Video: Interview with Cindy and George Anthony Today

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I hate to even think this, but I honestly don't believe it's bothering her one bit to be putting her parents thru this, and I can't help but wonder if she'd welcome something happening to them so they wouldn't be able to testify at her trial.

You're right!
I haven't listened to CA's interviews yet. I couldn't handle it last night. I was struck by one thing though in GA's interview - It was the FBI agent who consistently had to bring the discussion back to Caylee. He did this several times throughout the interview even pointing to what was obviously Caylee's case file on the table! As soon as he would do that, GA would go into his "grandfather and a father routine" and then, he would drift back out again to KC. Back and forth. But always, it's the FBI agent that reminds that the discussion is about finding Caylee.
okie dokie I really think that most people on WS are compassionate. I agree with you - they are reaching for anything that will keep the hope that Caylee is alive. As they should and as anyone would. IMO Changing stories to make KC look better, as a person, as a mother, has nothing to do with grieving and keeping hope that Caylee is alive.
I am a Grandmother, I would hold on to hope until the end of time if I couldn't find my Granddaughter. But like I said IMO when CA goes from "she's a sociopath to she's a good mother" and "dead body in the car" to "pizza" and "rank" smell - I will comment on how the stories change because IMO the changes have nothing to do with grieving or Hope or finding Caylee. The changing stories only benefit KC.

Bold is mine.
I think most people here are compassionate also.
Actually I agree with most of what you said. I do think they made and are making many mistakes . I don't hink though, that they are making these mistakes to help Casey get off for killing their granddaughter. I think they want Caylee alive so badly that ANY story or excuse that keeps her alive sounds good them, especially Cindy. JMO

Cindy has wasted away literally to nothing. She is skin and bones now and is not looking well at all.

Consider this:

November 19: Interview with CA, GA and Jessica D’Onofrio (where they say KC slept on air mattress and hugged teddy bear). There's a thread where some of the response to this interview is "Did CA have botox? She looks better than ever."

November 21: Two days later, CA, GA and Michelle Bart interview airs. CA looks rumpled, no makeup, gaunt, and appears to almost be sleeping.

I'll post comparison pic below.
Now, did CA read the responses to how she looks better than ever, realize that wasn't appropriate for the grieving grandma, and adjust accordingly?

Normally I'd think that was a far stretch, and awfully cynical, to think that. But based on CA's actions over the past 3-4 months, I am not so sure. MAYBE the MB interview is the real CA, and she puts on the show for the 119 days (or however many) we've seen her. It's possible. Either way, based on how she looked 2 days ago (and how she looked on tv interviews recently, and how she looked at BP, and so on), I am not convinced by one interview as to the toll it's taken. :: shrug :: There's just way too many shots and interviews of her looking "good" and only one of her looking the way (imo) a greiving grandma shoulda looked day 1.

Hopefully reality has hit her though, so she can work on dealing and healing, and then being strong enough to make Caylee's death worth prosecuting.

November 19 and November 21:


  • CA Nov 19 and 21.jpg
    CA Nov 19 and 21.jpg
    56.7 KB · Views: 63
Respectfully snipped

So what is the answer for these poor broken and shattered people? Where do they go from here, because it is doubtful that even KidFinders will continue to stick with them if they stop receiving donations...Who will support them then? This is so miserable and wrong. It is disgusting that Casey cares so much for her own self that she would DO this to her entire family. She may have killed Caylee quickly, but she is killing her family slowly and with great pain and I see no end in sight

I agree 100% with what you said here.
George appears to have a better handle on reality than his wife. On the LE quiz, Ga rated kc very low on the responsibilty part....Cindy rated her very high and also very high on dependabilty??

That is astounding!
That is not what she said. It's not even close to what she said. She said the picture is the closest they've seen to a look-a-like for Caylee, and that police weren't investigating it. She wishes LE would check out things like this, because to not check it out, and this next phrase is my own, to not check may "possibly" and "could possibly" let a TRUE sighting of a living little girl go by uninvestigated.

Now, those words I used weren't randomly chosen. They are the same words the body farm and FBI used in their conclusions.

George Anthony, his wife and the spokesperson all believe that those words leave some doubt. And they do. And if ANY doubt exists, INVESTIGATE LEADS.

I really think that's all they want. And they aren't getting it. In fact, what they are getting is LE going on TV to say they will NOT follow up leads, that they've completely made up their minds, all based on "probably" and "could possibly."

Well, IF I were a kidnapper, and the cops had just announced on nation wide television that they've already decided the child is dead and that they absolutely will NOT follow up on sightings, I might just feel comfortable enough to take that kidnapped child out.

I don't know the two women who sent the photo, so I can't judge their intelligence, but I don't think I can say they have provided virtually no help. The child DOES look like Caylee. If I were George and Cindy, I would want someone to check it out, even if just to rule it out.

Leonard Padilla goes on tv often. Are his offerings "disturbing displays?" What about Nancy Grace when she makes comments?

Two of the people on this "display" are the grandparents of a missing baby girl, a child they love with the entirety of who they are. I honestly don't think Cindy could make herself lose so much weight and look so haggard just to put on a display for us. I think she is exhausted and beyond what we can imagine in the grief department.

You are right. I don't understand why people feel so comfortable judging them and HATING them for trying to continue to hope their grand daughter is alive.

But the police have already told us that they WON'T handle it. So what do you do next? Maybe you contact the private investigator that you know IS looking?

I question ...the police are called say to a mall because Caylee Anthony is spotted they will not come? I don't believe that I think they would come.
Thank you for responding. A few things to note: Cindy and George have made themselves quite known to the public through their continued twisted interactions. I have not invited myself into their tragedy. They did. I can observe and make educated opinions on those observations, and have done so with alacrity and make no apologies to you for doing so. That, however, does not give me license to speak with authority on them personally, and you are correct in saying that I do not know them in that capacity.

I have stated this elsewhere (in yet another opinionated, based on observation post) that stress does NOT create a different person. Stress is a symptom of a traumatic event, and a person draws upon that which gets them through everyday life in an accelerated fashion. We can assume that the lies and the drama and the nastiness toward nearly everyone that doesn't tow their line is this accelerated stress reaction, heightening their normal persona. This is how they deal with life on a regular basis, and frankly, I'm done having MY emotions manipulated just so that they can get their daughter out of trouble because they're afraid of what that will make people think about their parenting. Here's a big clue: I think they were horribly negligent parents. Read Kiki's response to you for that.

If this is all about Caylee as they seem to say as an afterthought every time there is a microphone, then why is it they are NOT using the air time to give us that "evidence" they tease the media and public with constantly? That is manipulation. Must I give them license to manipulate because of the pathos of the situation they are in? No. In fact, the manipulation is a direct CAUSE, not an EFFECT of the situation they are in; the public just was not the beneficiary of this manipulation before Caylee disappeared. As sensational as the story of a missing child, the presumed perp being her mother, and the twisted story as told by the perp herself, what the grandparents have done to assist in this perpetuation of Casey's fraud is HOW THEY HAVE ALWAYS ACTED.

I will not suspend my disbelief because they have had a tragedy. I will not enable them to continue to manipulate me because their situation is not one in which I would wish to find myself. I will not pretend that the lies and nastiness they spew are a symptom of this tragedy. I will continue to assert my opinion that these behaviors are a CAUSE.

I would love to hear the news that Caylee is alive and has been found well and will be returned to the arms of the family that declares their love for her daily. Both of these people refer to the smell of death in their daughter's car. Sampling, as questionable as you want to believe it is, demonstrates that there was a dead body there. They themselves declare this, and then spend months rewriting the story. I am by nature a logical person. I do not have all the facts, and do not profess to hold any such knowledge. Logic, even if horrid truths must be faced, is asked to be abandoned on a regular basis by the Anthony's and several other key players. I refuse.

As long as the senior Anthony's continue to manipulate, obfuscate, lie, distort, beleaguer the point, drag innocent children into their drama before verifying information, and generally attacking everyone else BUT their daughter because they're frustrated by her unpardonable unwillingness to clear up the tragedy surrounding the events of Caylee's disappearance and so feel they should project that on people who earnestly want to help find her, alive or dead, I'll continue to state that I see that manipulation, et al.

I will respectfully allow you to carry on as you see fit, engaging your sympathy for people who manipulate that sympathy. It is, after all, how you get through your day.

I appreciate your response. I have said before they HAVE and continue to make mistakes. What I disagree with is their motives behind said mistakes.
You have your opinion and I have mine. At this point I will respectfully agree to disagree. I too, will continue to state my opinions based on my observations.
WoW debs.....great post! I missed yours, I must have been typing at the same time as

One thing that clearly stands out to me occured during the taped interview with GA, and separately with CA. They both expressed how angry they were with Jesse for being in the bedroom at 11:00pm and watching TV with Caylee and fact, they were furious to find the three of them snuggled up in bed watching TV. G & C were adament about this rules????? Only rule I ever heard. It was also obvious the if kc knew about it, she was breaking it!

Not once did either of these two EVER say that kc was wrong for having Jesse in the room. Both, GA and CA threw Jesse under the proverbial bus.....and have never forgiven him for this.

George was told to go home and Cindy would handle it....things have never been good for Jesse and Cindy since. Reminds me of this event..George is told to go to work and Cindy will deal with it...this pattern keeps repeating itself and most likely went on for years.

George appears to have a better handle on reality than his wife. On the LE quiz, Ga rated kc very low on the responsibilty part....Cindy rated her very high and also very high on dependabilty??

Thus, the reason for my signature....

Right, and when LE told George that Cindy had rated Casey as high on the responsibility/dependability part, he shook his head in disbelief and said "WOW". Like even HE couldn't believe Cindy would go that far or be so openly deceitful about the kind of person Casey is.
Thank you for responding. A few things to note: Cindy and George have made themselves quite known to the public through their continued twisted interactions. I have not invited myself into their tragedy. They did. I can observe and make educated opinions on those observations, and have done so with alacrity and make no apologies to you for doing so. That, however, does not give me license to speak with authority on them personally, and you are correct in saying that I do not know them in that capacity.

I have stated this elsewhere (in yet another opinionated, based on observation post) that stress does NOT create a different person. Stress is a symptom of a traumatic event, and a person draws upon that which gets them through everyday life in an accelerated fashion. We can assume that the lies and the drama and the nastiness toward nearly everyone that doesn't tow their line is this accelerated stress reaction, heightening their normal persona. This is how they deal with life on a regular basis, and frankly, I'm done having MY emotions manipulated just so that they can get their daughter out of trouble because they're afraid of what that will make people think about their parenting. Here's a big clue: I think they were horribly negligent parents. Read Kiki's response to you for that.

If this is all about Caylee as they seem to say as an afterthought every time there is a microphone, then why is it they are NOT using the air time to give us that "evidence" they tease the media and public with constantly? That is manipulation. Must I give them license to manipulate because of the pathos of the situation they are in? No. In fact, the manipulation is a direct CAUSE, not an EFFECT of the situation they are in; the public just was not the beneficiary of this manipulation before Caylee disappeared. As sensational as the story of a missing child, the presumed perp being her mother, and the twisted story as told by the perp herself, what the grandparents have done to assist in this perpetuation of Casey's fraud is HOW THEY HAVE ALWAYS ACTED.

I will not suspend my disbelief because they have had a tragedy. I will not enable them to continue to manipulate me because their situation is not one in which I would wish to find myself. I will not pretend that the lies and nastiness they spew are a symptom of this tragedy. I will continue to assert my opinion that these behaviors are a CAUSE.

I would love to hear the news that Caylee is alive and has been found well and will be returned to the arms of the family that declares their love for her daily. Both of these people refer to the smell of death in their daughter's car. Sampling, as questionable as you want to believe it is, demonstrates that there was a dead body there. They themselves declare this, and then spend months rewriting the story. I am by nature a logical person. I do not have all the facts, and do not profess to hold any such knowledge. Logic, even if horrid truths must be faced, is asked to be abandoned on a regular basis by the Anthony's and several other key players. I refuse.

As long as the senior Anthony's continue to manipulate, obfuscate, lie, distort, beleaguer the point, drag innocent children into their drama before verifying information, and generally attacking everyone else BUT their daughter because they're frustrated by her unpardonable unwillingness to clear up the tragedy surrounding the events of Caylee's disappearance and so feel they should project that on people who earnestly want to help find her, alive or dead, I'll continue to state that I see that manipulation, et al.

I will respectfully allow you to carry on as you see fit, engaging your sympathy for people who manipulate that sympathy. It is, after all, how you get through your day.

BEST.. POST... EVERRRRRR :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I can scarcely believe I made it through all 4 parts of CA's prattle.
And still George does his "little smile" at the end of sentences. Cindy was just recently filmed at the meet and greet and that was only a week ago, and she looked just fine. Maybe a little steely-eyed, but not on the verge of collapse. I say this video from today is an act. Maybe she's practicing how to look on the witness stand, to get the most sympathy from the jury. There is no way she could go from spouting off to the cameras to absolute silence in this interview, in less than a week. Bee Ess!
Lack of sleep combined with meds and overwhelming stress could do that.

Jackie Peterson made her court appearances with an oxygen tank in tow. Didn't help. Cindy's haunted demeanor wouldn't inspire any sympathy for her daughter - it would simply make obvious what she has been put through by her own child.

I think a jury might conclude that if Casey has so little compassion that she is willing to reduce her own parents to shells of human beings, her lack of feeling could extend to killing her own child.
Cindy looked like she was utterly wasted out of her mind. I am not sure what they have her "on" but it appeared in this interview that she may have had a little too much of whatever it is. They always say the same things: LE isn't helping them, the FBI isn't helping them, they are never going to stop looking. But they never say HOW LE and the FBI are failing them. Is it because they will not look for a live child when they have sufficient evidence to say Caylee IS dead? Is this the failure of which they are guilty? I feel so sorry for them.

Cindy has wasted away literally to nothing. She is skin and bones now and is not looking well at all. It has been 5 months since Caylee disappeared. There has not been ONE credible tip in all that time. Nothing has been turned up in the investigation that has led in the direction of a living and breathing Caylee. Although my heart does break for them and for the horror which is their life now, I am unable to come to terms with why they will not or cannot consider the evidence. They say there IS no evidence, but there MUST be or the OCSO would not issue a statement that Caylee is dead and they will no longer look for her as a "living child".

So what is the answer for these poor broken and shattered people? Where do they go from here, because it is doubtful that even KidFinders will continue to stick with them if they stop receiving donations...Who will support them then? This is so miserable and wrong. It is disgusting that Casey cares so much for her own self that she would DO this to her entire family. She may have killed Caylee quickly, but she is killing her family slowly and with great pain and I see no end in sight

Since she's such a "spiteful B*tch" what better way to be spiteful other than putting your family through living h*ll. She's probably relishing every minute of the pain she's causing them. She could end the torture they're going through just by opening her mouth and telling the truth for once in her life. ITA with everything in your post.
I haven't listened to CA's interviews yet. I couldn't handle it last night. I was struck by one thing though in GA's interview - It was the FBI agent who consistently had to bring the discussion back to Caylee. He did this several times throughout the interview even pointing to what was obviously Caylee's case file on the table! As soon as he would do that, GA would go into his "grandfather and a father routine" and then, he would drift back out again to KC. Back and forth. But always, it's the FBI agent that reminds that the discussion is about finding Caylee.

I noticed that, too, PinkP. As a matter of fact, I even caught myself wishing the FBI agent would tell him to get back on subject, and that was before the guy pointed out the first time it was about Caylee. Cindy does similar in her little spiel, except she's too busy blaming everyone but the one who should be blamed, not to mention all the twists and turns she made in her many conflicting statements. She can really spin a tale.
Originally Posted by Short_Stuff
Hoping for an answer (i posted this in the NG thread but no one answered).
If GA says on the tapes he went to Caseys car (even though she was trying to keep him away) while she got the gas cans out on June 24th and he didnt see or smell anything. How can LE and LP say Caylee was killed on June 16th and was in the car all that time? If so, why didnt George smell anything on the 24th? I think they have the time line wrong. I am confused.

I tend to believe LE over anyone else - unless this is a conspiracy to frame KC. And what would LE's motive be? Maybe GA is confused?

thanks Okiedokie. I guess I was assuming GA to be right in his timeline. Ugh this case is sooo confusing! lol.
Originally Posted by Short_Stuff
Hoping for an answer (i posted this in the NG thread but no one answered).
If GA says on the tapes he went to Caseys car (even though she was trying to keep him away) while she got the gas cans out on June 24th and he didnt see or smell anything. How can LE and LP say Caylee was killed on June 16th and was in the car all that time? If so, why didnt George smell anything on the 24th? I think they have the time line wrong. I am confused.

In George's interview with OCSO, he stated he did NOT get close enough to the car to see inside, Casey got in front of him and stopped him with her vile mouth as she thrust the gas cans into his hands.

In the FBI interview, he said he got a look inside the car and only saw clothing and other stuff - no Caylee.

If Casey killed Caylee on or about June 16th, and tests say Caylee was in the car for approx. 2.6 days, that means she must have been removed from the trunk maybe June 18-19-20th or so, just to give a good estimate. So by the time GA saw the car, Casey, and the gas cans on June 24th, Caylee must have already been taken from the trunk. Or if Caylee had been placed elsewhere before being placed into the trunk, there still would have been time to finally have taken her out by the 24th. Is that clear? :crazy: Killed on the 16th, placed elsewhere for maybe 2 days, put into the trunk on the 18th, and out of the trunk by the 22nd.

But of course, didn't the neighbor say she borrowed the shovel on maybe the 25th or 26th? I don't remember.

I tend to believe George DID NOT see into that trunk on the 24th.
In George's interview with OCSO, he stated he did NOT get close enough to the car to see inside, Casey got in front of him and stopped him with her vile mouth as she thrust the gas cans into his hands.

In the FBI interview, he said he got a look inside the car and only saw clothing and other stuff - no Caylee.

If Casey killed Caylee on or about June 16th, and tests say Caylee was in the car for approx. 2.6 days, that means she must have been removed from the trunk maybe June 18-19-20th or so, just to give a good estimate. So by the time GA saw the car, Casey, and the gas cans on June 24th, Caylee must have already been taken from the trunk. Or if Caylee had been placed elsewhere before being placed into the trunk, there still would have been time to finally have taken her out by the 24th. Is that clear? :crazy: Killed on the 16th, placed elsewhere for maybe 2 days, put into the trunk on the 18th, and out of the trunk by the 22nd.

But of course, didn't the neighbor say she borrowed the shovel on maybe the 25th or 26th? I don't remember.

I tend to believe George DID NOT see into that trunk on the 24th.

I don't think GA did get a look in the trunk on the 24th either! He is lying just like Cindy probably told him to.

He told LE in his statement that KC would NOT let him in the trunk. He said she grabbed the cans and shoved them at him saying " here's your f--ing cans and then she took off!!
That is also what Lee said his dad told him when he gave his statement!
(respectfully snipped)
I have stated this elsewhere (in yet another opinionated, based on observation post) that stress does NOT create a different person. Stress is a symptom of a traumatic event, and a person draws upon that which gets them through everyday life in an accelerated fashion. We can assume that the lies and the drama and the nastiness toward nearly everyone that doesn't tow their line is this accelerated stress reaction, heightening their normal persona. This is how they deal with life on a regular basis, and frankly, I'm done having MY emotions manipulated just so that they can get their daughter out of trouble because they're afraid of what that will make people think about their parenting. Here's a big clue: I think they were horribly negligent parents. Read Kiki's response to you for that.

If this is all about Caylee as they seem to say as an afterthought every time there is a microphone, then why is it they are NOT using the air time to give us that "evidence" they tease the media and public with constantly? That is manipulation. Must I give them license to manipulate because of the pathos of the situation they are in? No. In fact, the manipulation is a direct CAUSE, not an EFFECT of the situation they are in; the public just was not the beneficiary of this manipulation before Caylee disappeared. As sensational as the story of a missing child, the presumed perp being her mother, and the twisted story as told by the perp herself, what the grandparents have done to assist in this perpetuation of Casey's fraud is HOW THEY HAVE ALWAYS ACTED.

I will not suspend my disbelief because they have had a tragedy. I will not enable them to continue to manipulate me because their situation is not one in which I would wish to find myself. I will not pretend that the lies and nastiness they spew are a symptom of this tragedy. I will continue to assert my opinion that these behaviors are a CAUSE.

I would love to hear the news that Caylee is alive and has been found well and will be returned to the arms of the family that declares their love for her daily. Both of these people refer to the smell of death in their daughter's car. Sampling, as questionable as you want to believe it is, demonstrates that there was a dead body there. They themselves declare this, and then spend months rewriting the story. I am by nature a logical person. I do not have all the facts, and do not profess to hold any such knowledge. Logic, even if horrid truths must be faced, is asked to be abandoned on a regular basis by the Anthony's and several other key players. I refuse.

As long as the senior Anthony's continue to manipulate, obfuscate, lie, distort, beleaguer the point, drag innocent children into their drama before verifying information, and generally attacking everyone else BUT their daughter because they're frustrated by her unpardonable unwillingness to clear up the tragedy surrounding the events of Caylee's disappearance and so feel they should project that on people who earnestly want to help find her, alive or dead, I'll continue to state that I see that manipulation, et al.

(bold mine) Or as I posted previously, 'Only what's already IN the glass can spill out.' ITA, great post Debs. Honestly I am right there w u... JMO
Not impressed with the new spokesperson. She seemed bored and disgusted with the whole process.

Cindy looked terrible! I was actually relieved when she finally moved.

The "new" spokesperson is the SAME one who was with KFN.........does that tell you something?

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