Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #4

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Is this an FB page, or is it on WS? I would imagine that being how small of a town he's lived in etc that there would be a wealth of information out there.

You know that arson case he caught? It was a car right? First thing that came to mind was that he was attempting to destroy evidence.

I found it on websleuths.

[ame=""]Suspect: Randy Allen Taylor -- Background - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Respectfully, but nothing in your links really refutes what AstroKitty and cluciano said, and in fact supports a lot of it. The point being made is, average US suburban girls from "typical" families are not being abducted and sold into sex slavery. Even your first link makes it pretty clear the stats are about women being trafficked INTO the U.S.

Respectfully, average USA girls don't have 11,000+ followers on twitter either. Anyways, you are entitled to your own opinion. I will not continue this discussion with non deductive reasoning. Again, JMO.
t's unlikely that they would approach some bumpkin from rural Virginia.

awwww... c'mon... really?... she... and I... and every other person who lives in Nelson, surrounding counties, or any other part of rural VA... are not country bumpkins... I hold three college degrees, am completing a 4th, and intend to obtain my doctorate in the relatively near future.. she is a star athlete, honor student, and blossoming young woman... just because we live in a beautifully rural community with friendly waves, away from big city lights doesn't mean that we aren't also educated, intelligent, cultured, and sophisticated..... :) I know you didn't mean it as an insult... just trying to explain why sex traffickers wouldnt be interested in us folks... but thought I'd gently point it out... just cuz I'm bumpkin like dat lol

@astrokitty, this takes LE back to the twitter circle, if they're looking for accomplices. I do also think this creep spent some time stalking her. Unlike the 2010 case, he didn't know her personally, so he couldn't make bogus phone calls to get her out of the house. Oh, this is just so sad and sick.

Didnt a worker at Liberty gas say he was seen regularly at the station sitting by the air hose in the corner of the parking lot...? wait that may have been on the news cast tonight from wset... I'll see if I can find a link to the video from it...

this next section was quotes from previous thread that I was replying to, and thread got moved while I was typing my reply... luckily I copied it before I hit submit!

Just a reminder: In one of his charges from 2003 (Ten Years Ago) his address was listed as LOVINGSTON. So, he has lived there before this 2012-Present day. The question is, did he live in a different house...maybe the one on Country Lane that they searched a few days ago?

I missed that... what was the address, if given and what was that charge for.. and any date other than year?

RAT clearly got away with the abduction of Samantha Clarke. Smh, I'm on my knees begging for closure for these families.

okay, feeling so out of loop and old here, but I know most of the OMG, IMHO, SM, FB, etc... but what the heck is smh?? smacking my head? and just in case anyone knows... on my teenagers FB status' I'm always seeing LMS, which I get as Like My Status... but also TBH.. What the heck is TBH?? LOL

Also... in the court room video...

RAT is thin, frail....he has no defensive wounds that I can see..

Didnt notice who, but certainly noticed him stare to his left when leaving the courtroom.

I also noticed another tattoo on the right side of his neck. It was rather low on his neck and obscured by his collar. Couldn't make out much. I'd watch the video again, but I'm planning on eating soon. :sick:

jmo But I am thinking he isn't as frail as he looks.

From his court appearance, I thought his fore arms looked very strong. We call guys in Scotland with this build 'wee and wiry'

okay... couple of things here... I absolutely 100% this guy is strong... my hubby is very similar in build.. as are many friends... I used to work as a bouncer in nightclubs in both Ch'ville and Richmond (and yes, i am female).. and I know some guys that are built just like this.. and they are scrappers... wiry, whipcord over bone... plus... he does not look defeated or wimpy at all to me, he looks sociopathic... and if there is any emotion it is defiance.. or deeply controlled and patient anger... this is all in my opinion, but its a little bit educated... I do have degrees in psych and crim just, and am in grad school for prof counseling so I have some experience but I'm basing this off pure opinion right now...

and secondly... defensive wounds... okay... well, if you can look at the court video... hopefully with the ability to pause, slow mo, rewind, etc... and if anyone can tell me how to get a screen shot while on my pc, I will get it for you... but... first the right arm while signing papers... I'm seeing a partial sleeve tat from under the elbow to the wrist.. it looks old and faded... can this be confirmed in other photos at all??? with or without tat, the veins look heavy and corded... and while it might be the lighting... as he moves his arm I am seeing possibly defensive wounds, or more likely either meth sores or tracks... but I don't know because his face while sunken is not showing any meth sores, so... H or Oxy maybe a possibility though... expecially if those are old and newer track marks from a heavy user... also, as he is up... and walking out of courtroom... on the right side of his neck... I know there is a tat lower on his neck by the collar of his shirt... but up higher on his neck, right under the ear, it appears to me to be a defensive wound... it looks like a fingernail dug in with bruising... this also could be a track if is that heavy a user... but def wound most likely... I tried grabbing around my hubbys neck with my left hand and it was a good fit for my index fingernail... especially if trying to fight someone off... the bruising also seems to support that as it moves from the nailmark toward the front of the neck about an inch... If someone had me... I would grab at them push at them hit at them... so grabbing them around the neck would be an option if I thought my nails could dig in and make them let go of me... all pure opinion... and would love if someone could get screen shots or close ups of this from video or teach me how so I can... :)
In the previous thread, somebody posted that it was an attempt at insurance fraud. Which would be the most common reason to burn a car.

AH ok! Agreed about the insurance part. I guess a part of me is so concerned that he's been doing this forever and getting away with it that I went directly to the "Covering evidence". I just don't see how someone with a rap sheet like this can walk the streets, blows my frigging mind!

I know in the other case that he called the young womans' phone a couple of times and there were 2 men aside from himself that met her. I'm curious if they are all still friends, if so for how long and did those people know Alexis. this is such a brazen incident that I can't wrap my mind around it.

I ache for her loved ones. I can't even begin to imagine going past her room or even doing laundry and finding her things. Not too mention they (I'm sure) are also shocked at the questions they might have been asked, the speculation related to the material on her twitter and the gazillion things running through their mind. I do hope they know that the world is on their side and no one is judging Alexis.

I keep going back to the statements made earlier about "sensitive family" issues and stuff of that nature. They specifically mentioned family and I want to know why.
Guys, this isn't a thread to argue about sex workers / sex trafficking. Last I checked, the topic was:

Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA

Get back on that, please. (And be sure to check out the new sub-topics in the new forum to make sure you post in the right place! :) )
awwww... c'mon... really?... she... and I... and every other person who lives in Nelson, surrounding counties, or any other part of rural VA... are not country bumpkins... I hold three college degrees, am completing a 4th, and intend to obtain my doctorate in the relatively near future.. she is a star athlete, honor student, and blossoming young woman... just because we live in a beautifully rural community with friendly waves, away from big city lights doesn't mean that we aren't also educated, intelligent, cultured, and sophisticated..... :) I know you didn't mean it as an insult... just trying to explain why sex traffickers wouldnt be interested in us folks... but thought I'd gently point it out... just cuz I'm bumpkin like dat lol

I believe the 'country bumpkin' was directed at RAT, not Alexis (or you :D )
crap! It says "page not found". I get some guy holding wires and scratching his head in disdain lol. i'm looking around for it, I'll post if I find it - let me know if you find it first :) Thank you!

That's weird. It's still working for me when I refresh and try it in a different tab.

this worked! Thank you so very much. Is anyone else that watched the video unable to get a read on this guy? For some reason I just don't pick up even a creepy vibe. Yes he looks rode hard and put away wet. He's very aged from what we know via his rap sheet - a rather rough life of bad choices. But.. he looks like your average criminal or lifer as they say.

Also, I did not detect any withdrawal signs. He wasn't sniffling, moving a leg rapidly (restless leg is pretty prominent with dt's) or stiff body language from the pain you experience. So maybe the small pupils were from something else? god I cannot figure it out.
this worked! Thank you so very much. Is anyone else that watched the video unable to get a read on this guy? For some reason I just don't pick up even a creepy vibe. Yes he looks rode hard and put away wet. He's very aged from what we know via his rap sheet - a rather rough life of bad choices. But.. he looks like your average criminal or lifer as they say.

Also, I did not detect any withdrawal signs. He wasn't sniffling, moving a leg rapidly (restless leg is pretty prominent with dt's) or stiff body language from the pain you experience. So maybe the small pupils were from something else? god I cannot figure it out.

To be perfectly honest he looks content to me. He doesn't seem uncomfortable, but that may just be due to his familiarity with the judicial system. He's been in and out of court for the past twenty years, so most of this shouldn't come as a surprise to him. I'd be even more interested to see interrogation videos, as I assume they are questioning him aggressively.

Maybe he doesn't feel anything toward his victims or crimes. I see mental illness written all over him.
:seeya: Been awhile but finally remembered my pw to get here!

Praying for Alexis and her dear family. I'm kinda hoping he does have some type hearing so we can see what evidence they have thus far. I'm not convinced he is guilty at this point.

Why arrest him without following to see who he communicated with, and what areas he went? Might have lead them to Alexis. AND if they already had him in radar from day one, then should have been following him since day one, and therefore, just how was her car moved to Charlottesville without any LE seeing it??? Either he has someone else working with him, or he isn't their guy! All of course IMO
@moxiethyme smh=shaking my head, smdh=shaking my d@mn head. I do agree that while a fair number of county residence include a mix of urban refugees and country renaissance folk, there are an equal number of straight up country bumkins among them :)
To be perfectly honest he looks content to me. He doesn't seem uncomfortable, but that may just be due to his familiarity with the judicial system. He's been in and out of court for the past twenty years, so most of this shouldn't come as a surprise to him. I'd be even more interested to see interrogation videos, as I assume they are questioning him aggressively.

Maybe he doesn't feel anything toward his victims or crimes. I see mental illness written all over him.

I think we are going to find out it is closer to 30 yrs when this is all over. jmo
MoxieThyme, I think TBH is "to be honest." My youngest uses it all the time.
I don't believe RAT acted by himself. If so, I think AM could have fought back easier. I think it was at least 2 men, which would explain a lot. I read somewhere earlier last week where someone who claims to be physic said that AM was dragged into a truck by 2 men. I don't usually believe is physics, but in this case it sounds possible.

I also think the sex trafficking part is a possibility. This is something that I constantly research. However, I feel that if LE expected that they would not be searching w/ shovels and stuff. I remain hopefully that AM is alive!! My heart is so wrapped in this case that I feel like she's my sister or something!

Pray for AM and RAT! AM need to be found and RAT needs some serious help, along with Jesus! Someone has information out there! Someone that is probably reading all these post... Please speak up! This family deserves peace!

Praying for you AM!!!

I often find theories of sex trafficking brought up in missing girls' threads once a while has passed with no discovery of the girl...

I do believe it is a BIG problem in our country... And throughout the world..

However...I believe I have heard from those more knowledgable than I am that girls dragged into trafficking are usually girls who have less than average "presence" in their community... That there usually is minimal parental/familial/friend outreach...

In short...these girls are often on the short end of the stick when it comes to a supportive home life...

Or they are often runaways...

Or... They may be dabbling in "modeling"... And/or the "entertainment field"...

I am not saying this could NOT have happened to AM... But from what I have learned on WS... AM... With her loving home/family/friends/community/Schhol involvement... Does not readily "fit the mold"... So to speak...

girls, like AM, who are dragged into the "trade" often bring with them a huge, torrential outpouring of protests from family and community...

Sex ring leaders wish to avoid this because they need anonymity to keep the trade flourishing...

On the other hand she does fit a common type of serial killer victim -- pretty, petite, and somewhat shy.
I believe the 'country bumpkin' was directed at RAT, not Alexis (or you :D )

@moxiethyme smh=shaking my head, smdh=shaking my d@mn head. I do agree that while a fair number of county residence include a mix of urban refugees and country renaissance folk, there are an equal number of straight up country bumkins among them :)

well as anyone can see, this country bumpkin has had zero sleep over the past week+ and not nearly enough coffee... so yes, after a few moments of smdh and few slaps to my face (SMF?) I now see that the CB references was to RAT... my apologies... my gentle reprimand was more in jest anyway... it wouldnt be the first time I've heard that, or been called that... and or been call more than that! also of note... I have a kid with special needs and I though special education used a lot of Alphabet Soup to reference things!!

Okay, im def up too late.. time to go in yonder... Great tima day, its bed time!! said bumpkin style whoop whoop... LoL yeah... we all got a little bumpkin in us all down here writer411 :) (way too up past bed time to make sense)
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