Victim: Jessica Taylor, 20, found Manorville July 2003 & Gilgo Beach Mar 2011

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There are 8 million stories in the Naked City and yours is just one of them. Welcome to WS
Hi. I am new here. I have been meaning to post for a long time but I was not sure if there was a point since my info is not that juicy and I have no way to actually prove anything

But anyway, I remember Jessica from a strip club called Sweet Cherry in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (42nd st and 2nd ave) . This was maybe may 2003- July 2003 right when I first started working there.
I remember her vividly for a few reasons. She was one of the only young, white girls we had and she went by the same name I did, Lala (which in my case is short for my real name). We were both new, when she started I changed my name. The club was mostly black/Hispanic, voluptuous or even out of shape girls. She was very petite, always wore black vinyl boots instead of regular clear heels and she was very obviously one of the girls whose pimps plant them there to either sell drugs or get dates. She would only stay for a set or two then leave, never worked a full shift. She also never smiled. I always wondered about her.
I worked there for about 2.5 years and girls would leave and come back but she never came back. Managers were Gabriel B (not sure if I can post full names) and Michael for night shift , they kept copies of the girls IDs in the office (some had fake ids because they were underage ), I would like to know if they had Jessica’s just to confirm that I am right.

FYI, this place closed down many years ago, probably 10 or more. It was wild, I have tons of stories , I could write a book. Some murders linked to this club, prostitution, drug sales, even a serial killer (our bouncer sakkai). I will post an article. You can do your own research. But what never left my mind (I DONT KNOW if it’s true at all, it could just be a rumor) is that years before I started (so before 2003) a Woman’s body was found, Police could not identify it, I don’t recall if it was because it was dismembered or burned but they ended up figuring out who she was by her breast implant (??). The old time customers who had been going to sweet Cherry and another club who was nearby called Cuckoos Nest (this is way before my time ) swore up and down the girl was a sweet Cherry dancer and this had been done by a cop so it was swept under the rug. We also had Long Island customers , not many but a few regulars.

I know the rules here , you have to post things that were posted by the media, so feel free to delete . I just have this story in my head for so long and nobody in my current life knows about my past so I just had to share with someone. personally I don’t think Lisk is the type to go to strip clubs, he strikes me as way too secretive about his habits but I am sharing anyway.
Hope more people come forward so we can piece more info about Jessica.

NYT story about the club: Edit to enter right link
The Nine Lives of a Topless Bar: Complaints Hit a Wall of Law (Published 2006)

I mean, thank you for posting! I wonder how, if ever, you could find out if she was who you worked with? I'm sure you have a mound of stories from that time! I wouldn't say he wouldn't be the type to go there. They're pretty good at keeping their killer aspect of their life and habits separate from the other stuff that they would do. Anyway, thanks for posting this, it was definitely interesting to read.
Hi. I am new here. I have been meaning to post for a long time but I was not sure if there was a point since my info is not that juicy and I have no way to actually prove anything

But anyway, I remember Jessica from a strip club called Sweet Cherry in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (42nd st and 2nd ave) . This was maybe may 2003- July 2003 right when I first started working there.
I remember her vividly for a few reasons. She was one of the only young, white girls we had and she went by the same name I did, Lala (which in my case is short for my real name). We were both new, when she started I changed my name. The club was mostly black/Hispanic, voluptuous or even out of shape girls. She was very petite, always wore black vinyl boots instead of regular clear heels and she was very obviously one of the girls whose pimps plant them there to either sell drugs or get dates. She would only stay for a set or two then leave, never worked a full shift. She also never smiled. I always wondered about her.
I worked there for about 2.5 years and girls would leave and come back but she never came back. Managers were Gabriel B (not sure if I can post full names) and Michael for night shift , they kept copies of the girls IDs in the office (some had fake ids because they were underage ), I would like to know if they had Jessica’s just to confirm that I am right.

FYI, this place closed down many years ago, probably 10 or more. It was wild, I have tons of stories , I could write a book. Some murders linked to this club, prostitution, drug sales, even a serial killer (our bouncer sakkai). I will post an article. You can do your own research. But what never left my mind (I DONT KNOW if it’s true at all, it could just be a rumor) is that years before I started (so before 2003) a Woman’s body was found, Police could not identify it, I don’t recall if it was because it was dismembered or burned but they ended up figuring out who she was by her breast implant (??). The old time customers who had been going to sweet Cherry and another club who was nearby called Cuckoos Nest (this is way before my time ) swore up and down the girl was a sweet Cherry dancer and this had been done by a cop so it was swept under the rug. We also had Long Island customers , not many but a few regulars.

I know the rules here , you have to post things that were posted by the media, so feel free to delete . I just have this story in my head for so long and nobody in my current life knows about my past so I just had to share with someone. personally I don’t think Lisk is the type to go to strip clubs, he strikes me as way too secretive about his habits but I am sharing anyway.
Hope more people come forward so we can piece more info about Jessica.

NYT story about the club: Edit to enter right link
The Nine Lives of a Topless Bar: Complaints Hit a Wall of Law (Published 2006)

Stephen Sakai – 2005-2006 | Criminal Encyclopedia

This Sakai? Seems to match up with what you mentioned.
Hi all, Jessica’s cousins here. It’s really hurt us how the media has portrayed her and how everybody seems to think that she’s unloved. She was and still is so incredibly loved, this was a very shattering experience for her family to go through, and quite honestly happened before the boom of technology so was hard to speak on. Lately my sister and I have been quite invested in trying to solve this, we feel like it was her birthday that occurred recently, bringing her just a little closer to us. Which leads me to question, what do you know about John Bittrolff? Due to his proximity to where she was found, along with that other poor girl, he just seems like such a strong suspect to me.
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Thank you for posting and being here. Please stick around if you can and read through the posts, something may trigger some insight for you. I believe family involvement can help solve the mystery of what happened to Jessica and the other women we all care about here. I feel compassion for Jessica and her family, her story is in my heart. I also recommend you make contact with the author of Lost Girls and the detectives involved in these unsolved cases. The author knows alot about the cases and is a legitamate journalist with integrity. I believe he is a good person to connect with, even if you don't want publicity, as his in depth study of these crimes can help put pieces together. If the story is true, it was a police officer who identified Jessica by her tatoo. I think Jessica's story is vital to catching this preditor. Knowledge is power against this killer. You never know what little piece of information can be a key piece in this puzzle.

You asked about idea. There is rumored to be a connection between him and one of the Gilgo Beach 4, Melissa. If that is true, then there is a possibility, perhaps. There are so many eery coincidences between victims in these cases. I am currently reading Robert Keppel's book Riverman, which goes in depth with the cases of Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer, and am learning a lot about how these killers operated. They are not as "smart" as legend would have it. So much of what they did was hidden in plain sight. They were both interviewed by police or on their radar before being officially caught. They both varied how they killed, where they buried, how they disposed of evidence, and who they killed. I think it's possible Bittrolff killed all these victims, which includes women of various ages and ethnicities, men of multiple ethnicities, and at least one infant, that we know of. I also believe it is possible the killer has not been caught. Please contact the detectives and that author, who can help keep the seach alive. Welcome!!
Too strong for the cops not to pursue it. It makes you wonder why if you know anything about them. You realize 2 SCPD cops who IMO were better suspects than ever was
I agree!! Jessica is the reason I m obbsessed with this case....she was so young and It is so sad that she doesn’t have anyone speaking for her or even have a makeshift memorial!
She w
Thank you for posting and being here. Please stick around if you can and read through the posts, something may trigger some insight for you. I believe family involvement can help solve the mystery of what happened to Jessica and the other women we all care about here. I feel compassion for Jessica and her family, her story is in my heart. I also recommend you make contact with the author of Lost Girls and the detectives involved in these unsolved cases. The author knows alot about the cases and is a legitamate journalist with integrity. I believe he is a good person to connect with, even if you don't want publicity, as his in depth study of these crimes can help put pieces together. If the story is true, it was a police officer who identified Jessica by her tatoo. I think Jessica's story is vital to catching this preditor. Knowledge is power against this killer. You never know what little piece of information can be a key piece in this puzzle.

You asked about idea. There is rumored to be a connection between him and one of the Gilgo Beach 4, Melissa. If that is true, then there is a possibility, perhaps. There are so many eery coincidences between victims in these cases. I am currently reading Robert Keppel's book Riverman, which goes in depth with the cases of Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer, and am learning a lot about how these killers operated. They are not as "smart" as legend would have it. So much of what they did was hidden in plain sight. They were both interviewed by police or on their radar before being officially caught. They both varied how they killed, where they buried, how they disposed of evidence, and who they killed. I think it's possible Bittrolff killed all these victims, which includes women of various ages and ethnicities, men of multiple ethnicities, and at least one infant, that we know of. I also believe it is possible the killer has not been caught. Please contact the detectives and that author, who can help keep the seach alive. Welcome!!

Thank you very much for your response and the information, my sister and I are definitely going to look into contacting those people. We are trying to gather every single piece of information that we can find to connect these dots. It’s maddening, especially after all of this time. We just need to know. As far as her body being identified, I do know that her mother and brother went down to confirm that it was her. Nothing has ever been the same since.
Hi all, Jessica’s cousins here. It’s really hurt us how the media has portrayed her and how everybody seems to think that she’s unloved. She was and still is so incredibly loved, this was a very shattering experience for her family to go through, and quite honestly happened before the boom of technology so was hard to speak on. Lately my sister and I have been quite invested in trying to solve this, we feel like it was her birthday that occurred recently, bringing her just a little closer to us. Which leads me to question, what do you know about John Bittrolff? Due to his proximity to where she was found, along with that other poor girl, he just seems like such a strong suspect to me.
Hi Morethanlala, good to have you two here. I'm curious if you would happen to know if Law Enforcement have reached out to the family lately or if at all? I guess it's coming up on 18 years now. Also if you don't mind, were you close in age with Jessica or hang out while growing up?

As far as Bittrolff, he's is without a doubt a serial killer and I think we would hear if he had been ruled out which to my knowledge he has not. The problem is even with all these victims there appears to be little to no physical evidence. It's too bad with guy's like this where it's been established that he's committed these types of crimes that he can't be made to talk if you know what I mean.
I think it's a little more complicated than what LR1 writes above. If anyone in LE thought Bittrolf did it they would have arrested him after a campaign of leaks to the media. But things aren't what they were in SCPD Land with all of their BS. A lot of people are keeping a close eye on them. 10 years ago this guy would have been charged, tried, and probably convicted whether he did it or not.
Nothing really much changes in Suffolk County. A good source just told me JIM BURKE'S protege is now calling the shots in the D.A. Detective Squad. This fellow remains in the SCPD despite the fact he was joined at the hip with a convicted stock swindler who stole up to $3M from investors..........p.s........he was never prosecuted for it by Tommy Spota. This fellow seems to be thriving as he appears to be unaccountable to anyone in the PD when he presents his OT slips. I am told that in the past 4 years this public servant has piled up $1,000,000.00 in salary ( all of it pensionable at about the rate of 70% on the dollar. Maybe Tim Sini can get me a job in his office working in the Conviction Integrity Bureau........ I have met a lot of folks in the media business over the years.
Hi Morethanlala, good to have you two here. I'm curious if you would happen to know if Law Enforcement have reached out to the family lately or if at all? I guess it's coming up on 18 years now. Also if you don't mind, were you close in age with Jessica or hang out while growing up?

As far as Bittrolff, he's is without a doubt a serial killer and I think we would hear if he had been ruled out which to my knowledge he has not. The problem is even with all these victims there appears to be little to no physical evidence. It's too bad with guy's like this where it's been established that he's committed these types of crimes that he can't be made to talk if you know what I mean.

To my knowledge law enforcement has not reached out for several years, although my Aunt is quite broken and i don’t think that she could even handle a conversation about it at this point. My sister is the same age as her, i am 8 years younger but always tagged along. We used to spend many weekends together, either our mom dropping us off at their house or them coming to ours. Jess loved a good sleepover. She used to mix coke and milk together “soda milk” and it’s something I’ll drink every now and then just for the nostalgia. There are pictures of her at my mother’s, of her smiling, her face lit up in happiness. I plan on getting copies of those next time I’m up there to show here. She’s in most of my childhood memories and for that i am grateful but there’s always an ache that she’s not here now, unable to be a part of any more memories. Her mother had some of her ashes placed in necklaces, So in that way she has been able to be a part of some special occasions, bringing comfort by having her near at least in that way. It’s still so hard though.
The people in Nassau County, most notably the students and parents of Hofstra University should give special thanks to Suffolk County for giving Hofstra the services of the former FBI LI head Agent and former Suffolk police commissioner to come to Hofstra and protect our children from harm.

We should also thank Suffolk for giving a boost to the airline industry. Suffolk is now on a 'nationwide hunt' FOR a new police commissioner. That should generate millions of air miles. Steve can keep all the Frequent Flyer Miles and use it to take his best friend Bobby back to Hawaii to visit his old barracks AT SCHOFIELD. Wouldn't that be romantic?
To my knowledge law enforcement has not reached out for several years, although my Aunt is quite broken and i don’t think that she could even handle a conversation about it at this point. My sister is the same age as her, i am 8 years younger but always tagged along. We used to spend many weekends together, either our mom dropping us off at their house or them coming to ours. Jess loved a good sleepover. She used to mix coke and milk together “soda milk” and it’s something I’ll drink every now and then just for the nostalgia. There are pictures of her at my mother’s, of her smiling, her face lit up in happiness. I plan on getting copies of those next time I’m up there to show here. She’s in most of my childhood memories and for that i am grateful but there’s always an ache that she’s not here now, unable to be a part of any more memories. Her mother had some of her ashes placed in necklaces, So in that way she has been able to be a part of some special occasions, bringing comfort by having her near at least in that way. It’s still so hard though.

Well thank you for sharing those memories with us and thoughts and prayers go out to you along with all affected in this ordeal. I know the pain is real even after all these years. The coke and milk concoction never occurred to me growing up but the thought alone gave me a chuckle.
The people in Nassau County, most notably the students and parents of Hofstra University should give special thanks to Suffolk County for giving Hofstra the services of the former FBI LI head Agent and former Suffolk police commissioner to come to Hofstra and protect our children from harm.

We should also thank Suffolk for giving a boost to the airline industry. Suffolk is now on a 'nationwide hunt' FOR a new police commissioner. That should generate millions of air miles. Steve can keep all the Frequent Flyer Miles and use it to take his best friend Bobby back to Hawaii to visit his old barracks AT SCHOFIELD. Wouldn't that be romantic?
I guess most of you don’t know who and what I am talking about in the last paragraph but I do
Thank you so much for joining this thread and for sharing your memories with Jessica. My heart goes out to you and your family My heart literally breaks about Jessica-most of all the victims. She's the reason I joined websleuths - I want so badly to get justice for her. She was so young and it's horrific her life was stolen. If you have pictures of her I and I am sure many others would love to see them. Thanks so much for posting!
To my knowledge law enforcement has not reached out for several years, although my Aunt is quite broken and i don’t think that she could even handle a conversation about it at this point. My sister is the same age as her, i am 8 years younger but always tagged along. We used to spend many weekends together, either our mom dropping us off at their house or them coming to ours. Jess loved a good sleepover. She used to mix coke and milk together “soda milk” and it’s something I’ll drink every now and then just for the nostalgia. There are pictures of her at my mother’s, of her smiling, her face lit up in happiness. I plan on getting copies of those next time I’m up there to show here. She’s in most of my childhood memories and for that i am grateful but there’s always an ache that she’s not here now, unable to be a part of any more memories. Her mother had some of her ashes placed in necklaces, So in that way she has been able to be a part of some special occasions, bringing comfort by having her near at least in that way. It’s still so hard though.
I just had a look at the remembering Valerie Mack Facebook page and the person who runs it announced they have just set up a Facebook page for Jessica
She w

Thank you very much for your response and the information, my sister and I are definitely going to look into contacting those people. We are trying to gather every single piece of information that we can find to connect these dots. It’s maddening, especially after all of this time. We just need to know. As far as her body being identified, I do know that her mother and brother went down to confirm that it was her. Nothing has ever been the same since.


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