Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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You know what, the rule has to be- take care of your kids, dont' put them in harms way, once it happens, its too late. I only had one son, and I protected him in every way I could. Who he was around, who came into our home, where he could spend the nite(that didn't happen often).
My in-laws thought I was a nut. But it was MY duty.
Kids shouldn't be out and about without adult supervision. They shouldn't walk to school. Pre-teens shouldn't be dropped off at the mall or a movie.
This is all JMO, and if I ever have a child under my care again, I'll probably be worse than the first time.

But I will also say this, my son had the biggest heart, would not allow someone else to be bullied, could not stand to see a small child that he thought was not properly cared for. I would have trusted him with anyones child, but if someone else had not, I would have understood.

Thank you for posting this. We have had bitter feelings from others because we do not allow sleep overs. I stood firm and strong. Since finding WS, I feel vindicated in the choices I have made. It fills me with pride when I come here and read from others who provide a sense of validation for the choices I have made. Most of us share similar parenting styles.
Looking back over the week's development, we all were impressed at how everyone at the MHP complied with DNA swabs. The LE press officer said everyone was cooperative, but also nonchalantly said they have to go back to a few places to get missed swabs. And he explained how simple the swabbing was. He was sort of chummy about these statements, and I think they were a direct message to GG and his parents that anyone not complying with the request would stand out with blinking lights. JMO.
He probably had at least 15 hours, maybe more. No one has come forward to say they saw her at all on Sunday, nor was anyone looking for her until later Sunday. jmo

But he didn't know that. Potentially the search could have begun earlier.
JMOO - I don't think she was groomed. I think she went with him willingly as it was her brother's friend. We teach stranger danger, but if it is an acquaintance, all bets are off. She was too young to know fear of him. I'm sure he coaxed her and she went willingly, not knowing what was in store.

I think he thought he would play around and got carried away. I am not excusing his crime at all, just thinking of a scenario.

I do feel sorry for his mother. I could not imagine being told that your child did something so despicable. I'm sure that is why she came up with the grieving for the Aunt story as she was in such disbelief.

I can see that, RT51. If this wasn't a direct and sudden rape, to which I could easily agree as well, then maybe he eased into it -- maybe some easy touching to get things going and to put her at ease, maybe some little "game" or tickling, etc. -- it may be that GG had been touching JW in not so "bad" ways in the past.

Even at 6, I think children have a sense of what is "good" touching and what is "bad" touching, even if they haven't been told, so he may have been touching her previously when he picked her up & put her in a swing, or on a bike, or tossed her up in the air, etc. Lotsa ways to to that and not have her get scared...

But yes, he may have just wanted to go a little farther this time, and then he went for it, not caring one bit how much it hurt or scared her. I am not going to say that he "snapped," because I just don't buy that "snapped" thing -- it sounds to much like an attempt at mitigation to me -- "I don't remember it -- maybe I blacked out there for a few seconds -- I guess I just snapped" -- I call BS.

But yes, I could buy the starting with touching and then just total and selfish possession of her little defenseless body. Grrrrrrr.

No mercy.
: seldom occurring or found : uncommon
— rare·ness noun

According to a study of all sexual homicides occurring in Los Angeles County (huge area) between 1980 and 2004, 92.6% of offenders were between the ages of 18-59 with only 7.5% of them being minors (under 18). The mean age was 27.8 years and the median was 25 years.

It is a fully adult male who is more likely to commit such a crime and such crimes remain very, very rare.

So, I'm not going to allow a case like this to tell me teenage boys are dangerous. I'm going to use facts, math and logic, not rare, horrible cases like this.

The facts, math and logic don't quite work out since the elder group represents adults across 41 age-years, and the juvenile group is likely just 5 or 6 age-years.
I'm thinking about ShadyLady today and hoping she's doing okay.

I can't imagine being in the middle of this crime.

I was hoping she would post today. She's been on my mind too. I'm sure this must be very difficult for her.
Covering the case on HLN at the moment.
I can't believe the head trauma and multiple fractures info. I mean, psycho or what???? Where did this crime happen???? There would be so much blood from her head. Did he use the ground? An object? Did he rape her indoors and then move her into the woods after? We know she was moved after death based on lividity on her body. The combination of strangulation and head trauma makes me think she didn't die right away and he killed her using the most brutal and bloody method. He probably used one of his own gym bags and the handle broke and he used whatever was around to use as a handle to carry her hidden inside of the bad. I felt that a bag would be used to transport her, to hide her. I think he kept her shorts and panties in his room (because he's not that bright or wanted to keep them) and then dumped them afterwards. The fact that he kept his own bloody and muddy clothes in his room is beyond dumb and reminds me of Tyler Holder who kept everything in his room too. Also 17 years old. The fact he kept direct evidence of the crime in his room indicates to me that the crime of rape happened in his room. Not sure about the murder.

I have those same questions. Not sure if I want the answers. I can't imagine the fear, the pain, the suffering little J went through at the hands of the devil. The devil that is what GG is. With much violence he took a six year old's life after using her for his pleasure.

Does anyone know if J.'s body has been released to the family? I have not read any thing about that.
I'm reading a lot of posts regarding sleepovers for teens. Just my opinion. I have 3 kids (9, 11 and 15). My teen always hangs out at a friend's house for the night on one wknd night. They pig out on teen food and watch sci fi movies and play their electrical guitars loud. Not all teens are at risk to get tempted to commit these heinous crimes. Mental health plays a big part here and his red flags were missed. Maybe religious beliefs with parenting styles played a part. I'm leaning towards mental health issues in this case with a side of current culture. Raising a family,is much harder than the 70s and 80s in respect to values and society expectations. I'm not going to be scared to let my kids do the things I did when I was their age.
: seldom occurring or found : uncommon
— rare·ness noun

"Sexual homicide is a rare form of murder, comprising less than 1% of murders by either juveniles or adults. There were only an estimated 9 sexual homicides by juvenile in 1999. Despite its rarity, our understanding of this crime has made notable gains..." Pg. 43 of Juvenile Sexual Homicide.

In reality, sexual homicide has a low base rate of occurrence with historical frequencies estimated from <1% to about 4% of all homicides for North America (5,6).,d.cGU

Again, looking at offender stats as a whole, as well as the total population of teenagers in the US, sexual homicides by kids under 18 are very, very are. Jorelys Rivera was not killed by a minor. The rates increase greatly after age 18. But in general, sexually motivated murders by youth are exceedingly rare, despite the recent cases we've seen - Alanna Gallagher, Jessica Ridgeway and this case.

According to a study of all sexual homicides occurring in Los Angeles County (huge area) between 1980 and 2004, 92.6% of offenders were between the ages of 18-59 with only 7.5% of them being minors (under 18). The mean age was 27.8 years and the median was 25 years.

It is a fully adult male who is more likely to commit such a crime and such crimes remain very, very rare.

So, I'm not going to allow a case like this to tell me teenage boys are dangerous. I'm going to use facts, math and logic, not rare, horrible cases like this.

These stats do not cover recent years. My point is that there seems to be an increase in violent crimes committed by male juveniles, ages 17 to 22.
I've been mulling over the implications of GG's choice to target a little girl and whether or not that makes him a pedophile in the truest sense. Right now anyway I'm leaning more towards him being an opportunistic predator. IOW, not necessarily attracted to prepubescent children in particular but rather focusing on the weakest victim.

Hopefully we'll learn more after his psych evaluation. In any case he needs to be removed from society and personally I don't care what his mental problems are or what his history is other than an interest in how the warped mind of a criminal works. Like a lab rat.

He broke a cardinal rule of our society and thus forfeited his right to be a member.

Who was the creep who tried to attack a few adult joggers before killing a child? Was that Jessica Ridgeway's killer? I think so, but I could be wrong. I think this goes back to the conversations we were having about rape being about control/power (Which, I don't intend to rehash lol). I don't think it doesn't make him a pedophile, but there are a ton of different types of predators out there. Who they prey on is usually a preference, but I do think sometimes they are too weak themselves to go after adult women so they go after the easy ones. That is different than someone who preys on children because they are attracted to them. Both types are 100% disgusting, obviously. But I do think that the psychology of a sexual predator isn't always black and white.
I can't believe the head trauma and multiple fractures info. I mean, psycho or what???? Where did this crime happen???? There would be so much blood from her head. Did he use the ground? An object? Did he rape her indoors and then move her into the woods after? We know she was moved after death based on lividity on her body. The combination of strangulation and head trauma makes me think she didn't die right away and he killed her using the most brutal and bloody method. He probably used one of his own gym bags and the handle broke and he used whatever was around to use as a handle to carry her hidden inside of the bag. I felt that a bag would be used to transport her, to hide her. I think he kept her shorts and panties in his room (because he's not that bright or wanted to keep them) and then dumped them afterwards. The fact that he kept his own bloody and muddy clothes in his room is beyond dumb and reminds me of Tyler Holder who kept everything in his room too. Also 17 years old. The fact he kept direct evidence of the crime in his room indicates to me that the crime of rape happened in his room. Not sure about the murder.

Show off :giggle:
I tried to look for it from the 6:00 news last night.. on K5 news.. but could'nt find it - The reporter that interviewed the mother in the car had re-published the interview, non-edited, where you can see the mother talking (like she did in the previous segment shown around the 5th saying it's sad -there are no children around.. people are afraid, etc.).. In the non-edited version, you can see she bursts out crying.. and gives a sign (politely) to the reporter while being very emotional.. she says GO (meaning please go away I can't go through this)

For some reason, I cannot find that interview, not even the first one.

When I saw the non-edited version, I felt heartbroken for the mother.. At that time, they had not found anything about Jenise -(anyways not published in the media).

This answer is for xxangelxx's question : Does anyone happen to have the link to the interview with the suspects mother at the mobile home park? I have been looking for it but have been unable to find it, if so thanks.
O/T and not necessarily related to GG:

I still can't get over how horribly violent video games and movies are. As a teacher on the front lines, I truly believe desensitization, etc occurs in these youths. jmo Not saying GG did this because of this specifically, just saying. The other day I was hanging out with my friend and her grand kids. I was appalled at the violence in the "mild" video game "for kids" they were playing. So much shooting, blood, the noises alone, ugh...

Its a whole new world these days. Yes, trafficking, violence, murder has occurred forever over time, as seen in history with slavery, genocide, etc etc---but I truly believe with the internet and the evolution of technology, etc that we are living in an increasingly scary and dangerous world. Now the perps have access to information, the scariest and worst thing that could happen.

Everything is jmo

I so agree.

My sister told me to watch Rear Window which is a classic thriller. I could not finish watching it. It was too boring.

I have been desensitized without even realizing it. Watching all of those Bruce Willis movies,

IMO, that makes him a pedophile. The act of focusing on the weakest and the actual act upon J. He was attracted as evidenced by the probable cause statement spelling out what he did to J.

Every thing else you said, I agree with.

Thanks for posting this.

I worded my thought poorly. It's clear GG is a pedophile both legally and morally. I was wondering if, in addition to little girls, if he hadn't been caught would he have gone on to also assault other vulnerable females. Thank you for understanding and answering my post. :)
I believe this young man had an unhealthy attachment to JPW, kept it hidden from others, possibly even led her to believe it was a relationship of some sort, possibly over some period of time. I believe he lured her out consensually, and the violence occurred when she was no longer compliant and he panicked. A pattern is beginning to emerge (two incidents is a pattern, is it not?) of age-inappropriate relationships, and this might have been his dark secret. Perhaps he had trouble relating to peers his own age, and found himself drawn to the younger ones.

I also believe that his reactions at the home and during interrogation were symptoms of the same disorder, i.e., not an act. I believe they were the result of knowing that the people looking him in the eye knew or suspected his deep dark secret, and he felt extreme shame and remorse and could not face them.

I don't believe there was any planning whatsoever to this. I believe this was impulsive, something that started out as one thing and somehow crossed a line and he saw no other way out. I think everything from that point until the time of his apprehension and interrogation, including walking around at the vigil with a candle in his hand, was pure panic mode, with his mind racing trying to figure out what to do next and being unable to find a solution. Meanwhile the results of the sloppy panicked disposal catch up to him. Panic at the quick and heavy response to the MHP, panic at the quick visit to the home, panic at the quick roundup of DNA swabs. Even an adult, having watched decades of Law and Order, would not be accustomed to things moving as quickly as they did. Cops aren't THAT smart, right? Wrong. Nothing motivates cops faster than a missing child and a small, isolated PLS (place last seen).
He probably had at least 15 hours, maybe more. No one has come forward to say they saw her at all on Sunday, nor was anyone looking for her until later Sunday. jmo

True, but as we've seen in other cases, the victim will sometimes remain in the custody of the perp for a few hours, often a day, before she is removed from that location. Once he might have been ready for that next step, the heat was already on.
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