Vomiting Virus

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DNA Solves

This makes me actually glad that my PTSD is "flaring" up lately and making me want to avoid going out lol.

I think I will just spend the rest of flu season/winter hibernating. Besides, it's too cold to live outside anyway!

Hate winter lol. :help:
We had a cashier come in with this the day before yesterday, and she was sent home after a couple of hours. She then came in the *next* day, and was sent home again. She couldn't stay out of the bathroom, and sounded like she was dying in there. So, chances are, we on the front-end of the store are all infected. Our company does not excuse absences very often, so you have to come in sick/injured/whatever, or risk your job, and even then, if you don't work half of your shift before going home sick, it's an unexcused absence for the day.

I really need a new job... Hope that folks can manage to avoid this nasty bug!
New Strain of Norovirus Is Circulating In The U.S.
January 25, 2013

snipped...A vaccine would be critical for preventing the disease from escalating in populations; because it spreads so quickly, norovirus infections are difficult to contain. “You really only have to be exposed to a couple of viral particles to get sick,” says Treanor. “This makes it very contagious because when you have norovirus, you are dispersing literally millions of particles. When it only takes one or two to make the next person sick, it translates into very high contagiousness.”

Fortunately, the same things you do to protect yourself from flu also work in holding off infection with norovirus. The CDC recommends the following:

•Wash your hands carefully with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom or changing diapers and before handling food.

•Carefully wash produce and seafood before cooking and consuming them.

•If you’re sick, wait 2-3 days after you recover before preparing food for anyone.

•Immediately clean any infected or contaminated surfaces and wash laundry thoroughly

Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2013/01/...irus-is-circulating-in-the-u-s/#ixzz2J8SMalG9
Some of you that had what you think is the stomach virus for long periods- like a week or more , might really hav had the flu- influenza, not stomach flu- there is no such thing as stomach flu. But when I had it, I landed in the ER and they did the flu test- that was it. My own dr told me it was stomach(noro) virus because it was all nausea, diarreah, extreme weakness and feeling like I was dying. So its possible thats what you really had.

Everything I read about the flu online indicates that stomach issues are not usually a symptom, but it's usually body aches, and respiratory related. I didn't get an official diagnosis since I didn't go the doctor, but I feel safe saying that I did have the new ultra horrid Norovirus. I've had the flu, it's nothing compared to this.....JMO.

And I just found out today that my older brother has now picked it up after an evening playing cards with friends. He lives at home with my mom and stepdad. They were praying they wouldn't catch it and avoided my family almost the entire time we were sick....but now it's wound up in their home anyways. I just hope that since I've had it now maybe my body has built up some immunity to it. God I hope so.....:please:

Please everyone wash your hands like crazy especially if you are sick!
Please remember to use the anti bac wipes at the grocery store and Wally World on your cart! The carts are filthy! Carry an extra one around at the store to continually wipe hands after touching things in the aisles....
Once recovered, I sprayed Lysol disinfectant liberally throughout the house, countertops, lightswitches, doorknobs, you name it.

And I agree about the wipes on teh grocery carts. they are there for a reason, those things are filthy. Just think of all those hands day in and day out [shudder]
Oh brother. One of the bosses had this last week, and he came in on day 3 and breathed on me, and handed me a bunch of files and paperwork to do. Sigh.

The news just said that the hand sanitizing gels and wipe are not good. Wash hands carefully with soap and water.

I have been looking up recommended methods for disinfecting things, but can't use this method at work. Thoroughly wash surface with soap and water. Then, make the disinfecting solution. 1/4 cup Clorox to 1 gallon water (or 1 tablespoon to 1 quart). Wipe surface with solution and allow to air dry a minimum of 2 minutes. I've always used more I am sure b/c I just let the bleach glug, glug, glug into the water bucket, guess that is okay. That's all I have. Still fascinated and frightened by germs, viruses, bacteria, all those things.
Everything I read about the flu online indicates that stomach issues are not usually a symptom, but it's usually body aches, and respiratory related. I didn't get an official diagnosis since I didn't go the doctor, but I feel safe saying that I did have the new ultra horrid Norovirus. I've had the flu, it's nothing compared to this.....JMO.


It hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to be at work after lunch- at 1 or 2- by 3 I was home sick as a dog. I was fine when I got to work and all of a sudden had to run to the bathroom. Nausea, diareah, fever, aches and pain, horrible weakness.

Thought it was norovirus...that was Friday. by the next Wed I was at the drs. I was worse. He confirmed Noro. said it was a bad one(no labs)and gave me phenergen.
A week later I wasn't any better and went back. He said the same thing. 2 days later I was in the ER. They did the flu swab test- I was arguing the entire time the thing was up my nose that there was no way I had the flu as I hadn't had even a sniffle- not anything close to a respiratory symptom. They were right back ssying I had the flu! So it isn't common, but you can have the flu with no respiratory symptoms. It lasted 16 days and my fever broke I slowly began feeling better at that point, but it was a good month at least before I was back to normal. After going through that, and some bad noroviruses, is why I am so adamant about people staying home when they are sick!
Burt Reynolds in Florida ICU after flu, rep says
January 26, 2013

snipped...Actor Burt Reynolds is in intensive care in a Florida hospital, where he went for treatment of flu symptoms, one of his representatives said Friday.

Reynolds was dehydrated when he went to the hospital, and was eventually transferred to its intensive care unit, his representative Erik Kritzer told CNN.

Your doctor can prescribe medication (Compazine is one of them) for the vomiting. Also, ask your pharmacist about over-the-counter preparations like "Emetrol" which work to replace lost electrolytes. Water is good for preventing dehydration, but with severe vomiting and diarrhea, you need to replace electrolytes also.
Mr. Izzy was stricken with something a few months back that I am convinced was norovirus. Sorry to be graphic, but I have never heard retching sounds like that in my life. They were so horrifying and unlike anything I had ever heard before that I stayed home from work to keep an eye on him.

He couldn't keep anything down, not even tiny sips of water, and I was worried about dehydration, then I remembered something I had read about ice chips. I crushed up ice to snow-cone consistency in the blender and gave it to him in a cup with a spoon, and by taking tiny bites spaced far in between, he was able to keep it down and avoid dehydration until he was well enough to keep larger amounts of liquid down.

Just posting this to offer the ice chips solution to anyone suffering or caring for someone suffering from this.
Oh, lovely. DH came down with severe nausea tonight. No puking yet, as far as I know. But apparently this strain is being found in our area. DH works a delivery job, so he's all over the place and exposed to goodness knows what.
DD was up all night. Vomiting.

I'm really praying its just something she ate and not this new bug.
Praying for everyone affected by the virus, in Jesus' Healing and Holy Name, amen, get well! :blowkiss:
I saw an article that says that hand sanitizer isn't killing it very well and a lot of it is being spread by food prep workers.

So, my kids are now washing their hands by NICU standards. (2 minutes of lathering all the way to the elbow.) And we just aren't eating out or buying any prepared deli foods.

We already had the upper resp infection from Hades make it's rounds through the house, the last thing we need is the norovirus.
My parents just left for a 2 month cruise of South America (I know, I feel *so* bad for them! LOL). Anyway, norovirus has been known to hit cruise lines hard. I really hope they stay healthy while they are on their trip! My dad already got norovirus on one of their cruises to Alaska and it wasn't pretty (the cruise attendants wore hazmat suits when entering his cabin, etc). Somehow my mom didn't get it, but it really put a damper on their trip.

I can handle a lot of stuff, but any stomach/vomiting type things really push me to my limits. I am praying my kids stay healthy!!! Good info about the hand sanitizers...I think sometimes people neglect their hand-washing because they think the sanitizers are just as effective.
Hello everyone! I am in TX and had TWO patients this weekend with this virus. They are both on large amounts of fluids, getting Zofran and Reglan IV with no relief. They are in extreme pain from the constant vomiting and dry heaves. (Sorry if I offended anyone with this).

This is a bad one folks!! It drops you to your knees, wrings you out and makes you feel absolutely horrible. Please, I can not stress enough how important it is to not wait too long prior to going to ER. After about two days, your body needs fluids. Your body really starts to do damage to your kidneys and other organs. Be wary if you can not keep even sips of water, or chipped ice down.

Also remember to use good oral care and throw your tooth brush away when you are better!! You don't want to reinfect yourself.

Well I just got out of the hospital for the 2nd time in two months. I have enough steroids and antibiotics to win the tour de france, I doubt if there is a germ, virus, flu on earth that could survive my system right now. So bring it on.

I hate to tell you this legalmania, but steroids can suppress your immune system.


snip: How do steroids work?
Steroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system. Inflammation is a process in which the body's white blood cells and chemicals can protect against infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. In certain diseases, however, the body's defense system (immune system) doesn't function properly. This might cause inflammation to work against the body's tissues and cause damage. Inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain.

Steroids reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals in order to minimize tissue damage. Steroids also reduce the activity of the immune system by affecting the function of white blood cells.

Steroids are really important and help in many disease processes, but be extra careful against exposure to illnesses of any kind right now!! ((HUGS))

Oh brother. One of the bosses had this last week, and he came in on day 3 and breathed on me, and handed me a bunch of files and paperwork to do. Sigh.

The news just said that the hand sanitizing gels and wipe are not good. Wash hands carefully with soap and water.

I have been looking up recommended methods for disinfecting things, but can't use this method at work. Thoroughly wash surface with soap and water. Then, make the disinfecting solution. 1/4 cup Clorox to 1 gallon water (or 1 tablespoon to 1 quart). Wipe surface with solution and allow to air dry a minimum of 2 minutes. I've always used more I am sure b/c I just let the bleach glug, glug, glug into the water bucket, guess that is okay. That's all I have. Still fascinated and frightened by germs, viruses, bacteria, all those things.

Tell your kids to sing their ABC's and then Happy Birthday and that is a good hand washing!! PLEASE follow the bleach recommendations!! There is a very important reason for this! If you mix too much bleach in the water, it actually can leave a film when you wipe surfaces. That film is a germ attracting magnet and can hold all those germs in place. Think of the old fashioned furniture polishes that built up on furniture until lint, dirt etc would stick to it, leaving behind a visual effect of what a sticky film can do.

Mr. Izzy was stricken with something a few months back that I am convinced was norovirus. Sorry to be graphic, but I have never heard retching sounds like that in my life. They were so horrifying and unlike anything I had ever heard before that I stayed home from work to keep an eye on him.

He couldn't keep anything down, not even tiny sips of water, and I was worried about dehydration, then I remembered something I had read about ice chips. I crushed up ice to snow-cone consistency in the blender and gave it to him in a cup with a spoon, and by taking tiny bites spaced far in between, he was able to keep it down and avoid dehydration until he was well enough to keep larger amounts of liquid down.

Just posting this to offer the ice chips solution to anyone suffering or caring for someone suffering from this.

If you can't keep ice, small chips or shaved ice are the best, down, go to the ER!! Dehydration is dangerous!!! The best thing you can do, is rest your gut. Keep it empty. If you are in the hospital on IV fluids that is possible, at home, it is not. Your body has to have fluids!! When nothing is left in your gut, you will still throw up. You just wont throw anything up, or it will be bile. If you throw up bile, rinse your mouth and gargle immediately. That is acid and burns your throat!!

Not trying to be an alarmist, I just saw this bug in action this weekend and it is awful!! Remember, children and elders are more prone to dehydration complications. Be careful everyone!!
I think this is just a bad season for transmittable illnesses all the way around. I had to take my daughter in to ER on Saturday night, because her normal little kid cold all of a sudden involved coughing up large amounts of blood. So, of course I took her in, and lo and behold, she starts vomiting once we're there.

She didn't have the norovirus and she didn't have the flu, she just had an upper respiratory infection, and her nose was so raw that she had a nosebleed that went down her throat instead of out her nose. There were at least 15 other kids in the PEDS ER alone that had the exact same symptoms she did, and it's pretty likely that none of them had the norovirus either. I talked to two other sets of parents while we were waiting and they had the same diagnosis, just a bad upper respiratory infection, negative flu tests.

So between the flu, the upper resp problems, and the norovirus, everyone needs to be careful, just like they should be at this time of year, every year. I think for the most part, if you do what you do every year during a really bad flu outbreak, it's likely you'll be okay. And if you do get it, don't wait more than 48 hours with the vomiting and diarrhea until you go in and get checked. Kids and the elderly probably shouldn't wait more than a full day. A needle in the arm isn't fun, but kidney damage and all the other things that come with dehydration are less fun.

My only concern is that with the hype over the norovirus, people will say "Oh, I'm not that bad off, I just have the flu, I shouldn't really bother them at the hospital with all the legitimately sick people." It doesn't matter what you have, if you're at risk of becoming dehydrated, go get looked at.
t gets in your food, in your laundry, it sticks to plates and it might even float into the air when you flush your toilet. A new strain of norovirus -- often called stomach flu -- is going around and it’s going to be very hard to avoid it, experts say.

For instance, a few recent studies show that a quick application of hand sanitizer won’t get rid of it, Aiello says. And most people don’t wash their hands properly, either -- it takes about 30 seconds of vigorous rubbing using hot water and soap to wash away the tiny bits of virus, and that means getting under the nails, too.

“It could be the door handle. It could be the toilet tank cover. Some studies show it can be aerosolized. If you throw up and then flush the toilet, how much of the spray gets into the air?”


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