Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #6 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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LWOP is possible for a juvie, depends on the state, our wonderful Gitana was talking about it last night I believe.

eta: what was outlawed was mandatory LWOP as a sentence guideline I believe (imo imo imo)
In VA a guy who was 15 when he committed his crimes...participated in an armed robbery and nobody was shot or murdered. He received 6 life sentences plus 133 yrs. The 2 other guys (18) plead guilty and received 10 and 13yrs. Travion Blount
During a press conference, LE made a statement that there is still time for residents to come forth voluntarily and give DNA samples. It seems therefore that some had not given DNA samples when asked to earlier.
It is possible that the suspect was one of the holdouts and LE ended up demanding the sample with a court order or warrant.
Is it know for certain that the suspect allowed his DNA to be collected voluntarily?

I would think LE would have to have probable cause to issue a Warrant for anything (US Constitution, IINM). And the P/C would have to be written-up, etc., explaining cause for a Judge or Magistrate, etc. to authorize/sign. Maybe this was done. I hope we will be able to see some of this material now that he is considered an adult. All warrants which show the P/C are always interesting to me -- it gives us an angle on a part of the case, and we learn something.

I know that when DNA-cheek swabs were requested by the men in a neighborhood where a rape/murder occurred here in Raleigh, NC, it was only a request -- but LE certainly noted the one(s) who refused & followed-up with one refuser who had a previous record, unrelated to rape/murder, and got his DNA from a cigarette & there was a match, an arrest, a trial, and a conviction. Ya nevah know!

We'll see.
I have visited many sleuthing sites and all information has been released on their sites as of yesterday BUT I choose to stay on this site only for its class!

Naive me. I didn't know there were any other sleuthing sites !
Go to the post in question, click the triangle at the bottom. There will be a screen there to tell a boss what the problem is. :)

I think the post that is being referred to is already zapped. Our Mods are good!
Wonder when the funeral for Jenise is planned? Has the family said?
With the way i'm refreshing, I feel like i'm waiting for concert tickets to go on sale on Ticketmaster.
Would you guys PLEASE talk about the case and not each other? :pullhair:
What are you guys waiting for? Sorry, but I'm at lunch and need to be informed.
To be fair, he was found guilty of 4th degree assault.

And to be fair, I opted not to bring the exact wording of what he did over here (it is in MSM), but I think most (I hope) would find it really troubling. I know I do. The fact that a one year sentence was initially imposed should speak to the charges.

AZ doesn't do daylight savings time though. We are the same time as the west coast right now.

Figure the odds you'd mention this already! Another case spurred me to investigate the reason for time zones - it began because of a need for coordinating transport times with the railroad system as it developed. To me having to change the time twice a year is a pain in the arse. :crazy:
What are you guys waiting for? Sorry, but I'm at lunch and need to be informed.

MSM has named the perp but not LE. Nurse is checking to see what we can post. We are waiting not so patiently.
It should mean that. But currently, jurisdictions have been using 2 seconds of forethought to qualify as "premeditation". Premeditation used to mean it was actually planned, with schemes for how to cover evidence, obtaining items to hide the body/clean the scene, prepare an alibi, etc. Recently premeditation has just meant walking over to the victim or grabbing a knife. So who knows. Maybe they do have evidence of planning ahead.

It can mean premeditation, but it's not required. the fact that the murder happened during a rape qualifies it for 1st degree.

(1) A person is guilty of murder in the first degree when:

(a) With a premeditated intent to cause the death of another person, he or she causes the death of such person or of a third person; or

(b) Under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life, he or she engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to any person, and thereby causes the death of a person; or

(c) He or she commits or attempts to commit the crime of either (1) robbery in the first or second degree, (2) rape in the first or second degree, (3) burglary in the first degree, (4) arson in the first or second degree, or (5) kidnapping in the first or second degree, and in the course of or in furtherance of such crime or in immediate flight therefrom, he or she, or another participant, causes the death of a person other than one of the participants: Except that in any prosecution under this subdivision (1)(c) in which the defendant was not the only participant in the underlying crime, if established by the defendant by a preponderance of the evidence, it is a defense that the defendant:

(i) Did not commit the homicidal act or in any way solicit, request, command, importune, cause, or aid the commission thereof; and

(ii) Was not armed with a deadly weapon, or any instrument, article, or substance readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury; and

(iii) Had no reasonable grounds to believe that any other participant was armed with such a weapon, instrument, article, or substance; and

(iv) Had no reasonable grounds to believe that any other participant intended to engage in conduct likely to result in death or serious physical injury.

(2) Murder in the first degree is a class A felony.

ETA-It's probably all of the above, but premeditation isn't required.
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