Victim: Amber Lynn Costello, 27, missing Sept 2010, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *Rex Heuermann charged*

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@hawkshaw I don't know what a blumpkin is. I'm almost too afraid to know.

Crime scenes are nothing compared to the act of murder on film for sexual gratification. I am glad you brought that up. Him saying that to another cop just blows my mind. Uh. Figuratively.

That same cop played a very major role in bringing the entire house of cards down more than 20 years later.
@hawkshaw I don't know what a blumpkin is. I'm almost too afraid to know.

Crime scenes are nothing compared to the act of murder on film for sexual gratification. I am glad you brought that up. Him saying that to another cop just blows my mind. Uh. Figuratively.

That same cop played a very major role in bringing the entire house of cards down more than 20 years later.

Ew, indeed. It has also been said that Burke used to do oral sex on this woman who was then a street walker prostitute. I guess he returned the favor by giving her a clean up with his tongue job
I personally know of one person who was with him at a strip club called Gossips on LI. They went downstairs for a more complete 'dance' and before the guy left he saw the dancer sitting on his lap taking his tie off. When he came back the dancer was on the floor , semi-conscious with his tie wrapped around her neck.

Wow, talk about Gossip, pun intended. Very familiar with the place. Not discounting your contacts account, I believe it.

Also worth noting that the Hilton & Extended Stays just north of Gossip on Spagnoli Rd. were utilized by pimps. A girl I knew was working out of the Hilton under the command of a local dope dealer circa 2009. Not attempting to connect dots where there are none, as unfortunately, the ordinary citizen that is lodging is oblivious to the human trafficking that takes place in many of these hotels.

That strip in particular was a well known meet up, especially for transactions as it was central to a lot of people coming west from the town of Oyster Bay and east from Babylon.

Pretty chilling to hear that story Hawkshaw. If he is brazen enough to do that among the many other things we've heard of in establishments with witnesses , its certainly safe to assume that behind closed doors the potential for more violent behavior is there.
This is another good story about Burke. On or about 2000 there was a Suffolk businessman whose home was burglarized for a very tidy sum of $30K/$300K depending on what report you listen to. The police report, and I assume the insurance claim had it at 300K. One of the burglars told me that while it was a good score it was only 30K.
The businessman was related to a honest Suffolk cop.

That cop receives a phone call from Burke and asks him what does he know about it. The cop is puzzled as to why Burke would be concerned because at that time he was a sergeant in a patrol precinct. It should be noted that one of the burglars was Burke's neighbor Joe Careccia. If you have been reading my many posts you would know who that was.

Detectives bring in a burglar named Peter Ghattas. He is the driver in the many crimes Careccia and his crew committed. He gives them information on the crew, and Careccia is pretty much described as the head of that crew. BTW, I have some of those documents. Cops bring him to the DA office where Burke (9/3/03) runs the investigations and he signs a cooperation agreement giving information on a host of criminals, including a likely murderer. They send him home free to roam and on 9/24/03 he visits a drug and gambling location called Rob's Pro Tow, Ronkonkoma, and catches a bullet in the back of the head.
The detective that is charged with that case is the same detective that wrote a letter to Newsday saying he heard the Gilbert 911 tape and said he didn't hear anything of concern with SG's 23 min. tape.
Needless to say the Ghattas murder case is unsolved to this day.
Wow, talk about Gossip, pun intended. Very familiar with the place. Not discounting your contacts account, I believe it.

Also worth noting that the Hilton & Extended Stays just north of Gossip on Spagnoli Rd. were utilized by pimps. A girl I knew was working out of the Hilton under the command of a local dope dealer circa 2009. Not attempting to connect dots where there are none, as unfortunately, the ordinary citizen that is lodging is oblivious to the human trafficking that takes place in many of these hotels.

That strip in particular was a well known meet up, especially for transactions as it was central to a lot of people coming west from the town of Oyster Bay and east from Babylon.

Pretty chilling to hear that story Hawkshaw. If he is brazen enough to do that among the many other things we've heard of in establishments with witnesses , its certainly safe to assume that behind closed doors the potential for more violent behavior is there.

The Holiday Inn Express was another location. I should tell you the time someone tried to send me there to see a gal working as a hooker. LOL. I could never prove I was asked to go there to have me arrested and so I let it drop.
What was funny about that is it was the sex trafficking HQ on LI. It was only surpassed by the mortgage fraud industry. If you went to the FBI office in Melville and you looked north out the window you would have seen what was probably the bigget medicare/medicaid fraud office in the entire US. The company must have stolen at least $1B ONE FREAKING BILLION. Put the FBI on to it and got a big ho-hum. FBI Supervisor Hart was all over it......LOL.

All one had to do was go to the place and look into the window and then go to the garbage dumpster t know it was a huge scam. BTW, it is no lonnger there and the entire building has been re-done. A little mom & pop drugstore on Post Ave, Westbury. They reported to have done hundreds of millions in prescriptions. It is now a middle eastern fast food restaurant.
1. I don't think he actually killed a woman in that manner.
2. A Blumbkin is sitting on a toilet in the act of defecating while getting oral sex and timing both releases to come together.

This is another good story about Burke. On or about 2000 there was a Suffolk businessman whose home was burglarized for a very tidy sum of $30K/$300K depending on what report you listen to. The police report, and I assume the insurance claim had it at 300K. One of the burglars told me that while it was a good score it was only 30K.
The businessman was related to a honest Suffolk cop.

That cop receives a phone call from Burke and asks him what does he know about it. The cop is puzzled as to why Burke would be concerned because at that time he was a sergeant in a patrol precinct. It should be noted that one of the burglars was Burke's neighbor Joe Careccia. If you have been reading my many posts you would know who that was.

Detectives bring in a burglar named Peter Ghattas. He is the driver in the many crimes Careccia and his crew committed. He gives them information on the crew, and Careccia is pretty much described as the head of that crew. BTW, I have some of those documents. Cops bring him to the DA office where Burke (9/3/03) runs the investigations and he signs a cooperation agreement giving information on a host of criminals, including a likely murderer. They send him home free to roam and on 9/24/03 he visits a drug and gambling location called Rob's Pro Tow, Ronkonkoma, and catches a bullet in the back of the head.
The detective that is charged with that case is the same detective that wrote a letter to Newsday saying he heard the Gilbert 911 tape and said he didn't hear anything of concern with SG's 23 min. tape.
Needless to say the Ghattas murder case is unsolved to this day.

holy WOW. This is rampart levels.
I wish I knew how to attach the 7/2/04 allocution Joe Careccia made before a worthless named James Hudson. Now that was a riot I think I could get Larry David interested in writing a Sit-Com. And the Joke is still on us because the worthless is running again for office with the endorsements of all parties.

This jerk loves to pepper his courtroom with his Teddy Roosevelt sayings.
That same cop played a very major role in bringing the entire house of cards down more than 20 years later.

Ew, indeed. It has also been said that Burke used to do oral sex on this woman who was then a street walker prostitute. I guess he returned the favor by giving her a clean up with his tongue job

I wish I knew how to attach the 7/2/04 allocution Joe Careccia made before a worthless ******* named James Hudson. Now that was a riot I think I could get Larry David interested in writing a Sit-Com. And the Joke is still on us because the worthless ******* is running again for office with the endorsements of all parties.

This jerk loves to pepper his courtroom with his Teddy Roosevelt sayings.

Okay. You want Larry David I'm just going to leave this here.
Jim Burke’s neighbor is brought before Judge Hudson in a closed courtroom on July 2, 2004. The neighbor will plead out to ONLY 37 violent felonies, including multiple home burglaries and with home invasions where civilians were bound and tortured to reveal where the money was hidden in the house. These people were NOT drug dealers; one was a local Chinese restaurant owner.

Two murders were left in abeyance should investigation indicate Burke’s neighbor was involved in those murders.

The Burke neighbor Joe Careccia will own up to those 37 felonies and would specify a burglary and an armed robbery of Strathmore Bagels, Nesconset, NY on 7/25/00. He would name my former son in law and his friend as being look-outs for him and his crew stuck a gun in the mouth of the owner. That information was first given to detectives and the DA on 11/13/03 after Careccia was brought back from Parkland, FL for investigation into the murder of Peter Ghattas. At that time Careccia ( a high school dropout) was operating a wide scaled mortgage fraud operation. His companies were: 1. Washington Funding 2.Globe Mortgage Network 3. Globe Credit Solutions, and several other companies that I don’t recall at this time. For a sideline he was operating as a drug dealer who brought 4 kilos of cocaine to a crooked car towing company in Boynton Beach.

continued..... Judge Jerkoff tells this criminal to do good things for the country. Tells him it is even more important because this country is at war. Take advantage of this second chance. He tells him how lucky he is to have this chance. How lucky he is to have the finest police department in the world to work with......the finest DA be represented by the finest lawyer (Ray Perini). It goes on and on and on. All he has to do to complete his task is to take the plea and be done with it, but NO HE IS A JERKOFF.

Judge Jerkoff even tells the other criminal other than himself and the other criminals in the courtroom if he hears something so bad that 'shocks his conscience' he will withdraw the agreement . LOL

While all this is going on Joe Careccia, with the help of the DA is lying and they are not out of the courtroom. The armed robbery of Strathmore that carries 20 years MIN. upon conviction the son in law was sitting on a plane on the tarmac in Spain for four hours for a trip to Paris. It was the day the Concorde crashed - 7/25/00 !

Bank records and Customs information supported that beyond any doubt. The DA tried his mightiest to keep that information out.

contined..... Like Steve Bellone said: The DA's office under Spota is a 'criminal enterprise'
I know a lady that had to go to trial on some BS charges in Suffolk. She decides she wants a Bench Trial. The judge tells her if she goes to trial before him he has to find her guilty because Spota wants it that way. She opts for another judge and gets Judge Jerkoff Hudson. Jerkoff finds her guilty of one minor crime to cover his and the DA's crime. She appeals and wins, sues her accuser and signs a non-disclosure after receiving $1M+ so I can only surmise because she can't talk about it.
I see the webmaster has edited some of my more descriptive words to **********. Sorry about that and consider me to be so advised to refrain from doing that
Then there was this so-called burglary of a bar known as Parsnips in Suffolk. It's main business is as an after-hours joint. It wasn't a burglary, it was really a failed insurance scam by the owner. The owner would claim a loss of about only $4,000.00. Easy money because no insurance company would make a big deal out of it. BUT is seems they did and I must assume this wasn't the first time the owner put in for a claim.

The s*******g who gave testimony for that burglary was a Jake Feinberg. I say WAS because he is now dead at the ripe old age of 31. You see it was Jake that got picked up by Suffolk's Finest for the 7 25 000 armed robbery of Strahtmore. H plead guilty for that crime and that was the leverage they had on him to lie. One can only assume he was supposed to 'cooperate Joe Careccia's testimony that my SIL did that robbery
When Feinberg struck his deal with the Judge and DA he was told if he even got ARRESTED his deal would be null and void. One month later Feinberg was arrested outside the Midtown tunnel high on drugs and with drugs and paraphernalia in his car. His deal remained intact. So much for Judge JerkOffs warning.
When he was grabbed by SCPD in May,2004 he was in his car as high as a kite and with drugs in his car. They would charge him with the armed robbery of Strathmore. We know that because he was charged and plead guilty to that charge. Our defense attorneys would never see what else he said. Most likely is was putting my SIL at that robbery, which carried a minimum sentence of 20 years upon conviction.
Just a thought here, I know it has been the source of much speculation that the call Amber declined at the Holiday Inn in Happauge was the LISK. This hotel is a hub in the LI sex trade and has been dating back many years, I think it is much more likely that the reason she declined it is because it was PIMP not a JOHN.

If you notice, many of the escort ads says "No AA" or "No Black Men" , the reason for this is because often, the guys pimping these girls in the major metropolitan areas are not middle aged white guys. They are usually black men 25-40 yo. Just look at the news and see the guys arrested in the trafficking rings in large metro areas here in the US. I've seen it 1st hand , the guys I knew of who were pimping in the modern age didn't look all that different from your ordinary street goon/drug dealer, maybe just a little more flashy.

It's big out here in Los Angeles, where I currently am. I try not to judge a book by it's cover but many times when you are aware of this stuff, it's hard not to make assumptions. Having traveled for work and stayed at a fair amount of hotels, it's quite obvious when you see scantily dressed women with a dude who looks completely out of place. I'm under the impression Amber Lynn Costello was presumed to be a "free agent" or "independent" and the caller who tried to lure her to the Holiday Inn wanted to "put her on his team" or maybe even strong arm her into working for him.
Someone posted this on reddit and I had noticed the same thing. During the LISK podcast’s Amber episode they show some photos to DS ambers former roommate and he seemed to recognize one of the people in the photos. He asked a producer what the guy does for a living and they show attempts to bleep it out but it certainly sounds like they say he used to own a landscaping service. Anyone else hear this? I’ve done some light digging trying to connect the dots and locate a potential poi but haven’t gotten very far yet. Anyone have an idea on who they might be referring to? I know the obvious answer might be Bisset but I don’t think that’s who they are referring to.
Can you attach that one with a time stamp? Bissett was much talked about almost from the beginning. Many bloggers were telling us they know a cop who told them etc.,etc that Bisset did it.

Some of us believe Burke and Bisset knew each other. We know that Spota came right out in the beginning and said Bisset was not a suspect. How the hell would he know that so early in the investigation - such as it was?

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