Victim - Melissa Barthelemy

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...He gets his pleasures out of being sadistic towards females and only females he think he can overpower or that he has more power over. That's why he only spoke with MB sister in a sadistic manner, but not her mom. In fact he tried to pretend he was a cop when she answered and asked if MB was reported missing....

No doubt the perpetrator is sadistic, but I also think that the phone call to MB's sister could be for other reason(s). I think about the fact that he called the sister and essentially confessed to her. In doing so he also provided more closure to her than others. So on some level even though he may have contacted the sister to torment her, he may have felt the need to provide MB's sister with closure and confess in some twisted fashion. Or maybe he felt some regret about murdering Melissa and did not want the sister going down the same path. Idk, but I think there is something particular to MB that would cause him to reach out to her sister even if twisted way (and mind you he put(s) himself at risk of being caught by LE by placing a phone call). Maybe he was the older john that Melissa would visit according to JT (idk if that's right, but I thought that MB had a fairly regular client in LI) or hypo if there is some connection to JBittrolf/Rita Tangredi case (posters opined that RT daughter and MB were friends, feel free to correct if that's wrong). jmo

Long Island serial killer confessed to murders in taunting calls to victim's family: reports
BY Christina Boyle
Friday, April 15, 2011, 9:41 AM

Sister, Amanda: "Barthelemy's 16-year-old sister, Amanda, told "Good Morning America" the alleged killer phoned repeatedly from her dead sister's cell phone, using "taunting and angry words."

"I just don't understand why he chose me. ... How many other girls and how many other families? ... Why was I chosen, why was I taunted?" she said."
No need for her to have used one of his computers. She could have just logged on to his wifi with her phone.

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A lot of people seem to think that the LISK is a white male, your usual serial killer profile, but I’m wondering if maybe he’s half black, half white, with a black appearance. He may be the product of rape or prostitution. Mother and/or her family shunned him because of his being mixed race, perhaps his mother adopted him out. None of the GB women were black or Latina. Shannan may have been mixed, but she looked white. He called MB’s sister Amanda a half breed due to her being biracial. He spoke with no discernible accent (NY or otherwise) as per Amanda.
Half breed in itself is kind of an odd, older term, no? I don’t remember ever hearing anyone, of any race, use that phrase. Even the older, more prejudiced generations I know usually say “mixed.” The caller using the phrase “half breed” really stuck out to me. I assume if it was a white man calling, he would have called Amanda “mixed,” or if he was racist, something more derogatory.
He could also be a bit older or have some connection to Native Americans. The term was used in Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and there was a Cher song called Half Breed in the 70s. It is usually given to people who are half Caucasian and half Native American. That's why I think he is older or maybe has some connection with Native Americans. I have not heard that term in many years.ri
It *is* a unique slur, but there are probably a fair number of men who use it to refer to someone who's part black. Here's someone of that demographic who is recently in trouble for using the slur on a blog post to refer to Obama: (I was searching on the term and this popped up in the news feed). I think that the term may get bandied around a bit, mainly in online forums.

Okay- so this is what I was looking for before I got sidetracked with that news article:

Are any of you familiar with Thee Rant? I know one of our members certainly is (don't worry your secret is safe with me ;) )
If you are not, consider yourself very lucky.
Thee Rant is a forum for LE past and present. In order to join you must prove you are a current or retired officer. Most of the posters are from the greater NYC metro area.
The postings in there are terribly racist and misogynistic, so fair warning.

……..So you know where the term Half Breed is really popular?

With a lot of NYPD. Which brings us back to the theories that the killer may have ties to law enforcement.

Check out these search results on "Half Breed" from the site:
Jessr927, I never heard of a serial killer with a history of prostitution. The phrase half breed is derogatory. He taunted Amanda so he may have called her other names too. He probably is older and has a NY accent if hes from the city or LI. Amanda is young and not able to pinpoint what kind of accent the caller has. LE would know. I wish we knew more of what was said to Amanda and Melissa's pimp.
^^^^There are TONS posts on Thee Rant ( ) using the "half breed" slur to refer to mixed white/black people and now I'm completely convinced that the killer is either a contributor to the Thee Rant boards or has been reading them for quite some time.
Its said Melissas phone pinged off a tower in Massapequa. I wonder if theres a way to know the name of the streets that would make up the perimeter the killer would have to be confined to when he made the call? Maybe its residents could come up with a suspect. Thats providing the killer lives there.
Who is the slur Half Breed is really popular with to describe people who are part black?

WITH A LOT OF THE NYPD. Which brings us back to the theories that the killer may have ties to law enforcement.

There's a (terrible, racist, misogynistic, bigoted, cruel) message board called Thee Rant. It's extremely popular with NYC/NJ/Metro area police. In order to become a member you need to prove to the site owner that you are a current or former LE member (possibly only open to NYPD, not sure if other officers can join) by providing your officer ID info.

this is the site:

doing a google advanced search on the term "half breed" within the site brings up scores of posts using the term, and mainly using it to refer to people who are part black.

The site has been around since 2008, so it's possible the killer picked up the term by reading the boards. However, it appears to be part of the NYPD lexicon, at least for a racist segment of the force.
Gotcha, someone left the comments on his blog (on a re-read). I posted the article because it refers to someone using the term recently online. I know nothing about the that situation in Nebraska, apologies.
What I'm way more interested in is how much it's used on the NYPD only messageboard. That term comes up repeatedly. Have you taken a look? The board's existed since 2008 but since the slur gets thrown around so much there I'd imagine the officers who post on Thee Rant have been using it freely irl for quite some time. Again, this leads me to think that maybe there really is an LE involvement angle with that caller.
Marble, I disagree with you. Most people of a certain generation are familiar with the phrase half breed. Most people of that generation were not cops. If this killer is computer savy its because he chose to be. He does not want to get caught.
Marble, I think you are making a really big leap. The phrase you are referring to is not exclusive to cops.
Please show me where I ever said the term was exclusive to cops.

I am not at all saying it is exclusive to cops. It's just if you read through this thread you will see lots of discussion about how it's a slur that hardly ever gets used.

At some point someone here went through the sites that review prostitutes to see if they could find a mention of the term and came up empty.

Some articles have said that one of the theories floated was that the caller had ties to law enforcement because he seemed to know how to call in ways that stopped his calls from being properly pin-pointed or traced.

When I plug this: ( "half breed" ) into the google search bar Ninety Four (94!) posts using that term are found. This is a board made up of NYPD officers.

You don't find that interesting?
Marble, theres alot of theories about this case. What do we really know? Nothing. Some people think it could be a cop. Some think its a mechanic. Hopefully LE finds out.
Does anyone have any ideas about why the killer would stop calling Amanda after 6 weeks but continue to call her pimp for 8 months?
Melissas aunt said gutted and then said dismembered. To me it sounded like she was correcting herself. I could be wrong. She may have meant both.
Melissas aunt said gutted and then said dismembered. To me it sounded like she was correcting herself. I could be wrong. She may have meant both.
Think you ment Megans aunt. But I think its intresting to hear little slip ups like this then to hear that Melissas sister was told by the lisk that he was going to watch her rott.
Now I'm not sure what I beleive about them being dismembered or gutted. But I fully beleive he didn't dispose of them right away.
Does anyone have any ideas about why the killer would stop calling Amanda after 6 weeks but continue to call her pimp for 8 months?
I think its because he had her sister alive for six weeks. And stopped calling once he killed her when he said he was going to watch her rott. And I've never seen any real hard truth behind the calls to the pimp so I take that with a grain of salt.
I think its because he had her sister alive for six weeks. And stopped calling once he killed her when he said he was going to watch her rott. And I've never seen any real hard truth behind the calls to the pimp so I take that with a grain of salt.
I dont think he lied about the phone calls. He was interviewed by someone from the Daily Beast. He said the caller threatened him. He probably gave it right back to him. Hes not a scared 15 yr old girl.
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