Deceased/Not Found VT - Bill, 49, & Lorraine Currier, 55, Essex, 8 June 2011

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I'm not exactly sure what Lorraine did at Fletcher Allen, a nurse maybe? If she was I only wonder if maybe a patient she dealt with didn't set right with her or the person picked them out because of this. But Bill worked directly in the medical building across from the hospital. Like I said, they arrived together and left together to and from work.

Not sure why they were picked because they aren't that well off with money. They lived comfortable enough to get by.
I live less than a mile from the Curriers, my ex-husband lives in the building where their car was found, I know people who are their neighbors and I know people who work at the hospital. So, I have a fair amount of knowledge of the area and the case so far.

She didn't work at the hospital itself, she worked downtown at the Patient Financial Services building. Fletcher Allen withheld this info for a while, for some reason, but they released it to the papers a few days ago what her job was. So, she really had no contact with patients, only people for their bills via phone.

I also heard that Bill bought the gun a few weeks before they disappeared, so it was still close, but definitely not within a few days. It definitely still makes you think that they may have been/felt threatened or in some kind of trouble.

I know that this town is very freaked out, I know I am very freaked out. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen here. I don't feel safe in my home anymore, even though the police are all but saying they were targeted. They continue to say the public is not at risk.

I am glad that they are letting the FBI help, though. Vermont doesn't have a good track record in missing persons cases, the experience just isn't here.

One article I read said that, the police won't say if the Curriers knew the man in the sketch. Which leads me to believe that they do know his identity. However, they are still handing out flyers to the apartment building residents where the car was found on a daily basis, and I saw a "bike cop" going up and down Pearl Street (the street the car was seen on at the shopping center and the apartment building where it was eventually found) with flyers asking for help. I don't have a whole lot of faith that they have very good leads at this point. I hope I'm wrong. I hope everything works out OK and they are found safe.

I'm not exactly sure what Lorraine did at Fletcher Allen, a nurse maybe? If she was I only wonder if maybe a patient she dealt with didn't set right with her or the person picked them out because of this. But Bill worked directly in the medical building across from the hospital. Like I said, they arrived together and left together to and from work.

Not sure why they were picked because they aren't that well off with money. They lived comfortable enough to get by.
Would they have had access to medication? Maybe they were robbed for medication. You know people with addictions are crazy today. If they THINK you have or can get them their meds they will rob you. Pain pills are particularly popular meds of choice.

I am just wondering if someone with a habit chose them because he/she felt either one/or both of them had access to meds for them. And, if they did or didn't they would have been burdensome after the crime. The question now is what would a drugged up person do with two *forgive me* bodies at this point? Where in the area between home/work/car found would drop-off be?

Again, all this is MOO!!!
If there is a 'thought' of whom the mystery person is that was seen possibly driving the Currier's vehicle and law enforcement wants to know if it was indeed that person who dropped the Currier's vehicle off where it was found, then it would be easy to do so. Once there is a scent article (which doesn't need to be clothing) from the person that police think the 'mystery person' is, a specifically trained dog can work to see if it was that person's scent is in the Currier's vehicle, AND at the location that the vehicle was found (and where that scent goes if it is the same person). If it isn't, then the dog will give a negative indication on the Currier's vehicle and at the location the vehicle was.
According to the people I know that work at the hospital, she wouldn't have had access to it, however anyone who just knows that she works at the hospital but doesn't know what she does, may have thought that she did. I think Bill was more likely to have access to any kind of drugs than Lorraine was, in caring for animals at the University lab.

There are a lot of theories going around in the town that I've heard, but I don't want to speculate and start any kind of rumors or gossip about these people when nothing has been confirmed. Regardless, nobody deserves this.

Would they have had access to medication? Maybe they were robbed for medication. You know people with addictions are crazy today. If they THINK you have or can get them their meds they will rob you. Pain pills are particularly popular meds of choice.

I am just wondering if someone with a habit chose them because he/she felt either one/or both of them had access to meds for them. And, if they did or didn't they would have been burdensome after the crime. The question now is what would a drugged up person do with two *forgive me* bodies at this point? Where in the area between home/work/car found would drop-off be?

Again, all this is MOO!!!
My guess is that they know the name of this "mystery person" but haven't located him yet. I'm sure he has shaved, cleaned up a bit, and got out of here as soon as his photo was published.

If there is a 'thought' of whom the mystery person is that was seen possibly driving the Currier's vehicle and law enforcement wants to know if it was indeed that person who dropped the Currier's vehicle off where it was found, then it would be easy to do so. Once there is a scent article (which doesn't need to be clothing) from the person that police think the 'mystery person' is, a specifically trained dog can work to see if it was that person's scent is in the Currier's vehicle, AND at the location that the vehicle was found (and where that scent goes if it is the same person). If it isn't, then the dog will give a negative indication on the Currier's vehicle and at the location the vehicle was.
I apologize for missing the second part of your post. As far as the area where "drop-off" would be (I'm assuming you mean their bodies, if they are deceased), it's hard to say. There is only a couple of miles between their house and where the car was found and it pretty commercial (for Vermont, anyway). Essex is probably rural by some people's standards, but for Vermont, it's not. They've searched the woods surrounding the area with dogs, but didn't come up with anything.

It's a very strange case and leaves a lot open to speculation.

I am just wondering if someone with a habit chose them because he/she felt either one/or both of them had access to meds for them. And, if they did or didn't they would have been burdensome after the crime. The question now is what would a drugged up person do with two *forgive me* bodies at this point? Where in the area between home/work/car found would drop-off be?

Again, all this is MOO!!!
I apologize for missing the second part of your post. As far as the area where "drop-off" would be (I'm assuming you mean their bodies, if they are deceased), it's hard to say. There is only a couple of miles between their house and where the car was found and it pretty commercial (for Vermont, anyway). Essex is probably rural by some people's standards, but for Vermont, it's not. They've searched the woods surrounding the area with dogs, but didn't come up with anything.

It's a very strange case and leaves a lot open to speculation.

Thank you for clarifying some things.
My guess is that they know the name of this "mystery person" but haven't located him yet. I'm sure he has shaved, cleaned up a bit, and got out of here as soon as his photo was published.

Well, it wouldn't matter what the person did to himself including leaving the area just as long as there was one thing that belonged to the person that was left behind; LE knew where he lived and therefore had the residence. An answer could be given very easily as to whether that person was in the vehicle or around where it was found.
LE believes they were targeted. Targeted for what ? Abduction ? At first glance it seems hard to imagine, in such a small community. MOO And she had been feeling apprehensive before this happened. I wonder if she noticed something/someone out of the ordinary, but could not pin down the exact cause of her apprehension ? Did someone say something off kilter to her, or did someone call her ?

They seem so down to earth. The only thing that caught my eye when I was reading was the fact that he worked in a University medical lab taking care of the animals (involved in the experiments, I assume...) For some reason I read that sentence a few times... MOO

This is a very strange story...MOO Hope they are okay...

If they were feeling threatened enough for Bill to buy a gun, why not involve the police? That question begets another question, where did they meet or run across someone who would threaten one or both of them? Work? Hobbies? Friends? A worker at their home?
If they were feeling threatened enough for Bill to buy a gun, why not involve the police? That question begets another question, where did they meet or run across someone who would threaten one or both of them? Work? Hobbies? Friends? A worker at their home?

Great questions. In such a small town, how would there be any real "secrets " ? Another question : when LE searched Bill's locker at work, what did they find ? What might they have been expecting to find ? MOO
From everything I've heard and read, they really kept to themselves. By Vermont standards, it's not a small town. There's a village and a town, but they are more or less one big area. It's the largest town in Vermont and the second biggest municipality, so it's big for here. I'm curious about the work locker, too. I think they are really reaching and desperate for anything. Someone questioned on another site whether Vermont police had the sophistication for this case and I have to wonder the same thing. I hope the FBI is already involved. I did read that they offered and the town accepted, so I hope they're already here.

Great questions. In such a small town, how would there be any real "secrets " ? Another question : when LE searched Bill's locker at work, what did they find ? What might they have been expecting to find ? MOO
They had a support session at UVM yesterday for all the co-workers. My fiance said there were many tears shed.

ALM1981: I honestly believe they don't have the sophistication and I agree I really hope FBI does come into this case.
Cell phones were missing ; I wonder where the cell phones last pinged from ? Also, did they own a laptop ? If so, was it missing also ?

A bit strange that Bill's gun that he had recently bought was missing MOO... I'm trying to envision a scenario where a would be abductor could have taken the gun from him. It's not easy to see, because Bill doesn't look to be a small guy...MOO Unless there was more than 1 intruder... But then it's weird that no one in the block would have seen anything. MOO This is baffling...

Essex Police Lt. Detective George Murtie, who is leading the investigation, read a short statement that outlined law enforcement efforts so far:

-- Essex Police have executed 11 search warrants and three subpoenas;
-- They are examining the couple's phone, bank, employment and computer records;
-- Video surveillance data from about 25 businesses are being studied;
-- Collaborations with other regional police agencies, as well as the FBI, are underway.
Eight family members of William and Lorraine Currier gathered at the Essex Police Station to announce a $10,000 reward for information leading to the missing couple.


Essex Police Lt. Detective George Murtie, who is leading the investigation, read a short statement that outlined law enforcement efforts so far:

-- Essex Police have executed 11 search warrants and three subpoenas;

-- They are examining the couple's phone, bank, employment and computer records;

-- Video surveillance data from about 25 businesses are being studied;

-- Collaborations with other regional police agencies, as well as the FBI, are underway.|lateststories
I see that LE is looking at phone records. I wonder if this means incoming and outgoing phone calls ? How about cell phone pings ? I'm sure that if the FBI is involved that has been looked into as well.... MOO

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