Victim: Maureen Brainard-Barnes, 25, missing July 2007, found Gilgo Beach Dec 2010 *POI Rex Heuermann*

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[sik-uh-triks, si-key-triks]
noun, plural cicatrices [sik-uh-trahy-seez] (Show IPA)
Physiology. new tissue that forms over a wound and later contracts into a scar.
Botany. a scar left by a fallen leaf, seed, etc.

I didn't realize Maureen had returned to prostitution after a break -considering that, this could very well be about her. I totally agree that all of the victims probably had multiple aliases. That's interesting that Utopia Guide has been making threads unavailable... since I have been searching it I started getting text messages from email accounts with links for sexy photos and Canadian pharmacies... If you aren't already you should take screen shots of anything even possibly relevant you find on there. Also, I hope you have plenty of screen shots of the comment you found that identifies a victim being from CT before that info was released.

There's actually a lot of info about ccicatrix in his posts -here's what I got from that so far, just speculation of course:
He is intelligent and probably educated because his writing is strong with advanced vocabulary, no spelling errors, etc (English is probably his first language too)
He was 56 in 2005
He may not have been that affluent -because he said in one post he finally got enough money to try a girl
He sort of made a reference to being LE "doughnut break"
Most of the locations listed for dates were in NJ
Very interesting about Slinky Bender too... I also have a hard time stomaching the content on UG too but IMO there's some important info in there.
Im a little confused. Whos texting you? What do the text say?
Ever since I started looking at UG (sometimes on my phone) I've been getting text messages from email addresses in the middle of the night with links. The subjects are things like "CAANAADIIANS GET MEDS CHEAP AND NOW YOU" or "sexytime will be MUCH better EVERTIME" -just spam really but I think it's from looking at UG on my phone. I've tried searching the email addresses and can't really find anything. I'm afraid to click on the links.
[sik-uh-triks, si-key-triks]
noun, plural cicatrices [sik-uh-trahy-seez] (Show IPA)
Physiology. new tissue that forms over a wound and later contracts into a scar.
Botany. a scar left by a fallen leaf, seed, etc.


I saw that too. I also looked up the other username humiliatrix and it appears to be a sub-genre of BDSM. Maybe I'm naive for having to look that up!
Ever since I started looking at UG (sometimes on my phone) I've been getting text messages from email addresses in the middle of the night with links. The subjects are things like "CAANAADIIANS GET MEDS CHEAP AND NOW YOU" or "sexytime will be MUCH better EVERTIME" -just spam really but I think it's from looking at UG on my phone. I've tried searching the email addresses and can't really find anything. I'm afraid to click on the links.
Dont open unfamiliar e-mails. It could be a virus.
I understand what you found but in all respects I rather the information you all have is right and not false. Maureen was pregnant in 2006 and she had her baby in 2006 she lived with me at that time. So the information you got is from and inaccurate source. You can believe what you choose to believe but I am telling you Maureen has never lived in NJ. And I am not saying this cause it might be evidence. I am saying this cause it is true. Maureen and her EX HUSBAND was already divorced by 2006. They did not even live with each other since 2003. I am just trying to correct what is false, to what is true in this matter. Than you or whoever following inaccurate and false leads that has not creditably to Maureen and what perspired before she went missing. Thank you!

Those "information sites" like Radaris are very inaccurate. To dispute your first hand knowledge with a site like that is ridiculous.
James burkes lucchese mafia connection and history with prostitution, mafia run prostitution/human trafficking in NYC.. this whole thing is highly organized with layers upon layers of insulation.. bisset and the other guy from the aquarium who mysteriously suicided. Gb4 deciding to work on clearly organized turf on their own terms. With burkes cover up and his refusal of the fbis help, These killings look more and more like business decisions rather then the work of some lone nut serial killer. Imo

For out of towners not familiar with organized crime and the mob, they really are that ruthless to kill for business. Theres no deep psychological answer as to why they kill, to them its just business.

This is in no way the work of organized crime. I totally disagree with your theory.
I just read murder machine and al demeos book which sheds alot of light on who controls NYC prostitution rings and how they go about illegally trafficking and exploiting these women. Als book gets into great detail about all the x rated stuff and prostitution happening at 42nd street. Al claims he would go to each escort service and pickup money for roy. Even though that was some years ago, as a local nyer, theres just no doubt that these prostitution rings are owned by the mafia today. Al also talks about seeing a guy named Tony at these 42nd street pickups. Could this be the same tony that knew maureen well enough to call sara karnes right after she was robbed and vanished? I personally think big al and tony set maureen up to be robbed because she and sara were foolish enough to claim they didnt need a pimp and would work for themselves. As far as Joe G or dracula as they called him at the gemini, in als book, it says that roy and albert dropped joe g off at the airport where he left for roy and joes hideout in the bahamas. That happened in 1981 or 1982, so maybe joe g died alone in the bahamas.

Great book but you can not apply that info today. No offense, brother but you are on the wrong track.

The prostitution rings in the middle and late 2000s were not run by the same mob families. There were so many different ones. The two that I knew of were run by Jewish guys. Were they connected? Perhaps they kicked some street tax to some crew. I know that Belle du Jour was very popular in Long Island and Manhattan during that time. I know two of the owners and they were not mob connected. They were pretty big.
I was leaning towards the organized crime theory cause of the power of alot of the players involved in question.. anythings possible at this point and every theory ive read here i find interesting whether i agree or disagree with them. I keep asking myself why would an entire countys justice system cover up an investigation over a lone killer. Something bigger could be going on and this gilgo case could just be the tip of the iceberg.
Maureen's case. A person is missing and police is looking into it. Whether the effort is hard or superficial, still it is a police work and it is no joke. If Sara K made a false report it would bounce back on her. So, Sara K reporting a robbery that didn't happen doesn't make sense. I think she reports whatever information she has.

Maureen's phone going off suggests that the robbery is true and bears a striking similarity with Rashawn Brazell and Thalia Stathis cases, which I surmise she's also assaulted during that time.

A prostitute with cash is robbed and found dead. If you think this is just coincidence and doesn't deserve a better look, I don't think I can convince you otherwise.

A simple question. Why do you think Maureen is trying to get herself picked up by first Missy's husband and then her brother if she wanted to go home and she has at least 700 in her pocket and there is a train going to Connecticut?

An even simpler question. How do you think we know Maureen got her money back?

There's always the LI ferry in Port Jefferson. Goes to Bridgeport and right on I-95 to Norwich. This way she could have made a call in Commack or Happauge and jumped on the ferry. Instead she was lured there by LISK and never made it on that ferry. Just a thought.
I was leaning towards the organized crime theory cause of the power of alot of the players involved in question.. anythings possible at this point and every theory ive read here i find interesting whether i agree or disagree with them. I keep asking myself why would an entire countys justice system cover up an investigation over a lone killer. Something bigger could be going on and this gilgo case could just be the tip of the iceberg.

They are most likely covering up their own stupidity or carelessness.
I have said before, and I still feel MBB is the key to solving GB4, if, in fact, the GB4 is it's own true independent cluster---Profiling dictates the first abduction/kill is almost always closest to an anchor point(work/home)--And assuming she is the first, he lives and/or conducts his business and spends a high percentage of time in that general area

I totally agree with this statement.
There's always the LI ferry in Port Jefferson. Goes to Bridgeport and right on I-95 to Norwich. This way she could have made a call in Commack or Happauge and jumped on the ferry. Instead she was lured there by LISK and never made it on that ferry. Just a thought.
It would be interesting to know what phone numbers appeared on Maureens phone after she tried to get a ride home? Or did she encounter someone on the street? Someone known or unknown to her?
It would be interesting to know what phone numbers appeared on Maureens phone after she tried to get a ride home? Or did she encounter someone on the street? Someone known or unknown to her?

Since she was found buried next to other escorts, I believe that she was lured into an outcall like the others. I think it was planned by the killer, and MBB fell victim because she was in a desperate situation.
Since she was found buried next to other escorts, I believe that she was lured into an outcall like the others. I think it was planned by the killer, and MBB fell victim because she was in a desperate situation.
Maureen and Melissa were lured from the Bx and Manhattan. Megan and Amber were lured from locations on LI. I wonder if that was a calculated decision on the part of the killer. Wanted to avoid going over a bridge with someone in his car. Less chance of being detected. LE must know how Maureen and Melissa traveled to LI. Their phones must of pinged along the way. I also believe they were stalked. Go to reddit Unsolved Mystery. Long Island Serial Killer July 12, 2016 A poster states Melissa believed she was being followed in the weeks before she disappeared.
Since she was found buried next to other escorts, I believe that she was lured into an outcall like the others. I think it was planned by the killer, and MBB fell victim because she was in a desperate situation.
A caller asked Amber to meet him at a Hotel. She declined. Eventually he was able to lure her with a large sum of money. BAIT. Maureen was in NYC for the weekend. Maybe someone tried to get her to do an outcall over the weekend. She may have declined. It seems like she was baited with a large sum of money. She let her defenses down.
A caller asked Amber to meet him at a Hotel. She declined. Eventually he was able to lure her with a large sum of money. BAIT. Maureen was in NYC for the weekend. Maybe someone tried to get her to do an outcall over the weekend. She may have declined. It seems like she was baited with a large sum of money. She let her defenses down.

I'm really surprised that it didn't raise red flags about such a large offer. You can get good quality escorts to go down to LI for $500-600. $1500 offer would make most escorts think there was something up. Doing a little background checking is standard for agencies but not much for independents on CL.
The evening before Maureen was last seen her and her friend Sara told a man on the street that they were working independently and didnt have a pimp. After that was when maureen was robbed by a black guy with dreads. This was according to big al and or tony the *advertiser censored* producers who touched base with sara back in connecticut. These guys knew she was robbed. Even maureens pimp who worked for the *advertiser censored* guys was a shady cat. Once maureen decides to go independent on someone elses turf. she vanishes. One of those guys has to know something more. Imo
The evening before Maureen was last seen her and her friend Sara told a man on the street that they were working independently and didnt have a pimp. After that was when maureen was robbed by a black guy with dreads. This was according to big al and or tony the *advertiser censored* producers who touched base with sara back in connecticut. These guys knew she was robbed. Even maureens pimp who worked for the *advertiser censored* guys was a shady cat. Once maureen decides to go independent on someone elses turf. she vanishes. One of those guys has to know something more. Imo

"a black guy with dreads" convenient. They set her up or know who did it, IMO.

However, that wouldn't be congruent to the LISK theory which I more more inclined to believe. There was and always will be independent "providers" an they all don't just get chopped up because of turf issues. It's not worth the jail time. Same as being a bookie. You have a guy that doesn't pay, you don't break his arms with a ball bat anymore. You just intimidate him into paying or he'll rat you out and you're going to jail.

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