Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

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A couple people on the other thread asked about a pretty similar case recently and I never saw it answered.

I think you're thinking of Reann Murphy - 9 - lived in a trailer park in Ohio and was found dead in a dumpster 5 hours after she'd been reported missing. (Reported at 8:30 pm, found at 1:30 am)

She'd last been seen 3 hours earlier (5:30 pm) playing with friends. Suspect was arrested just a few hours later - or it was tweeted by PD just a few hours later (9:30 am - so 8 hours after she was found)

VERY quick process on that one! An arrest just about 12 hours after she was reported missing! (And found in between that time also!)

And you're correct, the person who killed her was one of the people that reported her missing and also "helped" in the searches. The whole 911 call was...well, just listen to it! You can hear it here

An article for those that'd rather see that than the thread above.

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Yes, thanks was not enough. This case has been on my mind a lot! This guy was a neighbor ' kid' that played with the other kids and all the parents knew who he was and he walked right among them daily and no one thought a thing. A monster !
I thought about all of this ^^^ last night. So perhaps there was a ' lie' that led to the accusations and perhaps there was not. Regardless of that charge, he did plead guilty to the charge of 4th assault , which we now know was groping a ' child' as well. So.....anyway you slice it, he molested a minor. Did I get that right?

I feel like the lie was after. The child said it happened, the parents said "lie and say it never happened and if you mention it again you'll be spanked". JMO
So much has changed in the world now. Just 12 years ago, I allowed my 11 year old twin girls to ride their scooters one road up to Main Street. They would go inside a local restaurant and order french fries and cokes and then spin on back to the house. They always stayed together and we live in a small southern town. But still, when I think about me letting them do this, I cringe today. But things were so different just that many years ago....

Now, with so many of these cases being widely publicized, I would never let my child wander around. I won't let my little grandchildren out of my site because I am suspicious of everyone. I understand letting them play in the yard or maybe even next door with a friend. But if we have learned anything, its that we don't know anyone. We may think we do, but we don't. Its a scary world out there.

I can't imagine not knowing where my child was for over 30 minutes. Even if your child is in the yard, they should be visually seen at least every 30 know, mom or dad or an older sibling should go out and check on them.
So much has changed in the world now. Just 12 years ago, I allowed my 11 year old twin girls to ride their scooters one road up to Main Street. They would go inside a local restaurant and order french fries and cokes and then spin on back to the house. They always stayed together and we live in a small southern town. But still, when I think about me letting them do this, I cringe today. But things were so different just that many years ago....

Now, with so many of these cases being widely publicized, I would never let my child wander around. I won't let my little grandchildren out of my site because I am suspicious of everyone. I understand letting them play in the yard or maybe even next door with a friend. But if we have learned anything, its that we don't know anyone. We may think we do, but we don't. Its a scary world out there.

I can't imagine not knowing where my child was for over 30 minutes. Even if your child is in the yard, they should be visually seen at least every 30 know, mom or dad or an older sibling should go out and check on them.

Things aren't different, shefner. In fact, since the 1950's, stranger abductions have remained constant, even recently dipping a little. What has changed is that we know about it immediately when it happens through this wonderful/horrible internet. We have come to believe that 11 year olds aren't safe in public. Eleven year old girls scootering together along main street are exceptionally safe - they are MUCH more likely to have a scooter crash that causes their death than come to harm by a stranger. I think we are in danger of raising a generation of children who simply cannot function as adults because they were never allowed to learn those skills of making decisions, taking risks, working things out when they had a problem. An adult has always been RIGHT THERE to do it for them.

Don't feel badly about allowing your girls to live normally. That's your job as a parent.
Things aren't different, shefner. In fact, since the 1950's, stranger abductions have remained constant, even recently dipping a little. What has changed is that we know about it immediately when it happens through this wonderful/horrible internet. We have come to believe that 11 year olds aren't safe in public. Eleven year old girls scootering together along main street are exceptionally safe - they are MUCH more likely to have a scooter crash that causes their death than come to harm by a stranger. I think we are in danger of raising a generation of children who simply cannot function as adults because they were never allowed to learn those skills of making decisions, taking risks, working things out when they had a problem. An adult has always been RIGHT THERE to do it for them.

Don't feel badly about allowing your girls to live normally. That's your job as a parent.

This!!! I don't understand people thinking its more dangerous these days. It simply is not. It is just that we hear about it now.
I am thinking about the sighting on Sunday between noon-4pm. Many of us are skeptical about that. Do we know WHO reported that sighting? If someone remembers, can you post the info and/or link?

I'm thinking that report could be a cover-up or false lead by someone who knows what happened.

Total hunch and brainstorm on my part, not fact. I could be off base, of course.
I am thinking about the sighting on Sunday between noon-4pm. Many of us are skeptical about that. Do we know WHO reported that sighting? If someone remembers, can you post the info and/or link?

I'm thinking that report could be a cover-up or false lead by someone who knows what happened.

Total hunch and brainstorm on my part, not fact. I could be off base, of course.

Not sure where the link is but if IIRC it did say Neighbors (plural) I never rely on eye witness acct. as it's unreliable. Day seen could be wrong or a child that looked like Jenise. Did they see her face? Did they speak with her? Feed her? None of that was reported if it indeed did happen. I would rely more on the Children. We have only heard from one who did not see her all day Sunday.
In our community the children of the reservation can be seen day and night outside playing with little supervision. IMOO this is the typical parenting style seen there. ( this is not a slight on those parents, the neighborhood is very safe and a similar layout as seen in Jenise's mobile home park). We are native, so again, this is not a slight - just an observation. Many rez folk are related to one another and children will go from one house to the next; one yard to the next; it is not seen as any big deal.

I was not this laid back with my children, nor were my husband's parents. We came in (at very least) at lunch and dinner and by 9 pm for bed. As I discussed it with him, we agreed that these were pretty much our only "rules."

I think you are right in your thinking about how they parent. But, I am still concerned that (as far as the news that has come out)...none of her playmates saw her Sunday.
This!!! I don't understand people thinking its more dangerous these days. It simply is not. It is just that we hear about it now.

I simply can't believe that there were as many sick and twisted individuals in the world 50 years ago, as there are today. To be sure, there WERE sick people out there....but I really think that society, and what we deem as normal and harmless today, is encouraging this darker side in people. Take TV, for instance. What was on TV in the 50's and 60's? Look at TV commercials. Look at the types of shows that are on today ("Dating Naked", for instance). Look at children's clothes. I refuse to buy my girls shorts with words written across the butts. Why? Because it encourages people to be looking at their butts, for one thing, and secondly, it encourages the wearers to say, "hey, look at my butt, read what's there, it's ok....."

Look at old game shows, or variety shows. What people laughed about then wouldn't even get a giggle today. Today, it has to be lewd or at the expense of someone else to be funny.

You may think, "But I can think for myself! I'm not going to let myself be influenced by TV". It's a slippery slope. It's kind of like the frog in the pot of boiling water. It's possible to become desensitized to things before you even realize it is happening to you.

I remember seeing footage of the Hindenburg disaster. Listen to this newscaster:

He was in tears, it moved him so.

Compare that to how our news is delivered today. The most heinous acts occur, and our newscasters barely bat an eyelash, much less show emotion. Why? They've become desensitized.

When you say the statistics are the same, what statistics are you talking about? Abductions? Murder? Rape? Do you have a link to those?

ETA: I've seen the numerous stories that say we are just as safe now, as we were in 1968, that crime is no more or less.

I don't know...maybe everyone was just ignorant back them ("as in, ignorance is bliss", not meant as an insult).
So much has changed in the world now. Just 12 years ago, I allowed my 11 year old twin girls to ride their scooters one road up to Main Street. They would go inside a local restaurant and order french fries and cokes and then spin on back to the house. They always stayed together and we live in a small southern town. But still, when I think about me letting them do this, I cringe today. But things were so different just that many years ago....

Now, with so many of these cases being widely publicized, I would never let my child wander around. I won't let my little grandchildren out of my site because I am suspicious of everyone. I understand letting them play in the yard or maybe even next door with a friend. But if we have learned anything, its that we don't know anyone. We may think we do, but we don't. Its a scary world out there.

I can't imagine not knowing where my child was for over 30 minutes. Even if your child is in the yard, they should be visually seen at least every 30 know, mom or dad or an older sibling should go out and check on them.

BBM I read all the time that this isn't statistically accurate. It certainly seems like so much has changed but I honestly think it's more a matter of how much we're all exposed to as adults with the advanced technology that we have, compared to how we used to just live in our own, local communities. I grew up in Bremerton in the 60's and 70's and it was not at all uncommon for my brother and I to walk or ride our bikes all over town. 8 and 10 years old and we'd be down at the fishing dock downtown at 7am on a Saturday morning, or on a summer day walking to the Evergreen pool. From where we lived, it's a 1.2 mile walk to the ferry dock, and about the same distance to the park. Most of the time we'd walk together but sometimes we went alone. I think the BIG difference today compared to back then is, our parents read the news in the local paper & watched the nightly news from the national affiliates. That was it. They didn't have social networking & news sites from all over the country that were reporting crime constantly, the way we do now. I'm pretty sure my mom would have *never* let us have as much freedom back then if she were exposed to the crime stats we all are, now. I know I've never let my kids go off at the same ages I was when I was out on one of my fishing or swimming adventures at 8 yrs old mostly because I'm more aware of the types of crimes committed against children - especially children who are alone (I now live in the same small town as Tori Stafford did, for those of you who followed her heartbreaking case). Honestly, I don't have stats in front of me but I don't think the world is that much of a different place now, I think we're just more informed about what kind of world it really is. Parents felt safer 40 years ago because they didn't have the same info we do now.

MOO of course.
“I was hanging out with her all day Friday and Saturday and I woke up and didn’t see her at all Sunday,” Mary said.

Mary P, 14, was one of the last people to see Jenise. She said they were together Saturday night.

This is troublesome to me. Teenagers don't typically hang out with 6 yr olds. In my opinion, I feel that there's been a rise in crime by youthful offenders. I'm not saying Mary is involved but it should really be investigated.

THIS! This is so true! I wonder what other kids were hanging out with the two of them. Other 14+ year olds or ?? Where were they playing for these 2 whole days? What were they playing? This needs to be checked out!

I think you are right in your thinking about how they parent. But, I am still concerned that (as far as the news that has come out)...none of her playmates saw her Sunday.

Except the 14 year old who spent the previous 2 whole days with her.....

I am wondering when is the last time her playmates saw her....Saturday?

From all I've read it has not been confirmed at all that anyone saw her Sunday. Some have said they thought they did but no one's come right out and said "yes, I saw her about 2pm on Sunday afternoon" or anything like that. Honestly I don't think anyone did see her on Sunday, which tells me she's been gone a lot longer than previously suspected.
"the younger of his accusers said she had reported the incident to her mother who told her she would 'get a spanking' if she spoke of the incident again."

"But Wright's attorney argued in court records that the young girl later told relatives she had been prompted to lie about the incident."

Read more:

Many times charges are dropped/withdrawn when the evidence does not support the charge.
That was over a decade ago, if it indeed happen. Unless something new comes to light (trying to think positive) it is irrelevant. Especially since he was never convicted of any such crime.

At the same time I do wonder if this baby girl is no longer with us. Did something happen and they panic and buried her somewhere. UGH! I have a 9 and a 3 year old and they are not allowed in anyone's home unless I am with them. I trust no one besides my parents with my boys. Yes, i am THAT crazy woman :)
things are most certainly different. More people more crimes. We used to have maybe one person in all of US missing and they were on flyers in mailbox or milk carton. And there were not very many. Everything has changed, including yes, more access to each states crime listings via web news. But it seems to me like parents think they can throw away their kids in a throw away society. Many try; many fail. Some succeed like Casey Anthony. Acquitted or not. She will never be seen as "innocent" or even Not Guilty.
IMO Jenise just latched on to whomever was out and about playing. Given her amount of freedom. A game of skip etc. can be played with any age.
I think I read in one of the previous articles that it was a "friend" sighting. I could be wrong though.
I simply can't believe that there were as many sick and twisted individuals in the world 50 years ago, as there are today. To be sure, there WERE sick people out there....but I really think that society, and what we deem as normal and harmless today, is encouraging this darker side in people. Take TV, for instance. What was on TV in the 50's and 60's? Look at TV commercials. Look at the types of shows that are on today ("Dating Naked", for instance). Look at children's clothes. I refuse to buy my girls shorts with words written across the butts. Why? Because it encourages people to be looking at their butts, for one thing, and secondly, it encourages the wearers to say, "hey, look at my butt, read what's there, it's ok....."

Look at old game shows, or variety shows. What people laughed about then wouldn't even get a giggle today. Today, it has to be lewd or at the expense of someone else to be funny.

You may think, "But I can think for myself! I'm not going to let myself be influenced by TV". It's a slippery slope. It's kind of like the frog in the pot of boiling water. It's possible to become desensitized to things before you even realize it is happening to you.

I remember seeing footage of the Hindenburg disaster. Listen to this newscaster:

He was in tears, it moved him so.

Compare that to how our news is delivered today. The most heinous acts occur, and our newscasters barely bat an eyelash, much less show emotion. Why? They've become desensitized.

When you say the statistics are the same, what statistics are you talking about? Abductions? Murder? Rape? Do you have a link to those?

ETA: I've seen the numerous stories that say we are just as safe now, as we were in 1968, that crime is no more or less.

I don't know...maybe everyone was just ignorant back them ("as in, ignorance is bliss", not meant as an insult).

I don't think anyone will disagree that *morally* things are a lot different now than they were then. Pretty much every professional in the field of abuse prevention/child protection advocacy (as well as many other fields) keep warning us as parents about the sexually exploited/sex-saturated culture we now live in, and how to protect our kids from that. That was certainly not an issue 40 years ago.
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