VICTIM - Mickey Shunick, 21, of Lafayette, LA (Theories)

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Oh, this is wonderful... You have enhanced a clear picture of BSL. HELLO.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I will be watching this case closely now. I really want to see if a suspect is identified and if they fit my previously-posted enhancement of the driver in the first white truck pic. I clipped a portion of my text from thread 30, post 225:

"So what do I see? A man of medium to light but not super-light complexion, with dark brown to black hair (how to trust this?-remember we also have the Circle-K pic of Mickey and her blondish-hair color is accurately apparent too). He is possibly partly bald or partly shaven on top, but there seems to be hints of side-hair on the head. I cannot make up my mind whether I am actually seeing his mouth or a groomed mustache above the mouth. I envision a white t-shirt with a bold logo at the center top. There is a husky appearance, but one of broadness of shoulders rather than height alone. The man may be leaning slightly forward against the steering column, or at least otherwise seems unusually vertical and observant. I do not think that the driver is wearing glasses."

I have re-posted my most detailed enhancement of the driver of the first white truck. I will be watching with interest to see how this case shakes out.
i think that he dropped the bike before sunrise (around 4:30am) a few hours after he took her.

i think he hid her under his trailer or in his trailer while he went to Ochsner.

after he left Ochsner, I think he went back home to pick her body up, and then took her body to Pinseclear.

Where the stuggle was - his trailer or in the truck, I go back and forth. I wonder if he took her in the trailer at all?? I wonder if he tied her up like the Evangeline Parish victim?? If he tried sexually assaulting her in the same manner as the EP victim, I think she bit him then took the knife. However, if she was tied up, how did she get the knife? With her mouth, possibly??

I also wonder if maybe he DIDN'T sexually assault her. If she wounded him before he tried to sexually assault her, then maybe he didn't. I certainly don't think he would put anything in her mouth after she sliced him up. Maybe she bit his finger almost off rather than cutting it??

So as you see, I wonder alot. The only 2 things that I feel strongly about are the following: I strongly feel as though she was buried AFTER Ochsner. I also REALLY think he dumped the bike the same morning he took her because that's what LE seems to think and because of one more rumor. Sorry. I'm not baiting, but it may help to kind of narrow the bike part down. I feel very strongly that the bike was dumped before sunrise on the morning of May 19th, a few hours after her disappearance.
I wonder, if like the Peterson case, allowing the dead woman to speak, (so to speak) as a a witness, IF likewise, there will be exceptions made in this case when it goes to trial?

I'd love to know more about the victim Lisa Pate.

Can't find much out on the internet, but they are also looking at him. BLS.
The problems I have with BSL placing Mickey under his trailer are all related to the heat accelerating the decomposition process, in that it would have created a huge risk for someone or a neighborhood dog or wild scavenger finding her. Mobile home skirting would not be much of a barrier to a determined animal. And the possibility of an unexpected human visitor smelling the body is very real. Of course, if he had placed her in some sort of container that could have kept the smell down for a day or two.
My opinions only, no facts here:

I will be watching this case closely now. I really want to see if a suspect is identified and if they fit my previously-posted enhancement of the driver in the first white truck pic. I clipped a portion of my text from thread 30, post 225:

"So what do I see? A man of medium to light but not super-light complexion, with dark brown to black hair (how to trust this?-remember we also have the Circle-K pic of Mickey and her blondish-hair color is accurately apparent too). He is possibly partly bald or partly shaven on top, but there seems to be hints of side-hair on the head. I cannot make up my mind whether I am actually seeing his mouth or a groomed mustache above the mouth. I envision a white t-shirt with a bold logo at the center top. There is a husky appearance, but one of broadness of shoulders rather than height alone. The man may be leaning slightly forward against the steering column, or at least otherwise seems unusually vertical and observant. I do not think that the driver is wearing glasses."

I have re-posted my most detailed enhancement of the driver of the first white truck. I will be watching with interest to see how this case shakes out.
If I am hearing you correctly, you are saying BSL could be the wrong perp. You must have several reasons for this believe. Do share, one reason with us.
If I am hearing you correctly, you are saying BSL could be the wrong perp. You must have several reasons for this believe. Do share, one reason with us.

The post by Mr N that starts with "I'll be watching this case really closely now" was from an earlier thread way before BSL's arrest. It's from way back when all we had was the crappy images of the DWT and everyone was enhancing it . That's what that post is. Just thought I'd answer in case he doesn't get online.
Oh, this is wonderful... You have enhanced a clear picture of BSL. HELLO.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I assume you are being complementary, and if not-it is accidentally very complementary when you check out my posting dates. If not complementary, remember that my enhancement of the white-truck driver pre-dates identification and arrest of the suspect in this case. The only regret I have is that I neglected to give my estimate of the age of the truck driver (22-35). I re-posted the image so you can see the possibilities of my enhancement strategies (before the case is or was resolved). If only I had a similarly fuzzy image in the Maura Murray, Jamison family, McStay family, or Holly Bobo cases. Check my previous Websleuths posts on the Shunick thread and check out my posting dates, if there is any doubt about the above statements. As for other excellent posters who think that I doubt the police have the right guy, yes it seems they are on the proper track- but how can I possibly know for sure at the moment? Think about the original Atlanta Olympic bombing suspect or the original anthrax letters suspect. These cases ended up costing our government and media outlets many millions of dollars in libel suits. I consider a suspect as innocent as a newborn lamb until there is a conviction in court, a confession or plea, or undeniable guilt by proof (such as when psychopathic gunmen shoot and/or kill multiple people in plain view of zillions of witnesses-think President Ronald Regan).

If and when there is a confession or plea-deal or similar conclusion to this interesting case, I will present my original (pre-arrest) enhancement of the white truck driver, with added mugshot pics of the guy so you can scratch your heads over how much can be interpreted with a few dozen or so pixels on a fuzzy cam image. But what if a week from now the cops release this guy and say- oops?! Please give me a little more time to see how this case sorts out. If this is the correct guy, then I will show you the possibilities.
Mr. Noatak,

It seems that BSL was the one who showed LE where MS was buried. Only the guilty would have known that. To support this, BSL was taken out of the prison that morning. I'm willing to bet money that I don't have that BSL gave up where MS was buried. Then you add all the other stuff we know, the odds it not being him, well I bought land on mars to sell you.
BSL wasn't arrested due to a tipster saying BSL told them, or bragged, about killing Mickey. I don't know of anyone else who claims he bragged about it, or that he told anyone at all, for that matter. As far as I know, he wasn't talking at all... To the contrary, he was quite busy doing cover up prior to his arrest. IMO, it was the desperate lengths he went to that led to his arrest.
Is it your thoughts that BSL may not be the one driving his truck that night, or that the truck in the photo might not be his? ...
I haven't heard any reports or doubts that it is anyone other than BSL responsible for this. From all the evidence that has come in since the arrest I am totally convinced it's BSL, and I'm thinking le is sure that it was him, and him alone in that truck... I'm hoping he gave a full confession yesterday... A truthful confession and took responsibility for it, and any others, including LP...
But, confession or not, I like to make conclusions based on evidence and facts of the case, rather than anything that comes out of the mouth of the perp...

All jmo.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I am not questioning the actions of the brave policemen and policewomen regarding their most excellent, systematic, and professional approach to this criminal investigation. But before I dare to present my long-ago original image of the white-truck driver in this case with my new mugshots and other pics of the suspect and analysis, I need to be certain that this is the guy. Obviously, I would be very pleased if this the the correct suspect, because other women would now be more safe, and that is my main goal in life. To make women more safe. My own mother died in 1958 as a mere youngster, and I pay very special attention to crimes on Websleuths that involve female victims. I could figure these crimes out or at least aid the investigations, if given more than a few shreds of information. Unfortunately, all I generally have are shreds because LE these days holds so much info close to the chest.

I want to add that all of the Websleuths posters I have talked with since I joined this most excellent site some time back, are the most interesting and most special people in cyberspace that I have encountered. We are not playing video games or discussing code, we are trying to solve crimes with our hearts and minds and make our communities safer. Keep up the good work partners......

Sleuth On- my good and always friends!
BSL wasn't arrested due to a tipster saying BSL told them, or bragged, about killing Mickey. I don't know of anyone else who claims he bragged about it, or that he told anyone at all, for that matter. As far as I know, he wasn't talking at all... To the contrary, he was quite busy doing cover up prior to his arrest. IMO, it was the desperate lengths he went to that led to his arrest.
Is it your thoughts that BSL may not be the one driving his truck that night, or that the truck in the photo might not be his? ...
I haven't heard any reports or doubts that it is anyone other than BSL responsible for this. From all the evidence that has come in since the arrest I am totally convinced it's BSL, and I'm thinking le is sure that it was him, and him alone in that truck... I'm hoping he gave a full confession yesterday... A truthful confession and took responsibility for it, and any others, including LP...
But, confession or not, I like to make conclusions based on evidence and facts of the case, rather than anything that comes out of the mouth of the perp...

All jmo.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I am not questioning the actions of the brave policemen and policewomen regarding their most excellent, systematic, and professional approach to this criminal investigation. But before I dare to present my long-ago original image of the white-truck driver in this case with new mugshots of the suspect and analysis, I need to be certain that this is the guy. Obviously, I would be very pleased if this the the correct suspect, because other women would now be more safe. My own mother died in 1958 as a mere youngster, and I pay very special attention to crimes on Websleuths that involve female victims. I could figure these crimes out, if given more than a few shreds of information. Unfortunately, all I generally have are shreds because LE these days holds so much info close to the chest.

I want to add that all of the Websleuths posters I have talked with since I joined this most excellent site some time back, are the most interesting and most special people in cyberspace that I have encountered. We are not playing video games or discussing code, we are trying to solve crimes with our hearts and minds and make our communities safer. Keep up the good work partners......

Sleuth On my good and always friends!
Oh, this is wonderful... You have enhanced a clear picture of BSL. HELLO.

My opinions only, no facts here:

I assume you are being complementary, and if not-it is accidentally very complementary when you check out my posting dates. If not complementary, remember that my enhancement of the white-truck driver pre-dates identification and arrest of the suspect in this case. The only regret I have is that I neglected to give my estimate of the age of the truck driver (22-35). I am re-posting the image so you can see the possibilities of my enhancement strategies (before the case is or was resolved). If only I had a similarly fuzzy image in the Maura Murray, Jamison family, McStay family, or Holly Bobo cases. Check my previous Websleuths posts on the Shunick thread and check out my posting dates, if there is any doubt about the above statements. As for other excellent posters who think that I doubt the police have the right guy, yes it seems they are on the proper track- but how can I possibly know for sure at the moment? Think about the original Atlanta Olympic bombing suspect or the original anthrax letters suspect. These cases ended up costing our government and media outlets many millions of dollars in libel suits. I consider a suspect as innocent as a newborn lamb until there is a conviction in court, a confession or plea, or undeniable guilt by proof (such as when psychopathic gunmen shoot and/or kill multiple people in plain view of zillions of witnesses-think President Ronald Regan).

If and when there is a confession or plea-deal or similar conclusion to this interesting case, I will present my original (pre-arrest) enhancement of the white truck driver, with added mugshot pics of the guy so you can scratch your heads over how much can be interpreted with a few dozen or so pixels on a fuzzy cam image. But what if a week from now the cops release this guy and say- oops?! Please give me a little more time to see how this case sorts out. If this is the correct guy, then I will show you the possibilities.
Mr. Noatak,

It seems that BSL was the one who showed LE where MS was buried. Only the guilty would have known that. To support this, BSL was taken out of the prison that morning. I'm willing to bet money that I don't have that BSL gave up where MS was buried. Then you add all the other stuff we know, the odds it not being him, well I bought land on mars to sell you.

My opinions only, no facts here:

If this guy turns out to be the only viable suspect, then my pre-arrest analysis of the driver in the white truck image might be supportable. Nobody on this site has commented about whether my pre-arrest enhancement and analysis satisfies them or not. Are you satisfied or disappointed?
My opinions only, no facts here:

If this guy turns out to be the only viable suspect, then my pre-arrest analysis of the driver in the white truck image might be supportable. Nobody on this site has commented about whether my pre-arrest enhancement and analysis satisfies them or not. Are you satisfied or disappointed?

No dis-respect to you at all! I value your input. I do however, have to admit, I am at a loss. What you have shown as of yet... does not support BSL or any other perp. Guess I am pixel blind. (all I can see in your example is a nose and (maybe a mouth)... I need more direction it seems.

I am waiting for more, as I respect your research and attention to this case...

While I do think BSL is the guilty party, stranger things have happened!
However, if DNA seals the deal... well, we will all know there is zero chance he was "set up" or has admitted to something he did not do.

He did plead "not guilty" to begin with... and as of this posting, I have not heard it verified that he confessed...
My opinions only, no facts here:

I assume you are being complementary, and if not-it is accidentally very complementary when you check out my posting dates. If not complementary, remember that my enhancement of the white-truck driver pre-dates identification and arrest of the suspect in this case. The only regret I have is that I neglected to give my estimate of the age of the truck driver (22-35). I re-posted the image so you can see the possibilities of my enhancement strategies (before the case is or was resolved). If only I had a similarly fuzzy image in the Maura Murray, Jamison family, McStay family, or Holly Bobo cases. Check my previous Websleuths posts on the Shunick thread and check out my posting dates, if there is any doubt about the above statements. As for other excellent posters who think that I doubt the police have the right guy, yes it seems they are on the proper track- but how can I possibly know for sure at the moment? Think about the original Atlanta Olympic bombing suspect or the original anthrax letters suspect. These cases ended up costing our government and media outlets many millions of dollars in libel suits. I consider a suspect as innocent as a newborn lamb until there is a conviction in court, a confession or plea, or undeniable guilt by proof (such as when psychopathic gunmen shoot and/or kill multiple people in plain view of zillions of witnesses-think President Ronald Regan).

If and when there is a confession or plea-deal or similar conclusion to this interesting case, I will present my original (pre-arrest) enhancement of the white truck driver, with added mugshot pics of the guy so you can scratch your heads over how much can be interpreted with a few dozen or so pixels on a fuzzy cam image. But what if a week from now the cops release this guy and say- oops?! Please give me a little more time to see how this case sorts out. If this is the correct guy, then I will show you the possibilities.

Sorry but I don't quite understand what you saying or trying to imply.
No dis-respect to you at all! I value your input. I do however, have to admit, I am at a loss. What you have shown as of yet... does not support BSL or any other perp. Guess I am pixel blind. (all I can see in your example is a nose and (maybe a mouth)... I need more direction it seems.

I am waiting for more, as I respect your research and attention to this case...

While I do think BSL is the guilty party, stranger things have happened!
However, if DNA seals the deal... well, we will all know there is zero chance he was "set up" or has admitted to something he did not do.

He did plead "not guilty" to begin with... and as of this posting, I have not heard it verified that he confessed...

My opinions only, no facts here:

I feel that the police have arrested the most reasonable suspect.

I have stressed from the beginning that the number of pixels represented by the driver in the first white-truck image is pathetic. But, through my previous postings I have demonstrated how much can be deduced from such a fuzzy image. The evidence is always correct, if you can read it.

The hat scene from the Jeremy Brett episode of Sherlock Holmes (The Blue Carbuncle) is precious to me. Watson claims that he can see no evidence from a hat but Holmes says: "On the contrary Watson, you can see everything but you fail to reason for what you see. You are too timid in drawing your conclusions." When I first saw the security cam image of the first white truck, a lot of information just jumped out at me. Remember, I also analyzed the Mickey Shunick bike image to see how well colors were being represented at the low light levels (I factually knew the color of her hair). I deduced that colors were reasonably well-represented.

At Websleuths, we all are presented with the same evidence. I just interpret the evidence a little differently, as we all do. I see a lot in the first white-truck image. IF (and this is still an if), the current suspect is the perpetrator, I called him out correctly from the fuzzy security cam image, before he was identified and arrested. Short and stocky. Light, but not extremely light skin color. Dark hair. Hints of a mustache and facial side hair. I may have blown the call on top-hair though. I thought he might be slightly bald in front. This mistake could be from the upper frame of the windshield blocking and/or blending into his face OR because he had recently had a crew-cut at the barber shop before the crime occurred. I think it is the latter, based upon his current hair length. I am still very curious whether my estimation that the driver was wearing a t-shirt with a large logo on the front is correct.
Nobody on this site has commented about whether my pre-arrest enhancement and analysis satisfies them or not. Are you satisfied or disappointed?

With all due respect, all I can make out of the photo is a drawing in a human coloring. I can't make out any identifying characteristics to it. Also I don't see in the original picture a dark spot where the driver would be that is now in the same location as in the altered picture, it's just as if you drew him in. You overlaid a different year model truck a top his 2011 Chevy which changes the cab shape, at least in the altered pics it definitely appears this way. BSL's cab has sharp characteristics and the new cab in your altered photo is more softly angled but then goes back to being sharp in the end. I don't know if you used the characteristics given from the retired detective that was dead on with BSL's characteristics that was given early in the case before we knew about BSL. But IMO there is nothing that resembles BSL in that photo except that you used a while male with darker hair, which is most of Cajun LA. I'm sorry.

I have already prepared a most-interesting pic to show that I have previously enhanced the pics of the suspect quite accurately, but do not want to post my original image with suspect pics until we know more. So for now, I am waiting to see further developments. There is always the risk that the suspect is not the perpetrator. In the meantime, my fellow sleuthers can examine my previously-posted enhancement.

Please do post this picture you are continuing to speak of. There seems to be much evidence against BSL and it is very possible that he even lead LE to Mickey's body this week. Since he is a suspect we can sleuth him. I don't see the harm in posting the picture of the person's face in the truck, if you have that, if it's BSL since we have multiple mug shot images of him anyway. A facial image is not going to harm him in case he is innocent as you are implying. And if it is not BSL and it is someone else well then we need to know about that then don't we? Otherwise, I'm going to think you're baiting us since we have mugshots already and if you think it's someone other than BSL than you are protecting a horrible person.
My opinions only, no facts here:

I will be watching this case closely now. I really want to see if a suspect is identified and if they fit my previously-posted enhancement of the driver in the first white truck pic. I clipped a portion of my text from thread 30, post 225:

"but not suSo what do I see? A man of medium to light per-light complexion, with dark brown to black hair (how to trust this?-remember we also have the Circle-K pic of Mickey and her blondish-hair color is accurately apparent too). He is possibly partly bald or partly shaven on top, but there seems to be hints of side-hair on the head. I cannot make up my mind whether I am actually seeing his mouth or a groomed mustache above the mouth. I envision a white t-shirt with a bold logo at the center top. There is a husky appearance, but one of broadness of shoulders rather than height alone. The man may be leaning slightly forward against the steering column, or at least otherwise seems unusually vertical and observant. I do not think that the driver is wearing glasses."

I have re-posted my most detailed enhancement of the driver of the first white truck. I will be watching with interest to see how this case shakes out.

Im looking at the picture and all I see is a dark figure in one of the pictures...IS there another picture that actually shows a man of medium to light complexion with dark brown to black hair as you have stated? no disrespect to you but the picture im looking at doesnt show anything at all except a few changes made by you to change the look of the truck, and the one with a person in the truck well that could be anyone...
Im looking at the picture and all I see is a dark figure in one of the pictures...IS there another picture that actually shows a man of medium to light complexion with dark brown to black hair as you have stated? no disrespect to you but the picture im looking at doesnt show anything at all except a few changes made by you to change the look of the truck, and the one with a person in the truck well that could be anyone...

My opinions only, no facts here:

I am confused. My posts show that I (pre-arrest) described the suspect quite well (if he is indeed the perpetrator). My verbal description precedes the arrest- so I am either very lucky or mostly correct by my methods. To me, this is like calling a lottery number correct and having people claim that I did not win or deserve the money. The real question should be- how did I do this? Blind luck or methodology? I have a previous post that explains my background in image enhancement. My philosophy in life has been to identify people who get it right and determine their methods and then imitate them.

Remember- there were two early pics (before the last pic of the white truck going the opposite direction), and the earliest pic was of Mickey on her bike, probably taken no more than a minute before the first white truck pic. I KNOW what she looks like. By studying the bike image I could estimate everything from color-representation to pixel-representation from the security camera. Very, very rarely does a sleuth have such a wealth of comparative information. In other words- a pic of someone whose image is all over the internet (Mickey).

Some people will look at my enhancement and sincerely say- it could be anybody in America. But remember that after analyzing my (pre-arrest) own enhancement, I DID NOT describe the driver as tall and thin with blonde, light-brown, or red hair, or as a non-Caucasian, or as someone wearing glasses. I did not say he was clean shaven without facial side hair or a mustache. I called him out, and mostly- quite correctly (IF the current arrested man is the perpetrator). And allow me to put this another way- if this driver were your husband, wife, boss, a celebrity, or best friend, I will bet dollars to donuts that you would immediately find my enhancement subtly familiar. Why? Because you would draw connections between what you already knew exceptionally well, and what you saw in my enhancement.

Having said all of this, I additionally predict that the driver was wearing a white t-shirt with a large logo on the front. It might be a sports logo, but obviously there are a lot of other possibilities. I cannot enhance the t-shirt logo to the extent required to see what it says. That would be asking too much, given the quality of the image.

Keep up the good work and never fail to question me. If my fellow sleuths stop questioning me, I could become complacent and incompetent.

Having said all of this, and since this thread may die because of the arrest, check out my work on the Holly Bobo, Jamison family, McStay family, Michelle Parker, and Maura Murray cases. I have presented detailed timelines for some of these most interesting cases. Unfortunately, there are no security cam images for these cases.
Thinking about where Mickey was found. We have read here that BSL liked to take girls to cemeteries when he was in high school. This fact has me wondering if he had taken his rape victim's cousin to the cemetery where Mickey was found. It is not far from where his victim lived.
Thinking about where Mickey was found. We have read here that BSL liked to take girls to cemeteries when he was in high school. This fact has me wondering if he had taken his rape victim's cousin to the cemetery where Mickey was found. It is not far from where his victim lived.
I'm wondering how he knew about that place, and also, this: Did someone see him parked over there and reported it? If he did go there, he had to have been there several times.

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