W.S. Exclusive. Cindy A. Tells Websleuths Owner Her Lawyer Is Taking On Websites!

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WOW... I just don't know what to say.
I must not get around much....what websites allow "really, really bad words"?
Poor Cindy, there are things beyond her control. When will she figure this out? I agree she should have better things to do with her time. I constantly shake my head in amazement and yes, pity for the lady. One day she will have to face the truth and I'm afraid it may be sooner than we think. Tricia - a class act all the way round.
I was serious about the laptop fund. We need you here! I bet enough of us could get together and throw a few bucks to you and you'd be up and running again ASAP.
Dear Websleuth Members,

Last week a poster called Katie526 claimed she was e-mailing and talking with Cindy Anthony.

On Websleuths, when a poster makes a claim of this nature, I like to check it out. Websleuths is different that other sites in that we don't allow people to come in and tell whatever story they want. When we can, we verify.

Katie gave me Cindy A's number and permission to call. I did.

I left Cindy a message explaining that she had my word that I would not ask one question about the case. I just wanted to see if this poster was legit.

Cindy called me back. She was extremely gracious and surprisingly open.

She said she didn't remember Katie but that didn't mean anything since she talked and e-mailed so many people. I agreed to send her Katie's post via email and she would tell me if Katie was being truthful.

There was more to this conversation as you will soon learn.

When I emailed Cindy Katie's posts I told her I wanted to quote and post our conversation on Websleuths. If she had any objection to let me know.

A few days later I emailed her again asking about Katie.

She wrote back and said she had indeed spoken and e-mailed with Katie526. Cindy did not mention the rest of the email.

I have thought about whether to post the transcript of my notes or not. I came to the conclusion that since she did not object or say anything about objecting I was going to post.

Below comes from my notes of the conversation. It may not be exact but it is close.

Cindy calls and I explain why I am calling. Cindy tells me she is on Websleuths now and wants to know where Katie's posts are. I get on the forum and start to look.

There is a lull in the conversation. Keep in mind I never asked, never prompted, in any way the following conversation:

(lull) Then Cindy says, "We are going to be filing with our attorney any negative media webstuff, trying to get websites closed down. So I am just going to let you know. I have not investigated yours but we are trying to get a lot of websites closed down.

Cindy continues as I sit stunned; People can have their opinions but I mean it's the language and stuff that they are saying. You know, certain words you don't see put out there. So people are starting to look at a lot of these websites. Like I said as far as I know that no one has looked at yours yet. But I'm just letting you know....

TRICIA says, "That's fine. Website owners are protected by a Federal Law believe me I have been through this before


TRICIA:So I am not worried about that.

At this point I try and change the subject back to Katie's posts. Trying to locate them. Cindy jumps in again...

CINDY: But you guys don't endorse or allow people to use certain inflammatory words and stuff do you?

TRICIA: Like what?

CINDY: Well I mean do you you know, allow people to go on there and use extreme foul language.

TRICIA (I'm shocked at the mere thought of this ) OH NO NO NO NO. Absolutely Not!!!

CINDY: OK OK That's what I am saying

TRICIA: In fact we're very strict about that.

CINDY: OK You guys do more....(didn't catch what she said here. Sorry)

CINDY: Like I said I haven't been on yours so...

TRICIA: If somebody uses the word "*advertiser censored*" or "*advertiser censored*" it's GONE. Now that doesn't mean we catch it all the time. We get thousands of posts a day.

CINDY: I'm talking worse than that .

TRICIA: No No No We absolutely do not..we try, I can't guarantee but we try and have people on the forum all of the time.

TRICIA: Unless somebody alerts us we don't know. Yes that is against our Terms of Service. Absolutely.

CINDY: OK Alright cuz that's the type of stuff that we want... people are allowed to talk about whatever they want to talk about you know you guys have some you know...

TRICIA I agree. No Absolutely No we do not allow that.

Then I went on to say rather than try and find Katie's post I would email them to her.

We exchanged "Goodbye" and that was it.

Again, I want to stress, Cindy started talking when there was a lull in the conversation while I was looking up posts.

So, her attorney and I guess his "people" are scouring the web looking for sites that allow bad language about the Anthony's. Really foul language it sounds like what they are looking for.

Good Luck to them.

The Anthony's are taking on free speech on the Internet. Ok.

I do agree with Cindy. It is horrible. That's why we don't allow it. I can't imagine reading the stuff she has to read day in and day out but to take on Website? It is going to be one tough battle.

And yes, Website owners are protected by a federal law. Can't remember it but we are. Unless something has happened that I don't know about.

There it is my friends. A Websleuths major exclusive.

My computer is gone. Toast. Bit the dust. Bought the farm...and so on. I will not be back on a computer until tomorrow morning.

Mods if you need help or clarification on anything call me.

PS. This is my third laptop in less than two years that has crashed. I will not be able to get another one for a loooong time. So I might be around as much as I use to. :( For a while any way.
Here's my constitutionally protected opinion on Cindy Anthony.

People like Cindy like to threaten people. It gives them a feeling of power. Just like she has bullied the HOA into their way of thinking, she's now going to try to control the internet. I think she should be looking for Caylee and not worrying what some people say on the internet. Parrticularly when she has used the internet to promote her own websute and us trying to solicit monies on the internet. Thin ice works BOTH ways.

I would like to issue a warm WS welcome to the Anthony's attorneys as they scour the threads.

Here is a cuppa because it is going to be a long, long night for you...I post daily on here and I can't keep up...I cannot imagine having to start from scratch.


:blowkiss: Yeah I am still way behind lol

I would like to issue a warm WS welcome to the Anthony's attorneys as they scour the threads.

Here is a cuppa because it is going to be a long, long night for you...I post daily on here and I can't keep up...I cannot imagine having to start from scratch.


Tee Hee. I too can't keep up with it. Lets get them their billable hours!!:crazy:
Oh Tricia, have you seen these cute new tiny laptops that are out? Best Buy has an Acer with a wonderful rating there for $350. They are only 8" big and weigh 2 lbs. There are others coming out to by other companyies and they are around $500. You can't do alot on them but they are great for email and internet and they have wireless cards. Sorry its off topic but just in case you are interested! They are called net mini's or mini nets or something like that.

I have one of these and just love it. It's been so easy to use and travel with since it so small. I have an ASUS and just love it.
Seems now we know where Casey got her sense of entitlement and antisocial behavior. Cindy actually believes she can tell people what they can and cant say? talk about tipping the scale on her own self importance!

i agree! she should be spending her time finding her granddaughter instead of thinking she can tell the world what they can or cant do!
Amster... there are a couple I know of but one in particular is really bad. It's one reason I am here... everyone here is pretty nice, and nobody fights!
Tricia you need an amazon wishlist :) Make it public and let the laptop pour in.
Billable to who though? The Anthony's don't have jack. If they wanna sick their pro bono attorney on websleuths, then they better start coughing up some cash, because I don't think there are many of us that won't come to Tricia's aid.
BTW I am glad MODS backed Katie526. She took a lot of flack from people who did not believe her...
Hi Tricia!

Don't know if you've heard of The Electronic Frontier Foundation but this org is the leading civil liberties group defending rights in the digital world. Trust me - this is one awesome organization!

Well at least if she were to come on here or have her lawyer check it out they would see that Casey has whole threads of supporters and believers posting here. Not just us posters who believe she may be guilty of something horrible.
Oh Tricia, have you seen these cute new tiny laptops that are out? Best Buy has an Acer with a wonderful rating there for $350. They are only 8" big and weigh 2 lbs. There are others coming out to by other companyies and they are around $500. You can't do alot on them but they are great for email and internet and they have wireless cards. Sorry its off topic but just in case you are interested! They are called net mini's or mini nets or something like that.

Eeemachines on ubid 220. Love mine!b
What about the websites that the Anthony's have up for donations for finding Caylee? Now wouldn't it be a "mistruth" if you were asking for donations to help find little Caylee but the money was actually not being used for that purpose? Would Cindy Anthony be open and honest by providing a true accounting of the trust set up to find her granddaughter?

My only advice to the attys searching for slander is be careful what you wish for...

The door swings both ways my darling.
I agree and understand why Cindy is doing this. It must hurt to read horrid things about your family. I would lash out too.

No matter what I think about how things are being handled by this family I understand Cindy's hurt and anger.

I agree 110% with that.
I'll represent you for free if her attorney contacts you. I teach internet defamation and have been a lawyer forever (or so it seems).

You are definitely a keeper. There has been a lot of family/friend type interference in the past on cases where it isn't allowed (in their minds) to discuss players in cases. Not profane words but actually showing where lies have been told or time frames indicate that a possibility is there for certain people to have committed a crime etc. Next thing we see is threats from people that we shouldn't talk about the cases at all if their loved one/friend/co-worker/relative is involved and silence is what they seek(i.e. Peterson case). More so in the last few years.

Welcome aboard. We had a lawyer discuss the ins and outs for the Peterson case back in the day. Turns out it was <redacted - sorry! -->
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