Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

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I'm sorry I've lurked on cases for a long time this is the first case I've actively posted on, if I have presented myself as an "angry mob" then I won't continue to post, sorry again.

I think she meant, but not sure, that an angry mob in the community or neighborhood would not get answers.
:waitasec: Good heavens no, bessie isn't calling you an angry mob at all. She's saying that the reason LE is constantly saying that the parents have been extremely cooperative is to maintain the order and integrity in the mobile home park community. If neighbors are angry at the parents, they will be too consumed with that anger to offer any good tips.

Oh I just saw my post quoted and the word angry mob used! I'm new so thought I said something not acceptable!
The family had a history with CPS. LE stated that early so it seems likely neighbors did call.

We don't know it was neighbors it could have been school officials..

I would hope that people had called prior but the children were only removed AFTER Jenise was gone.

Whatever the history before CPS did not think it warranted removal. What changed now?

My comments about CPS is only about the other children being removed AFTER Jenise was reported missing.
So far behind but I have a good excuse. We are hunkered down in the path of 2 hurricanes!
If her little body was found in the trailer park, how did they miss finding her sooner or was her body placed there recently? What a precious innocent little girl, so trusting, seeing the good in everyone not realizing the evil that lurks in this world.

Good questions Plumy! Hunker down. Thoughts are with you. Stay safe! Little children shouldn't know this evil. Still shocked about the evil I read daily around the world.
So far behind but I have a good excuse. We are hunkered down in the path of 2 hurricanes!
If her little body was found in the trailer park, how did they miss finding her sooner or was her body placed there recently? What a precious innocent little girl, so trusting, seeing the good in everyone not realizing the evil that lurks in this world.

She was not found in the mobile home park but just outside it in a heavily wooded area, lots of shrubbery, blackberry bushes and such. are wrong. YOU don't know if CPS was called before J went missing. Yet, you stated it as fact. And out of respect, call this community a mobile home community.

The children were removed after the call was made to CPS AFTER Jenise went missing.
That is fact. That they had a history, They were not removed before but after she went missing they removed the kids. It leads me to believe something else is going on we don't know about.
To remove kids from a parent who has a missing child, is tough. I think that there was something revealed here to make them remove the others now. are wrong. YOU don't know if CPS was called before J went missing. Yet, you stated it as fact. And out of respect, call this community a mobile home community.

There was previous CPS involvement. The link was posted in one of the first few threads. However, the other children were removed after the disappearance. Reports indicated it was not due to the disappearance...this too was posted with link in earlier threads.
If I was not clear let me be now, I am saying that the children were removed after the call was made to CPS AFTER Jenise went missing.

Thank-you. That is correct.

Ops edited: the kids were removed by LE, I don't know for sure if someone called CPS after J went missing.
The children were taken after it was reported that Jenise was missing. That is fact. If they had called before, most likely Jenise would have been taken too and would still be alive.
if you read all the links you will find there has been previous CPS involvement. And we do not know a family member did this. Tread with caution please
Things aren't different, shefner. In fact, since the 1950's, stranger abductions have remained constant, even recently dipping a little. What has changed is that we know about it immediately when it happens through this wonderful/horrible internet. We have come to believe that 11 year olds aren't safe in public. Eleven year old girls scootering together along main street are exceptionally safe - they are MUCH more likely to have a scooter crash that causes their death than come to harm by a stranger. I think we are in danger of raising a generation of children who simply cannot function as adults because they were never allowed to learn those skills of making decisions, taking risks, working things out when they had a problem. An adult has always been RIGHT THERE to do it for them.

Don't feel badly about allowing your girls to live normally. That's your job as a parent.
Totally disagree. I don't think it's necessary to walk home alone to turn into an independent adult! My 13-year-old has never walked alone, nor will she! I'm proud to be a helicopter parent rather than a free-range one! I know where my daughter is at all times, and she is safe and alive!!!!
Often, CPS does not just take children due to one call about a lack of supervision. Parenting classes, family counseling, interviews with the children and parents to validate or debunk the complaint made are examples of initial CPS efforts. Abuse, on the other hand could cause a child to be immediately taken into foster care. I believe the Sheriff's office did state in one of the earlier press conferences that there has been a history of contact with CPS but that they would not disclose anything regarding that.

Lawd, I know that's right. Cherish Perrywinkle's (I know, I know, I'm still hung up on this) mother had several CPS visits, reports, action plans, etc spanning *years* before she gave her baby to a predator...never lost her kids. Then, endangered all three kids by putting them in a stranger's seatless van, handed Cherish to the stranger/predator to go to a dressing room alone with her TWICE and then get something to eat (and out of the store and into his van again) one takes the surviving kids out of the house for weeks and weeks! They are *still* giving her a chance for reunification.
We don't know it was neighbors it could have been school officials..

I would hope that people had called prior but the children were only removed AFTER Jenise was gone.

Whatever the history before CPS did not think it warranted removal. What changed now?

My comments about CPS is only about the other children being removed AFTER Jenise was reported missing.

I have a set of nieces that I had custody of most of last summer. CPS went in over 40 times before they removed those girls. The school made 15 mandated calls. CPS offered intervention after intervention before they finally got them out. Their mom got them back, moved counties and it has been a year of the same old things. They are being removed again after all the same interventions failed. It sucks but CPS is not the fail safe that many think it is.
Do you live in an area that only uses "ABC Trailer Park" as a name and never "ABC Mobile Home Park"? Or do you mean everyone in your area calls them "trailer parks" regardless of what they are named? (Like we say "Kleenex" even if we mean another brand?)

We call them trailer parks here ... No offense to anyone, just terminology. I've lived in a trailer/ mobile home so I mean nothing rude at all !!
Remember, with Isabel Celis the remaining kids were removed from their fathers care...only to be allowed to returned. And we still don't have a resolution there.
Oh I just saw my post quoted and the word angry mob used! I'm new so thought I said something not acceptable!

You didn't do anything wrong ::loveyou: bessie just snipped part of your post to answer your question.
"An autopsy scheduled for Friday will determine the manner and cause of death, Wilson said, but "we suspect that she just did not go off by herself and fall into some bushes and die."

Jenise was last seen when she went to bed Saturday night. Her parents waited a day before calling for help because they say the girl had wandered around the Steele Creek Mobile Home Park on her own in the past. She was outgoing and unafraid to talk to anyone, family said.

An FBI team using search dogs discovered the body in a forested area near the mobile home park where the girl lived at about 11:30 a.m. Thursday. Her family has been notified."

I don't think this means she was found in bushes.. To me it reads that they are just saying she did not wander off and die of her own accord.
The children were removed after the call was made to CPS AFTER Jenise went missing.
That is fact. That they had a history, They were not removed before but after she went missing they removed the kids. It leads me to believe something else is going on we don't know about.
To remove kids from a parent who has a missing child, is tough. I think that there was something revealed here to make them remove the others now.

But you are wrong. Well you are right but you are wrong. If you want to understand the case, you would have to go back to the beginning and read the info.

You have it partly correct but not fully right.
I am bumping ShadyLady's post. Please posters, show some respect to one of our own ...

(red, bold, enlarged by me) are wrong. YOU don't know if CPS was called before J went missing. Yet, you stated it as fact.
And out of respect, call this community a mobile home community.
Possible hypotheticals I thought of when looking at what we do know is that if its not familial related the person responsible will probably be young or someone of little means. Someone with a vehicle more than likely would have taken her further. He or she would have had to do it quickly without being noticed so probably doesn't live alone. Like many have said, someone in the community that would know the area. Anything other opinions??
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