Victim: Alexis Murphy, 17, missing from Shipman, VA, 03 August 2013 - #6

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There wasn't a date given for the arrest but the case was in VA.

I would assume it to be within the US, possibly within in VA, though the arrest could have been anywhere. The only confirmation of a time frame stated from Virginia DFA appears to be within the week of the 11th - 17th (...or dates sometime between the 10th -18th...depending on which standard is used)
Thank you both.

I was going to do a court search via hearing date as opposed to names, but found you cant search Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court cases.
I was assuming people were 'kicked out' of the courtroom last Thursday due to them possibly talking about this familial DNA issue. Ah well.
I do have this link however? I chose to link to this site because it states stats in the US and even the UK which has over 100 cases it has used familial DNA to solve..

::click on the arrows to see the slide show and get to the video of the CO case::

That is a good link Cherry.The slides really do drive home how it has been effective in a number of crimes and how it's continuing to be utilized! However, it leaves out a lot of details and I hope no one reads more into it than what's stated factually. While it's a great proponent, it has its flaws.

I'd imagine one on the defensive side of an argument would bring attention to what's listed within this study...

Just wanted to add to what Cherry linked in order to share both views...and also as means in helping to possibly explain why the prosecution is being quite hush-hush.
That is a good link Cherry.The slides really do drive home how it has been effective in a number of crimes and how it's continuing to be utilized! However, it leaves out a lot of details and I hope no one reads more into it than what's stated factually. While it's a great proponent, it has its flaws.

I'd imagine one on the defensive side of an argument would bring attention to what's listed within this study...

Just wanted to add to what Cherry linked in order to share both views...and also as means in helping to possibly explain why the prosecution is being quite hush-hush.

I find the subject of familial DNA fascinating. If used correctly it can be an additional tool in helping law enforcement solve cases.

Concerning the other case which is linked to RAT, Samantha Clarke, I found this interesting even if the source is anonymous:

Investigation continues

As the search for Alexis Murphy enters its second week, investigators and prosecutors in Orange also haven't given up on solving the now three-year-old mystery of Samantha Clarke. While Orange County Commonwealth's Attorney Diana Wheeler won't comment on the specifics of that investigation, she describes it as "active" and says she's hopeful that Taylor's arrest in the Murphy case could provide a break in the Clarke case.

According to another source close to the Clarke investigation, an investigative grand jury interrogated possible witnesses in the Clarke case in late June. A highly secret panel that places a gag order on all who testify, a so-called investigative grand jury was what indicted eventually-convicted wife killer Eric Abshire, who, in late 2011, was found guilty in Orange County Circuit Court of the 2006 murder of his wife Justine.
For anyone else that reads through Deba's I the only one wishing a certain user who's been commenting will continue doing so?

Can you please provide a "rhymes with", first letter or initials please? TIA. :)
On a side note... everyone has an opinion about everything regarding this case and we aren't all going to agree, all the time. No one is right or wrong here and we are all working for the same end result. There is no reason for anyone to take a differing opinion personally... also, jmpo but the subtle snarkiness is going to cause TO's, which no one wants. We all have valid and intelligent thoughts to share, can we just get back to doing that please, and thank you.

Thank you popsicle! Snarkiness shows disrespect and causes posts to get deleted. Everyone's opinions are valuable.
Can you please provide a "rhymes with", first letter or initials please? TIA. :)
With all due respect, I'd rather not. In hindsight I realize I shouldn't have made such a comment. I do think it's insightful nonetheless.
:thewave:Awwwww! Congrats Heroine!!!! :congrats: I love babies and am currently suffering from baby fever due to my youngest being almost 5. So, needless to say, I'm super excited for you!!! The last few weeks and days of pregnancy is rough, but hang in there!!! I remember that feeling all too well...Again, congratulations!!!!:great: Boy or girl?
I really hope the fundraiser today for Alexis Murphy was a huge success. Can't wait to hear how it went from Moxie.
I can't lie I'm guilty of this and I'm sorry. I'm pregnant and I'm due any day now so my hormones are getting the best of me. But some things that were said I felt like insulted my intelligence or were meant in a way as to make me seem wrong, but as you stated noone is right or wrong. None of us have all the answers if we did we wouldn't still be talking about it.

Congratulations Heroine!

My apologies as well if my comment came across as snarky. It wasnt meant to insult your intelligence or imply that youre wrong.

I just think it's easy for anyone, myself included, to over-complicate things especially in cases like this.

In cases of ambiguous reporting, where the reporter isnt clear ( when their entire job and training is supposed to be centered around the power of words, their proper usage, spelling, etc) then I assume THEY are the ones lacking in intelligence....and thats why I think we need to keep it simple.

If they cant get a complex thought or idea across without it getting confused then they probably arent having many complex thoughts to begin with :)

I tend to be blunt, even more so when Im posting at 5am but please dont construe that as anything personal.I'm not directing any animosity at anyone here.

Were all on the same side and trying to help in any way we can.Thats the beauty of these forums, we all bring bring different knowledge, experience and perspectives to the table.
I do have this link however? I chose to link to this site because it states stats in the US and even the UK which has over 100 cases it has used familial DNA to solve..
:click on the arrows to see the slide show and get to the video of the CO case::

Cherry, prolly this is one of the most notorious predators nabbed due to familial dna:

New Technique of Using Family's DNA Led Police to 'Grim Sleeper' Suspect
July 8, 2010

It wasn't a witness or informant that tipped off law enforcement to the identity of the "Grim Sleeper" serial killer, who had eluded police for more than two decades, but DNA from the suspect's own son.

A new technique called familial DNA led police to 57-year-old Lonnie David Franklin Jr., who was charged with 10 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder Wednesday in the infamous "Grim Sleeper" slayings in Los Angeles, CA.

Beware the "Grim Sleeper"

Police said that the technique could prove more revolutionary than fingerprinting in solving crime
New DNA Technique Led Police to 'Grim Sleeper' Serial Killer
I really hope the fundraiser today for Alexis Murphy was a huge success. Can't wait to hear how it went from Moxie.

Benefit was awesome.... Huge turn out, the Nelson community at its finest... Don't know how much they raised for family but it had to be a good bit, to say the least...

Also as side note, and please bear with me because I'm not feeling well... But talk in earlier posts about MH, and how tip described guys, one resembling Rader as reference... I watched show on MH again last night and happened to pause it while Rader was speaking... It was a big wow moment... I can certainly see how those tips should be considered as a theory concerning partners, with RAT as possible... The rssembance to description was uncanny... IMO ...that said I'm going to bed... Feel very yucky :(
I know many discount what RAT said in regards to the drug dealer and the caprice classic, but with rat's way of providing an ounce of truth into every lie I can understand why this could be important on so many levels. From what I understand it was said the car was 20 years old. Did LE provide a pic of the body style or were year ranges given?

I ask for a few reasons. In the previous thread there were two pics posted of a caprice classic, but the pics were of the body style older than that. In 1991 (22 years ago) the body style was completely changed to the more rounded style.

Also, has anyone here that's local actually seen either?
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