Video of KC and Baez Crying together to be released UPDATE BAEZ THREATENS TO SUE

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So do you think everyone was involved in the cover up? Personally, I always thought the search at JBP would turn up nothing. More of Padilla's shennigans. JMO.

BUT, cnn and the local news initially reported that finger and toe bones were found along with little toys.

They didn't say possible finger bones. They said fingers and that LE was on the way.

Even the skeptics about Padilla were glued to television and computer screens. Except for Casey. She left the room.
I think they do but in this case why is he so emotionall attached it's not because they learned it was Caylee I am thinking more along the lines he has became close to Casey and maybe they knew it would be recorded and that it would help her in a sense not saying that he isn't human by no means BUT I think all those hours he and Casey spent together he formed a relationship with the psycho but that is my opinion and I think there is more than meets the eye with him....he is not high profile,he is not a wealthy atttorney,,he is your average money hungry fame seeking lawyer and he got what he wanted from Casey and Caylee is paying JMO
Funny how Jessica D.'s article makes it sound like KC was all upset and crying her eyes out w/ JB. The Orlando Sentinel article seems to sound more like what actually happened. Isn't Jessica the reporter that kinda backed the Anthony's for a while and thought KC was innocent??!
I, for one would not be able to watch it if I had any doubt that Casey was guilty. But, I don't. I am curious to see her reaction because it wasn't one of Grief, IMHO, it was one of "being CAUGHT" if the decriptions are right. And as much as we have all followed this case, it's natural to want to see that kind of reaction from her. again...all Just MY opinion. ;)
Exactly!:clap::clap: Her reaction was an "Oh !" kind of reaction.
IMO, JB crying over Caylee could/would have made Casey very uncomfortable, even angry. Remember, sociopaths feel no guilt, no remorse, no shame. JB may not understand the bottomless pit he is dealing with. Malignant narcissism.
I understand what you're saying. But, to me the issue is the comparison between her demeanor when "bones" were found in Blanchard Park and "bones", unidentified, were found on Suburban Drive. IMO, entirely unexpert, the difference in demeanor indicates "conscience of guilt".

Shaymus at The Rock - your post indicates what I believe any "unexpert" juror sitting on Casey's panel will likely see, too. Thanks for posting your opinion.
I think the release of this video is horrible, if the vid we speak of is the discovery of Caylee's remains. What if Casey is innocent and the reaction that we will all salivate over is actually her honest reaction to the discovery of her child's remains? It makes me terribly uncomfortable and I for one, will not watch it. I have no desire to watch any mother come undone, regardless of her involvement. Casey's pain triggers absolutely no delight in me as I imagine it pales in comparison to the pain she has caused others. I live in FL and think the sunshine act needs to be repealed or changed. I feel it is unfair to both the incarcerated and her prosecutors.

What about KC's total lack of emotion and nonchalant manners when there was word a bag of bones were found in a lake? What's the difference between the 2 episodes?

The only difference is that KC knew where she put the body. No reason to react to the lake findings because it wasn't her child in the bag.
I think I would like it better if they released 2 videos- the one where there was thought to be bones found at J Blanchard Park- was it that was so long ago..
and the one where she reacts to the bones found on Suburban.
That would tell us more, I think.

I would love to see the reactions side by side almost think that might happen during the trial and it would show why they had it videoed I assume they Videoed both reactions has anyone heard otherwise??
Funny how Jessica D.'s article makes it sound like KC was all upset and crying her eyes out w/ JB. The Orlando Sentinel article seems to sound more like what actually happened. Isn't Jessica the reporter that kinda backed the Anthony's for a while and thought KC was innocent??!

The Orlando Sentinel article definitely sounds more like the Casey we've come to know since July 16.

The attorney is responsible for maintaining confidentiality and privilege. JB knew or should have known he was being taped in the classroom where they met. There are notices posted. It is common knowledge. Did JB ask for a private meeting place where there were no cameras? Did he ask for the camera to be turned off? Probably not.

The County is responsible for maintaining security. They do so by cameras. That security also protects JB. Once a recording is made, it is a document in the possession of a governmental agency. All such documents in the possession of governmental agencies are subject to disclosure under the sunshine laws (requests for public records). In this case, it is a high profile case and the media has a standing request for all public documents. The media has the money to pay for them. So, the governmental agency has to release public records to the requestor; the media.

The attorney-client privilege of confidential communications and the attorney-work product have been preserved. No audio in jail security cameras and they are generally too far away and too grainy to show any writing on paper. So, they could have a professional meeting and talk all they wanted and all of that remains privileged.

This is a red herring. This is a false complaint. It is going nowhere.
Well said, you beat me to it. It's hard following this case on the West Coast! :)
I really want to see the Casey/Baez tape too. But, what about attorney/client privilege (sp?). Where does that come into play?

As I've posted in other threads in regards to other, related issues, the jails here in LA have private meeting rooms for attorneys to meet and talk with their clients. Most of the rooms I've been in have large, clear windows, so what we "look like" while meeting is no secret and, therefore, fair game for anyone who wants to watch us. There are security reasons for this, including, but not limited to, the fact that sometimes we have bad news to deliver to our clients (e.g, a motion was denied that affects the case, an appeal was denied, etc.) and it's better for EVERYONE, counsel included, that the jail personnel be able to keep a watch on me inside. Not all criminal clients are overjoyed with everything their attorney has to tell them...if you get my drift. I've never been physically attacked by any client, but I do know some attorneys who have... Now, if someone were trying to read our lips, or videotape us with sound, or read what we're writing, which DOES tread into the waters of protected attorney-client communications, that would be an entirely different story.
I would love to see the reactions side by side almost think that might happen during the trial and it would show why they had it videoed I assume they Videoed both reactions has anyone heard otherwise??

Yup, just what I had basically mentioned right above your post. Those 2 incidents should be shown in court at trial. It goes to guilt 100%
Funny how Jessica D.'s article makes it sound like KC was all upset and crying her eyes out w/ JB. The Orlando Sentinel article seems to sound more like what actually happened. Isn't Jessica the reporter that kinda backed the Anthony's for a while and thought KC was innocent??!

maybe she got her info from JB....?
Funny how Jessica D.'s article makes it sound like KC was all upset and crying her eyes out w/ JB. The Orlando Sentinel article seems to sound more like what actually happened. Isn't Jessica the reporter that kinda backed the Anthony's for a while and thought KC was innocent??!

Yes, I'd like to know who is right here. WESH says they were both crying and hugging. OrlandoS. says JB wiped away tears while KC looked angry, arms folded, turned away. If the latter is true, that should HURT the defense as much as the KC/Caylee videos HELP the defense. more question (lol - I know, I'm full of them tonight)...but...just to clarify - It's JB who is claiming that the tape shows him and KC crying together after Caylee's body was found, right? Not the Da's office or the jail? The pros has said nothing, and the jail has said nothing - am I right about this?

Where I'm going with this is...maybe this is just Baez's take on what the tapes show. Maybe while they were crying together he hugged or held her (which he had already been reprimanded about)? I'm just thinking out loud again. Hmmmm....curious I am!

You're ON POINT, Gypsy Road. It's Baez showing his "greenness" at being a litigator (again.)

What a seasoned trial lawyer would have done is to file an "Emergency Motion For an In Camera Review of Any and All Tapes Made By the Jail of Casey and/or Her Counsel Between Date X and Date Y," without describing the specifics of what he believes are on the tapes set for release so that HE wouldn't have been to one tipping off the entire world what his actions were while in the jail. The language could have been simply that he believes that there are tapes that exist that violate the attorney-client privilege, yadda, yadda, and give the judge SPECIFIC DATES for review. Body of motion would say he's asking for all tapes made by the jail of he and/or his client between such and such a date and such and such a date. Judge orders production for in camera (PRIVATE) review and bam: there's an opportunity to maintain total privacy and secrecy as to the contents of any such tape that is privileged!

He stupidly let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, BY DESCRIBING IN DETAIL HIS OWN CRYING, and I hope there's an opportunity for Judge Strickland to tell him so. Can't wait to watch THAT motion hearing. Jeez Baez.
Maybe it's me, but I would want an attorney who is in control and does not cry so easily and is not so emotionally involved he is brought to tears. This is not to say he cannot feel bad and have feeling esp when Caylee was found, but if he is running on his emotions, how can he counsel his client properly?
I'm no fan of JB or KC but what I don't get is why people are surprised that Baez was crying. JB is a human like all of us and probably thinks this whole story is sad and most likely knows that his client is guilty. He was crying b/c a 2 y.o. was found in the woods and although it hadn't been identified as Caylee yet we can assume that JB knew it was her just as we did. We can definately also assume that KC knew it was Caylee.

I remember judge Larry Seidlin getting very emotional over Anna Nicole. It's just sad to see a little baby murdered at a young age. If JB didn't cry over, then we should be questioning his humanity. He is after all a father also.
That was extremely unprofessional, she is his client, and he never knew Caylee. Lawyers do have emotions, yes, my brother is a lawyer, they show anger in the courtroom, yes, but to cry with your client is extremely unprofessional. JB has already show us and the Florida Bar how unprofessional he is with his hugging incidents, sharing licorice "kisses" with his client, and trying to smuggle things to her.
The Orlando Sentinel article definitely sounds more like the Casey we've come to know since July 16.

I was shocked over Jessica D.'s take on the video and even wondering why JB would want to suppress a video of Casey crying over Caylee. That would be sympathetic. People would feel sorry for her.

On the other hand if she is pouting while her lawyer cries...


i totally agree. i think we can all imagine what that video REALLY shows.

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