People, in my book, move from the virtual world to the real world when individual emails lead to telephone calls or snail mail letters or all three! I do not agree with all of them all the time by any means - but that is fine! We all have in common though a determination to see the resolution of this case in a fair and just way.

I have had no direct contact with TWH, nor do I wish to. My remaining time is too precious to waste on him, I would far rather spend it supporting others and hoping to see him finally be properly investigated and then either excluded or indicted. Should it be the latter then I do not actually mind if he is just charged, even without enough evidence to guarantee a conviction after all this time, as hopefully that would result in the State doing the honourable thing and exonerate the three.

So.... she didn't contact the authorities?
I however find it a bit odd that Ms Hicks can come out in 2007 talking about all this abuse she first-hand heard when Amanda was small-- IF you are saying she did not contact the cops when the abuse was actually happening.

"Becomes the norm" my *advertiser censored*. Any woman who can hear a child speak about being digitally raped (and all the rest of it) and then sit back and do nothing about it is utter scum. The end. Or she's lying to throw Hobbs under a bus. Which she had every reason in the world to do.

Like it or not, accept it or not, but if a young child grows up in an abusive family that is their family they do tend to think that that is the norm! They have only grown up in that family and do not fully know nor understand socail dynamics of what a 'normal' family should be.

The other point you are tilting at is the lack of anything being reported to the police. When Steven told his aunt (who was more like a cousin in age) that it HAD to be a secret. She, at that point, was not old enough to recognise that there are some 'secrets' that should NOT be kept. So it was that it slowly emerged and some members of the family became 'sort of' aware that something was 'sort of' not right!

The watch word of quite a few is for closed ranks and keeping up appearances. Crazy? Mad? Pathetic? Do not think that those who might have had a few clues have not, ever since, so wished that they had broken confidences or spoken out. Hindsight combined with survivor guilt. Far from making excuses for them, I, too, am appalled that eveyone seemed to be in some sort of denial that anything 'that bad' could be happening in their midst. Remember impoverished neighbourhood, both financially and educationally, as well as all allegedly being from the sorts of households which were firmly dominated by the man of the house. This is especially true of the Hobbs family, as I have been led to believe. Not only was the father apparently a former military man, slaughter house owner, restaurant chain owner but also the local preacher in a pretty extreme form of OT Fundamentalism - not sure if the speaking of tongues or snakes featured, but I got the impression it was pretty close! No TV and, all in all, very strict.

Most of all what, for me, totally demolished your argument of moral indignation, was your seeming 'defence' had an aunt in fact just made it up to get 'revenge' on Hobbs and land him in trouble.

There is NEVER a time in a moral and civilised society that it is either acceptable or justifiable to lie and publish detrimental and defamatory information about another. Even more so when the time may well come (we hope) where there is a trial. The statements could be shredded in court if they cannot be backed up. So perjury plus a brilliant defence strategy for any potential defence attorney - all but handed to them on a plate. Sewing jumbo seeds of credibility, to be harvested and cooked up as a concotion of reasonable doubt.....

If this appears inconsisten and all over the place it is because it is. I have been doing it in fits and starts whilsr watching the many ceremonies covering the 100th anniversary of when the lamps went out over here as we officially declared war on Germany. So the last hour and half has been typed with a dimmer screen and in candle light and a 'softened' picture on the TV. The War to end all wars. A hundred years of War and we still we seem to have failed to learn anything? Sadly wars seem to beget wars. The problems in the near and middle east stem from our (France, Egypt and us) carvng up the terrotories to the east of the Mediterranean with a total disregard for the wishes of the people who actually lived there. Something that is still going on to this day.

One wuote that did not come up in any of the services was the great one of Auden's "We must love one another or die." 'We' meaning nations as well as individuals.

Sorry for such a long post - I will try and keep quiet tomorrow! Glasgow did a great job with the Commonwealth Games!
Phew!!..Miranda! your fingers must be sore now!! Some good posts in the last two days. I haven't got the time to read them all thoroughly at the moment.

Just two quick things. This is the reality of sexual abuse outside the family, never mind in it. Introducing "Sir" Jimmy Saville, English TV Celebrity deceased.

Considering the Hobbs/Hicks war, this link astonished me. Look at the list of Pallbearers!
Just two quick things. This is the reality of sexual abuse outside the family, never mind in it. Introducing "Sir" Jimmy Saville, English TV Celebrity deceased.

Considering the Hobbs/Hicks war, this link astonished me. Look at the list of Pallbearers!
This last part fits with the 'keeping it in the family'psychosis. Very akin to the way the Church seems to keep that sort of stuff 'in-house'. Other pall-bearers are other son-in-laws. Given the way people seem to trade in spouses these days, the risk of in-laws becoming out-laws would seem too risky to have involved in close family events like that. But just my opinion.

Lovely pub quiz type question 'Where and how are Knights buried these days?' (UK relevant only). No Knight is ever buried as the honour dies the minute they do! On the serious side I know far more than I like about the whole Saville case and was in touch with Scotland Yard when Operation Yewtree was a two man team which became a two man one woman team the next day. My contact was on the first Monday after the TV documentary aired, when they had less than 10 complainants and I now have a 'survivor's guilt' thing that will stay for ever. The police were brilliant! As were the many support lines at various charities. I met him in early teens when a political activist and helping in the very early days of Amnesty International when there was not much happening at CND offices after school. I had the mad idea of a benefit concert for Amnesty and wrote to Saville to compere baxk when he was big on Radio Luxemburg. That meeting killed the benefit idea and caused me to pretty well just stick to CND. I told no-one until the TV documentary was shown - and then it was only the police initially. By a fortnight later the team had grown to 30+ and the incidences had grown exponentially - plus many other teams in different police regions! My formal letter of thanks only came earier this year. What makes it weirder is that I then met him again a few years later and he could never work out if I 'remembered' him at all! I even have a photo taken at Top of The Pops when, as a journalist, I had taken a lone visiting Beach Boy up to the show. Luckily that segment never showed up on ToTP compilations and never will now as the Beeb are editing him out as far as I have managed to ascertain!

That case opened one hell of a can of worms that Saville and others thought would never see the light of day due to power trips of fame game. I just hope and pray that eventually this case will also be blown wide open, most likely as a result of some other corrupt cover up coming to light!
In the interests of 'keeping it real'! Firstly, we now all know how well acquainted with cockroaches you appear to be and what you happen to think of these men whom you do not actually know in the 'real' world! :thinking::drumroll:

Snipped. Well-acquainted with cockroaches? Perhaps I'm misreading it...hopefully I am...because that comes across incredibly rude to ausgirl.

Via Kindle, like a true Amazon junkie
In the interests of 'keeping it real'! Firstly, we now all know how well acquainted with cockroaches you appear to be and what you happen to think of these men whom you do not actually know in the 'real' world! :thinking::drumroll:

I don't even know what you're attempting to say here.

I'd like to state, though -- both of these men are vile. That's my opinion. I don't have to "know them in the real world" to hold that opinion - their criminal records speak for themselves.
What makes TH a viable suspect? His lack of love for his stepson. From all indications, he hated him.

I'd be more inclined to take for granted any reports of abuse coming from outside the family -- hospital records, teachers, people with no reason to hate TH. If there was ongoing abuse, I am betting *somebody* noticed something 'off' about those kids.
I agree with you here. The allegations remain allegations. It's interesting to see that TH filed a lawsuit against Natalie Maines for her utterances, however the many and heavy allegations of abuse/sexual abuse by the Hicks family remain uncommented.


Someone please remind me -- did Sheila Hicks call the cops on Terry when this abuse came to her attention? It was pretty serious stuff, I would expect any family member to dial 911 on the spot. If she did, why was nothing done? If she didn't - why not?

I would expect it too, but I am afraid it doesn't always work out like I expect it to.


he wants the public to know that in case they ever say anything negative about him they are not to be believed......

Right on!


It does not surprise me that nobody called 911 when it happened ,I am so sorry about the abuse you went through yourself but did anyone call 911 in your case? When you grow up around abuse it becomes norm IMO

"The times they are a changing" I hope!!


"Becomes the norm" my *advertiser censored*. Any woman who can hear a child speak about being digitally raped (and all the rest of it) and then sit back and do nothing about it is utter scum. The end.

See my link in post #407.

There is a reason for that! There was a time when some got 'out' and were put on ebay for sale. It caused family members some distress; they were removed. Not one of the reputable boards allows posting of explicit photgraphs. I fully support this policy and I am sure this site would too. A few have emerged but have been 'photo-shopped' in a way to only show the specific wounds under discussion. As is the case with the very possible bite mark on SB's eyebrow. 'Road rash' type wounds / scrapes.

I would advise extreme caution if you are approached by anyone here, or elsewhere, offering to let you have access to any photos. They even get 'used' as bait for sites which sneak odd bits of software on to computers containing malware and other nasties!


As Miranda said, you really need to be careful from a technical aspect (i.e. viruses, etc.) -- but also, from an emotional one. You will never un-see those images; I don't care who you are. If you think you are prepared from anything you've seen in the past (the bite mark; the pictures from the PL docs), I'd bet the farm that you are greatly mistaken, to say the least -- and I'd advise anyone to not even try to look for them.

I was lucky when watching the docs for the first time, I realised the footage was a Crime video and managed to turn away in the nick of time. I often wish the old times back, where I knew the media and news never exposed anything dangerous. It really is traumatising to see things like this.

Like it or not, accept it or not, but if a young child grows up in an abusive family that is their family they do tend to think that that is the norm! They have only grown up in that family and do not fully know nor understand socail dynamics of what a 'normal' family
should be.

The other point you are tilting at is the lack of anything being reported to the police. When Steven told his aunt (who was more like a cousin in age) that it HAD to be a secret. She, at that point, was not old enough to recognise that there are some 'secrets' that should NOT be kept. So it was that it slowly emerged and some members of the family became 'sort of' aware that something was 'sort of' not right!

The watch word of quite a few is for closed ranks and keeping up appearances. Crazy? Mad? Pathetic? Do not think that those who might have had a few clues have not, ever since, so wished that they had broken confidences or spoken out. Hindsight combined with survivor guilt. Far from making excuses for them, I, too, am appalled that eveyone seemed to be in some sort of denial that anything 'that bad' could be happening in their midst. Remember impoverished neighbourhood, both financially and educationally, as well as all allegedly being from the sorts of households which were firmly dominated by the man of the house.

This is especially true of the Hobbs family, as I have been led to believe. Not only was the father apparently a former military man, slaughter house owner, restaurant chain owner but also the local preacher in a pretty extreme form of OT Fundamentalism - not sure if the speaking of tongues or snakes featured, but I got the impression it was pretty close! No TV and, all in all, very strict.

Most of all what, for me, totally demolished your argument of moral indignation, was your seeming 'defence' had an aunt in fact just made it up to get 'revenge' on Hobbs and land him in trouble.There is NEVER a time in a moral and civilised society that it is either acceptable or justifiable to lie and publish detrimental and defamatory information about another. Even more so when the time may well come (we hope) where there is a trial. The statements could
be shredded in court if they cannot be backed up. So perjury plus a brilliant defence strategy for any potential defence attorney - all but handed to them on a plate. Sewing jumbo seeds of credibility, to be harvested and cooked up as a concotion of reasonable

If TH is the man, there will be some heavy weight on a lot of peoples conscience's in the Hicks family.


Lovely pub quiz type question 'Where and how are Knights buried these days?' (UK relevant only). No Knight is ever buried as the honour dies the minute they do!

LOL.:laughing: Is it possible to give your knighthood back to HRH? Since "that's our Jimmy" I've been thinking of giving mine back! I was in hospital for one and a half years in '63 -'64 and I'm very pleased that "Jim" did not drop in.
If TH is the man, there will be some heavy weight on a lot of peoples conscience's in the Hicks family.


LOL.:laughing: Is it possible to give your knighthood back to HRH? Since "that's our Jimmy" I've been thinking of giving mine back! I was in hospital for one and a half years in '63 -'64 and I'm very pleased that "Jim" did not drop in.
The likes of various orders can be sent back - as Lennon did. But, as before they received them they were all asked if they were willing to accept them, it is considered the height of ill manners to return. Knighthoods are for the rest of the lifetime ONLY so automatically cease at point of death! As for hereditary ranks they are rather like the Royal Standard which never ever flies at half mast. Something so very many fans of Di never managed to grasp and hence perceived a slight where there was none. Heredatory titles can be renounced but it is very,very rare. Wedgewood Benn being the only one I can recall from recent times!

I feel it is a bit unfair to add to the load of SB's aunt - she was young back then and, even today, many teens would hesitate to call the police in on a family matter if their parents were not in the picture.

Caustic In order to be able to describe someone in such a way the person so doing needs to have real knowledge of people of that type! Plus I did qualify with the word 'appear' and this thread is specifically about Hobbs' viability as a suspect and not for the bashing of other characters of the case, I thought! Thank goodness most serious book reviewers read the books and do not judge by covers alone! Mark you, the way the world is going now, books will soon be a thing of the past! But then I am being judgemental about someone else being judgemental. Most probably a generational thing. The world, as we know it, is not going to be around for very much longer so it does not really matter any more - we are on that slippery slope of decline!

Again, far too long!

I agree with you here. The allegations remain allegations. It's interesting to see that TH filed a lawsuit against Natalie Maines for her utterances, however the many and heavy allegations of abuse/sexual abuse by the Hicks family remain uncommented.

I am guessing that having his *advertiser censored* handed to him over the Maines case might have something to do with that, whether he killed the boys or not. Hobbs certainly has no issue commenting on it outside of a courtroom.

What are the laws regarding historic cases there? Is it no longer possible for Hobbs to be charged over those allegations?
I hope it didn't get "lost" in the fray that SB's aunt was a mere teenager at the time SB told her (and her sister, if memory serves) of the supposed abuse. He also told them that it should be kept secret because SB feared that TH would harm either PH or him (SB) if exposed. IMO, that adequately explains her silence at the time. As to the revelations of 2007, the aunts were adults by that time. Yes, they had a "bone to pick" with TH, but, as was pointed out earlier, Mildred French didn't. Also, the first wife of TH divorced him for his abusive treatment of her and their child.
Mildred French's case is certainly a good indication of Hobbs' violent nature. It shows, IMO, a sense of "entitlement" often observed in men who commit acts of violence against women and kids - ie, he feels entitled to simply walk on in and do what he wants. Same with the previous wife's abuse, and that against Pam. Also, Amanda's diary, where she can't be sure about sexual abuse by her dad, but is clear about other physical abuse.

While part of me wants to simply accept the accusations of sexual abuse as true (because I really would not be surprised if they were), I still can't just ignore the powerful motive that exists for the family to want to see Hobbs punished (for Jackie's death).
Even if the family wants to see him punished for Jackie, Jrs. death, that, too, is an example of his violent nature. He doesn't deny his participation in the shooting, just his lack of responsibility - the gun did it, you know!
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