Viable Suspect: Terry Hobbs - #2

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Lets be fair tho. I m happy with your theory regarding hobbs as long as we have the same fairness against the west memphis 3.

Damien echols an extensive record of being mentally ill...sucking blood from people. Reports of him killing sacrificing and eating animals.

Reports of him being involved in cults. Reports he wanted to sacrifice his unborn son. Reports by everyone that he was a genuine loon...with severe mental illness and a lust for violence. Claimed he got power from drinking peoples blood and actually carried it out. Spoke about sacrificing people. Being a white witch and practising the occult. Threatened to eat his dad. Threatened to kill his girlfriends parents. Had on record saying they we,re gearing up something more than animals. These reports we,re in before the crime was comitted.

A boy turns up confessing they done it. Three different knots pointing to three different killers. Damien tells people he done it. All three have no alibi,s. Two we,re proven false and one never even gave one. We have an account that jason was out with damien that night. What we,re these kids up to that night
So you're basically saying Ryan Clarke made it up.

I don't buy that at all. He has no reason to make up lies about the circumstances surrounding his brothers murder, and he would have to be a pretty despicable person to do so. I don't see any reason to believe that he is despicable, he comes across as perfectly credible to me.

So you are saying no one mentioned it. I find that incredible. Not one person seen or thought to mention the snapping turtles. No ones maybe thought what about the snapping turtles we see. Law enforcement. Guy that done the autoposy. The people of west memphis. family members. And no one thought wait a minute....what about the snapping turtles we keep seeing. No ones put two and two together. The snapping turtles ryan keeps catching might have done it.

Ryans been pretty good at catching them for a 10 years old. Considering no one else can even see them.
Terry hobbs alibi. Seen by jacoby around 5.30. Spent an hour at least with him at his house. Left to look for stevie. Went back to jacobys 2 other times between that and dark. Was seen by and with mark byers and his wife at 8. Was also seen by and gave a report etc to a policeman at 8.30.

Hes had to search for the boys. Bearing in mind they we,re over 2 miles away. Find them in the woods not an easy place to find them. Catch and kill each of them. Tie them all up. Get back home to then clean himself up another 2 miles away. To get back out to meet up with byers and his wife an hour and a half later at the most.

Now whats the west memphis 3 alibi today?
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Terry hobbs alibi. Seen by jacoby around 5.30. Spent an hour at least with him at his house. Left to look for stevie. Went back to jacobys 2 other times between that and dark. Was seen by and with mark byers and his wife at 8. Was also seen by and gave a report etc to a policeman at 8.30.

Hes had to search for the boys. Bearing in mind they we,re over 2 miles away. Find them in the woods not an easy place to find them. Catch and kill each of them. Tie them all up. Get back home to then clean himself up another 2 miles away. To get back out to meet up with byers and his wife an hour and a half later at the most.

Now whats the west memphis 3 alibi today?
i love how you're conveniently leaving out all the parts of TH's alibi that were completely made up/proven to be false

why is TH allowed to have numerous holes in his alibi, but one wrong date or time given by one of the WM3 and automatically they're 100% guilty to you? typical "nons" thinking they can speak things into existence
i love how you're conveniently leaving out all the parts of TH's alibi that were completely made up/proven to be false

why is TH allowed to have numerous holes in his alibi, but one wrong date or time given by one of the WM3 and automatically they're 100% guilty to you? typical "nons" thinking they can speak things into existence

What was proven false about hobb,s alibi?

Just watched some of the jacoby interview...hobbs actually has less time than the time on that alibi i put up.

What was proven wrong/false?

And what was damien echols alibi?
What was proven false about hobb,s alibi?

Just watched some of the jacoby interview...hobbs actually has less time than the time on that alibi i put up.

What was proven wrong/false?

And what was damien echols alibi?
you can go back and look at my previous posts where i described the numerous holes in TH's alibi

same with the posts i've made about DE's alibi

might want to actually do some research before making ridiculous claims such as saying TH has a solid alibi
Well what is the holes in hobbs alibi then.

Jacoby seen him about 4 different times that night. From 5.30 to around 6.30. Hes documented all the times they,ve went searching for the kids. Mark byers has a report saying he spoke and seen hobbs at 8. The police detective took a report at 8.30 from hobbs.

He also picked pam up at 9.

Thats a reasonable alibi to me.

He has sightings at least.

Whats echols alibi?
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So you are saying no one mentioned it. I find that incredible. Not one person seen or thought to mention the snapping turtles. No ones maybe thought what about the snapping turtles we see. Law enforcement. Guy that done the autoposy. The people of west memphis. family members. And no one thought wait a minute....what about the snapping turtles we keep seeing. No ones put two and two together. The snapping turtles ryan keeps catching might have done it.

Ryans been pretty good at catching them for a 10 years old. Considering no one else can even see them.
Your accusation that Ryan Clarke is lying about turtles is really not worth engaging with.

Thankfully the wm3 are free and no amount of trolling on the internet is going to change that.

As for Terry Hobbs, I don't know what he did in the missing hour and a half that night, but I do know that he should have been looked at as a suspect in the initial investigation. Complete madness not to check the alibi of one of the victim's step fathers.
Your accusation that Ryan Clarke is lying about turtles is really not worth engaging with.

Thankfully the wm3 are free and no amount of trolling on the internet is going to change that.

As for Terry Hobbs, I don't know what he did in the missing hour and a half that night, but I do know that he should have been looked at as a suspect in the initial investigation. Complete madness not to check the alibi of one of the victim's step fathers.

Yeah just shows you what money and a few famous faces can do.

Sad really.

Especially when theres supporters that have never really been interested in the truth...just as long as they got echols and the other two losers out. Pretty much shown by not holding them to the same account they held byers and hobbs to.

Echols, baldwin and jessie dont want to mention the case anymore. They never followed up on their promises...just got out and ran away laughing at the gullible people calling them heroes.
Well what is the holes in hobbs alibi then.

Jacoby seen him about 4 different times that night. From 5.30 to around 6.30. Hes documented all the times they,ve went searching for the kids. Mark byers has a report saying he spoke and seen hobbs at 8. The police detective took a report at 8.30 from hobbs.

He also picked pam up at 9.

Thats a reasonable alibi to me.

He has sightings at least.

Whats echols alibi?
i'm not gonna do your homework for you. a basic search will reveal all that is wrong with TH's alibi

but you're obviously just gonna choose to ignore that since in your mind you have already solved the case, so there's really nothing more that needs to be said
i'm not gonna do your homework for you. a basic search will reveal all that is wrong with TH's alibi

but you're obviously just gonna choose to ignore that since in your mind you have already solved the case, so there's really nothing more that needs to be said

Yeah not surprising not the only one that doesnt want to talk about flaws in the argument....pretty sure last i heard echols, miskelly and baldwin we,re the same.

Can we not have an alibi for echols?

We,ve scrutinised hobbs alibi. The one that has people actually seeing him. What about echols alibi...he was first spoken to the the 7th. Two days after the kids we,re murdered. Surely it was fresh in his mind what he done 2 days before.
Someone brought up the JCB sighting of seeing TH walking toward the boys in front in their house before they disappeared: this sighting has been thoroughly debunked. Also, RC debunked the part of JCB's "account" of seeing RC crying and talking to her. So to use that as to why you think TH is guilty isn't smart.

I haven't been discussing the case anymore because I'm not in the business of arguing anymore; nor holding anyone's hand and providing sources (done enough of that over the years).

I agree and have always believed that nothing points to TH. The hair isn't a definitive match and secondary transfer was possible anyway. The WM3 are still the best suspects in my view, but that isn't saying much, because the "evidence" isn't necessarily strong against them either. I'd say if there's anyone who I strongly believe was somehow involved in this case, it was JM, but he couldn't have done it on his own.

If you don't know who BL is and haven't seen his police interview where he reveals that JM confessed to him about the murders, I'd suggest it. Not only is DE's mental record damning, but JM's history of beating up and bullying kids himself is also suspect if this was indeed a "bullying gone too far" scenario.

At this point, after many years of studying this case, I feel like either part or all of the WM3 did it, or a trucker unknown to the boys did it. JMB and TC are next on my suspect list after that; TH is a very distant 5th if anything.
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Someone brought up the JCB sighting of seeing TH walking toward the boys in front in their house before they disappeared: this sighting has been thoroughly debunked. Also, RC debunked the part of JCB's "account" of seeing RC crying and talking to her. So to use that as to why you think TH is guilty isn't smart.

I haven't been discussing the case anymore because I'm not in the business of arguing anymore; nor holding anyone's hand and providing sources (done enough of that over the years).

I agree and have always believed that nothing points to TH. The hair isn't a definitive match and secondary transfer was possible anyway. The WM3 are still the best suspects in my view, but that isn't saying much, because the "evidence" isn't necessarily strong against them either. I'd say if there's anyone who I strongly believe was somehow involved in this case, it was JM, but he couldn't have done it on his own.

If you don't know who BL is and haven't seen his police interview where he reveals that JM confessed to him about the murders, I'd suggest it. Not only is DE's mental record damning, but JM's history of beating up and bullying kids himself is also suspect if this was indeed a "bullying gone too far" scenario.

At this point, after many years of studying this case, I feel like either part or all of the WM3 did it, or a trucker unknown to the boys did it. JMB and TC are next on my suspect list after that; TH is a very distant 5th if anything.
spotless crime scene, nothing linking them to the crime scene or the victims, no sightings of them at or near the crime scene on 5/5 (hollingsworth "sighting" of damien is 100% false.) all these reasons are why i'll never accept that the WM3 were responsible for this crime. plus, i truly believe that if the state had even the slightest bit of evidence linking them to the crime, there is zero chance they would've released them

i'm not gonna say hobbs is for sure guilty, but he fits the profile of the killer far more than any of the WM3
spotless crime scene, nothing linking them to the crime scene or the victims, no sightings of them at or near the crime scene on 5/5 (hollingsworth "sighting" of damien is 100% false.) all these reasons are why i'll never accept that the WM3 were responsible for this crime. plus, i truly believe that if the state had even the slightest bit of evidence linking them to the crime, there is zero chance they would've released them

i'm not gonna say hobbs is for sure guilty, but he fits the profile of the killer far more than any of the WM3

That's fine, but if that's your logic, nothing points to TH either and DE's "profile" is just as damning. At least with the WM3, you have JM -- I know, I know, the confessions aren't valid in your eyes probably, but there are indeed some accurate details in them, even in the first one. Also, BL pretty much confirms JM's involvement. That's more than TH.

If you want to blame a family member/father, focus on JMB. There's so much that points to him over TH.

Also, disagree that TH "fits the profile of the killer" more than anyone else. Again, DE fits it just as much if not more.
That's fine, but if that's your logic, nothing points to TH either and DE's "profile" is just as damning. At least with the WM3, you have JM -- I know, I know, the confessions aren't valid in your eyes probably, but there are indeed some accurate details in them, even in the first one. Also, BL pretty much confirms JM's involvement. That's more than TH.

If you want to blame a family member/father, focus on JMB. There's so much that points to him over TH.

Also, disagree that TH "fits the profile of the killer" more than anyone else. Again, DE fits it just as much if not more.
JM's first confession was full of inaccuracies and they seemed to become more accurate as the trial went on, likely because he was learning more and more about the crime

in BL's interview he claims that he and his cousin rex heath took some chicken over to jessie's place on 5/5. except, in rex heath's interview with police, he denies going to the jessie's place with BL that night and even says that it was not unusual for jessie and BL to swap clothing because they did it all the time. Rex Heath Interview - October 23, 1993

JMB has a pretty solid alibi for that night. he was with either RC, MB or both for almost the entire night, and those two corroborated his activities. if JMB had committed the crime, i don't see how RC and MB would not have been in on it. he's pretty low on my list of suspects

how does DE fit the profile as much or more than TH? because he had a troubled past? TH had a history of physical and sexual abuse against children. that right there should've raised a huge red flag with the police
JM's first confession was full of inaccuracies and they seemed to become more accurate as the trial went on, likely because he was learning more and more about the crime

in BL's interview he claims that he and his cousin rex heath took some chicken over to jessie's place on 5/5. except, in rex heath's interview with police, he denies going to the jessie's place with BL that night and even says that it was not unusual for jessie and BL to swap clothing because they did it all the time. Rex Heath Interview - October 23, 1993

JMB has a pretty solid alibi for that night. he was with either RC, MB or both for almost the entire night, and those two corroborated his activities. if JMB had committed the crime, i don't see how RC and MB would not have been in on it. he's pretty low on my list of suspects

how does DE fit the profile as much or more than TH? because he had a troubled past? TH had a history of physical and sexual abuse against children. that right there should've raised a huge red flag with the police

There's a lot wrong with this post but I'll just leave it at that. In the past I'd break it down, but I'm lazy nowadays, and it's all here already -- just look through the threads. I'll say quickly that JMB does not have a solid alibi at all, just go to jivepuppi and look at his timeline. Cruelty to animals is a characteristic many killers share before their first kill also, which DE displayed in spades -- he wasn't just some goth teen who wore black, he had serious mental health issues going on, which his own lawyers even admitted, as they were the ones who presented DE's report in court after he was found guilty.

The fact you think RC (who hates JMB to this day and has stated he doesn't corroborate times the JMB said they were together) and MB are "solid alibis," I mean, that's just baffling how you can think that, but so be it.
There's a lot wrong with this post but I'll just leave it at that. In the past I'd break it down, but I'm lazy nowadays, and it's all here already -- just look through the threads. I'll say quickly that JMB does not have a solid alibi at all, just go to jivepuppi and look at his timeline. Cruelty to animals is a characteristic many killers share before their first kill also, which DE displayed in spades -- he wasn't just some goth teen who wore black, he had serious mental health issues going on, which his own lawyers even admitted, as they were the ones who presented DE's report in court after he was found guilty.

The fact you think RC (who hates JMB to this day and has stated he doesn't corroborate times the JMB said they were together) and MB are "solid alibis," I mean, that's just baffling how you can think that, but so be it.
why don't you explain what's wrong with it? you brought up BL to claim that he "basically confirming JM's involvement," and i pointed out a pretty big innaccuracy in BL's interview

RC doesn't confirm JMB's claim that he went into the woods between 830-930 and the trip to the blue beacon and woods after 11 PM. aside from those two things, RC does confirm every other part of JMB's alibi after 330 PM, including the key timeframe during which the murders are thought to have occurred

MB also confirms JMB's alibi during the critical timeframe as well as before that, but does not confirm the visit to the garners, a visit with an officer, and JMB's claim that he was searching until 430 PM. where did you read that RC doesn't corroborate any of the times that JMB claims they were together? that's a far more solid alibi than hobbs, that's for sure

yes, DE had mental issues and a troubled past. those raise suspicions sure, but that doesn't fit the profile of someone who would commit this crime, which is someone who knew the boys, and was close enough to them that they would trust him/her.
why don't you explain what's wrong with it? you brought up BL to claim that he "basically confirming JM's involvement," and i pointed out a pretty big innaccuracy in BL's interview

RC doesn't confirm JMB's claim that he went into the woods between 830-930 and the trip to the blue beacon and woods after 11 PM. aside from those two things, RC does confirm every other part of JMB's alibi after 330 PM, including the key timeframe during which the murders are thought to have occurred

MB also confirms JMB's alibi during the critical timeframe as well as before that, but does not confirm the visit to the garners, a visit with an officer, and JMB's claim that he was searching until 430 PM. where did you read that RC doesn't corroborate any of the times that JMB claims they were together? that's a far more solid alibi than hobbs, that's for sure

yes, DE had mental issues and a troubled past. those raise suspicions sure, but that doesn't fit the profile of someone who would commit this crime, which is someone who knew the boys, and was close enough to them that they would trust him/her.

Those are critical time periods (8:30 to 9:30, after 11) where JMB wasn't accounted for, and there are more times were he is either unaccounted for or contradicted.
...:::Murders In West Memphis:::...

Also, I wouldn't call Rex denying bringing chicken to JM a "pretty big inaccuracy" because we know this meeting (between JM and BL) occurred and that JM gave his shoes to BL -- they were confiscated by police after BL's interview. BL would have zero reason to lie about this encounter, unless you believe he was involved (4 perp theory), which is a terrible theory.
Those are critical time periods (8:30 to 9:30, after 11) where JMB wasn't accounted for, and there are more times were he is either unaccounted for or contradicted.
...:::Murders In West Memphis:::...

Also, I wouldn't call Rex denying bringing chicken to JM a "pretty big inaccuracy" because we know this meeting (between JM and BL) occurred and that JM gave his shoes to BL -- they were confiscated by police after BL's interview. BL would have zero reason to lie about this encounter, unless you believe he was involved (4 perp theory), which is a terrible theory.
the murders are said to have occurred well before 830. his unknown whereabouts between 830 and 930 are interesting but unless you think the murders occurred that late or that he was in on some plan to transport the bodies, it's safe to say he was not involved

sure, the meeting between JM and BL occurred but like i mentioned, rex heath pointed out that those two would swap clothes all the time. so it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for JM to give BL his shoes
the murders are said to have occurred well before 830. his unknown whereabouts between 830 and 930 are interesting but unless you think the murders occurred that late or that he was in on some plan to transport the bodies, it's safe to say he was not involved

sure, the meeting between JM and BL occurred but like i mentioned, rex heath pointed out that those two would swap clothes all the time. so it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary for JM to give BL his shoes

That is one hypothesis (out of many), but there's nothing definitive that says the murders occurred "well before 8:30." The last sighting of the boys range from 6 to 6:30 -- that doesn't mean that murders occurred right at 6:30.

Again, BL wouldn't have a reason to make up this: how JM confessed that he just couldn't stand the sight of these sneakers; how JM showed up at his house crying and shaking (after the murders had occurred), etc. You're ignoring a lot of crucial details BL simply wouldn't have had to lie about in order to dismiss his account of what happened. The fact they traded clothes in the past doesn't automatically make all of these other critical details BL outlined simply disappear.

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