WA - Four killed in Pilchuk High School shooting, Marysville, 24 Oct 2014

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truly is sad to drive on some of their roads and see the cautionary/in memory of signs of not drinking and driving--some are like every five feet. It is a big tribe though.
Yes I gather there is generally a huge mortality rate as well as very high levels of domestic violence, going right back to post treaty when they picked hops as the first agricultural crop, and had infighting over the treaty, which some blamed others for signing. Not all families were assigned allotments. I am sure this is nothing new to many people, and has many parallels to our indigenous people here in Australia. However we don't have the access to firearms thrown into the mix. The women seem to be very strong and levelling as grandmothers.
IMO it's a sad day when children have to be told not to wear a t-shirt that says "Team Jaylen". At the very least their parents should have put the stop to that. And, no, kids, I'm not buying that you were wearing them in support of a cure for diabetes.

So thrill this morning when the news said the victims had memorial page in yearbook -shooter didnt get one. They did put his picture but nothing else
So thrill this morning when the news said the victims had memorial page in yearbook -shooter didnt get one. They did put his picture but nothing else

In a statement, the school district said the school and yearbook staff decided to leave all students in the yearbook after researching how to approach this year's edition.

Their research included talking with other school districts who had experienced school shootings and talking with experts.


In the year book there is a page that talks about the shooting and then a separate area for a tribute in memory of the victims.

Several of the parents of the kids directly impacted by the shooting reached out to KING 5 and said that they were very grateful for the hard work of this yearbook staff, and appreciated them reaching out to the parents for special quotes and approval.

In a statement, the school district said the school and yearbook staff decided to leave all students in the yearbook after researching how to approach this year's edition.

Their research included talking with other school districts who had experienced school shootings and talking with experts.


In the year book there is a page that talks about the shooting and then a separate area for a tribute in memory of the victims.

Several of the parents of the kids directly impacted by the shooting reached out to KING 5 and said that they were very grateful for the hard work of this yearbook staff, and appreciated them reaching out to the parents for special quotes and approval.


The first link included a comment from a student who did not agree with the decision to even have JF's photo printed in the yearbook. :( It goes to show that the school is still divided by this tragedy. ITA with a lone commenter mentioned that the school should have published two versions of the yearbook, allowing the students to decide which version they preferred to purchase. Although more expensive, it would have given the kids some locus of control over a situation I'm certain they still feel very powerless over. The other commenters were sympathetic to JF's photo being allowed. I found that interesting in itself TBH.

I would imagine it would be very difficult for individual kids to express a differing opinion amongst their peers. It's already tough enough being a high-schooler without having to deal with something of this magnitude. I realize this decision can't be undone, but I wish the school would have allowed students to individually (and privately) order their yearbooks.

:moo: and JMO

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The first link included a comment from a student who did not agree with the decision to even have JF's photo printed in the yearbook. :( It goes to show that the school is still divided by this tragedy. ITA with a lone commenter mentioned that the school should have published two versions of the yearbook, allowing the students to decide which version they preferred to purchase. Although more expensive, it would have given the kids some locus of control over a situation I'm certain they still feel very powerless over. The other commenters were sympathetic to JF's photo being allowed. I found that interesting in itself TBH.

I would imagine it would be very difficult for individual kids to express a differing opinion amongst their peers. It's already tough enough being a high-schooler without having to deal with something of this magnitude. I realize this decision can't be undone, but I wish the school would have allowed students to individually (and privately) order their yearbooks.

:moo: and JMO

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
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I'm just glad they honored the true victims--the shooter has had enough coverage
Going through and reading some of those documents was just heartbreaking. I pray that all of those involved, especially the students, are able to move on and find some peace. Just a horrible, horrible tragedy.
Wow. :( Thanks for posting the links. I just got done reading the one with the text messages. So sad.
Is it wrong of me to hope that the shooters family didn't follow his instructions for his funeral? Wow....I need my crew with me---again WOW!!!!!
Didn't realize all the police departments that were involved with this.
Is it wrong of me to hope that the shooters family didn't follow his instructions for his funeral? Wow....I need my crew with me---again WOW!!!!!
Didn't realize all the police departments that were involved with this.

I have a feeling the family did.

In the documents the police detail that right after the shooting JF's family members were trying to gain access to JF's social media accounts so they could delete them or wipe them clean.

Also, JF sent his father a text right before the shooting telling him to "read the paper on my bed." No paper was ever found by the police.
I have a feeling the family did.

In the documents the police detail that right after the shooting JF's family members were trying to gain access to JF's social media accounts so they could delete them or wipe them clean.

Also, JF sent his father a text right before the shooting telling him to "read the paper on my bed." No paper was ever found by the police.

I know--it pained , me to drive by some of memorials and the shooter was a part of them. Hopefully his dad will experience some justice over his gun stuff.
If you remind yourself of how young these kids are you may feel more compassion.
They were so, so young. I find the intensity and maturity, for lack of a better word, of his relationship with his ex-girlfriend to be almost mind-boggling. Way too adult-like for 14-15 year olds.

Looking at those Homecoming photos is just heartbreaking. They were just kids, caught up in something way more than they could handle. I have a 16 year old daughter, and her photos of Homecoming could be interchanged with theirs. Just a group of friends, but in their case, so much more going on than what I would hope is the usual teen-aged experiences. It really just breaks my heart.

Reading the texts and exchanges in the reports, I don't see any remorse from him pertaining to what happened on Homecoming night. Just demands and threats to get his ex back, while she was doing the best thing by cutting off communication. Remember how painful a teen-aged break up can be? He broke her heart, and then continued to bully her. I think he had some severe mental issues going on. It is all so senseless, and hope that those who have survived it can have healthy, happy lives

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