GUILTY WA - Ingrid Lyne, 40, Seattle, 8 April 2016 #2

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Why did she text I'm on a date if everyone knew she was on a date. Why not just say I'm still out and things are ok. Or whatever.

We don't know the exact wording of the text, right? Or the context of the exchange.

Did she text her friend to say she was on a date as a safety measure to let someone know where she was?
Did she reply to a text about another topic to say - I'll get back to you later, I'm on a date.
Did she reply to a question of - "how did your date go," and she texted that she was still on it?

We don't know for sure, right?

For the moment, I'm assuming it was indeed Ingrid who replied, though I know there is speculation it could have been JC.
I also find it odd that no new information has been released after Fridays discovery, but then again WE ALL are convinced that the murderer is in police custody and the public is no longer at risk. If this guy was still on the loose maybe they would be a little more forthcoming with information. Im curious if they found "items" connected to Ingrid that solidify their case against him even further. Yes, they announced they found additional remains but by chance they found other things such as towels, clothes, etc. I would bet the case is getting really solid and they are waiting on a few forensic tests to come back to make sure this guy never gets out behind the steel bars. The DNA tests will reveal the scratches on his face and chest were from her fingernails. This guy seems to have done a real good job cleaning up but there is no way for him to eliminate all evidence that links him to her. It was posted earlier that JC can have scheduled visits at the KC Jail, who would be interested in scheduling a meeting given the chance? Talk about a face to face!!

OH I would love it , as long as there was more than one big butch angry looking corrections officer sitting on my lap ------------------------------not that way!!!
I think when LE looks at Ingrid's text and email messages - they will get a good idea of the extent of the relationship. LE has stated they have a solid case against JC so I can just imagine all the evidence that we do not know about including video, witnesses etc. They aren't going to tip their hand to the press and his defense attorney just yet thankfully.
OH I would love it , as long as there was more than one big butch angry looking corrections officer sitting on my lap ------------------------------not that way!!!

I thought about it. However, while it seems like a pretty solid case here, our justice system can be.....flawed to say the least. If this guy is released either on some misstep in the case, or because by some insane twist, someone else did it, I would want to be as far away from his radar as possible. He has a solid past of violence and a short fuse. All of this press and accusation (if he does get out) could easily fuel already existing problems.

All these conversations of what Ingrid "should have done"....Imagine where visiting this guy falls under on the list of "shoulds" and "should nots"
I take this to mean the two had been "dating" and by dating - this signifies to me that they had met in person a few times. Maybe not evenings - but perhaps he met her for lunch or grabbed coffee. I don't think her friends phrased it this way to protect her from media . If asked details about the situation, I don't think the average person would bend the truth after someone is murdered - they would want to provide very accurate details to assist LE or just say "no comment" or I don't know to the media. I think this final date was one of a few dates. Now, possibly the journalists mixed it up and the friends said they met online and had been conversing the past few weeks....I don't trust the media anymore - fact checking has gone by the wayside these days.

WASHINGTON -- 37-year-old John Robert Charlton is accused in the grisly murder of Ingrid Lyne, a Renton, Washington mother of three who had been missing since Friday, April 8th. Lyne's friends say Lyne and Charlton met online in February or March, and had been dating ever since.

But he lives far away , with no vehicle, she has three kids and a full time job, when is she gonna have the time to drive , what is just with drive time what an hour and a half to just to meet him and go home, I dont think she had time for that
Hello all. I'm a new member, and this is my first post.

I just wanted to comment on some issues. First, Law Enforcement, including the Police Department and Prosecutors, have a pretty solid case, I'm sure. SNIPPED BY ME...

Maybe when he's sentenced and goes to prison, someone can sponsor a pizza party for the guards while they look away, and he gets beat to crap.


(I apologize for the aggressiveness of my statement, but I've been involved in law enforcement as a Police Dispatcher in a major urban city, as well as a Paramedic and Firefighter in inner urban areas. I have seen some horrible things and <modsnip> like this guy, and it's frustrating seeing the recidivism of these career criminals with no interventions by Judges at any points, and all warning signs ignored).

Welcome and excellent post - I snipped it only to save space but agree with every word. I posted a similar sentiment about LE having a solid case right after you. As for supporting the pizza - I'm in!
Hello all. I'm a new member, and this is my first post.

I just wanted to comment on some issues. First, Law Enforcement, including the Police Department and Prosecutors, have a pretty solid case, I'm sure. The circumstances of this case make them just as upset and mad as us all. This is their job, and I'm sure they are passionate about getting the family closure.They aren't going to release everything they find, and the family will know about anything first before it is released to the media. When the trial comes, this guy is going to get nailed with the evidence. The entire team of people that are involved in this case are scarred for life, imagine being the one to have to view, collect, and process the evidence. That's something that will stick with you for the rest of your lives.

Evidence I'm sure they've collected and poured through is video footage from the numerous cameras at the Mariners stadium. I'm confident that this guy left a trail of evidence, including digital evidence everywhere. The other thing is, he's very experienced being a criminal and inmate. I'm sure he knows how to work the system. He's obviously a career criminal, but either not very good at it judging by the amount of times he's been caught or just doesn't care. The violence of this crime was carried out very methodically. I'm sure he's had a fascination with this type of crime for a while and maybe he just took advantage of the opportunity to actually pull it off. This takes premeditated thought and planning, bottom line. I hope they are needling him in jail to find the rest of the remains.

I'm sure criminal profilers are also involved. I hope the legacy of this case is that we learn from him to prevent future tragedies. I also hope that the FBI involvement finds another crime that they can nail him with on a federal charge, bring another family closure, and put him to death. This case makes me believe in an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Maybe when he's sentenced and goes to prison, someone can sponsor a pizza party for the guards while they look away, and he gets beat to crap.

The only thing I'm curious about is the duration of their relationship. It would be interesting to see how he was able to play up his victim, when, and for how long? And has she been on other date since the divorce? I mean, this was obviously a smart woman. Divorce is devastating, and I'm sure companionship was a driving force behind this. What let her guard down, or did she even let her guard down? There's multiple different scenarios in which this could have happened. What can be learned from this?

In the end, three little girls are without their mother, and the gruesomeness of this crime is going to come up every time they search things about their family and mother on the internet for the rest of their lives.<modsnip>

And I pray the family gets closure, which is the most important thing right now. I also pray this <modsnip> pleads guilty, to avoid the family the scarring associated with a trial in a case like this.


(I apologize for the aggressiveness of my statement, but I've been involved in law enforcement as a Police Dispatcher in a major urban city, as well as a Paramedic and Firefighter in inner urban areas. I have seen some horrible things and <modsnip> like this guy, and it's frustrating seeing the recidivism of these career criminals with no interventions by Judges at any points, and all warning signs ignored).

No death penality there - I posted when I discovered that is why the 28 years went all over the place
Jmo. The online dating posts (for the most part) were honestly just branch off conversations to keep the thread going until more information comes out.

I don't think that the latests online dating topics were about Ingrid persay.

I think that some posters mentioned their experiences and some were posting about the positive and negatives and possible precautions of the entire online dating scene.

Example. Recently there was a case where a Grandmother met a guy online and moved with him to Florida. Now the guy says they got drunk and she struck him and he passed out while not knowing what happened to the woman. Now of course her car was found abandoned by her job and the b.f is looking guilty while having a shady past.

So imo. Most people (atleast on Websleuth) wasn't bashing Ingrid for the online dating. Most were just tired of predators using the Internet to fool caring women that didn't deserve what happened to them. Jmo
More comments from a resident close to where most recent remains were found:

"I have a couple of details to add. These are just things I've learned from talking to my neighbors, so take it with a grain of salt.
The body parts they found were in a plastic cooler in the trashcan of a duplex. I talked to the guy who lives upstairs, and he said the people downstairs moved out recently, so the trash was already full of stuff he didn't recognize. He said he noticed the cooler in the trash and almost took it out to wash out and keep because it was pretty new, but he was running late for work and decided not to.
The trash collector who found the body parts also lives in Renton and he knew the victim. Their kids played together."

That. is.horrid. poor guy. just horrid it just gets worse and worse
But he lives far away , with no vehicle, she has three kids and a full time job, when is she gonna have the time to drive , what is just with drive time what an hour and a half to just to meet him and go home, I dont think she had time for that

I figured he'd be the one to meet her - near her work or downtown Seattle, etc. Perhaps an afternoon where she didn't have the kids and they met halfway. He seems to get around somehow - he could have even asked his ex for a ride. I just don't think her friends would describe emailing someone or talking on the phone - as "dating". If this was their first face to face, I would be surprised. I think she saw a pattern with having no rides and maybe no money if he was supposed to pay for his ticket.

Speaking of money - I'd love to know if food/drinks were purchased at the park. Those are not cheap and if he really was broke, I can't' see him springing for that, the bar afterwards and the ticket. Wonder if he robbed anyone prior to the date (jesting but then again...with his history....)
But he lives far away , with no vehicle, she has three kids and a full time job, when is she gonna have the time to drive , what is just with drive time what an hour and a half to just to meet him and go home, I dont think she had time for that

Totally agree. Plus Register Nurses can work a 12hr shift on a daily basis most times.
Jmo. The online dating posts (for the most part) were honestly just branch off conversations to keep the thread going until more information comes out.

I don't think that the latests online dating topics were about Ingrid persay.

I think that some posters mentioned their experiences and some were posting about the positive and negatives and possible precautions of the entire online dating scene.

Example. Recently there was a case where a Grandmother met a guy online and moved with him to Florida. Now the guy says they got drunk and she struck him and he passed out while not knowing what happened to the woman. Now of course her car was found abandoned by her job and the b.f is looking guilty while having a shady past.

So imo. Most people (atleast on Websleuth) wasn't bashing Ingrid for the online dating. Most were just tired of predators using the Internet to fool caring women that didn't deserve what happened to them. Jmo

Agree wholeheartedly. There is an excellent site - "Help Save the Next Girl" geared towards young woman and helps create awareness. Would anyone say it's victim blaming of the young woman it is dedicated to - I doubt it but rather a way to make people aware of avenues that may help the next victim and to address some questions others may have or not thought of otherwise.
There are some people that suggest meeting potential dates in person ASAP if online dating. Because too much messaging/texting/calling can create a false sense of familiarity, without getting to know the real person.

So if she was "chatting" with him for weeks, I can totally believe that he came across as charming or witty or completely normal. Too easy to hide the bad. And then as soon as they met, maybe he came across differently and he knew she picked up on it...

There have been more than one female that described him as totally "charming". I think he is so cunning - a lot of narcistis are IMO and the ones I have encountered ..........

There are probation officers here. i had some , that as a condition of their probation they must attend 1 group and 1 indivudal a week. WITHOUT FAIL they tested limits on the second visit. It took me a bit to get this!

I came up with deal. Expect it second group or individual they are gonna come late. They are special. I came up with I am going to be so bored, indifferent , when it needed to be addressed.

I would let the probation officer know. Those are the rules - I told ya about the expecations during accessment last weelk. Yes, I have notified your probation officer that you were late today. That is the speed limit. This has nothing to do with me .If you dont want to get a speeding ticket dont speed. Its up to you - has nothing to with me . Your choice. Do know your late , I will advise your probation officer .

It eliminated the attempt to manipulate . Put the responsiblity back on them . Hey I like my job, a condtion of the contract is I will let your probation officer know if you are late or miss. I am keeping my job. My guys , after the first attempt to test limits , did not do it again- I made it about their choices - not mine. You dont want to go back - dont be late or miss a condition of your parole simple - its up to you, but I discovered doing it real bored was wildly effective

Probation guys here - did they not try to test you in the beginning ? Of course that is how they survive manipulating everyone in their lives .

Not my problem, gonna let your probation officer know - those are the speed limits - speed if you choose to.......................up to you not me .............

YOu guys experienced it yes ?
Just a quick reminder,

social media comments and discussion threads are not considered Main Stream Media and are not appropriate source material. Read there all you want. Do not carry those discussions here.

I have removed some posts discussing what are considered rumor under Websleuths TOS.
Why did she text I'm on a date if everyone knew she was on a date. Why not just say I'm still out and things are ok. Or whatever.

I wondered that too, On a date, hes wondergul (gossip) or oh my god he is a drunk or he is actually scary , or he is so cute , or I am falling in love, or help yuk gossip !!

You know I am on date , No text in my day, but the purpose of text (or pay phone - they were red, you walked into them , put a dime in , a dial tone came on, you dialed a number and you talked, then washed your hands - just being funny for our youngens!) to someone who knew I was on a date, would be to gossip about how it is going ,

Or oh my god you were right he is a creep or you were wrong he is awesome whatever
Two random thoughts.

(1)The JC geographic timeline so far is pretty concerning because he really did seem to be all over the place, and because there are many holes. What led him to move around so much? As far as we know his work life was unskilled labor, so he wasn't moving around for jobs. Looking at it I get some Israel Keyes vibes in the sense that John Charlton and Keyes both moved around a lot for no apparent reason, and avoided putting down solid roots.

(2) Maybe someone from LE or a public defender can answer this... looking at JC's criminal history (which includes some jail or prison time) would his DNA have already been in the database prior to last week's arrest? If it were, it reduces the chances that JC is a major serial killer as there would likely have been a match for a cold case, at least one that had DNA evidence.
Online dating and flirtation can be misconstrued as actual dating in some people's eyes.

Some will immediately assume that 2 people have been dating for months. Even if a physical date never took place. So someone may say that they have knowledge that so and so was involved with a particular person (without going into details).

While others may just jump the gun and say that the 2 were actually dating each other.

So until the cops come across texts messages or proof that solitifies the actual physical dating notion. Then I guess we will never know.

Thus far I have not heard one person say they met him (freinds) ..............not one one reason why I think first face to face
Why did she text I'm on a date if everyone knew she was on a date. Why not just say I'm still out and things are ok. Or whatever.

He could have easily texted that from her phone as not to raise suspicion.
Two random thoughts.

(1)The JC geographic timeline so far is pretty concerning because he really did seem to be all over the place, and because there are many holes. What led him to move around so much? As far as we know his work life was unskilled labor, so he wasn't moving around for jobs. Looking at it I get some Israel Keyes vibes in the sense that John Charlton and Keyes both moved around a lot for no apparent reason, and avoided putting down solid roots.

(2) Maybe someone from LE or a public defender can answer this... looking at JC's criminal history (which includes some jail or prison time) would his DNA have already been in the database prior to last week's arrest? If it were, it reduces the chances that JC is a major serial killer as there would likely have been a match for a cold case, at least one that had DNA evidence.

Yes at least here in CA convicted felons are cheeked swabbed for DNA.
My nephew shared the info about Ingrid being missing right away last Saturday . I searched him thoroughly right away and didn't find anything about criminal history. I did not pay to have a background check. I don't think that's realistic to suggest to people dating. There's a recent case local to me (San Diego) where a woman was killed by someone she met at work who had no priors. I joined this thread because I'm interested in the sleuthing aspect. I'm hoping the hindsight what ifs aren't the focus here. Someone said it on the first thread, what happened to her is rare. Statistically speaking there's a much greater chance of getting killed driving to a date than by your date.

Looking for pertinent info on someone you're going to date is sleuthing.

I have a feeling all of the people saying there's no point to look into someone's past wouldn't give that same advice to their daughters.
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